7 research outputs found

    Time scales and their characteristics

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    According to the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language the definition of time involves the continuity of existence in a sequential way from the past, through the present, into the future. Just imagine if the universe were completely static, there would be no what so-called time and no the existence of the matter. The existence of time appears just because things change [1]. The story of time began from the creation of the universe through the history of modern human life in the form of the fourth dimension (one temporal dimension along with another three spatial dimensions, or up to twenty-six dimensions according to the string theories [2]. Prior to 1900, time was considered to be uniform and the same everywhere in the universe where the observers measured the same time interval for any event, which departs from the classical physics of the Newtonian era. This concept stands undeniably for everyday motions on Earth as an accurate approximation at velocities lower than the speed of light. In 1905, Albert Einstein proposed his postulates in special relativity, where Newtonian mechanics could not agree with Maxwell’s equation of electromagnetism [3, 4]. He shared his view about the problem of the classical understanding of time, in the context of electricity and magnetism, which can be resolved by invoking a method of synchronizing clocks using the constant speed of light in a vacuum as the maximum signal velocity

    Building Information Modeling (BIM) Utilization for 3D Fiscal Cadastre

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    Parcels data in Indonesia are still stored in 2-dimensional (2D) geometry which are integrated with other attribute data, such as the case with the Directorate of Land and Building Tax Indonesia. Whereas, building taxes assessment refers to a number of details that require the information to be stored in 3-dimensional (3D) forms. This study aims at the use of Building Information Modeling (BIM) technology, which widely used in building asset management in 3D. This research illustrates the usability of the role of BIM in assessing and managing building taxes in Indonesia. The point clouds were obtained using Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS) technology. The point clouds processed so that it can form 3-dimensional geometrical apartment. The attributes of the 3-dimensional model integrated with the geometric model using the BIM concept. The results analyzed to assess whether BIM concept was able to fulfill the needs of the 3D fiscal cadastre in Indonesia


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    Building asset management is a system for organizing building assets in order to provide information to support decision making. One part of asset management is the inventory of building assets. Asset inventory can be done based on Building Information Modelling (BIM). BIM is one of the approaches to look at the building as a large unified database that can provide different information. The research case is the inventory of local government assets, especially state university assets because in Indonesia, state university assets belong to local government assets. The first step of local government asset inventory is to do three-dimensional modelling using a terrestrial laser scanner (TLS) assisted by Autodesk Revit. A textual database is created which contains the location code and item code on the asset referring to the Regulation of the Minister of the Home Affairs Number 108 Year 2016 on the Classification and Codification of Regional Property. The database is directly integrated with the threedimensional model of the building. By doing these two things, there will be a building asset management process that is integrated with BIM and can be used to plan asset development.  ABSTRAK: Pengurusan aset bangunan adalah sistem untuk menganjurkan aset bangunan untuk memberikan maklumat untuk menyokong pengambilan keputusan. Satu bahagian pengurusan aset adalah inventori aset bangunan. Penyediaan aset boleh dilakukan berdasarkan Pemodelan Maklumat Bangunan (BIM). BIM adalah salah satu pendekatan untuk melihat bangunan sebagai pangkalan data bersatu yang besar yang dapat memberikan maklumat yang berbeza. Kes penyelidikan adalah untuk inventori aset kerajaan tempatan, terutamanya aset universiti negeri, kerana di Indonesia, aset universiti negeri adalah milik aset pemerintah daerah. Langkah pertama inventori aset kerajaan tempatan adalah melakukan pemodelan tiga dimensi menggunakan pengimbas laser bumi (TLS) yang dibantu oleh Autodesk Revit. Pangkalan data teks dicipta yang mengandungi kod lokasi dan kod item aset yang merujuk kepada Peraturan Menteri Dalam Negeri Nombor 108 Tahun 2016 tentang Klasifikasi dan Pengkodifikasi Harta Daerah. Pangkalan data secara langsung disepadukan dengan model tiga dimensi bangunan itu. Dengan melakukan dua perkara ini, akan membina proses pengurusan aset yang disatukan dengan BIM dan boleh digunakan untuk merancang pembangunan aset

    Various High Density Point Cloud Registration Results Analysis in Heritage Building (Penataran Temple, Penglipuran Village, Bali)

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    3D modeling of functional buildings is growing rapidly because of its excellence. 3D modeling can also be applied to heritage buildings, but it is still rarely done due to the variety of detail, and the unique shape of the objects in heritage buildings make it more difficult to be modeled. In consequence, an adequate instrument with different scanning densities is required in this case, namely Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS) and Handheld Laser Scanner (HLS). This study, conducted at Penataran Temple in Penglipuran Village, Bali, aims to analyze the registration result of point clouds acquired by TLS and HLS, as well as its capability to build the 3D model. Point cloud data is acquired using TLS and HLS tools, and the information about the object is obtained by doing interviews with the Chief of Penglipuran Village and the villagers. The point cloud that TLS acquires is registered with Iterative Closed Point (ICP) algorithm, while the point cloud of HLS is registered by using Helmert and Affine transformation method. Based on the results, the registration of HLS point cloud data to the TLS Affine method has better quality accuracy than the Helmert method. In addition, point cloud data scanned by HLS can present 3D models with a better Level of Detail (LOD) than point cloud data from TLS

    Remote Sensing Analysis In RUSLE Erosion Estimation

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    ABTRACT. Soil erosion is a major issue in various hemispheres. It is because erosion affects the survival of ecosystem. Diverse human actions, e.g., bushes burning and illegal logging, play a role in accelerating erosion. Climate factor such as rain intensity has also an influence in the release of soil particles. Therefore, a regular identification of those factors that affect erosion processes is highly needed in order to keep an environmental sustainable. Different areas in Indonesia have different erosion variable characteristics. One of the characteristics is indicated by the varieties of vegetation cover, where a loose vegetation cover causes soil surfaces open for a long time period.  Till now, researches dealing with the modeling of erosions with wide area coverage are few, since erosion observations have always been conducted by direct observations in the field, hence time consuming. Therefore, an erosion mapping model that is applied in a wide coverage area and the up to date of data is needed. Spatially, erosions can be depicted in a form of spatial information system model describing their potential class levels. There are several erosion models that can be used to find out the erosion occurring on a land, among others Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) model or its modification Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE). RUSLE erosion model consists of rainfall, soil erodibility, vegetation cover, slope gradient and length, and support practice factors. Recent technology in remote sensing allowed vegetation cover to be analysed from satellite imagery, make the possibility of erosion analysis in large area in shorter time. KEY WORD:  Erosion, Vegetation, Models, Remote Sensing, RUSL

    Penyediaan Peta Daerah Konflik untuk Manajemen Konflik Pertanahan dengan UAV

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    Tingkat penyelesaian kasus sengketa konflik masalah pertanahan diIndonesia masih kurang dari 50%. Kendala terbesar adalah gesekan denganmasyarakat yang menguasai tanah yang menjadi objek sengketa dan konflik.Dengan perkembangan teknologi pemetaan yang ada, pemetaan daerah konflikdapat dilakukan tanpa secara langsung datang ke lokasi dan tanpa secaralangsung berhadapan dengan masyarakat. Salah satu teknologi pemetaan yangmampu memiliki akses untuk dapat memetakan daerah konflik tanpa secaralangsung datang ke lokasi dan tanpa secara langsung berhadapan denganmasyarakat adalah Teknologi Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), dengan metodefotogrametri berbiaya rendah/low cost photogrammetry dan menggunakanwahana pesawat tanpa awak/Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Kelebihanmetode UAV ini, dapat digunakan pada topografi dengan resiko tinggi danaksessibilitas yang sulit, sehingga merupakan suatu solusi pemetaan di daerahkonflik. Untuk manajemen konflik pertanahan, tidak hanya peralatan saja yangakan digunakan, akan tetapi perlu diperhatikan pula mengenai metode dan teknikpemetaan serta pendekatan karakter sosial budaya masyarakat untukmenyelesaikan konflik, bukan sebagai pemicu tumbuhnya masalah lain

    Harnessing multi source point cloud technology to overcome high resolution building information modeling of Manganti Dam, Indonesia : a preliminary result

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    Building Information Modelling (BIM) is a technology involving the generation and management of digital information of physical and functional characteristics of places (in 2D or 3D), which is developed to obtain built assets, planning, construction maintenance and operation, and construction management system. This case study is BIM development for the Manganti dam, located in Central Java, Indonesia. The dam itself is a vital irrigation system and is located in an earthquake-prone area, which makes significant risk factors for the surrounding environment. Therefore, continuous monitoring for the dam should be taken seriously into action by acquiring accurate information. Supporting that purpose, the spatial information of the dam, in 3D form, should be accurately presented in the mapping process. Although the Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS) is well known for providing accurate geometry information, its information detail is still limited to an accessible area. Consequently, it creates gaps in shadow areas which possibly can be compensated by the data from Handheld Laser Scanner (HLS). In this contribution, we are focusing on analyzing the reliability of TLS and HLS combination for high-resolution mapping and, possibly, high accuracy mapping. The geometric accuracy of the 3D model is comparing the dimension of the model to the dimension measurement by the Electronic Total Station (ETS) measurement