896 research outputs found

    Cocrystals of Barbituric Acid with Alkali Metal Halides

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    Barbituric acid BAH reacts with potassium, rubidium and caesium iodides in methanol, forming anhydrous BAH·MI. BAH·CsI has a different 8-fold coordination geometry from corresponding alkali metal bromides, intermediate between triangular dodecahedral and square antiprismatic. BAH·KI and BAH·RbI display features that are new for this family, with a high coordination number of 9, and with no involvement of iodide in either coordination or hydrogen bonding, its environment being six BAH molecules. BAH·NaCl·2H2O, prepared by successive treatment of BAH in water with sodium hydroxide and dilute hydrochloric acid, is isostructural with other chlorides and bromides, with 7-coordinate Na+ and a network of hydrogen bonding. Two BAH molecules are oxidatively coupled by aqueous potassium permanganate to generate 5-hydroxyhydurilic acid, isolated as a hydrated potassium salt with K+ in an unusually low 5-coordination. The folding of the BAH molecule in its full range of known crystal structures is analysed; the dihedral folding angle ranges from 0 to approximately 20 °, uncorrelated with any other particular features of the structures. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

    A Comparative Clinical Study on the effect of Tankana Ksharasutra and Apamarga Ksharasutra in the management of Bhagandara (Fistula In Ano)

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    Fistula in Ano is very common surgical condition necessitating safe treatment modality as open surgery may result anal incontinence in most of the time. Fistula-in-Ano is one such disease where ideal care delivery is still a challenge. It may be because of nature of disease, regional anatomy, hygiene, etc. Though in this disease many Ksharasutras are tried, Apamarga Ksharasutra is widely being practiced. When we go through the classics, we get reference regarding Tankana grouped into Kshara Dravyas. This Tankana is not widely practiced. Apamarga Kshara is very effective but preparation of this Apamarga Kshara is not at all a easy process. It needs burning of lot of Apamarga plants, then process including boiling etc, and at the end we get very little quantity of final product. In the other hand Tankana, as per reference, is also Kshara, cost effective and abundantly available hence this study is planned to evaluate the efficacy of Tankana Ksharasutra in the management of Fistula in Ano which is referred as Bhagandara in Ayurveda

    A Review to Increase the Performance of Solar Still Make It Multi Layer Absorber

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    Water is the basic need to sustaining life on the earth for human. With the passage of time due to technical usage and their waste disposal along with ignorance of human being caused water pollution, which led the world towards water scarcity. To resolve t his problem Solar Distillation is one of the best Techniques from available another techniques. But, due to its lower productivity it cannot be commercial in the market. So that Lots of work can be done to improve the solar still efficiency or productivity. With the help of past research work we can conclude that if we are using multi layer absorber type solar still than its productivity will going to be increased and reflective radiation losses are covered by this one

    Clinical profile of different type of tuberculosis in hospitalized children in tertiary care center

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    Background: Since the implementation of directly observed treatment short (DOTS) program, the prevalence, clinical profile, and risk factors of pulmonary and non-pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) necessitating hospitalization in pediatric patients are not evaluated extensively. Materials and Methods: We designed a prospective observational study to evaluate the clinical profile of different types of TB in hospitalized children <12 years old. Different types of TB in children hospitalized from 1st January 2013 to 30th June 2014 were recorded. Detailed clinical history, clinical examination findings, diagnostic methods, and treatment of these cases were analyzed by age groups and types of TB. Results: During the study period, 150 (2.8% of total admission) patientswith TB were admitted in our institute. 87 (58%) patients were <5 years old, and 92 (61.33%) children were male. 140 (93.33%) children were malnourished. The clinical profile of TB included neuro TB in 78 (37.32%), pulmonary in 67 (32.05), abdominal in 27 (12.91%), and disseminated in 27 (12.91%) patients. Less than half of children with neuro TB and disseminated TB were immunized with Bacillus calmette-guerin (BCG). Conclusion: Despite aggressive DOTS implementation, the prevalence of TB, particularly, non-pulmonary TB in children is quite alarming. All the variants of TB are prevalent in the children. The neuro TB and the pulmonary TB dominate in the hospitalized cases. Younger age, lack of protection of BCG vaccination, and malnutrition are the main risk factors in childhood TB

    \u3ci\u3e Quantification of protoporphyrin IX accumulation in glioblastoma cells – A new technique \u3c/i\u3e

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    Introduction. 5-Aminolevulinic Acid (5-ALA) is a precursor of heme synthesis. A metabolite, protoporphyrin IX (PpIX), selectively accumulates in neoplastic tissue including glioblastoma. Presurgical administration of 5-ALA forms the basis of fluorescence-guided resection (FGR) of glioblastoma (GBM) tumors. However, not all gliomas accumulate sufficient quantities of PpIX to fluoresce, thus limiting the utility of FGR. We therefore developed an assay to determine cellular and pharmacological factors that impact PpIX fluorescence in GBM. This assay takes advantage of a GBM cell line engineered to express yellow fluorescent protein. Methods. The human GBM cell line U87MG was transfected with a YFP expression vector. After treatment with a series of 5-ALA doses, both PpIX and YFP fluorescence were measured. The ratio of PpIX to YFP fluorescence was calculated. Results. YFP fluorescence permitted the quantification of cell numbers and did not interfere with 5-ALA metabolism. The PpIX/YFP fluorescence ratio provided accurate relative PpIX levels, allowing for the assessment of PpIX accumulation in tissue. Conclusion. Constitutive YFP expression strongly correlates with cell number and permits PpIX quantification. Absolute PpIX fluorescence alone does not provide information regarding PpIX accumulation within the cells. Our research indicates that our PpIX/YFP ratio assay may be a promising model for in vitro 5-ALA testing and its interactions with other compounds during FGR surgery

    Open appendicectomy stump: invaginate or not to invaginate?

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    Acute appendicitis remains the most common abdominal surgical emergency. Appendicectomy is the standard treatment of acute appendicitis, which performed by open or laparoscopic approach. During open method, after removal of appendix, stump simple ligation or simple ligation and invagination. A prospective randomized study conducted at Smt SCL General Hospital, Smt NHL municipal Medical College, Ahmedabad between October 2009 to September 2011 to evaluate the necessity of appendicular stump invagination during appendicectomy. A total 110 patients were studied and randomized into two group, Group I stump simple ligation, transfixation and invagination and Group II stump simple ligation and transfixation only. There was no statically significant difference in the rate of postoperative complication and post operative hospital stay between the two groups. The mean operating time was significantly shorter in group without invagination. The rate of postoperative paralytic ileus was more in group I. We conclude that simple ligation of the appendicular stump during appendicectomy is safe, simple and shortens operating time

    Probiotic Bacteria Induce Maturation of Intestinal Claudin 3 Expression and Barrier Function

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    An immature intestinal epithelial barrier may predispose infants and children to many intestinal inflammatory diseases, such as infectious enteritis, inflammatory bowel disease, and necrotizing enterocolitis. Understanding the factors that regulate gut barrier maturation may yield insight into strategies to prevent these intestinal diseases. The claudin family of tight junction proteins plays an important role in regulating epithelial paracellular permeability. Previous reports demonstrate that rodent intestinal barrier function matures during the first 3 weeks of life. We show that murine paracellular permeability markedly decreases during postnatal maturation, with the most significant change occurring between 2 and 3 weeks. Here we report for the first time that commensal bacterial colonization induces intestinal barrier function maturation by promoting claudin 3 expression. Neonatal mice raised on antibiotics or lacking the toll-like receptor adaptor protein MyD88 exhibit impaired barrier function and decreased claudin 3 expression. Furthermore, enteral administration of either live or heat-killed preparations of the probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG accelerates intestinal barrier maturation and induces claudin 3 expression. However, live Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG increases mortality. Taken together, these results support a vital role for intestinal flora in the maturation of intestinal barrier function. Probiotics may prevent intestinal inflammatory diseases by regulating intestinal tight junction protein expression and barrier function. The use of heat-killed probiotics may provide therapeutic benefit while minimizing adverse effects