12 research outputs found

    Protected Areas in Tropical Africa: Assessing Threats and Conservation Activities

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    Numerous protected areas (PAs) have been created in Africa to safeguard wildlife and other natural resources. However, significant threats from anthropogenic activities and decline of wildlife populations persist, while conservation efforts in most PAs are still minimal. We assessed the impact level of the most common threats to wildlife within PAs in tropical Africa and the relationship of conservation activities with threat impact level. We collated data on 98 PAs with tropical forest cover from 15 countries across West, Central and East Africa. For this, we assembled information about local threats as well as conservation activities from published and unpublished literature, and questionnaires sent to long-term field workers. We constructed general linear models to test the significance of specific conservation activities in relation to the threat impact level. Subsistence and commercial hunting were identified as the most common direct threats to wildlife and found to be most prevalent in West and Central Africa. Agriculture and logging represented the most common indirect threats, and were most prevalent in West Africa. We found that the long-term presence of conservation activities (such as law enforcement, research and tourism) was associated with lower threat impact levels. Our results highlight deficiencies in the management effectiveness of several PAs across tropical Africa, and conclude that PA management should invest more into conservation activities with long-term duration.Additional co-authors: Jef Dupain, Atanga Ekobo, Manasseh Eno-Nku, Gilles Etoga, Takeshi Furuichi, Sylvain Gatti, Andrea Ghiurghi, Chie Hashimoto, John A. Hart, Josephine Head, Martin Hega, Ilka Herbinger, Thurston C. Hicks, Lars H. Holbech, Bas Huijbregts, Hjalmar S. Kühl, Inaoyom Imong, Stephane Le-Duc Yeno, Joshua Linder, Phil Marshall, Peter Minasoma Lero, David Morgan, Leonard Mubalama, Paul K. N'Goran, Aaron Nicholas, Stuart Nixon, Emmanuelle Normand, Leonidas Nziguyimpa, Zacharie Nzooh-Dongmo, Richard Ofori-Amanfo, Babafemi G. Ogunjemite, Charles-Albert Petre, Hugo J. Rainey, Sebastien Regnaut, Orume Robinson, Aaron Rundus, Crickette M. Sanz, David Tiku Okon, Angelique Todd, Ymke Warren, Volker Somme

    Winter site use by Afro-Palearctic migrants in Ghana: site persistence and densities of Willow Warbler, Pied Flycatcher, Melodious Warbler and Common Redstart

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    Little is known about the variation within and among species of long-distance migrants in behavioural strategies and habitat choice on their non-breeding grounds. We report results from regular ringing operations carried out during the winter seasons 2009–2013 and transect counts in 2013, 2015 and 2016 in the Sudan Savanna Zone in Ghana. The best supported capture–mark–recapture model included species-specific probabilities of stay between within-season periods but no differences in resighting probability among species or sites. This model indicated that less than one-third of the Willow Warblers Phylloscopus trochilus and half of the Melodious Warblers Hippolais polyglotta stayed at wintering sites during more than 10 d, whereas for Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca and Common Redstart Phoenicurus phoenicurus up to 90% stayed for more than 10 d, indicating itinerant wintering behaviour in the warblers and longer non-breeding residency in Pied Flycatcher and Common Redstart. Densities varied among years, but Pied Flycatchers were consistently most numerous in well-matured woodland habitat and Willow Warblers in disturbed habitat. Recaptures among years were too low for meaningful estimates of winter site fidelity, yet recurrence was recorded in three species. We speculate that habitat use is directly related to degree of territory defence and itinerancy.Keywords: Afro-Palearctic migrants, density, Ghana, itinerancy, recurrence, winterin

    Research and conservation of the larger parrots of Africa and Madagascar: a review of knowledge gaps and opportunities

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    Parrot populations in Africa and Madagascar are declining and the need for conservation actions to address threats is increasingly recognised. Effective conservation requires a robust knowledge base on which decisions over appropriate actions can be made, yet at present there is no current and readily accessible synthesis of the status of populations, the threats they face and knowledge gaps. Here we begin to address this shortfall for the larger species in the region belonging to the genera Coracopsis, Poicephalus, Psittacus and Psittacula. We review developments since the production of the IUCN Parrot Action Plan published in 2000, identify areas where critical knowledge is lacking and highlight opportunities to address them. While advances have been made over the last decade, progress has not been evenly spread, with a strong bias towards populations in southern Africa. To date much research has focused on describing aspects of ecology and behaviour and there remains a need for studies determining the current status of populations and the factors limiting distributions and abundance. This review aims to provide a basis upon which progress towards an improved understanding of the conservation needs of the larger parrots of Africa and Madagascar can be made.Additional co-authors: Philip Hall, Lars H Holbech, Ireene R Madindou, Jérôme Mokoko, Ronald Mulwa, Anna Reuleaux, Craig Symes, Simon Tamungang, Stuart Taylor, Simon Valle, Matthias Waltert, and Mengistu Wondafrash

    Research and conservation of the larger parrots of Africa and Madagascar: a review of knowledge gaps and opportunities

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    Parrot populations in Africa and Madagascar are declining and the need for conservation actions to address threats is increasingly recognised. Effective conservation requires a robust knowledge base on which decisions over appropriate actions can be made, yet at present there is no current and readily accessible synthesis of the status of populations, the threats they face and knowledge gaps. Here we begin to address this shortfall for the larger species in the region belonging to the genera Coracopsis, Poicephalus, Psittacus and Psittacula. We review developments since the production of the IUCN Parrot Action Plan published in 2000, identify areas where critical knowledge is lacking and highlight opportunities to address them. While advances have been made over the last decade, progress has not been evenly spread, with a strong bias towards populations in southern Africa. To date much research has focused on describing aspects of ecology and behaviour and there remains a need for studies determining the current status of populations and the factors limiting distributions and abundance. This review aims to provide a basis upon which progress towards an improved understanding of the conservation needs of the larger parrots of Africa and Madagascar can be made.Keywords: conservation priorities, conservation status, Coracopsis, Poicephalus, Psittacula, PsittacusOSTRICH 2014, 85(3): 205–23

    Proportion of protected areas with conservation activities between 1990 and 1999 across different African regions.

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    <p>The number of protected areas with available information on presence and absence of any conservation activity (research, tourism and law enforcement guards) over the considered period were in total 105.</p

    Regional distribution of the protected areas (PAs) in tropical Africa considered in the analyses.

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    <p>The regions are coloured in different grey scale colours. Light grey represents West Africa, including 54 protected areas; medium grey represents Central Africa, including 31 protected areas; dark grey represents East Africa, including 14 protected areas. On the left-side bottom corner a MODIS NDVI image of Africa, with a red quadrant highlighting the tropical area considered in the study.</p

    Influence of tourism activities and PA size on threat level in 83 PAs.

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    <p>In bold are highlighted significant values (p <i><0.05</i>). See abbreviations in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0114154#pone-0114154-t002" target="_blank">Tab 2</a>. AIC, Akaike's Information Criterion; AICw, Akaike Information Criterion weight; Rank, model rank from the smallest to the largest AIC value; k, number of variables including the intercept.</p><p>Influence of tourism activities and PA size on threat level in 83 PAs.</p

    Threats impact levels to 98 tropical African protected areas at a continental and regional scale.

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    <p>Clockwise from top: Africa (a), Central Africa (b), East Africa (c) and West Africa (d).</p

    Influence of research activities and PA size on threat level in 92 PAs.

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    <p>In bold are highlighted significant values (p <i><0.05</i>). See abbreviations in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0114154#pone-0114154-t002" target="_blank">Tab 2</a>. AIC, Akaike's Information Criterion; AICw, Akaike Information Criterion weight; Rank, model rank from the smallest to the largest AIC value; k, number of variables including the intercept.</p><p>Influence of research activities and PA size on threat level in 92 PAs.</p

    Symmetric matrix with Spearman's correlation between all threat impact levels recorded in 98 protected areas.

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    <p>In bold are highlighted significant correlations (<i>p</i><0.0001) following post hoc test Bonferroni correction (<i>p</i> = 0.05/78). Abbreviations: coh, commercial hunting; suh, subsistence hunting; agr, agriculture; fuw, fuel wood; inf, infrastructure; has, human settlement around; his, human settlement inside; war, war; dis, disease; fir, fire; min, mining; log, logging.</p><p>Symmetric matrix with Spearman's correlation between all threat impact levels recorded in 98 protected areas.</p