10 research outputs found

    Soil Erosion Modeling and Monitoring

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    Soil erosion is one of the most significant factors in the degradation of agricultural land, because it causes soil particles to be displaced, transported and deposited in different places through the actions of water or wind. Together with non-erosive degradations that include, among others, contamination or salinization, these processes deteriorate the quality of the soil. As a result, soil compaction can occur, as can a reduction in its organic matter content, drainage problems, the loss of soil structure, decreased crop yields, the loss of soil nutrients and, finally, the reduction of soil productivity. Anthropic actions can cause changes in soils and have accelerated erosion rates and diverted nutrient flows. When the use of the soil changes, especially in conditions of great fragility, the region in question will often display a significant tendency toward erosion. Soil erosion, as a primary condition of desertification, has become a subject of public concern and intense research

    Colector multidireccional de partículas transportadas por el viento

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    Número de publicación: ES2470090 A1 (20.06.2014) También publicado como: ES2470090 B1 (17.04.2015) Número de Solicitud: Consulta de Expedientes OEPM (C.E.O.) P201400329 (09.04.2014)Colector multidireccional del tipo de los utilizados para la recogida de partículas sólidas en suspensión en el aire transportadas por el viento. El colector incorpora una cámara de separación (1) que dispone de una abertura de entrada (2) de flujo de aire, una abertura de salida (3) por la cual retorna el flujo de aire al exterior, y una abertura de descarga (4) en su parte inferior por la cual se precipitan las partículas que se encontraban en suspensión en el aire. Una aleta plana (6) es solidaria a la cámara de separación (1) y el conjunto puede girar alrededor de un mástil (7) por acción del viento a modo de veleta, de forma que la abertura de entrada (2) queda enfrentada a la dirección del viento. La abertura de descarga (4) conecta con un contenedor (12) que contiene una diversidad de recipientes (13). El recipiente (13) en el cual son recogidas las partículas dependerá de la dirección del viento en cada momento.Universidad de Almerí

    Caja desmontable para toma de muestras de suelo

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    Número de publicación: ES1079118 U (26.04.2013) También publicado como: ES1079118 Y (23.07.2013) Número de Solicitud: Consulta de Expedientes OEPM (C.E.O.) U201201022 (26.10.2012)Caja desmontable para toma de muestras de suelo, caracterizada por incorporar un perfil rectangular abierto (1) donde el perfil queda abierto en toda su longitud mediante una abertura (4). El perfil (1) queda perfectamente acoplado en el interior de un perfil rectangular cerrado (2) que dispone de una pestaña (5) en forma de T en su cara interior, coincidiendo esta pestaña (5) con la abertura (4) del perfil (1). Dos tapas (3) cierran por la parte superior e inferior el conjunto. El perfil (2) presenta dos rebajes (6) que permiten el acceso a la pieza (1) para su desmontaje.Universidad de Almerí

    Túnel de Viento para el Estudio de la Erosión Eólica

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    Número de publicación: ES2453815 A1 (08.04.2014) También publicado como: ES2453815 B1 (20.01.2015) Número de Solicitud: Consulta de Expedientes OEPM (C.E.O.) P201201028 (08.10.2012)Túnel de viento para el estudio de la erosión eólica, caracterizado por ser ligero y plegable, donde un ventilador genera una corriente de aire, que entra en una estructura "tubular" desplegable. La estructura es telescópica. Se divide en 3 módulos y se han colocado unas bisagras, que permiten transformarlo en un cubo completamente plegado de reducidas dimensiones. Para completar el conjunto telescópico, se ha diseñado un sistema que permite a las paredes adaptarse a ésta estructura, utilizando patines que deslizan sobre un raíl. La recogida y análisis de las muestras, se realiza con 2 sensores: 1. Un láser-scan, que permite la generación de mapas tridimensionales del suelo, antes y después de ser erosionado. 2. Una cámara de visión industrial, que capta imágenes de las partículas fijadas en una serie de placas con adhesivos, colocadas al final del dispositivo.Universidad de Almerí

    Tracking Wind Deposits on Fluvisols in a Citrus Orchard in Southeast Spain: a Test in Real Time

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    We used wind-transported particle collectors of our own inhouse design to monitor the sediment flow in a citrus orchard in Southeast Spain. These collectors, which can differentiate sediment collected by direction of origin, are very efficient, economical, and easy to manufacture from thermoplastic filaments with an industrial 3D printer. Data were acquired from six vaned masts, each with four collectors at different heights, and on one of those masts, the collectors included load cells with one end attached to the collector floor and the other end to each oriented compartment in the collectors. The load cell values were interpreted in real time by a microcontroller and amplifier. The remote monitoring system was developed with an internet of things (IoT) platform. The results showed clear predominance of winds from the Northeast after dark, and from the South during the middle of the day. After analyzing the sediment transport rates and their balance, we found that those being deposited in the citrus orchard from the Northeast had a higher carbonate content (mainly calcite), which had an aggregating and therefore stabilizing effect against wind erosion of the soil. Furthermore, significant amounts of highly adhesive phyllosilicates were captured by the upper traps, which also contributed to reducing soil wind erodibility because of their adhesiveness. However, the sediments from the South with much more total transported mass were not deposited in the study zone, but leeward of it and contained a large amount of quartz, promoting abrasion and increasing wind erodibility of the soil

    The Hydrological Balance in Micro-Watersheds Is Affected by Climate Change and Land Use Changes

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    Temperate forests are key to the balance and provision of hydrological and environmental services. Currently, these forests are subject to human alterations as well as to the effects of global change, including warming, variability, deforestation, and forest fires. As a consequence, the hydrological balance has been modified. The present study simulates the effects of climate change and land use change on the hydrological balance of micro-watersheds in Mexico using the hydrological model Water Evaluation and Planning (WEAP). The land use change between 1995 and 2021 was estimated to establish a baseline. Climate scenario SSP585 was projected using three global models, MPI-ESM1-2-LR, HadGEM3-GC31-LL, and CNRM-CM6-1 by the 2081–2100 horizon, along with two scenarios of land use change: one with forest permanence and another with loss of forest cover and increased forest fires. Results indicate that future climatic conditions will modify the hydrological balance at the microbasin level. Even with positive conditions of forest permanence, increases in surface runoff of 124% (CNRM), 35% (HadGEM3), and 13% (MPI) are expected. The projections of coverage loss and fires showed surface runoff increases of 338% (CNRM), 188% (HadGEM3), and 143% (MPI). In the high areas of the microbasins where temperate forest predominates, climatic variations could be contained. If the forest is conserved, surface runoff decreases by −70% (CNRM), −87% (HadGEM3), and −89% (MPI). Likewise, the moisture in the soil increases. In areas with temperate forests, there will be modifications of the hydrological balance mainly due to the increase in evapotranspiration (due to the increase in temperature and precipitation). This will cause a significant decrease in flow and interflow. The alteration of these flows will decrease water availability in soil for infiltration. It is expected that the availability of hydrological and environmental services will be compromised in the entire study area due to climate change

    Coupling sewage sludge amendment with cyanobacterial inoculation to enhance stability and carbon gain in dryland degraded soils

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    Sewage sludge (SS) is widely used as a soil conditioner in agricultural soil due to its high content of organic matter and nutrients. In addition, inoculants based on soil microorganisms, such as cyanobacteria, are being applied successfully in soil restoration to improve soil stability and fertility in agriculture. However, the combination of SS and cyanobacteria inoculation is an unexplored application that may be highly beneficial to soil. In this outdoor experiment, we studied the ability of cyanobacteria inoculum to grow on degraded soil amended with different concentrations of composted SS, and examined the effects of both SS concentration and cyanobacteria application on carbon gain and soil stability. We also explored the feasibility of using cyanobacteria for immobilizing salts in SS-amended soil. Our results showed that cyanobacteria growth increased in the soil amended with the lowest SS concentration tested (5 t ha−1, on soil 2 cm deep), as shown by its higher chlorophyll a content and associated deeper spectral absorption peak at 680 nm. At higher SS concentrations, inoculum growth decreased, which was attributed to competition of the inoculated cyanobacteria with the native SS bacterial community. However, SS significantly enhanced soil organic carbon gain and tightly-bound exopolysaccharide content. Cyanobacteria inoculation significantly improved soil stability and reduced soil’s wind erodibility. Moreover, it led to a decrease in the lixiviate electrical conductivity of salt-contaminated soils, indicating its potential for salt immobilization and soil bioremediation. Therefore, cyanobacteria inoculation, along with adequately dosed SS surface application, is an efficient strategy for improving carbon gain and surface stability in dryland agricultural soil

    Use of mesh windbreaks for soil erosion in olive groves in southeastern Spain

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    We used windbreak nets to reduce erosion and sediment transport in a semiarid area. A 13x30thread·cm-2 and 39% mesh net facing the wind increased average erosion reduction up to 72% at a height of 0.4 m in recently tilled olive groves. The use of sonic anemometry techniques for identifying wind movement patterns has rarely been exploited for improving field studies, and much less for windbreaks. Sample components collected in traps placed at different heights and distances from the windbreak were analyzed. A Principal Components Analysis was carried out analyzing the combined effect of height and windbreak distance on variables associated with the first two components. Component C1 identified the height at which data were obtained, while Component C2 identified windbreak distance from the sampling point. The effectiveness of this system is shown by the reduction in weight of material caught in traps, and is a cheap and reusable tool applicable after tilling