1,190 research outputs found

    Cross-Embedded Relationship Nature of Human Rights-Related Treaties and Instruments with Environment-Related Sustainable Development Goals

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    It is imperative that Treaties & Instruments and United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) must be analysed, considering their interdependencies and mutually reinforcing nature. The paper examines the Cross Embedded Relationship (CER) nature of core Human Rights-related Treaties & Instruments (HR-T&I) in Environment-related SDGs (E-SDG) in driving a metamorphic transformation process toward inclusive economic growth, adhering to human rights values that are environmentally centric and sustainable in the true sense. Some core HR-T&I explicitly recognise CER, as observed in textual analysis. The study reveals a varied level of the Cross Embedment Relationship Index (CERI) between the provisions of core HR-T&I and E-SDG, thereby indicating the importance of human rights principles in E-SDG and the significance of environment orientation in core HR-T&I. Linking core HR-T&I provisions with E-SDG and extra-legal compliance mechanism of SDGs can produce positive synergies in realising SDG objectives

    What? Is Epstein–Barr Virus Infection Linked to Multiple Sclerosis?

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    Continent wise Analysis of Library Trends Research: A Bibliometric Study

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    This paper attempts to analyse the growth and development of Library trends, as reflected in publication output covered by Web of Science online database during 1989-2019. Among these 99 countries, China has created 515 (14.1%) Articles and it occupies the first place of Asian continent. Japan, India, South Korea and Taiwan have more than 50 articles produced in this field. UK has produced 427 (11.07 %) Articles and it occupies the first place of European Continent. Germany, Italy, Spain, France and Netherlands have more than 100 Articles produced in this field. North American Countries contributed their output 1521 in total where the USA Created 1265 (34.6%) stands in the highest position among them all, and the reason may be the impact of the advancement of the new and recent technologies and trends applied highly in the USA and followed by some other countries

    Analytical study on indications of primary cesarean section in tertiary care hospital

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    Background: Cesarean delivery is a commonest obstetric surgical procedure performed. WHO stated that regional cesarean section rate should not exceed 10 to 15%. However in many countries cesarean delivery has increased steadily over years. Hence present study is conducted to analyze various indications of primary cesarean section in a tertiary hospital, with an aim to reduce cesarean section rate.Methods: This is a retrospective study conducted in Cheluvamba hospital, Mysore Medical College Research Institute, Mysore, which is a tertiary care centre. For a period of 6months from 1st June 2018 to 31st November 2018Inclusion criteria: All primary cesarean section done at Cheluvamba hospital during study period were included.Exclusion criteria: Previous cesarean section, patients with previous history of laparotomy done for any obstetric or gynecological cause were excluded.Results: During the study period there was 3799 number of cesarean section. Amongst these 983 cases were primary cesarean section done for varying indications. Hence the rate of cesarean section in our hospital is 25.87%. There were 40.3% cases of fetal distress, failed induction (13.6%), breech (10%), CPD (8%), IUGR with poor BPP (1.8%) Ante partum haemorrhage (3%), DTA (3.5%).Conclusions: From our study, we would conclude that rising trend in cesarean section is an alarming issue. Measures need to be taken to reduce cesarean delivery like Regular use of partograph, Judicious use of amniotomy, oxytocin with inducing agents, Expertization of skills to conduct instrumental vaginal delivery, which is a lost art in modern obstetrics

    In vitro Anthelmintic Activity of Different Extracts of Memecylon umbellatumBurm.

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    In the present study, the possible anthelminitic effects of different extracts (petroleumether, chloroform, and ethanol) and two isolated compounds β-stigmasterol (PI) andSitosterol (PII) from the leaves of Memecylon umbellatum on Indian earthwormsPheretima Posthuma was investigated by in vitro experiments. Various concentrations(25, 50, 100mg/ml) of all extracts were tested and results were expressed in terms oftime for paralysis and time for death of worms. From the activity results it was found thatthe ethanolic extract and pure compound PI having the equipotent activity with standarddrug albendazole. Form the observations made higher concentration of extract producedparalytic effect much earlier and the time to death was shorter for all worms

    A retrospective study: twin gestation at tertiary care, maternal and fetal outcome

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    Background: The objective of our study was to study the maternal and neonatal outcome in twin gestation in a tertiary care center.Methods: A retrospective analysis of 197 twin pregnancies admitted and managed at M S Ramaiah medical college. Parameters in the mother and fetus were studied for any adverse antenatal complications, mode of delivery.Results: Prim gravid patients with twin pregnancy constituted (45.6%). 4.5% of patients had an IVF conception. 45.1% patients were unbooked to our institute, 82% of the unbooked patients presented with preterm labour and preterm premature rupture of membrane. PIH was noted in 32.9% of the patients, premature rupture of membranes (32.9%), Intra- Uterine Death of one fetus (6.09%) and intra uterine growth retardation (2.03%) was the antenatal complications observed. Out of the 197 patients 63 (31.97%) delivered by vaginal route whereas 134 (68.02%) had to undergo cesarean section. Section for the second twin was done in 4(2.03%). The 197 women of twin pregnancy gave birth to 378 live-born babies, 16(9.5%) stillborn and 32 (16.2%) died by the end of seven days due to complications related to prematurity: hyaline membrane disease, hyperbilirubinemia.Conclusions: Early active intervention in twin gestation can reduce the maternal and fetal mortality and morbidity

    A Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Hand and Foot Massage on Pain among Post Caesarean Mothers at Selected Hospitals in Madurai District

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    TITLE: “A Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Hand and Foot Massage on Pain among Post caesarean Mothers at Selected Hospitals, In Madurai District.” OBJECTIVES: To assess the pain among post caesarean mothers in experimental and control group. To evaluate the effectiveness of hand and foot massage on pain among post caesarean mothers in experimental group. To find out the association between pains with their selected demographic variables among post caesarean mothers in experimental and control group. HYPOTHESES: There will be a significant difference on pain among post caesarean mothers in experimental group before and after hand and foot massage at p≤ 0.05 level. There will be a significant difference in post-test score on pain among post caesarean mothers in experimental and control group at p≤0.05 level. There will be a significant association between pain with their selected demographic variables among post caesarean mothers in experimental and control group at p≤0.05 level. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK: Wall & Melzack’s Gate Control Theory. METHODOLOGY: Quantitative approach quasi Experimental – pre test post test control group design was used. 60 samples were selected by non randomized purposive sampling technique. Pretest was conducted by Numerical Pain Intensity Scale to assess the pain among post caesarean mothers to both groups. Massage was given in experimental group 20 minute once a day first 2 post operative days, no intervention for control group. The post test was conducted on the day evening for both groups. RESULTS: The findings revealed that the pre and post test mean difference was day-I 68 and 35 and day-II 61 and 26 with t-value is 1.69 which is highly significant (p<0.001). CONCLUSION: The statistical evidence proved that the massage technique was very much effect in reducing post caesarean pain

    A study of superficial surgical site infections in a tertiary care hospital at Bangalore

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    Background: All postoperative surgical infections occurring in an operative site are termed surgical site infections (SSI). Superficial incisional surgical site infection occurs within 30 days after the operation and infection involves only skin or subcutaneous tissue of the incision and represents a substantial burden of disease for patients and health services. The study was conducted to know the incidence of surgical site infection in our hospital, risk factors associated with it and the antibiotic susceptibility pattern of the pathogens.Methods:This prospective study was carried out in the Department of Microbiology at Dr B R AMC for a period of 1 year from Jan 2013to Jan 2014. Samples of SSI received in the Microbiology laboratory were processed and Data collected.Results:The overall surgical site infection rate in our hospital during the study period is 4.3%. Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) was the most common isolate obtained followed by Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Coagulase negative Staphylococcus (CONS). Other organisms isolated were Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Enterococcus, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Proteus mirabilis. Among them, 88.8% of S. aureus and 50% of CONS isolates were methicillin-resistant strains. 80% of E. coli and 100% of Klebsiella species were ESBL producers. 50% of Enterococci were Vancomycin resistant. Risk factors like diabetes mellitus and duration plays a significant role in causing surgical site infection.Conclusion:Implementation of an effective infection control programme and judicious use of antibiotic prophylaxis reduces the incidence of SSI in the hospital.

    Data Mining Techniques in the Diagnosis of Tuberculosis

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