2 research outputs found

    Percepción de los comportamientos de cuidado humanizado en los usuarios hospitalizados en una institución de salud de 3° y 4° nivel de atención

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    Objective:to describe the degree of perceived behaviors of nursing care with 3rd and 4th level of care hospitalized users in a health institution. Materials and Methods: quantitative Research descriptive type with cross sectional approach, the sample consisted of 269 hospitalized users in the institution that met the inclusion criteria. The instrument used was the Perception of Behaviors of Humanized Nursing second version. Results: 72% of the hospitalized patients perceived as excellent humanized care behaviors, referring to have greater satisfaction with care provided by nursing staff belonging to the feeling of the patient, physical support, prioritizing the cared being prioritization and qualities of nurses practice. These categories were rated highly by the target population while the providing care, emotional support and empathy had the lowest rating values. Conclusions: the study reveals that users appreciate the actions of attention, affection, guidance and listening received by nursing staff, because they were the actions with the highest percentage obtained; However, despite the perceived satisfaction, it is necessary to improve the support provided to them at critical moments which it is not done because of the workload that demands the nursing staff, and this way to improve the  quality of giving care.  Keywords: Quality of health care, nursing, humanization of care, patient satisfaction.Objetivo: describir el grado de percepción de los comportamientos del cuidado de enfermería en los usuarios hospitalizados en una institución  de salud de 3° y 4° nivel de atención. Materiales y Métodos: investigación de tipo cuantitativa con abordaje descriptivo de corte transversal, la muestra estuvo conformada por 269 usuarios hospitalizados en la institución que cumplieran con los requisitos de inclusión. El instrumento utilizado fue el de Percepción de Comportamientos  del Cuidado Humanizado de Enfermería segunda versión. Resultados: el 72% de los usuarios hospitalizados percibieron como excelentes los comportamientos del cuidado humanizado, refiriendo tener mayor satisfacción con los cuidados brindados por el personal de enfermería, pertenecientes a  las categorías sentimiento del paciente, apoyo físico, priorización al ser cuidado y cualidades del hacer de la enfermera siendo estas las categorías con  mejor calificación por parte de la población objeto de estudio;  mientras que disponibilidad para la atención, dar apoyo emocional, y empatía tuvieron los valores más bajos de calificación. Conclusiones: el estudio revela que los usuarios valoran más las acciones de atención, cariño, orientación y escucha recibidos por el personal de enfermería, porque fueron las acciones con el mayor porcentaje obtenido; sin embargo, y a pesar de la satisfacción percibida debe mejorarse el apoyo que se les brinda en momentos críticos que muchas veces no se realiza debido a la carga laboral que demanda el personal de enfermería, y de esta manera se mejora la calidad de los cuidados ofrecidos. Palabras Clave: Calidad de la atención de salud, enfermería, humanización de la atención, satisfacción del paciente. Perception of humanized care behaviors among 3rd and 4th level of care hospitalized users in a health institution  Abstract Objective:to describe the degree of perceived behaviors of nursing care with 3rd and 4th level of care hospitalized users in a health institution. Materials and Methods: quantitative Research descriptive type with cross sectional approach, the sample consisted of 269 hospitalized users in the institution that met the inclusion criteria. The instrument used was the Perception of Behaviors of Humanized Nursing second version. Results: 72% of the hospitalized patients perceived as excellent humanized care behaviors, referring to have greater satisfaction with care provided by nursing staff belonging to the feeling of the patient, physical support, prioritizing the cared being prioritization and qualities of nurses practice. These categories were rated highly by the target population while the providing care, emotional support and empathy had the lowest rating values. Conclusions: the study reveals that users appreciate the actions of attention, affection, guidance and listening received by nursing staff, because they were the actions with the highest percentage obtained; However, despite the perceived satisfaction, it is necessary to improve the support provided to them at critical moments which it is not done because of the workload that demands the nursing staff, and this way to improve the  quality of giving care.  Keywords: quality of health care, nursing, humanization of care, patient satisfaction. Percepção de comportamentos de cuidado humanizado entre os internados em uma instituição de saúde usuários de terceiro e quarto nível de cuidados  Resumo Objetivo: para descrever o grau de comportamentos percebidos de cuidados de enfermagem em pacientes internados em uma terceira instituição de saúde e quarto nível de atenção. Materiais e Métodos: tipo de pesquisa descritiva quantitativa, com abordagem transversal, a amostra foi composta por 269 usuários internados na instituição que atenderam aos critérios de inclusão. O instrumento utilizado foi a Percepção de Comportamentos de Enfermagem Humanizada segunda versão.  Resultados: 72% dos pacientes hospitalizados percebidos como excelentes comportamentos de cuidados humanizados, referindo-se a ter uma maior satisfação com os cuidados prestados por enfermeiros pertencentes a ; o sentimento do paciente, suporte físico, sendo priorização e qualidades para cuidar dessas categorias cuidado a ser classificado como altamente pelas categorias populacionais estudo enquanto prestação de cuidados, dar apoio emocional e empatia apresentaram os menores valores de classificação. Conclusões: o estudo mostra que os usuários apreciam as ações de atenção, carinho, orientação e ouvir recebido por enfermeiros, porque eram as ações com o maior percentual obtido; no entanto, apesar da satisfação percebida deve melhorar o apoio prestado a eles em momentos críticos muitas vezes não realizados por causa da carga de trabalho que exige enfermeiros e, assim, a qualidade do atendimento é melhorou oferecido. Palabras-Chave: qualidade dos cuidados de saúde, enfermagem, humanização do atendimento, satisfação do paciente

    El caso del Hospital Regional Suroriental, Chinácota, Colombia

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    Objetivo: determinar la continuidad en el servicio de urgencias de la Empresa Social del Estado (ESE) Hospital Regional Suroriental entre el 01 de junio de 2016 al 31 de junio del 2017. Métodos: investigación cuantitativa, descriptiva, de corte transversal; población de 16.801 pacientes. Se usó variable dependiente la continuidad de la atención en el servicio de urgencias, con variables independientes como edad, genero, régimen de afiliación, mes de consulta, triaje y tiempo de estancia. Resultados: respecto al sexo, la mayor parte de consultantes al servicio eran hombres; respecto al grupo etario, niños entre 0-9 años; por afiliación al sistema de salud, pertenecían al régimen subsidiado; por clasificación de prioridad en la atención, triaje III. Respecto al egreso, la mayoría fueron dados de alta; los tiempos de permanencia fueron prolongados, con alta dispersión de los datos. Discusión: la continuidad de la atención en el servicio de urgencias se encuentra afectada por largos tiempos de estancia en el servicio, independientemente del triaje. Lo anterior denota posibles fallas en la calidad de la atención y pone en riesgo el bienestar y la vida de los usuarios.Objective: To determine the continuity in the emergency service of the state-owned hospital (ESE) ‘Hospital Regional Suroriental’ between June 01, 2016 and June 30, 2017. Methods: It is a quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional research. The population consisted of 16,801 patients. The dependent variable was the continuity in the emergency health care service and the independent variables were age, gender, type of coverage, checkup month, triage, and time staying at the hospital. Results: Regarding the gender, most of the people going to the doctor’s office were male; regarding the age, they were children between 0-9 years; and regarding the health coverage, they were in the statesubsidized health care regime; regarding the health care priority, they were treated as triage III. Most of them were discharged after a long stay at the hospital, with highly-scattered data. Discussion: Continuity in the health care at the emergency services is affected by long stays, regardless of the triage. It indicates potential failures in the quality of health care and means some risks for the patient’s well-being and life