927 research outputs found

    Pregnancy outcome in elderly primigravida

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    Background: Incidence of elderly primigravida has increased now days, due to rising education level, effective means of birth control and high carrier goals. The women who conceived in advanced age more than 35 years for first time is defined as elderly primigravida. Indian standard is fixed at more than 30 years by Dutta 2013. These women are high risk for maternal and foetal complication and outcome. The study was done to assess pregnancy outcome in elderly primigravida.Methods: This is a prospective hospital-based study done from October 2016 to November 2018. Women of reproductive age group with first pregnancy admitted to department of obstetrics and gynaecology, Veer Surendra Sai Institute of Medical Science and Research, Burla were taken after exclusion criteria.Results: The incidence of elderly primigravida was 2.51%. But majority (84.76%) though married early, conceived late. Most of them are belongs to high socioeconomic group (62.86%). Anaemia was commonest complication (28.57%), fibroid in 5.71% cases. Pre-eclampsia (18.09%), eclampsia (3.81%), IUGR (12.38%) and twin pregnancies (5.72%) were seen more frequently than young primigravida. 55.24% were developed complications during labour like foetal distress (33.33%), PPH (3.81%) and retained placenta (2.86%). Gestational diabetes mellitus in (0.95%), caesarean section rate 29.52%, normal delivery 51.42%, and congenital anomaly 8.15%.Conclusions: Elderly primigravida are high-risk for several complications like spontaneous abortion, preterm labour, prolonged labour, foetal distress, high caesarean rate, PPH, congenital anomaly and increased incidence of perinatal mortality. Majority of this patients properly supervised are capable of safe and successful pregnancies ending in healthy mother and healthy baby

    Development of Automated Purchase System for NIT Rourkela

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    Procurement of Goods and services at NIT Rourkela is a thorough and long process and is currently done manually. It involves a large number of activities including fund allocation to sub-heads, enlistment of Goods and Services, registration of Suppliers etc. The purchase process itself can be done in four different ways - Direct Purchase, Advertised Tender Enquiry, Limited Tender Enquiry and Single Tender Enquiry. Also, the entire process requires the approval of a number of staffs at various stages. For this project, this entire process needs to be automated in the form of a web-based application. The application would not only make it easy for the staffs and faculties to carry out the purchase process by reducing their workload and lessening the time delays in the process, but also ensure complete transparency. The application would consist of seven different modules for Managing login, Managing Chart of Accounts (Account Categories, Heads, Sub-Heads, Funds, Goods/Services and Suppliers), Managing Direct Purchase, Managing Advertised Tender Enquiries, Managing Limited Tender Enquiries, Managing Single Tender Enquiries and Managing Purchase Requisitions


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    Research study entitled "A Study on attitude of farmers towards Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana in Deogarh District of Odisha" was under taken to elucidate the constraints faced by the farmers regarding Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana and seek their suggestions. The constraints faced by the beneficiaries in PMFBY were Lack of knowledge regarding to PMFBY, lack of awareness of benefits of PMFBY, less compensatation offered in crop insurance scheme, delay in payment of compensatation. Rate of premium is not universal for all crops, on-line registration and assessment of risk complexity in PMFBY, unavailability of experts for assessment of loss at visit time, lack of coordination between banks and farmers and high rate of premium. Suggestion made by the beneficiaries to overcome the constraints in PMFBY were procedure of the scheme should be simplified, organization of awareness programmes for farmers regarding PMFBY, organization of training programmes on e-filling of insurance and benefit of the farmers, payment of premium by the government for farmers below the poverty regarding PMFBY, premium rate may be decreased, avoid delay in payment of compensatation, increase the number of extension agents, improve linkage between banks and farmers, unit area may be of individual or a village level improve socio-economic conditions of the farmers and increase the insurance agents in rural areas. View Article DOI: 10.47856/ijaast.2021.v08i10.01

    Prevalence of goitre, iodine uptake and salt iodization level in Mahasamund district of Chhattisgarh: a baseline study in Central India

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    Background: Iodine deficiency disorder (IDD) is the single most important preventable cause of brain damage. Iodine deficiency disorders (IDDs) refer to all of the consequences of iodine deficiency in a population, which can be prevented by taking adequate amount of Iodine.  The objectives was to ascertain the prevalence goitre among 6-12 year children by clinical examination in Mahasamund district; 2) to document the iodine uptake status reflected by random urinary excretion levels in a sub-sample of 6-12 year children covered for clinical examination, and 3) to evaluate the coverage of iodized salt at community level (i.e. at household and retail shop) on-the-spot test by using rapid salt testing kit.Methods: A cross sectional community based survey was done in Mahasamund district during April 2015 to September 2015. The study population was children in the age group of 6-12 years. 30 cluster sampling methodology was applied using PPS sampling technique, based on latest survey guidelines of NIDDCP of Govt. of India. The parameters studied were prevalence of goitre, urinary iodine excretion, and iodine content in salt at community level (i.e. household and shop).Results: A total of 2700 children aged from 6-12 years were assessed clinically for goitre. The total goitre prevalence was 4.29% (95% CI: 3.3-5.27). The median urinary iodine excretion (MUIE) was 106.67μg/L (range 11-216.7μg /L) among surveyed children.  37.4% of the urinary iodine excretion values were <100 μg/L. The households consuming inadequately iodized salt (i.e. iodine content ≤15 ppm) was 20% in the surveyed district.Conclusions: Although prevalence of goitre and median urinary iodine excretion among surveyed population was found satisfactory against the norms set by NIDDCP in surveyed district but universal salt iodization (USI) is yet to achieve in surveyed district.

    Changing trends in circulating rotavirus strains in Pune, western India in 2009–2012: Emergence of a rare G9P[4] rotavirus strain

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    AbstractBackgroundA vast diversity in rotaviruses at inter- and intra-genotypic level underscores the need for monitoring of circulating rotavirus strains. The aim of this study was to update the data on rotavirus disease and strains for the period from January 2009 to December 2012 in Pune, western India which has been one of the sites of the Indian Rotavirus Strain Surveillance Network since November 2005.MethodsChildren aged <5 years admitted for acute gastroenteritis in three different hospitals from Pune city were included in the study. The stool specimens were collected and tested for rotavirus antigen by a commercial enzyme immunoassay. The rotavirus strains were genotyped by multiplex reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction.ResultsDuring the study period, we found 35.1% of 685 stool specimens contained rotavirus antigen. Frequency of rotavirus detection was greatest (58.5%) among children aged 7–12 months. The G1P[8] (31.4%), G2P[4] (20.2%) and G9P[8] (11.8%) strains were the most common types. We noted predominance of G1P[8] strains (39.6%-46.1%) in all the years of study except 2009 wherein G9P[8] strains scored highest level (15.3%). Subsequent to this, we identified G9P[8] strains at the second highest position in 2010, their sudden decline and rise in G9P[4] strains in 2011–2012. We detected G12 strains in combination with P[6] and P[8] at variable rates (0–10.2%) and highest level (27.1%) of mixed rotavirus infections in 2009 as compared to 2010–2012 (0–3.8%).ConclusionThe study highlights the huge burden of rotavirus disease and changing profile of circulating rotavirus strains displaying emergence of G9P[4] reassortant strains in Pune, western India and emphasizes the need to analyze the entire genomic constellation of rotavirus strains for better evaluation of the impact of rotavirus

    Systematic investigation of channel coupling effects on elastic, inelastic and neutron transfer channels in 6^6Li+159^{159}Tb

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    Elastic scattering angular distribution for weakly bound nucleus 6^{6}Li on the deformed rare earth 159^{159}Tb target nucleus has been measured at energies around the Coulomb barrier. The elastic scattering cross sections for this reaction consist of inelastic contributions from low lying excited states of 159^{159}Tb. The pure elastic cross-sections have been extracted from the admixture of elastic and inelastic data. The optical model potential parameters for the system have been obtained from the extracted pure elastic scattering cross sections. Coupled channel calculations have been performed with this set of potential parameters, to compare the theoretical and experimental inelastic scattering cross sections. The work has been extended to obtain the spectroscopic factor for 158^{158}Tb+n configuration from the experimental 1n-pickup data