5 research outputs found

    Physical Characteristics and Shelf Life Estimation Of Instant Powder Drink Made from The Combination Of Yellow Sweet Potatoes and Red Beans

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    Introdiction: In this modern era, people demand everything fast and practical. Likewise, in terms of food or beverage, people tend to prefer instant products. Instant products are food or beverage products that are easy to serve or consume in a relatively short time, such as instant powdered drinks. The physical characteristics of instant products can be interpreted as the essential properties of their ingredients in addition to chemical and biochemical properties. The physical characteristics are needed to develop instant products that are useful for producing quality food or beverage products. Aims: Instant powder drink product from the combination of yellow sweet potatoes and red beans need to be analyzed for their physical characteristics through yield, water absorption, solubility, viscosity, and shelf life. Result: The results of the analysis showed that the instant powder drink product combination of yellow sweet potato and red bean had a yield of 30.40%, a water absorption capacity of 4.98 ml, a solubility of 63.42%, and a viscosity of 14.80 cp. At the same time, the shelf life of this product is based on the assumption of average storage temperature in Indonesia (around 28ÂșC-38ÂșC), which is approximately 5 months of shelf life. Conclusion: Based on the results of the analysis, instant powder drink products have fairly good product stability and the product can be stored at room temperature or refrigerato

    Effects of Kersen leaves extract (Muntingia calabura L.) on SGOT and SGPT levels of soft drink induced mice

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    This study aimed to analyse the antioxidant activity, total phenols, and flavonoids of kersen leaves (Muntingia calabura L.) extract (KLE) and determine the hepatoprotective activity of KLE in soft drink induced mice. Soft drinks induction causes liver injuries which increases the serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (SGOT) and serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase (SGPT) levels. Mice were divided into five treatment groups (n=5) and were given Tween 80 (1%) (normal control), Tween 80 (1%) and 7 ml soft drinks (negative control), KLE (1000, 1500, and 2000 mg/kg), and 7 ml soft drinks per oral once daily for 4 weeks. Antioxidant activity was measured by 2.2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) method. Total phenols and flavonoids were analyzed by Folin-ciocalteu colorimetric and aluminium chloride (AlCl3) method. The blood samples were collected for biochemical analysis. The result showed that the KLE antioxidant activity were 11.11+0.50 ppm. Total phenols and flavonoids detected in the KLE samples were 2.19+0.12 mgGAE/g and 2.43+0.24 mgQE/g respectively. Mice treated with KLE had a significantly lower (p<0.05) serum SGOT and SGPT levels than negative control group. In conclusion, KLE has a potential hepatoprotective activity that works in synergy with its antioxidant activity

    Analisis Kandungan Gizi Mikro Biskuit Crackers Berbahan Dasar Ikan Patin (Pangasius sp.) dan Daun Kelor (Moringa oleifera)

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    Pengembangan produk crackers berbahan dasar ikan patin dan daun kelor dapat menjadi alternatif pilihan dalam mengatasi rendahnya kandungan gizi khususnya sumber zat gizi mikro pada makanan selingan. Penelitian ini bertujuan  untuk menganalisis kandungan dari zat gizi mikro yaitu vitamin A, vitamin B2, vitamin E , seng dan kalsium pada biskuit crackers berbahan dasar patin dan daun kelor. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan desain experimental study. Penelitian dilaksanakan dilaksanakan selama dua bulan dari oktober-november 2022. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa crackers memiliki kandungan gizi vitamin A sebesar 40,35 ”g/100 g, vitamin B2 sebesar 2,39 mg/100 g, vitamin E 11,09 mg/100 g, seng sebesar 2,76 mg/100, dan kalsium 334,2 mg/100 g. Vitamin B2, vitamin E, seng dan kalsium pada crackers dapat memberikan kontribusi >10% dari total kecukupan gizi harian remaja sedangkan kandungan vitamin A berkontribusi 5-6.5% terhadap kecukupan gizi remaja. Kesimpulan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan biskuit crackers berbahan dasar ikan patin dan daun kelor dapat dijadikan sebagai pilihan alternatif cemilan yang kaya akan zat gizi mikro bagi remaja

    Analisis Kandungan Protein dan Mineral (Fe, Ca, dan Zn) Sup Krim Instan (SKI) untuk Ibu Hamil dalam Mencegah Stunting: Analysis of Protein and Mineral Content (Fe, Ca, and Zn) of Instant Cream Soup (ICS) for Pregnant Women in Preventing Stunting

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    Stunting is still a global health problem in the world, as well as in Indonesia. Preventive efforts are needed to reduce the prevalence of stunting in Indonesia, because the impact of stunting is very detrimental to the development of a country. In the short term, stunting causes disturbances in physical, brain, cognitive, and metabolic development. In the long term, stunting causes reduction in cognitive abilities, increases the risk of child mortality and morbidity, decreases productivity and income in adults. Therefore, the development of ICS is needed as a reference for pregnant women supplementation. ICS must contain protein and minerals (Fe, Ca, and Zn) to have an effect on stunting. This study aims to analyze the protein and mineral content (Fe, Ca, and Zn) of ICS. Protein content was analyzed using Kjeldahl method, while mineral content was analyzed using AAS method. All protein and mineral content data were tested differently using two-way ANOVA. In conclusion, there is no significant difference between the formulas in terms of protein content. There was an interaction between factor A and factor B on the content of Fe and Ca, and there was an effect of 0% and 5% maltodextrin on the Zn content of ICE. Keywords: Stunting, ICS, Protein, Mineral Abstrak Stunting masih menjadi permasalahan kesehatan global di dunia, begitupun di Indonesia. Prevalensinya akhir-akhir ini bersifat fluktuatif. Dibutuhkan upaya preventif untuk menurunkan prevalensi stunting di Indonesia, karena dampak dari stunting sangat merugikan bagi perkembangan suatu negara. Pada jangka pendek stunting menyebabkan gangguan perkembangan fisik, otak, kognitif, dan metabolisme tubuh. Pada jangka panjang stunting menyebabkan berkurangnya kemampuan kognitif, peningkatan risiko mortalitas dan morbiditas anak, penurunan produktivitas, dan penurunan pendapatan pada orang dewasa. Oleh karena itu, pengembangan produk Sup Krim Instan (SKI) diperlukan sebagai referensi suplementasi makanan bagi ibu hamil untuk pencegahan stunting sejak dini. SKI harus mengandung protein dan mineral (Fe, Ca, dan Zn) agar dapat memberikan efek terhadap stunting. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kandungan protein dan mineral (Fe, Ca, dan Zn) SKI. Kandungan protein dianalisis menggunakan metode Kjeldahl, sedangkan kandungan mineral dianalisis menggunakan metode AAS. Seluruh data kandungan protein dan mineral diuji beda menggunakan two-way ANOVA. Sebagai kesimpulan, tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antar formula terhadap kandungan protein. Terdapat interaksi faktor A dan faktor B terhadap kandungan Fe dan Ca, serta terdapat pengaruh pemberian maltodekstrin 0% dan 5% terhadap kandungan Zn SKI. Sebagai saran, produk ini dapat diberikan sebagai suplemen ibu hamil untuk mencegah stunting. Kata Kunci: Stunting, SKI, Protein, Minera

    Edukasi Makanan Sehat Balita Sebagai Pencegahan Stunting di Desa Wonosari, Kabupaten Penajam Paser Utara, Kalimantan Timur

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    Providing healthy food education for toddlers is one of the efforts in overcoming the problem of stunting. Providing education, counseling, and behavior change is included in the form of sensitive nutrition interventions, namely increasing awareness of parenting and nutrition for toddlers. The community service activity aims to increase the nutritional knowledge of mothers of toddlers on healthy and nutritious foods for toddlers and determine the relationship with the incidence of stunting. The methods used in this activity are lecturers delivering educational content directly to mothers of toddlers with the aid of visual media in the form of PowerPoint presentations. Pre and post-test questionnaires were given before and after education to measure the nutritional knowledge of mothers of toddlers. The nutritional knowledge scores obtained were statistically analyzed using Paired T-Test. The results of statistical analysis showed that there was a significant increase (p<0.05) in the mothers' knowledge scores before and after education. The service team also provided several examples of healthy foods for toddlers, especially complementary foods that are easy to make as an alternative to feeding children under five