16 research outputs found

    Jurnalisme Digital: dari Pengumpulan Informasi Sampai Penyebaran Pesan

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    Artikel ini mengulas relevansi konsep jurnalisme digital dengan praktik jurnalisme. Sebagai sebuah konsep, jurnalisme memiliki cakupan aktivitas yang luas, mulai dari aktivitas mencari, mengolah dan menyebarkan informasi kepada publik. Sementara konsep jurnalisme digital relatif baru. Berangkat dari konseptualisasi praktik jurnalisme, artikel ini berupaya melihat dinamika yang ada dalam perkembangan konseptualisasi jurnalisme digital. Berdasarkan penelusuran literatur, konseptualisasi jurnalisme digital sebagian besarnya menitikberatkan kepada tahapan diseminasi informasi dengan seperangkat teknologi media digital. Makalah ini melihat konsep jurnalisme digital perlu dielaborasi kembali supaya bisa lebih mencakup keseluruhan praktik produksi berita dari hulu sampai hilir sebagaimana yang terdapat dalam konsep jurnalisme


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    ABSTRAK\ud Percetakan merupakan industri yang sangat jarang diperhatikan oleh pemerintah maupun petugas kesehatan terutama mengenai kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja pegawainya. Hal ini harusnya mendapat perhatian lebih karena pekerjaan di industri percetakan juga memiliki risiko bahaya kesehatan yang dapat mempengaruhi produktivitas pekerja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran mengenai keluhan gangguan kesehatan pada pekerja operator percetakan di Kota Makassar tahun 2013. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian adalah 146 orang dari 66 percetakan dan teknik pengambilan sampel ditentukan melalui metode purposive sampling. Data diperoleh melalui wawancara dengan responden menggunakan kuesioner yang telah disediakan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa responden yang mengalami keluhan gejala dermatitis sebanyak 88 orang (60,3%), responden yang mengalami keluhan gejala gangguan pendengaran sebanyak 9 orang (6,2%), responden yang mengalami keluhan gejala Musculoskeletal Disorders sebanyak 110 responden (78,8%), serta responden yang mengalami keluhan gangguan kesehatan lain seperti sakit kepala, mual-mual, sesak nafas, batuk-batuk, bersin-bersin, serta mata perih sebanyak 115 orang (78,8%). Disarankan kepada pihak perusahaan percetakan agar menyediakan APD seperti masker, sarung tangan, dan kacamata agar pekerja menghindari kontak langsung dengan bahan-bahan kimia, serta memberikan arahan kepada setiap karyawan tentang risiko bahaya yang bisa terjadi di percetakan. \ud Kata Kunci : Kesehatan, Gangguan Kesehatan, Industri Percetaka

    The Effect of Training and Work Motivation to Employee Performance PT. Nasmoco Pemuda Semarang

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    PT. Nasmoco Pemuda Semarang is a company that focus on sales and service for four wheel vehicles (car) with Toyota as their brand. For 5 years later, the company accomplishment always exceed the targets however in terms of percentage always decrease every years. This caused by lack of employee training PT. Nasmoco Pemuda Semarang. This research aimed to determine the effect training (X1) and work motivation (X2) against employee performance (Y) PT. Nasmoco Pemuda Semarang. Type of this research is explanatory research, with a population that all of employee on service division which amounts to 62 people. The sample used in this research as many as 62 respondents with techniques of sampling using a Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling method (sampling technique based on conditions or certain categories). Data collection in this research using interview and questionnaires. The technique data analysis using validity test, reliability test, simple linear regression, multiple linear regression, t test and F test with the tools SPSS 20.0. Based on statistic calculation can be known simple linear regression equation between training with employee performance is Y= 8,632 + 0,618 X1. Linear regression equation between motivation with employee performance is Y= 4,581 + 0,775 X2. Based on there equation can be known there is positive influence in partial between each variable X against variable Y. Multiple linear regression is Y= 2,856 + 0,363 X1 + 0,538 X2. This research concludes that training and work motivation have influence to employee performance. Training and motivation explain the employee performance variable by 48,7% where training has influence as 36,5% and motivation has influence as 41,7%. Training and motivation have simultaneously significant effect against employee performance PT. Nasmoco Pemuda Semarang where the motivation has the highest influence. Suggestion which can be submitted in this research is the company give training continuously with can be invite the practitioners that expert in it, so that employee performance can be better

    Analisis Rekruitmen Politik: Studi Pada Rekruitmen Anggota Baru DPC PDI Perjuangan Kota Semarang Tahun 2012-2013

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    This thesis entitled "Political Recruitment Analyse: Studies on New MemberRecruitment of DPC PDI Perjuangan Semarang Year 2012-2013". Compiled byMuhammad Agam Ashari, NIM: 14010110130113, Social Science Program andPolitical Science under the guidance of Setiyono Budi, S. Sos, M.Pol.Admin, Ph.D.,and Dra. Rina Martini, M.Sc.Political parties play an important role in the future leaders prints. It can besaid that good or bad depending on the quality of the party's leader in conducting therecruitment and education of members. PDI-Perjuangan is a big party and have abroad mass base. Greatness name PDI-Perjuangan penetrating through to areas suchas in Central Java, including in the city of Semarang. This is the background forresearchers to determine how the PDI-Perjuangan is able to obtain a high level ofelectability and also has many members.This study uses qualitative research methods with case studies. The studydesign used is the descriptive type of analytical data collection through interviewswith a number of informants that functionaries of PDI-Perjuangan cadres Semarangand examine any documents.Researchers analyzed all the phenomena of the background in the recruitmentprocess of the PDI-Perjuangan, including Sukarno heritages are attached to theChairman of the PDI-Perjuangan. PDI-Perjuangan does not implement a particularstrategy in recruiting members, that's a fact. Through this study the authors alsodescribe any factors supporting and inhibiting PDI perjuangan in recruit newmembers. Both of these factors would greatly affect the recruitment and imaging ofthe party as the “wong cilik” party's.PDI-Perjuangan should be more selective in recruiting members because ofperceived recruitment process is very important for future leaders prints. PDI-P isalso necessary to change the paradigm of the concept of leadership has MegawatiSoekarno breeds. Cadre too dependent on their leaders so that the leader decision isan absolute. Relationships like these could lead the party in these areas will feelstunted and do not have a voice to aspire

    Pengembangan Aplikasi Mobile Kolepa Berbasis Android Menggunakan Metode Agile

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    Kolepa Minigolf and coffe shop is an instance which run on minigolf services also food and beverages. Kolepa wanted to develope a mobile apps that can be use for Kolepa Customer to check on existing promo and book a table to play. Kolepa Mobile Apps will be integrated with Kolepa database. Based on the interview between Project Manager and owner of Kolepa, there's some feature that must be included on the Mobile Apps, which is Authenticate, Promo, Reservation, and Score Counter. In its implementation, agile methods are applied for each of the functions mentioned above. Aplication will be develope using Dart Programming Languange, which is part of Flutter Framework. Application development is divided into several sprints that are developed with predetermined deadlines. From the results of the development that has been carried out, feature testing is carried out using the blackbox method and it is found that the application has met the functional and non-functional requirements that have been set. With this application, Kolepa can simplify the bussiness they run.Kolepa minigolf and coffee shop merupakan sebuah instansi yang menyediakan jasa layanan mini golf serta beverage and snack. Kolepa ingin mengembangkan sebuah aplikasi mobile yang dapat digunakan para pelanggannya dalam bermain golf seperti mengecek promo apa saja, memesan meja untuk bermain. Aplikasi tersebut dapat terintergrasi dengan database milik kolepa. Dari hasil wawancara dengan pihak perusahaan, didapatkan fitur-fitur inti yang ingin dibuat dalam aplikasi yaitu autentikasi, promo, reservasi, dan score counter. Dalam implementasinya diterapkan metode agile untuk setiap fungsi yang telah disebutkan tersebut, Aplikasi dikembangkan menggunakan Bahasa Pemograman dart sebagai bagian dari framework flutter. Pengembangan aplikasi dibagi menjadi beberapa sprint yang dikembangkan dengan batasan deadline yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya. Dari hasil pengembangan yang sudah dilakukan, dilakukan pengetesan fitur menggunakan metode blackbox dan didapatkan bahwa aplikasi telah memenuhi kebutuhan fungsional dan non-fungsional yang telah ditetapkan. Dengan aplikasi ini, pihak Kolepa dapat mempermudah proses bisnis yang mereka jalankan


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    PT Bintang Mandiri Transport (BMT) is a company in inter-city and provincial logistics services, especially Sumatra Island. PT BMT itself plans to build an integrated system with the network supply chain (NSC) concept, which involves various stakeholders so that the flow of information can optimally occur in an effective, efficient, and controlled manner. The development of this system is also inseparable from the concept of electronic supply chain management (eSCM) and electronic Customer Relationship Management (eCRM) as the basic needs of various integrated parties in managing their business process. The business process is built in this case, that the company PT. BMT as a manufacturer of transportation services that will send and distribute logistical goods, starting from the delivery point of the customer or supplier to the destination of the next customer/supplier. In the process of this logistics trip, monitoring will be carried out regarding the position of the movement of goods from one place to another, to provide comfort and certainty for customers/suppliers who send their goods because at any time they can carry out the tracking process based on the goods that have been sent. PT. BMT makes RFID and attaches it to each shipment so that it can easily check the movement of goods. While the application using the role of the cloud system, to ensure the source data can be maintained without any disturbance if a problem occurs on the PT. BMT

    Sistem Informasi E-Accountant pada PT.Naga Emas Internasional Kendari

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    PT.Naga Emas Internasional merupakan Perusahaan perdagangan hasil tambang dimana Perusahaan ini masih menggunakan pencatatan transaksi serta banyak pula melakukan pencatatan laporan keuangan menggunakan cara manual dengan menggunakan sebuah buku untuk mencatat laporan keuangannya sehingga pencatatan laporan keuangan tersebut dikatakan belum sistematis dan menyulitkan para atasan untuk cek data secara berkala. Oleh karena itu diperlukannya sistem informasi E-Accountant berbasis web untuk membantu pencatatan transaksi dan laporan keuangan tersebut. Metode yang digunakan dalam merancang sistem ini adalah metode SDLC dengan pemodelan prototype. Tujuan dibuatnya aplikasi E-Accountant ini untuk mempermudah Perusahaan untuk memproses transaksi keuangan, laporan keuangan, dan direktur bisa kapan dan dimana saja memantau arus keuangan Perusahaan. Sistem informasi E-Accountant ini dapat membantu dan memudahkan untuk mengatur transaksi pemasukan, pengeluaran keuangan Perusahaan. Dengan adanya aplikasi E-Accountant ini dapat mempermudah Perusahaan untuk memproses laporan keuangan. Serta agar dapat memenuhi penyimpanan data akuntansi agar lebih efisien dan mudah di akses oleh para staf dan diketahui oleh pimpinan secara langsung dengan mengandalkan internet.Kata Kunci : Sistem Informasi, E-AccountantPT. Naga Emas Internasional is a mining product trading company where this company still uses transaction recording and many also record financial statements using a manual method by using a book to record financial reports so that the recording of financial statements is said to be not systematic and makes it difficult for superiors to check data. periodically. Therefore, a web-based E-Accountant information system is needed to assist in the recording of these transactions and financial reports. The method used in designing this system is the SDLC method with prototype modeling. The purpose of making this E-Accountant application is to make it easier for companies to process financial transactions, financial reports, and directors can monitor the company's financial flows anytime and anywhere. This E-Accountant information system can help and make it easier to manage income transactions, company financial expenses. The E-Accountant application can make it easier for companies to process financial reports. And in order to fulfill accounting data storage to be more efficient and easy to access by staff and known by the leadership directly by relying on the internet