682 research outputs found

    Historical Fabrications on the Internet: Recognition, Evaluation, and Use in Bibliographic Instruction

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    Although the Internet provides access to a wealth of information, there is little, if any, control over the quality of that information. Side-by-side with reliable information, one finds disinformation, misinformation, and hoaxes. The authors of this paper discuss numerous examples of fabricated historical information on the Internet (ranging from denials of the Holocaust to personal vendettas), offer suggestions on how to evaluate websites, and argue that these fabrications can be incorporated into bibliographic instruction classes

    Conformal Dynamics of Precursors to Fracture

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    An exact integro-differential equation for the conformal map from the unit circle to the boundary of an evolving cavity in a stressed 2-dimensional solid is derived. This equation provides an accurate description of the dynamics of precursors to fracture when surface diffusion is important. The solution predicts the creation of sharp grooves that eventually lead to material failure via rapid fracture. Solutions of the new equation are demonstrated for the dynamics of an elliptical cavity and the stability of a circular cavity under biaxial stress, including the effects of surface stress.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Phase Field Modeling of Fast Crack Propagation

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    We present a continuum theory which predicts the steady state propagation of cracks. The theory overcomes the usual problem of a finite time cusp singularity of the Grinfeld instability by the inclusion of elastodynamic effects which restore selection of the steady state tip radius and velocity. We developed a phase field model for elastically induced phase transitions; in the limit of small or vanishing elastic coefficients in the new phase, fracture can be studied. The simulations confirm analytical predictions for fast crack propagation.Comment: 5 pages, 11 figure

    Possible world-wide middle miocene iridium anomaly and its relationship to periodicity of impacts and extinctions

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    In a study of one million years of Middle Miocene sediment deposition in ODP Hole 689B in the Weddell Sea near Antarctica, a single iridium (Ir) anomaly of 44 (+ or - 10) x 10 to the 12th gram Ir per gram rock (ppt) was observed in core 6H, section 3, 50 to 60 cm, after background contributions associated with manganese precipitates and clay are subtracted. The ODP Hole 689B is 10,000 km away from another site, DSDP Hole 588B in the Tasman Sea north of New Zealand, where a single Ir anomaly of 144 + or - 7 ppt over a background of 11 ppt was found in an earlier study of 3 million years of deposition. From chemical measurements the latter deposition was thought to be impact-related. Ir measurements were made, following neutron activation, with the Iridium Coincidence Spectrometer. The age vs depth calibration curves given in the DSDP and ODP preliminary reports indicate the ages of the Iranomalies are identical, 11.7 million years, but the absolute and relative uncertainties in the curves are not known. Based on the newest age data the age estimate is 10 million years. As the Ir was deposited at the two sites at about the same time and they are one quarter of the way around the world from each other it seems likely that the deposition was world-wide. The impact of a large asteroid or comet could produce the wide distribution, and this data is supportive of the impact relationship deduced for Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) 588B from the chemical evidence. If the surface densities of Ir at the two sites are representative of the world-wide average, the diameter of a Cl type asteroid containing the necessary Ir would be 3 + or - 1 km, which is large enough to cause world-wide darkness and hence extinctions although the latter point is disputed

    Photoexcitation and ionization in molecular oxygen: Theoretical studies of electronic transitions in the discrete and continuous spectral intervals

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    Theoretical studies of valence-electron (1πg, 1πu, 3σg) photoexcitation and ionization cross sections in molecular oxygen are reported employing separated-channel static-exchange calculations and the Stieltjes–Tchebycheff moment-theory technique. As in previously reported investigations of photoexcitation and ionization in small molecules following this approach, canonical Hartree–Fock orbitals, large Gaussian basis sets, and many-electron eigenstates of correct symmetry are used in defining appropriate noncentral static-exchange potentials and in computations of the appropriate discrete and continuum transition strengths. It is particularly important in molecular oxygen to incorporate the appropriate ionic parentages of the various photoionization multiplet states in order to obtain the correct partial-channel cross sections. The calculated discrete series associated with 1πg excitation are found to be in good agreement with available experimental assignments and previously reported theoretical studies, and the predicted states associated with 1πu and 3σg excitations are in general accord with assignments for the higher series based on spectral and quantum-defect analysis. Although the observed photoelectron spectra and photoionization cross sections are relatively complex, the calculated total vertical electronic photoabsorption cross section and the partial-channel photoionization cross sections for production of X 2πg, a 4πu, A 2πu, 2 2πu, 3 3IIu, b 4∑g-, and B 2∑g-, ionic states are found to be in good accord with recent synchrotron radiation, line-source, electron-impact, and (e,2e) dipole oscillator-strength measurements when proper account is taken of the parentages of the various multiplet states. The partial-channel cross sections exhibit resonancelike structures that can be attributed to contributions from diabatic valencelike virtual states that appear in the appropriate photoionization continua, rather that in the corresponding discrete spectral intervals. These features in the dipole spectrum of molecular oxygen are discussed and are contrasted and compared with the results of previously reported related studies in molecular nitrogen and carbon monoxide

    Impact of vehicular emissions in an urban area of the Po valley by microscale simulation with the GRAL dispersion model

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    This work sets out the test of the GRAL model (Graz Lagrangian Model, vs.18.1) in the urban area of Modena (Po valley, Northern Italy). The simulation domain sizes 2 000 x 3 000 m2 and it features 'microscale' cells of 4 x 4 m2. The simulation focuses on an intersection featured by large traffic flows next to a school and a regulatory air quality monitoring station classified as an urban traffic site. The model is a lagrangian particle dispersion model and it takes into account the presence of buildings as obstacles and generating microscale wind fields accordingly, making this class of model suitable for investigating spatial pattern of atmospheric pollution in urban areas where local accumulation might occur. The simulation investigates traffic emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) over the period October 29 to November 10, 2016, when direct measurements of traffic flow were collected by four one-channel doppler radar traffic counters. These counters provided continuous estimate of vehicle length, speed and number. These latter data were combined with available traffic flows at rush hour by PTV VISUM mobility software and the fleet composition of the municipality to estimate the total NOx emissions by vehicular traffic over the roads included in the simulation domain. NOx simulated concentrations showed a moderate correlation with the NOx observations at the nearby monitoring site. To have a better insight on the potential and the limitations of the GRAL model, its results will be compared with the output of the lagrangian particle dispersion model PMSS over the same area

    Nonlinear evolution of surface morphology in InAs/AlAs superlattices via surface diffusion

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    Continuum simulations of self-organized lateral compositional modulation growth in InAs/AlAs short-period superlattices on InP substrate are presented. Results of the simulations correspond quantitatively to the results of synchrotron x-ray diffraction experiments. The time evolution of the compositional modulation during epitaxial growth can be explained only including a nonlinear dependence of the elastic energy of the growing epitaxial layer on its thickness. From the fit of the experimental data to the growth simulations we have determined the parameters of this nonlinear dependence. It was found that the modulation amplitude don't depend on the values of the surface diffusion constants of particular elements.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, published in Phys. Rev. Lett. http://link.aps.org/abstract/PRL/v96/e13610

    Influence of uniaxial stress on the lamellar spacing of eutectics

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    Directional solidification of lamellar eutectic structures submitted to uniaxial stress is investigated. In the spirit of an approximation first used by Jackson and Hunt, we calculate the stress tensor for a two-dimensional crystal with triangular surface, using a Fourier expansion of the Airy function. crystal with triangular surface in contact with its melt, given that a uniaxial external stress is applied. The effect of the resulting change in chemical potential is introduced into the standard model for directional solidification of a lamellar eutectic. This calculation is motivated by an observation, made recently [I. Cantat, K. Kassner, C. Misbah, and H. M\"uller-Krumbhaar, Phys. Rev. E, in press] that the thermal gradient produces similar effects as a strong gravitational field in the case of dilute-alloy solidification. Therefore, the coupling between the Grinfeld and the Mullins-Sekerka instabilities becomes strong, as the critical wavelength of the former instability gets reduced to a value close to that of the latter. Analogously, in the case of eutectics, the characteristic length scale of the Grinfeld instability should be reduced to a size not extremely far from typical lamellar spacings. In a Jackson-Hunt like approach we average the undercooling, including the stress term, over a pair of lamellae. Following Jackson and Hunt, we assume the selected wavelength to be determined by the minimum undercooling criterion and compute its shift due to the external stress. we realize the shifting of the wavelength by the application of external stress. In addition, we find that in general the volume fraction of the two solid phases is changed by uniaxial stress. Implications for experiments on eutectics are discussed.Comment: 8 pages RevTex, 6 included ps-figures, accepted for Phys. Rev.

    Early Neuromuscular Blockade in Moderate-to-Severe Pediatric Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome

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    Objectives: The use of neuromuscular blocking agents (NMBAs) in pediatric acute respiratory distress syndrome (PARDS) is common but unsupported by efficacy data. We sought to compare the outcomes between patients with moderate-to-severe PARDS receiving continuous NMBA during the first 48 hours of endotracheal intubation (early NMBA) and those without. Design: Secondary analysis of data from the Randomized Evaluation of Sedation Titration for Respiratory Failure (RESTORE) clinical trial, a pediatric multicenter cluster randomized trial of sedation. Setting: Thirty-one PICUs in the United States. Patients: Children 2 weeks to 17 years receiving invasive mechanical ventilation (MV) for moderate-to-severe PARDS (i.e., oxygenation index >= 8 and bilateral infiltrates on chest radiograph on days 0-1 of endotracheal intubation). Interventions: NMBA for the entire duration of days 1 and 2 after intubation. Measurements and Main Results: Among 1,182 RESTORE patients with moderate-to-severe PARDS, 196 (17%) received early NMBA for a median of 50.0% ventilator days (interquartile range, 33.3-60.7%). The propensity score model predicting the probability of receiving early NMBA included high-frequency oscillatory ventilation on days 0-2 (odds ratio [OR], 7.61; 95% CI, 4.75-12.21) and severe PARDS on days 0-1 (OR, 2.16; 95% CI, 1.50-3.12). After adjusting for risk category, early use of NMBA was associated with a longer duration of MV (hazard ratio, 0.57; 95% CI, 0.48-0.68; p < 0.0001), but not with mortality (OR, 1.62; 95% CI, 0.92-2.85; p = 0.096) compared with no early use of NMBA. Other outcomes including cognitive, functional, and physical impairment at 6 months post-PICU discharge were similar. Outcomes did not differ when comparing high versus low NMBA usage sites or when patients were stratified by baseline PaO2/FIO2 less than 150. Conclusions: Early NMBA use was associated with a longer duration of MV. This propensity score analysis underscores the need for a randomized controlled trial in pediatrics
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