18 research outputs found

    Metaanaliza okoljskih dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na naselitev alg v jamah in spodmolih po vsem svetu

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    Microclimate conditions, mainly radiation, temperature and relative humidity vary according to cavities´ configurations and determine the microorganism’s colonisation. A meta-analysis was performed of environmental factors influencing the algal species colonisation in caves and rockshelters. For this purpose, the results of studies about algal colonisation in 82 caves and rockshelters in 11 European, Asian and American countries were analysed. Firstly, 412 species were counted of which Cyanobacteria predominated, followed by Chlorophyta and Bacillariophyta, and finally by Rhodophyta. The Shannon Index determined that the diversity of the algal species developing in these places was very high. The most diverse Cyanobacteria genera to appear in the different studied caves and rockshelters are Leptolyngbya with 28 different species, Gloeocapsa with 24 and Phormidium with 23. They are followed by Chroococcus with 18, Aphanothece with 14, Oscillatoria, Nostoc and Scytonema with 10 each and Schizothrix and Tolypothrix with 9 each. The most diverse Chlorophyta and Bacillariophyta genera are Chlorella with 9 different species and Diadesmis/Humidophila, Luticola and Nitzschia with 4, respectively. The principal component analysis revealed that both photosynthetically active radiation and relative humidity more actively conditioned the development of some algal species in cave environments than temperature.Mikroklimatske razmere, predvsem sevanje, temperatura in relativna vlažnost, se spreminjajo glede na konfiguracijo votlin in vplivajo na naselitev mikroorganizmov. Opravljena je bila metaanaliza okoljskih dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na naselitev vrst alg v jamah in spodmolih. V ta namen so bili analizirani izsledki študij o naselitvi alg v 82 jamah in spodmolih v 11 evropskih, azijskih in ameriških državah. Najprej je bilo naštetih 412 vrst, med katerimi so prevladovale modrozelene cepljivke ali cianobakterije (Cyanobacteria), sledile so zelene alge (Chlorophyta), diatomeje (Bacillariophyta) in nazadnje rdeče alge (Rhodophyta). Shannonov indeks je pokazal, da se na teh območjih razvijajo zelo raznovrstne vrste alg. Najbolj raznovrstni rodovi modrozelene cepljivk ali cianobakterije, ki se pojavljajo v proučevanih jamah in spodmolih, so Leptolyngbya z 28 vrstami, Gloeocapsa s 24 in Phormidium s 23 vrstami. Sledijo jim Chroococcus z 18 vrstami, Aphanothece s 14, Oscillatoria, Nostoc in Scytonema s po 10 ter Schizothrix in Tolypothrix s po 9 vrstami. Najbolj raznovrstni rodovi zelene alge in diatomeje so Chlorella z 9 vrstami ter Diadesmis/Humidophila, Luticola in Nitzschia s po 4 vrstami. Iz analize glavnih komponent je razvidno, da tako fotosintetično aktivno sevanje kot relativna vlažnost aktivneje vplivata na razvoj nekaterih vrst alg v jamskem okolju kot pa temperatura

    Revaluation of underutilized lemon fruits of southeastern Spain as a potential source of bioactive compounds and to be used in creative cuisine

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    In the present research colour, weight, morphological parameters and total antioxidant activity (TAA) of the edible tissues of three underutilised cultivars of lemon fruits was quantified. In addition, other fruit quality properties, such as organics acids and sugars concentrations in the lemon juices were analysed. Also, the evaluation of organoleptic attributes, such as sweetness, aroma, firmness, lack of bitterness, overall impression and notable feature of fruits was performed by a sensory panel. Results show significant differences on the analysed parameters among lemon cultivars. The relative proportion of each fruit tissue was similar for the three cultivars. 'Fino' and 'Sanguino' lemons showed the highest TAA, while the most appreciated by consumers according to the sensory panel results was 'Sanguino' lemon which could be due to their original colour. These traditional cultivars of lemon fruits could be used as ingredients in creative cuisine due to their attractive properties providing also nutritional and antioxidant compounds

    Effects of drought and water pulses on microbial functionality and the role of Cyanoprokaryota in the rhizospheres of gypsophytes

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    In the rhizospheres of three gypsophytes and in non-rhizospheric soil, two samplings were carried out - the first during a summer drought and the second during spring - to detect the responses to the availability of water in the soil. Urease and protease showed higher values after the drought whereas β-glucosidase was highest in the spring. This pattern was the same for all the rhizospheres tested. However, the arylsulfatase and alkaline phosphatase did not change. Surprising results were obtained when water retention and water loss were studied, with the highest values being obtained for the dry season due to the association of Cyanoprokaryota with the rhizospheres. The results are also explained by two water pulses that occurred before the samplings. Several parameters, whose values changed markedly due to the microbiological activation just after the drought and water pulses, are proposed as indicators of this activation: microbial biomass carbon and basal respiration rate, together with urease and protease. However, it was the dehydrogenase activity in spring that best reflected the microbiology associated with the carbon cycle, together with β-glucosidase. The interrelationships between carbon and nitrogen were shown through the indices: water soluble nitrogen and water soluble carbon. We propose three functional adaptation mechanisms of these plants associated with the Cyanoprokaryota in their rhizospheres and related to the water availability as determined by drought and water pulse effects. Herniaria fruticosa is a pioneer with the greatest diversity of Cyanoprokaryota, in both summer and spring (10 species and 11 species, respectively), and with high-medium abundance (5–30%). Teucrium balthazaris exhibits an intermediate strategy, with greater diversity of Cyanoprokaryota in spring (7 species) and predominance of high-medium abundance (5–30%). Finally, Helianthemum squamatum has lower diversity, with one species in summer (with low abundance, <5%) and no species in spring

    Organic acids, sugars, antioxidant activity, sensorial and other fruit characteristics of nine traditional Spanish Citrus fruits

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    The knowledge of the beneficial health properties of underutilised varieties of fruits is very valuable for the conservation of plant genetic diversity and agricultural development. The colour, weight, morphological parameters and total antioxidant activity (TAA) of the edible tissues of nine traditional Citrus fruits, three mandarin varieties, three lemon varieties, ‘Dulce’ lime, ‘Cimboba’ and ‘Blanco’ grapefruit was quantified. In addition, other fruit quality properties, such as organic acids and sugar concentrations in the Citrus juices were analysed, and the evaluation of organoleptic attributes, such as sweetness, aroma, firmness, lack of bitterness, overall impression and notable feature of fruits, was performed by a sensory panel. Results show significant differences among Citrus species and varieties of the analysed parameters. Analysis of the weight of the whole fruit and its edible tissues showed that the relative proportion of each fruit tissue was similar for all the studied Citrus species and varieties. on the other hand, ‘Autóctona’ mandarin and ‘Fino’ and ‘Sanguino’ lemons showed the highest TAA, while the ones most appreciated by consumers according to the sensory panel results were ‘Dulce’ lime followed by ‘Sanguino’ lemon, which could be due to their high fructose concentration and original colour, respectively. The utilisation of certain traditional Citrus species and varieties, such as’Mandarin’ and ‘Autoctona’ mandarins, ‘Sanguino’ lemon and ‘Dulce’ lime, of the south-east of Spain in future breeding programmes to increase agricultural biodiversity. In addition, the consumption of traditional varieties of Citrus fruits with high antioxidant activity would improve the beneficial effect of fruits in human health

    A meta-analysis of environmental factors influencing the algal colonisation in caves and rockshelters worldwide

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    Microclimate conditions, mainly radiation, temperature and relative humidity vary according to cavities´ configurations and determine the microorganism’s colonisation. A meta-analysis was performed of environmental factors influencing the algal species colonisation in caves and rockshelters. For this purpose, the results of studies about algal colonisation in 82 caves and rockshelters in 11 European, Asian and American countries were analysed. Firstly, 412 species were counted of which Cyanobacteria predominated, followed by Chlorophyta and Bacillariophyta, and finally by Rhodophyta. The Shannon Index determined that the diversity of the algal species developing in these places was very high. The most diverse Cyanobacteria genera to appear in the different studied caves and rockshelters are Leptolyngbya with 28 different species, Gloeocapsa with 24 and Phormidium with 23. They are followed by Chroococcus with 18, Aphanothece with 14, Oscillatoria, Nostoc and Scytonema with 10 each and Schizothrix and Tolypothrix with 9 each. The most diverse Chlorophyta and Bacillariophyta genera are Chlorella with 9 different species and Diadesmis/Humidophila, Luticola and Nitzschia with 4, respectively. The principal component analysis revealed that both photosynthetically active radiation and relative humidity more actively conditioned the development of some algal species in cave environments than temperature

    The role of cyanoprokaryota in the rhizospheres of gypsophytes and effects of drought and water pulses on microbial functionality

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    In a Mediterranean environment plants are subject to water stress and lack of nutrients, among others. The adaptations that they can present are very varied and depend on the type of soil and the climate itself. In gypsiferous soils the adaptations of gypsophytes are numerous and unclear. Cyanoprokaryota had a relevant role in the rhizospheres of gypsophytes in drought conditions. We detect the responses to the availability of water in the rhizospheres of three gypsophytes and in non-rhizospheric soil during a summer drought and during spring. Water retention and water loss were studied. We were obtained the highest values in drought conditions due to the association of Cyanoprokaryota with the rhizospheres. The results are also explained by two water pulses that occurred before the samplings. Several parameters, whose values changed markedly due to the microbiological activation just after the drought and water pulses, are proposed as indicators of this activation: microbial biomass carbon and basal respiration rate, together with urease and protease. However, it was the dehydrogenase activity in spring that best reflected the microbiology associated with the carbon cycle, together with β-glucosidase. The interrelationships between carbon and nitrogen were shown through the indices: water soluble nitrogen and water soluble carbon. We propose three functional adaptation mechanisms of these plants associated with the Cyanoprokaryota in their rhizospheres and related to the water availability as determined by drought and water pulse effects. Financing: This study was funded by the Spanish National Government (CICYTCGL2009-12582-C02-02) and by the Valencian Autonomous Government (AICO/2019/258

    Importancia de las cianobacterias conocidas como “algas verde-azuladas”

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    Seguro que alguna vez habéis oído hablar de las algas y sus múltiples beneficios que otorgan a nuestra salud. Sin embargo, poco conoceréis sobre las cianobacterias. Pues bien, estos microorganismos son más conocidos como las algas verde-azuladas y entre los científicos también las conocemos como cianofíceas o cianoprocariotas. Sus diversos nombres se deben a que presentan tanto características de bacterias como de algas. Las cianobacterias están consideradas como los organismos que inventaron la fotosíntesis, un proceso tan importante que ha permitido la evolución de la vida en la Tierra. Son las primeras células fotosintéticas que se conocen, capaces de utilizar la luz solar para producir materia y energía. Fueron así las responsables de la acumulación de oxígeno en la atmósfera, siendo el eslabón inicial de hace 3.000 millones de años para el desarrollo de la vida actual que conocemos [1]. Lo que hace a estos microorganismos tan especiales no es por ser una de las formas más antiguas de vida o porque tengan características de bacterias y algas, sino por su éxito en la historia de la evolución. La mayoría de las veces, cuando pensamos en éxito evolutivo, lo relacionamos directamente con organismos complejos como plantas o animales superiores. Sin embargo, desde el punto de vista ecológico, el éxito de una especie es la capacidad de persistir en el tiempo y resistir las variaciones ambientales sin extinguirse, como lo hacen las cianobacterias. Si pensáis en el lugar de crecimiento de las algas, seguro que imagináis un ambiente acuático como son los mares o ríos, aunque éstas también se desarrollan en otros ambientes no acuáticos. Pero, ¿sabríais decir dónde crecen las cianobacterias? No tenéis ninguna idea, ¿verdad?. Pues estos fascinantes microorganismos son capaces de desarrollarse en diversos hábitats abarcando desde mares hasta desiertos, pasando por cuevas, glaciales y aguas termales [2]. Y la capacidad de supervivencia en ambientes tan diferentes se debe al desarrollo de mecanismos de adaptación. Así, por ejemplo, existen especies de cianobacterias capaces de colonizar diversos hábitats recurriendo a estrategias como la producción de células especiales cuando las condiciones ambientales no son favorables

    Cianotoxinas: efectos ambientales y sanitarios. Medidas de prevención

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    Background. Before the events of cyanobacteria toxic blooms are widespread and are increasing in frequency globally, with negative effects on human health, pets, cattle, and wildlife, we integrated the information on the subject for general knowledge, as these events will increasingly have a greater incidence and frequency in a context of global warming. Goals. To reveal the environmental impacts of cyanotoxins, their causes, and acknowledge the need for knowledge about them in order to implement measures that will reduce their negative effects. Methods. We present a review of several studies encompassing historical aspects and incorporating the first studies into the current context, in order to enumerate the most frequent cyanotoxins in inland water. Results. We discuss the symptoms that cyanotoxins cause in vertebrates, as well as reference levels to avoid intoxication by ingestion or contact; the methods used for detection, and the effects on aquatic ecosystems. Conclusions. We draw attention to the need for integral management of algal blooms and systematic monitoring.Antecedentes. Ante los eventos de florecimientos de cianobacterias cada vez más frecuentes a nivel global, cuyos efectos son tóxicos y negativos para la salud humana, las mascotas, los animales del campo, la vida acuática y silvestre, es indispensable hacer pública la información más relevante respecto a este tema, ya que estos eventos tendrán cada vez más una mayor incidencia y frecuencia en un contexto de calentamiento global. Objetivos. Entre los objetivos principales de esta investigación destacan exhibir los impactos ambientales que causan las cianotoxinas, así como sus causas, y reconocer la falta de conocimiento sobre éstas, lo que ha impedido emprender medidas que disminuyan sus efectos negativos. Métodos. Se llevó a cabo una revisión de diversos estudios abarcando aspectos históricos e incorporando los primeros estudios hasta el contexto actual, con el fin de mostrar una breve descripción de las cianotoxinas más importantes y frecuentes en las aguas continentales. Resultados. Fue posible evidenciar los principales daños que causan en vertebrados y las consecuencias que provocan en los ecosistemas acuáticos, así como los niveles de referencia para evitar intoxicaciones por ingestión o contacto; también averiguar los métodos que se emplearon para su detección. Conclusiones. Es necesario hacer hincapié en la urgencia de atender integralmente los florecimientos algales y su monitoreo sistemático

    Effects of Climate Change on the Production of Polysaccharides and Phycobiliproteins by Nostoc commune Vaucher ex Bornet et Flahault

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    Nostoc commune synthesizes polysaccharides and phycobiliproteins under natural conditions, but little is known about how environmental changes could affect their production. In this study, colonies of N. commune were subjected to increases in ultraviolet radiation, ammonium concentration, electrical conductivity, and temperature, to assess the potential changes in the concentrations of polysaccharides and phycobiliproteins. The results indicate that UVB radiation significantly increased the synthesis of polysaccharides (F = 62.691; p < 0.01), while UVA radiation caused a significant increase in the production of total phycobiliproteins (F = 22.472, p < 0.01) phycocyanin (F = 8.546, p < 0.01), phycoerythrin (F = 12.876, p < 0.01), and allophycocyanin (F = 58.143, p < 0.001). Also, 50 μM NH4Cl significantly increased the synthesis of polysaccharides (F = 45.706; p < 0.01) while increased near significant total phycobiliproteins (F = 5.043, p < 0.1), phycoerythrins (F = 4.57, p < 0.1), allophycocyanin (F = 4.892, p < 0.1), and phycocyanin (F = 4.921, p < 0.1). Furthermore, a conductivity value of 4 mScm− 1 enhanced near significant the production of polysaccharides (F = 4.816; p < 0.1) and phycocyanin (F = 9.728, p < 0.1). Nevertheless, a significant effect of total phycobiliproteins was observed (F = 23.686, p < 0.01), as well as allophycocyanin (F = 57.092, p < 0.001), and phycoerythrin (F = 13.928, p < 0.01). Finally, the optimal temperature for the synthesis of polysaccharides was 30 °C. Also, 30 ºC significantly increased the synthesis of total phycobiliproteins (F = 292.211, p < 0.001), as well as on phycocyanin (F = 126.433, p < 0.001) and allophycocyanin (F = 7.991, p < 0.05). These data indicate the ability of N. commune to modify its synthesis of polysaccharides and phycobiliproteins in response to extreme environmental conditions related to climate change, underscoring the interest in N. commune for future applied research on the biotechnological and pharmaceutical production of both types of compounds

    Participation of microorganisms in the conservation of the cave painting of the ciervos negros shelter (moratalla, murcia)

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    El abrigo de Ciervos Negros de Moratalla (Murcia), de estilo levantino, contiene pinturas rupestres que se corresponden con el postpaleolítico. En su interior, se ha detectado la presencia de microrganismos donde predominan las algas, concretamente las cianofíceas. Estas especies se desarrollan tanto de modo epilítico como casmoendolítico formando tapices, pátinas y costras que rodean todo el conjunto pictórico de Ciervos Negros que, en ocasiones, están muy próximas a algunas pictografías, lo que podría acelerar su deterior