12 research outputs found

    Centro comercial corporativo empleando acero inoxidable como elemento de diseño arquitectónico, Nuevo Chimbote 2020

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    La presente tesis, tuvo como objetivo el diseño de un Centro comercial corporativo empleando acero inoxidable como elemento de diseño arquitectónico en el distrito de Nuevo Chimbote. La presente investigación se realizó con la finalidad de dar soluciones eco-sustentables dado a la preocupación frente a los daños ambientales con una visión de intervenir frente a los impactos negativos ambientales y tendremos como base la arquitectura sustentable que por consecuencia del consumismo se ha tenido una necesidad planteando sustentos ecológicos, económicos, duradero y de calidad; reduciendo costos en mantenimiento e incentivando una cultura ecológica proponiendo un diseño que se adapte y enmarque al distrito ecológico. La metodología que se utilizó fue de tipo descriptivo con un diseño no experimental de corte transversal, tomando en cuenta la recolección de datos, mediante la elaboración de instrumentos como cuestionarios, encuestas, entrevistas a especialistas y visitas a campo, los cuales deben estar validados por expertos, permitiendo así una recolección de datos segura al tema de estudio abordado. El resultado que se obtuvo fue la elaboración del proyecto arquitectónico de un Centro comercial corporativo empleando acero inoxidable como elemento de diseño arquitectónico, para lo cual se analizó el contexto urbano de Nuevo Chimbote; el mismo usuario que con sus características propias será pensado en el diseño arquitectónico; analizando la forma, espacio y función; y el acero inoxidable como elemento sustentable aplicando en la construcción de edificios arquitectónicos. Se ha tenido como finalidad un modelo arquitectónico sustentable que brindo aportes urbanos, que presento un crecimiento económico optimo y medioambiental ante una identidad de ciudad ecológica, prestadora de servicios, vinculando el comercio y la naturaleza promoviendo e incentivando el turismoTesi

    Impactos Ambientales del Turismo en el Sector de Soraypampa del Distrito de Mollepata – Cusco, 2019 - 2022

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    The present work shows the social and environmental problems of Soraypampa, a sector that is the head of the Salkantay snowy basin, where hundreds of tourists arrive daily to visit the tourist attractions of the Humantay Lagoon and the Salkantay snowy four hours from Cusco. The accelerated growth of tourism demand and the lack of political strategies to deal with tourism have generated a series of social conflicts and possible environmental repercussions that were addressed in the research. In order to analyze the problems, qualitative research instruments were used, such as interviews with experts, and in this case non-probabilistic sampling was used. Former managers of the Mollepata District Tourism and Environment Area were interviewed to learn about their perceptions based on their experience in their positions. Among the main findings is that tourism in Mollepata has grown thanks to the new highway, facilitating access to the snow-capped mountain. However, challenges such as land conflicts and the lack of unity among businessmen, added to the instability of municipal policies and the lack of legal tools for environmental management, have hindered effective management of the area. It was concluded that rapid tourism development combined with insufficient governmental preparation has caused social tensions and environmental deterioration in Soraypampa because it is a vital watershed for agriculture in Mollepata and Limatambo.El presente trabajo muestra la problemática social y ambiental de Soraypampa un sector que es cabecera de la Cuenca del nevado Salkantay, al que cientos de turistas llegan diariamente para visitar los atractivos turísticos a la Laguna Humantay y el nevado de Salkantay a cuatro horas del Cusco. El acelerado crecimiento de la demanda turística y la falta de estrategias políticas para afrontar el turismo, han generado una serie de conflictos sociales y posibles repercusiones ambientales que se abordó en la investigación. Para analizar la problemática se usó instrumentos de la investigación cualitativa, como son las entrevistas a expertos, y en este caso se empleó el muestreo no probabilístico. Se entrevistó a ex gerentes del Área de Turismo y Medio Ambiente del Distrito de Mollepata para conocer sus percepciones de acuerdo a su experiencia en el cargo. Entre los principales resultados se tiene que el turismo en Mollepata ha crecido gracias a la nueva carretera, facilitando el acceso al nevado, sin embargo, desafíos como conflictos de tierras y la falta de unión entre empresarios, sumados a la inestabilidad de políticas municipales y la carencia de herramientas legales para la gestión ambiental, han obstaculizado una gestión efectiva del área. Se llegó a la conclusión que el rápido desarrollo del turismo combinado con la insuficiente preparación gubernamental ha ocasionado tensiones sociales y deterioro ambiental en Soraypampa por ser una cuenca vital para la agricultura en Mollepata y Limatambo

    Example Sequence Data for Murase et al-Sequential Synchronization Analysis

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    This is an example dataset to go with Chapter 6 in Pilny and Poole, Group Processes -- Data Driven Computational ApproachesNational Science Foundation grant #BCS 0941268 and Army Research Lab Cooperative Agreement Number W911NF-09-2-0053 (the ARL Network Science CTA)Ope

    R Code for Sequential Synchronization Analysis

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    This is R Code for two applications, TraMineR and Synchrony for conducting sequential synchronization analysis using the sample dataNational Science Foundation grant #BCS 0941268 and Army Research Lab Cooperative Agreement Number W911NF-09-2-0053 (the ARL Network Science CTA)Ope

    Total ankle arthroplasty in France

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    Objectives: After more than 10 years' experience in France, the French Foot Surgery Association (Association francaise de chirurgie du pied [AFCP]) presents an update on mobile-bearing ankle prostheses, based on a multicenter study. Meta-analysis - Biomechanics - Assessment and indications: A preliminary comparative metaanalysis of the literature studies on ankle and prosthesis biomechanics, reviews validated indications and contra-indications, and details clinical and radiological outcomes assessment protocols. Professional survey: Sixty-three surgeons (95% AFCP members) answered a professional online survey, by email or regular post: 70% performed total ankle replacement (TAR), 39% of them at least two per year and 16% more than 10 per year, resulting in 317 TARs per year or 50% of the French activity and 312 arthrodeses per year or 17% of the French activity - which gave the survey considerable power. In 2004-2005, 46% of the TARs implanted were AES®, 38% Salto® and 9% Hintegra®. Gait analysis following TAR: This study included two series of patients (15 in Brussels and six in Paris) with laboratory gait analysis preoperatively and at 6 months' and 1 year's FU. Following TAR, speed, cadence and strides increased and mean total work approximated normal values. These two independent studies quantified the advantages of TAR over arthrodesis. Conclusion: This multioperator, multi-implant series of 592 patients confirmed literature data. Prospective follow-up of the cohorts managed in these expert centers is essential, in order to make available long-term data

    210Pb and 137Cs as tracers of recent sedimentary processes in two water reservoirs in Cuba.

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    Hanabanilla and Paso Bonito Reservoirs are the main fresh water sources for about half a million inhabitants in central Cuba. Prior to this investigation precise information about the losses of storage capacity was not available. Sedimentation is the dominant process leading to reduction in water storage capacity. We investigated the sedimentation process in both reservoirs by analyzing environmental radionuclides (e.g. 210Pb, 226Ra and 137Cs) in sediment cores. In the shallow Paso Bonito Reservoir (mean depth of 6.5 m; water volume of 8 x 106 m3), we estimated a mean mass accumulation rate (MAR) of 0.4 ± 0.1 g cm-2y-1 based on 210Pb chronologies. 137Cs was detected in the sediments, but due to the recent construction of this reservoir (1975), it was not possible to use it to validate the 210Pb chronologies. The estimated MAR in this reservoir is higher than the typical values reported in similar shallow fresh water reservoirs worldwide. Our results highlight a significant loss of water storage capacity during the past 30 years. In the deeper and larger Hanabanilla Reservoir (mean depth of 15.5 m; water volume of 292 x 106 m3), the MAR was investigated in three different sites of the reservoir. The mean MARs based on the 210Pb chronologies varied between 0.15 and 0.24 g cm -2y-1. The MARs calculated based on the 137Cs profiles further validated these values. We show that the sediment accumulation did not change significantly over the last 50 years. A simple empirical mixing and sedimentation model that assumes 137Cs in the water originated from both, direct atmospheric fallout and the catchment area, was applied to interpret the 137Cs depth profiles. The model consistently reproduced the measured 137Cs profiles in the three cores (R2 \u3e 0.9). Mean residence times for 137Cs in the water and in the catchment area of 1 y and 35-50 y, respectively were estimated. The model identified areas where the catchment component was higher, zones with higher erosion in the catchment, and sites where the fallout component was quantitatively recorded in the sediments

    210Pb and 137Cs as tracers of recent sedimentary processes in two water reservoirs in Cuba.

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    Hanabanilla and Paso Bonito Reservoirs are the main fresh water sources for about half a million inhabitants in central Cuba. Prior to this investigation precise information about the losses of storage capacity was not available. Sedimentation is the dominant process leading to reduction in water storage capacity. We investigated the sedimentation process in both reservoirs by analyzing environmental radionuclides (e.g. 210Pb, 226Ra and 137Cs) in sediment cores. In the shallow Paso Bonito Reservoir (mean depth of 6.5 m; water volume of 8 x 106 m3), we estimated a mean mass accumulation rate (MAR) of 0.4 ± 0.1 g cm-2y-1 based on 210Pb chronologies. 137Cs was detected in the sediments, but due to the recent construction of this reservoir (1975), it was not possible to use it to validate the 210Pb chronologies. The estimated MAR in this reservoir is higher than the typical values reported in similar shallow fresh water reservoirs worldwide. Our results highlight a significant loss of water storage capacity during the past 30 years. In the deeper and larger Hanabanilla Reservoir (mean depth of 15.5 m; water volume of 292 x 106 m3), the MAR was investigated in three different sites of the reservoir. The mean MARs based on the 210Pb chronologies varied between 0.15 and 0.24 g cm -2y-1. The MARs calculated based on the 137Cs profiles further validated these values. We show that the sediment accumulation did not change significantly over the last 50 years. A simple empirical mixing and sedimentation model that assumes 137Cs in the water originated from both, direct atmospheric fallout and the catchment area, was applied to interpret the 137Cs depth profiles. The model consistently reproduced the measured 137Cs profiles in the three cores (R2 \u3e 0.9). Mean residence times for 137Cs in the water and in the catchment area of 1 y and 35-50 y, respectively were estimated. The model identified areas where the catchment component was higher, zones with higher erosion in the catchment, and sites where the fallout component was quantitatively recorded in the sediments

    Derecho probatorio contemporáneo: prueba científica y técnicas forenses

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    El Grupo de Investigaciones en Derecho Procesal de la Universidad de Medellín presenta a los profesionales del derecho y a la comunidad académica en general, un libro de alta calidad que orientará la formación de estudiantes en temas de Derecho Probatorio Contemporáneo, además de brindar una contribución significativa para la solución de problemas que vinculan el estudio de la prueba, para el avance del ámbito jurídico profesional y para la Administración de Justicia en Colombia. Se presenta el libro Derecho probatorio contemporáneo, prueba científica y técnicas forenses, con la seguridad de que permitirá la construcción de espacios adecuados para el análisis y la crítica constructiva de las diversas tendencias jurídicas contemporáneas en el ámbito del derecho probatorio

    Efficacy and Safety of COVID-19 Convalescent Plasma in Hospitalized Patients: A Randomized Clinical Trial

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    There is clinical equipoise for COVID-19 convalescent plasma (CCP) use in patients hospitalized with COVID-19. To determine the safety and efficacy of CCP compared with placebo in hospitalized patients with COVID-19 receiving noninvasive supplemental oxygen. CONTAIN COVID-19, a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of CCP in hospitalized adults with COVID-19, was conducted at 21 US hospitals from April 17, 2020, to March 15, 2021. The trial enrolled 941 participants who were hospitalized for 3 or less days or presented 7 or less days after symptom onset and required noninvasive oxygen supplementation. A unit of approximately 250 mL of CCP or equivalent volume of placebo (normal saline). The primary outcome was participant scores on the 11-point World Health Organization (WHO) Ordinal Scale for Clinical Improvement on day 14 after randomization; the secondary outcome was WHO scores determined on day 28. Subgroups were analyzed with respect to age, baseline WHO score, concomitant medications, symptom duration, CCP SARS-CoV-2 titer, baseline SARS-CoV-2 serostatus, and enrollment quarter. Outcomes were analyzed using a bayesian proportional cumulative odds model. Efficacy of CCP was defined as a cumulative adjusted odds ratio (cOR) less than 1 and a clinically meaningful effect as cOR less than 0.8. Of 941 participants randomized (473 to placebo and 468 to CCP), 556 were men (59.1%); median age was 63 years (IQR, 52-73); 373 (39.6%) were Hispanic and 132 (14.0%) were non-Hispanic Black. The cOR for the primary outcome adjusted for site, baseline risk, WHO score, age, sex, and symptom duration was 0.94 (95% credible interval [CrI], 0.75-1.18) with posterior probability (P[cOR<1] = 72%); the cOR for the secondary adjusted outcome was 0.92 (95% CrI, 0.74-1.16; P[cOR<1] = 76%). Exploratory subgroup analyses suggested heterogeneity of treatment effect: at day 28, cORs were 0.72 (95% CrI, 0.46-1.13; P[cOR<1] = 93%) for participants enrolled in April-June 2020 and 0.65 (95% CrI, 0.41 to 1.02; P[cOR<1] = 97%) for those not receiving remdesivir and not receiving corticosteroids at randomization. Median CCP SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing titer used in April to June 2020 was 1:175 (IQR, 76-379). Any adverse events (excluding transfusion reactions) were reported for 39 (8.2%) placebo recipients and 44 (9.4%) CCP recipients (P = .57). Transfusion reactions occurred in 2 (0.4) placebo recipients and 8 (1.7) CCP recipients (P = .06). In this trial, CCP did not meet the prespecified primary and secondary outcomes for CCP efficacy. However, high-titer CCP may have benefited participants early in the pandemic when remdesivir and corticosteroids were not in use. ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT04364737