817 research outputs found

    Corporate Aesthetics and Communication in the Urban Arts and Visual Culture of Kumasi

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    Kumasi is the capital city of the Asante Kingdom of Ghana. Being the seat of the throne of the Asantehene, the King of Asante’s, Kumasi is widely acknowledged as the major cultural city of Ghana. A study of the history of the people of Kumasi reveals that culture and art permeates their everyday life. Scholars have done some studies on the arts and economics of Asante and how it reflects their cultural life. However, a scholarly analysis of how corporate aesthetics is reflected in the urban art and visual culture of Kumasi has not been explored. In the bid to achieve this main objective, the paper discusses the corporate identities and cultural transformations in Kumasi, billboards, corporate commerce and savings, consuming visual culture and family finance and urban fantasies. The study is qualitative in nature and employs the descriptive method to provide an accurate description of specific urban arts in Kumasi

    Effects of farmers\' seed source on maize seed quality and crop productivity

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    Although farmer-saved seeds constitute about 90 per cent of maize seeds planted annually, their effects on crop performance are not well known. This study determined the seed quality and field performance of farmer-saved seeds of the most popular quality protein maize (QPM) variety, Obatanpa, compared to the certified seed of the same variety. Seed samples collected from four locations (Kwadaso, Ejura, Nkoranzah and Wenchi) showed higher percentage complete vital staining of embryos using 2, 3, 5 triphenyl tetrazolium chloride (TTC) and higher 1000-seed weight in certified seeds, indicating high vigour and complete seed development. Whereas germinating seedlings of the certified seeds did not show any fungal growth, farmersaved seeds showed profuse fungal development and stunting. Seedling counts showed 9 and 21 per cent reduction in certified and farmer-saved seeds, respectively; but plant counts before harvest showed 12 and 23 per cent reduction. Plants originating from certified seeds flowered at the predetermined date of 55 days, but the farmer-saved seeds flowered about a day or two later owing to reduced vigour. Lodging was less in plants originating from certified seeds, particularly in the trial planted at Ejura (transition zone) compared to Kwadaso (forest zone). The advantages of certified seeds reflected on increased grain yield, which was about 1.2 t ha-1, equal to ¢1,100,000.00 (110)ha−1or47percentincreasesoverthefarmer−savedseeds.Thestudy,therefore,showedtheimportanceofcertifiedseedsinincreasingmaizeproductivityandfarmers′incomes.Bienquelasemencegardeˊeparl′agriculteurconstitueenviron90pourcentdegrainesdemaı¨ssemeˊesannuellement,seseffetssurlerendementdeculturenesontpasbienconnus.Uneeˊtudeeˊtaitentreprisepourdeˊterminerlaqualiteˊdegraineetlerendementsurleterraindesemencegardeˊparl′agriculteurdelavarieˊteˊlapluspopulairedumaı¨sproteˊiquedequaliteˊ(MPQ),Obatanpa,compareˊaˋlagrainecertifieˊedelame^mevarieˊteˊ.Leseˊchantillonsdegrainerecueillisdequatreemplacements(Wenchi,Nkoranzah,EjuraetKwadaso)montraientunpourcentagepluseˊleveˊdeta^chesembryonnairesvitalesetcompleˊtes,appliquant2,3,5chloruretripheˊnylteˊtrazolium(CTT),ainsiqu′unpoidsde1000grainespluseˊleveˊesensemencecertifieˊe,indiquantunevigueureˊleveˊeetundeˊveloppementcompletdegraine.Tandisquelessemisgermantdesemencescertifieˊesn′ontpasmontreˊaucunecroissancefongique,lessemencesgardeˊsparlesagriculteursmontraientundeˊveloppementfongiqueabondantetretardeˊ.Lescomptesdesemismontraient9et21pourcentdereˊductionrespectivementensemencecertifieˊeetensemencegardeˊeparl′agriculteur,tandisquelescomptesdeplanteavantlamoissonmontraient12et23pourcentdereˊduction.Lesplantespoussantdesemencescertifieˊesfleurissaientaˋladatedeˊtermineˊede55jours,tandisquelessemencesgardeˊesparl′agriculteurfleurissaientenvironunoudeuxjoursplustardaˋcausedevigueurreˊduite.Moinsdelaverseseproduisaientchezlesplantespoussantdesemencescertifieˊes,surtoutdanslesculturesd′essaiplanteˊesaˋEjura(zonedetransition)compareˊaˋl′essaideKwadaso(zonedefore^t).Lesavantagesdesemencescertifieˊessetraduisaientdansl′augmentationderendementdegraine,quieˊtaientenviron1.2t/ha,uneˊquivalentde¢1,100,000.00(110) ha-1 or 47 per cent increases over the farmer-saved seeds. The study, therefore, showed the importance of certified seeds in increasing maize productivity and farmers' incomes. Bien que la semence gardée par l'agriculteur constitue environ 90 pour cent de graines de maïs semées annuellement, ses effets sur le rendement de culture ne sont pas bien connus. Une étude était entreprise pour déterminer la qualité de graine et le rendement sur le terrain de semence gardé par l'agriculteur de la variété la plus populaire du maïs protéique de qualité (MPQ), Obatanpa, comparé à la graine certifiée de la même variété. Les échantillons de graine recueillis de quatre emplacements (Wenchi, Nkoranzah, Ejura et Kwadaso) montraient un pourcentage plus élevé de tâches embryonnaires vitales et complétes, appliquant 2,3,5 chlorure triphényl tétrazolium (CTT), ainsi qu'un poids de 1000 graines plus élevées en semence certifiée, indiquant une vigueur élevée et un développement complet de graine. Tandis que les semis germant de semences certifiées n'ont pas montré aucune croissance fongique, les semences gardés par les agriculteurs montraient un développement fongique abondant et retardé. Les comptes de semis montraient 9 et 21 pour cent de réduction respectivement en semence certifiée et en semence gardée par l'agriculteur, tandis que les comptes de plante avant la moisson montraient 12 et 23 pour cent de réduction. Les plantes poussant de semences certifiées fleurissaient à la date déterminée de 55 jours, tandis que les semences gardées par l'agriculteur fleurissaient environ un ou deux jours plus tard à cause de vigueur réduite. Moins de la verse se produisaient chez les plantes poussant de semences certifiées, surtout dans les cultures d'essai plantées à Ejura (zone de transition) comparé à l'essai de Kwadaso (zone de forêt). Les avantages de semences certifiées se traduisaient dans l'augmentation de rendement de graine, qui étaient environ 1.2 t/ha, un équivalent de ¢1,100,000.00 (110)/ha ou 47 pour cent d'augmentation par rapport aux semences gardées par l'agriculteur. L'étude, par conséquent, démontraient l'importance de semences certifiées à l'augmentation de la productivité de maïs et les revenus d'agriculteurs. Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science Vol. 40 (1) 2007: pp. 105-11

    Causes of Death in Hospitalized HIV Patients in the Early Anti-Retroviral Therapy Era

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    Objective: To establish the cause(s) of death among persons with HIV and AIDS admitted to the Fevers Unit of the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital (KBTH) in 2007 and to determine whether they were AIDS-relatedin the era of availability of HAARTMethod: Retrospective chart review of all deaths that occurred in the year 2007 among inpatients with HIV infection. Cause of Death (COD) was established with post mortem diagnosis, where not available ICD-10 was reviewed independently by two physicians experienced in HIV medicine and a consensus reached as to the most likely COD.Results: In the year under review, 215 (97%) of the 221 adult deaths studied were caused by AIDS and HIV-associated illnesses. Of these, 123 (55.7%) were due to an AIDS-defining illness as described in CDC Category 3 or WHO stage 4. Infections accounted for most of the deaths 158 (71.5%), many of them opportunistic 82 (51.8%). Tuberculosis was the commonest COD. Clinical diagnosis of TB was accurate in 54% of deaths, but was not validated by autopsy in 36% of deaths. There were few deaths (14.5%) in patients on HAART.Conclusion: In a developing country like Ghana where HAART was still not fully accessible, AIDS-related events remained the major causes of death in persons living with HIV. Total scale-up of the ART programme with continuous availability of antiretrovirals is therefore imperative to reduce deaths from AIDS and HIV associated illnesses. There is need for interventions for early diagnosis as well as reduction in late presentation and also better diagnostic tools for tuberculosis.Keywords Cause of death, HIV, AIDS, HAART, Ghana, Tuberculosi

    Health-seeking behaviour of tuberculosis patients and related factors in the central region of Ghana

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    The health seeking behaviour of TB patients and health service related barriers have been cited to have an influence on the management of the disease in countries with high incidence of TB. Using close and open-ended questionnaires, an assessment of the health seeking behaviour of 302 TB patients selected from 24 DOTS centres in six districts in the Central  Region of Ghana was carried out. Under service-related barriers, distance from home to DOTS centre significantly impacted on the management of TB among sufferers (p=0.025). Though not significant, patients  acknowledged the good reception by staff at treatment centres with 99.3% of them being comfortable with staff and services provided at centres. Majority (46.7%) of patients perceived TB to be caused by the oral route while only 9.3% knew the causative agent to be bacteria. Compared with males, quite a number of women did not have adequate knowledge on TB (p<0.05). More than half of the respondents sought treatment elsewhere as first point of treatment before reporting to the DOTS centre. Health insurance played an important role in the health seeking behaviour of respondents; 45.9% of TB patients with health insurance visited the health facility as 1st provider whilst 49.4% without health insurance visited prayer camps (p=0.001). Our study has revealed that factors such as staff  attitude, distance to treatment centres, gender, employment and education are key factors that affect the health-seeking behaviour of TB patients in the Central Region of GhanaKeywords: Tuberculosis, Health, barriers, Central Regio

    SSR-Based Genetic Structure Study of Seventy-Eight Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp) Genotypes

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    Seventy-eight cowpea accessions were studied using short sequence repeats (SSR) technique. Genetic structure of these accessions was studied using three SSR polymorphic primers, SSR-6206, SSR-6218 and SSR-6219. A total of eight loci were scored for the three primers with a total of ten alleles. Bayesian clustering method grouped the cowpea genotypes into 4 sub-populations. Ancestral allele frequencies ranged between 0.128 and 0.802, while allele frequencies within sub-populations ranged from 0.001 and 0.997. Allele frequency divergence among sub-populations ranged from 0.145 to 0.406. Expected heterozygosity between individuals in the same sub-population ranged from 0.084 and 0.26, Mean genetic differentiation among sub-populations ranged from 0.374 and 0.687, with a mean geneflow ranging from 0.228 and 0.837. There was relative uniformity within the sub-populations which can be accounted for by independent random genetic drift

    Community perceptions of a malaria vaccine in the Kintampo districts of Ghana.

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    BACKGROUND: Malaria remains the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in sub-Saharan Africa despite tools currently available for its control. Making malaria vaccine available for routine use will be a major hallmark, but its acceptance by community members and health professionals within the health system could pose considerable challenge as has been found with the introduction of polio vaccinations in parts of West Africa. Some of these challenges may not be expected since decisions people make are many a time driven by a complex myriad of perceptions. This paper reports knowledge and perceptions of community members in the Kintampo area of Ghana where malaria vaccine trials have been ongoing as part of the drive for the first-ever licensed malaria vaccine in the near future. METHODS: Both qualitative and quantitative methods were used in the data collection processes. Women and men whose children were or were not involved in the malaria vaccine trial were invited to participate in focus group discussions (FGDs). Respondents, made up of heads of religious groupings in the study area, health care providers, traditional healers and traditional birth attendants, were also invited to participate in in-depth interviews (IDIs). A cross-sectional survey was conducted in communities where the malaria vaccine trial (Mal 047RTS,S) was carried out. In total, 12 FGDs, 15 IDIs and 466 household head interviews were conducted. RESULTS: Knowledge about vaccines was widespread among participants. Respondents would like their children to be vaccinated against all childhood illnesses including malaria. Knowledge of the long existing routine vaccines was relatively high among respondents compared to hepatitis B and Haemophilus influenza type B vaccines that were introduced more recently in 2002. There was no clear religious belief or sociocultural practice that will serve as a possible barrier to the acceptance of a malaria vaccine. CONCLUSION: With the assumption that a malaria vaccine will be as efficacious as other EPI vaccines, community members in Central Ghana will accept and prefer malaria vaccine to malaria drugs as a malaria control tool. Beliefs and cultural practices as barriers to the acceptance of malaria vaccine were virtually unknown in the communities surveyed

    Assessing the impact of differences in malaria transmission intensity on clinical and haematological indices in children with malaria.

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    BACKGROUND: Malaria control interventions have led to a decline in transmission intensity in many endemic areas, and resulted in elimination in some areas. This decline, however, will lead to delayed acquisition of protective immunity and thus impact disease manifestation and outcomes. Therefore, the variation in clinical and haematological parameters in children with malaria was assessed across three areas in Ghana with varying transmission intensities. METHODS: A total of 568 children between the ages of 2 and 14 years with confirmed malaria were recruited in hospitals in three areas with varying transmission intensities (Kintampo > Navrongo > Accra) and a comprehensive analysis of parasitological, clinical, haematological and socio-economic parameters was performed. RESULTS: Areas of lower malaria transmission tended to have lower disease severity in children with malaria, characterized by lower parasitaemias and higher haemoglobin levels. In addition, total white cell counts and percent lymphocytes decreased with decreasing transmission intensity. The heterozygous sickle haemoglobin genotype was protective against disease severity in Kintampo (P = 0.016), although this was not significant in Accra and Navrongo. Parasitaemia levels were not a significant predictor of haemoglobin level after controlling for age and gender. However, higher haemoglobin levels in children were associated with certain socioeconomic factors, such as having fathers who had any type of employment (P < 0.05) and mothers who were teachers (P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: The findings demonstrate significant differences in the haematological presentation and severity of malaria among areas with different transmission intensity in Ghana, indicating that these factors need to be considered in planning the management of the disease as the endemicity is expected to decline after control interventions

    Genotype by environment interaction on resistance to cassava green mite associated traits and effects on yield performance of cassava genotypes in Nigeria

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    Open Access Journal; Published online: 04 Sept 2020Cassava is the main source of carbohydrate for over 70% of the people in Nigeria, the world’s largest producer and consumer of the crop. The yields of cassava are, however, relatively low in Nigeria largely due to pests and disease infections that significantly lead to inconsistencies in productivity of cassava genotypes in various environments. Fifty-eight F1 hybrid cassava genotypes plus their two parents which served as check varieties were evaluated in three locations for two years (that is six environments). The objectives of the study were to evaluate genotype by environment interactions (GEI) on resistance to cassava green mite [CGM, Mononychellus tanajoa (Bondar)] associated traits and effects on yield performance of cassava genotypes in Nigeria and to identify superior genotypes that exhibit high stability which combine CGM resistance and high fresh root yield with general and specific environmental adaptation using additive main effects and multiplicative interaction (AMMI) and genotype stability index (GSI). The combined analysis of variance based on AMMI revealed significant genotype, environment, and genotype by environment interactions (GEI) for all traits. The percentage variation due to environment was higher than the percentage variation due to genotype for cassava green mite severity (CGMS), leaf retention (LR), root dry matter content (RDMC), and fresh root yield (FRY) indicating that environment greatly influenced the expression of these traits. The percentage variation due to GEI accounted for higher percentage variation than that of genotype and environment separately for all traits, indicating the influence of genotype by environment interaction on expression of the traits. These findings reveal that screening/evaluating for these traits needs multi-environment trials. According to GSI ranking, genotypes G31 (IBA131794), G19 (IBA131762), the check variety G52 (TMEB778), and G11 (IBA131748) were identified as the most stable and most resistant to CGM which also combine high FRY and other useful agronomic traits, implying that these traits in cassava can even be incorporated as preferred by farmers. These genotypes can be tested in more environments to determine their adaptability and potential recommendation for release to farmers for growing

    Genetic diversity of provitamin-A cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) in Sierra Leone

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    Open Access Article; Published online: 04 Mar 2020Understanding the genetic diversity among accessions and germplasm is an important requirement for crop development as it allows for the selection of diverse parental combinations for enhancing genetic gain in varietal selection, advancement and release. The study aimed to characterize 183 provitamin A cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) accessions and five Sierra Leonean varieties using morphological traits, total carotenoid content and SNP markers to develop a collection for conservation and further use in the cassava breeding program. Both morphological parameters and 5634 SNP markers were used to assess the diversity among the provitamin-A cassava accessions and varieties. Significant differences were observed among the accessions for most of the traits measured. The first five PCs together accounted for 70.44% of the total phenotypic variation based on yield and yield components among the 183 provitamin-A cassava accessions and five Sierra Leonean varieties. The present study showed that provitamin-A cassava accessions in Sierra Leone have moderate to high diversity based on morphological and molecular assessment studies. The similarity index among the 187 and 185 cassava accessions grouped them into 6 and 9 distinct clusters based on morphological and molecular analyses, respectively. A significant positive, but low correlation (r = 0.104; p\0.034), was observed between the two dendrograms. The results obtained will serve as a guide and basis of germplasm management and improvement for total carotenoid content, yield and African cassava mosaic disease resistance in Sierra Leone
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