6 research outputs found

    Phenotypic screening of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp) genotypes for resistance to cowpea viral diseases

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    Viruses are a major constraint to cowpea production in sub-Saharan Africa. Host plant resistance is the most effective and reliable method of managing viral diseases. In order to identify the source of resistance or tolerance, 38 cowpea genotypes were screened for virus infection under field conditions during the 2016 wet and dry seasons. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design with four replications in both seasons. Disease severity was assessed fortnightly based on disease symptom using 1-5 visual scale (1=symptomless, and 5= very severe symptom). The cowpea genotypes exhibited varying reactions to viral infections with mean disease incidence ranging from 17.7% in the fourth week to 29.2% in the eighth week for the wet season and from 34.4% to 53.1% for the fourth and eighth week, respectively in the dry season. Symptoms observed were leaf mosaic (86.7%), leaf mottling (86.7%), chlorotic spots (34.2%), vein clearing (28.9%), leaf curl (26.3%), necrotic lesions (15.8%) and stunting (10.5%). Symptom severity in the rainy season ranged from symptomless (severity score of 1) in IT10K-819-4 and IT07K-297-13 to moderate symptom (severity score of 2.9) in Apagbaala. However, in the dry season, the symptom severity score ranged from 1.11 (mild symptom) in Marfo Tuya to a score of 2.4 (moderate symptom) in IT07K-298-9, thus demonstrating a significant genotype x season interaction effect. Incidence and severity were significantly higher in the dry season than in the rainy season. There was a strong positive correlation between the disease incidence and disease severity as well as AUDPC and no correlation between the cowpea incidence and the seed yield and plant height in the wet season. There was a negative correlation between the incidence and plant height in the dry season. Six genotypes (IT07-210-1-1, IT07K-297-13, IT08K-193- 14, IT09-456, IT10K-817-3 and IT10K-819-4) exhibited mild symptoms and gave high yields in both seasons, thus demonstrating a stable G x E interaction effect. These disease resistant genotypes could be evaluated further before release to farmers.Keywords: Area Under Disease Progress Curve, Host resistance, Vigna unguiculata, Viral disease

    Hunting practices and heavy metals concentrations in fresh and smoked wildmeats in Kumasi, Ghana

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    The consumption of bush meat is currently a common practice in sub-urban and urban communities of Africa. The study investigates hunting practices and heavy metals (Cu, Zn, Fe, Pb, Cd and Mn) concentrations in fresh and smoked bush meats in Kumasi, Ghana. The animal samples were obtained from Sekyere Dumase, Atwemunom and Central Markets. A total of 32 samples from various game animals were used for the study. The samples were wet digested and analyzed using the Atomic Absorption Spectrometer. The use of guns (68%) was the most applied method of capture followed by cutlasses (10%), dogs (4%), traps (2%) and baits (2%). In the fresh meat, the concentration of Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb was 12.72±2.56mg⁻kg 5.16±2.65mg⁻kg, 0.96±0.29mg⁻kg, 7.40±0.68 mg ⁻kg, 0.10±0.00 mg ⁻kg and 4.31±3.46 mg ⁻kg respectively while in smoked meats, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb were 15.28±2.29 mg ⁻kg, 5.33±0.98 mg ⁻kg, 0.94±0.98 mg⁻kg, 7.39±0.57 mg ⁻kg, 0.1±0.00 mg ⁻kg, 0.07±0.00 mg ⁻kg respectively. Higher amount of Lead (Pb) was found in the fresh wild meat than in the processed. The levels of Zinc in both the fresh and smoked bush meat were high while Mn, Cu, Fe and Cd in both fresh and smoked meats were in the acceptable range recommended for human consumption. However, there is need to monitor the levels of heavy metals in bush meat in relation to the hunting practices so as to avoid any possibility of poisoning to human health.Keywords: Heavy metals, Bush meat, Hunting, Ghana, Healt

    Healthy Diet and Reduction of Chronic Disease Risks of Night Shift Workers

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