235 research outputs found

    Editor\u27s Welcome for Volume 2, Issue 1

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    December 2015 Welcome

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    Symptoms of ADHD are related to education and work experience among incarcerated adults

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    Several reports document increased prevalence of attention deficit and hyperactivity (ADHD) and similar symptoms in incarcerated members of the community, but little is known about how the symptoms are related to education and work experience. An ongoing study among Norwegian inmates reveals that 60 % report signs of ADHD. In the present study a sample of 600 inmates incarcerated in Norway filled out a questionnaire including the WURS-k (Wender Utah Rating Scale, short form) and questions to survey completed education level and work experience. A clear relationship was found between the WURS-k score and earlier job-experience, with increased probability of ADHD with work experience from low socio-economic status jobs. The scale was also found to share variance with the inmates’ reported education history, as higher education reduces the probability of ADHD among the incarcerated adults. Thus, the WURS-k could be a useful screening instrument in education assessment among inmates. The link between the present findings and development of anti-social behaviour is discussed

    Maligne svulster i hode og halsregionen hos organtransplanterte i Norge

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    Bakgrunn: Flere studier har påvist sammenheng mellom organtransplantasjon og utvikling av maligne svulster i hode- og halsregionen. Det viser seg at disse er mindre differensierte, mer aggressive og har lettere for å metastasere enn for normalbefolkningen. Jeg ønsker i denne artikkelen å belyse noen faktorer for denne utviklingen i et obligatorisk studentprosjekt ved det medisinske fakultetet ved UiO. Materiale og metode: Registre over nyre- og hjerte/lungetransplanterte frem til 15.12.09 (5450+950stk) ble kryssjekket med CaHN-databasen (f.o.m. 1983) for å identifisere pasienter med senere utvikling av plateepitelkarsinomer (SSC) og basalcellekarsinomer (BCC) i hode og hals. Tallmaterialet vårt ble sammenliknet med internasjonale artikler og samlet kunnskap fra bl.a. UpToDate og Clinical Evidence. Resultat: Vi fant 26 nyretransplanterte i våre databaser med postoperativ utvikling av maligne tumorer i hode og hals. Dette bare ca 10 % av forventet antall, men disse tumorene syntes å være til dels udifferensierte, vanskelig klassifiserbare og aggressive. Dette gir en redusert prognose og er også vist i internasjonale studier. Tilsvarende lav forekomst ble også gjort for transplantasjoner av hjerte og lunge med kun 11 av 950 pasienter. Transplanterte i Norge med maligne svulster blir ofte behandlet ved andre sykehus enn Rikshospitalet. Dette blir ikke alltid registrert i våre journaler og vi antar at dette er hovedgrunnen til den lave forekomsten i vårt materiale

    Barriers to the development of carbon farming technologies in Europe: The case of Liquid Natural Clay (LNC)

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    Human-related activities are impacting the Earth at a large scale, and the global mean surface temperature increased by 1.1oC above pre-industrial levels between 2011 and 2020. The increase in greenhouse gas emissions released into the atmosphere results in climate change. One large emitting sector is agriculture. However, agriculture has the potential to significantly contribute to the sustainability transition by implementing farming practices where carbon is stored in the soil – referring to carbon farming. Climate change is also affecting the soil negatively and has been a driver for desertification and increased droughts. Carbon farming can play a role in both preventing and combating desertification. Liquid Natural Clay (LNC) is the case for the research and is a niche innovation developed by the Norwegian Agri-tech company Desert Control AS. The technology enriches the fertility capability in sandy soils and degraded lands. Sandy soils contain low soil organic matter, meaning the degree of soil organic carbon is low. Plant growth will increase the amount of soil organic matter and soil organic carbon. Therefore, LNC can be seen as a carbon farming technology. The research explores barriers to the development of carbon farming technologies in Europe and how these barriers can be adapted to the research case, LNC. The research primarily focuses on European Union (EU) policies at the intersection of climate action, agriculture, and technology development, and whether the EU policies are suitable to overcome the identified barriers. The data for the research have been collected by conducting a document analysis, a literature review, seven semi-structured interviews, and attending two conferences. The data collection identified ten barriers, eight of which were addressed by the abovementioned policies. Moreover, it was found that most of the barriers were relevant to the development of the research case, the niche innovation LNC, to varying degrees. The research concludes that the policies are suitable to overcome the barriers to a certain extent. Climate action, sustainable agriculture, carbon farming, technology development, and desertification are receiving more political focus now than ever before. The EU allocates large amounts of money to sustainable innovation, research, and development. In contrast, most policies do not explicitly explain how to overcome the barriers, even though the barriers are addressed in the policies. Although, the increased awareness of the barriers is a start. The abovementioned policies are either communications, strategies, or initiatives. None are legally binding, even though some policy targets are legally binding. However, stimulating positive, voluntary engagement can be equally efficient to increase awareness and facilitate further development

    Editor\u27s Welcome for Volume 3, Issue 1

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    Welcome to the fall issue of volume 3 of the JPER. The spring issue appeared with a focus on women in prison. Brittnie Aiello and Krista McQueeney contributed an article on the implications for understanding motherhood as a mechanism of moral identity and social control. They discussed how incarcerated mothers constructed moral identities in the face of stigma of incarceration. Following an analysis of data from participant observation and in-depth interviews with incarcerated mothers, they discuss how mothers claim moral identities by embracing the identity of incarcerated mothers to reinforce the assumptions that motherhood is compulsory and should be reserved for women with enough money and standing to give their children advantages

    (Re)evaluating Young Adult Literature: Contextualizing ‘Police Violence’ Novels with African American Literature and History

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    Engelsk mastergradsoppgaveENG350MAHF-ENGMAHF-LÆF

    Editor\u27s Welcome for Volume 3, Issue 2

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    Welcome to the fall issue of volume 3 of the JPER. The spring issue appeared with a focus on women in prison. Brittnie Aiello and Krista McQueeney contributed an article on the implications for understanding motherhood as a mechanism of moral identity and social control. They discussed how incarcerated mothers constructed moral identities in the face of stigma of incarceration. Following an analysis of data from participant observation and in-depth interviews with incarcerated mothers, they discuss how mothers claim moral identities by embracing the identity of incarcerated mothers to reinforce the assumptions that motherhood is compulsory and should be reserved for women with enough money and standing to give their children advantages