2,754 research outputs found

    Genetic Control of Soybean Resistance to Soybean Pod Sucker (Riptortus Linearis L.)

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    Riptortus linearis represents the most common pod sucking pest on soybean. Genetic studies on inheritance of resistance to the pest are needed. The study used B4400 and B3802 genotypes as resistant parents, Tambora as susceptible parent. Crosses were made to form F2 population of Tambora x B4400, and Tambora x B3802. A total of 10-20 seeds each of resistant and susceptible parents, 220 F2 seeds of Tambora x B4400 crosses, and 232 F2 seeds of Tambora x B3802 crosses were grown in pots, one plant/pot. The plants were infested with adult R. linearis (riptortus), at the R2 stage. The results showed that the population of riptortus in each of the F2 soybean population at 7 and 15 days after infestation were >2 insects/25 plants, which enables the study of genetic resistance to soybean pod sucker. Heritability values indicated that resistance to pod sucker was controlled by genetic factors. The resistance to riptortus in B4400 and B3802 genotypes was controlled by two recessive genes located at different loci, and interacted with each other with epistatic dominant reaction. With an assumption that B and C genes were dominant, hence the resistance genes found in both soybean genotypes were bbcc

    Development and Characterization of F2 Population for Molecular Mapping of Aluminum-Toxicity Tolerant QTL in Soybean

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    Keracunan aluminium merupakan salah satukendala utama dalam budidaya kedelai pada lahan masam.Pembentukan populasi F2 merupakan langkah awal yangmenentukan keberhasilan program pemuliaan tanaman. Tujuanpenelitian ini untuk membentuk dan mengkarakterisasipopulasi F2 hasil persilangan tetua toleran dan tetua pekakeracunan Al. Pembentukan populasi dilakukan menggunakanbantuan marka SSR. Dengan marka SSR populasi dapatdibentuk dengan cepat, akurat, dan efisien. Skrining genotipakedelai pada tanah masam kahat hara menghasilkan duagenotipa toleran dan dua peka. Empat persilangan tunggaldibuat untuk mendapatkan benih F1. Tanaman F1 dan F2 diidentifikasimenggunakam marka SSR Satt_070. Dua populasi(B3462 X B3293 dan B3462 X B3442) dipilih berdasarkansuperiotas fenotipa pada lahan masam dan karakteristik molekulerpasangan tetua. Karakterisasi kedua populasi di lapangmenunjukkan transgresiveness luas untuk karakter reproduksiseperti jumlah polong dan berat 100 biji. Ini mengindikasikanbahwa karakter penting lain selain karakter ketahananterhadap keracunan Al potensial untuk dipetakandari populasi ini. Metoda pembentukan populasi ini akan sangatbermanfaat bagi pemulia tanaman khususnya pemuliakedelai untuk meningkatkan efisiensi program pemuliaanketahanan terhadap keracunan Al

    Hubungan Keseimbangan dengan Kemampuan Bermain Sepak Takraw pada SMPN 3 Galing Kabupaten Samba

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    The purpose of the study was to determine the magnitude of the relationship problems of balance ability to serve the basic ability to play sepak takraw in students. Identification of the problem the lack of balance on the basis of capability goals playing sepak takraw in a Class 2 student of SMP Negeri 3 Galing Sambas district. Methods using correlational methods. Population Grade Students of SMP Negeri 2 3 Galing totaled 30 students. Determination of the total sample using the technique of free sampling.Variable research: (1) controls the ball for rx1y = 0.592> rt = 0.361 at significant tarap 5%, (2) control of the ball for rx2y = 0.077> rt = 0.361 at significant level of 5%, (3) controls the ball for F count = 15,056 and F tables amounted to = 3.35 at the 5% significance level. the results of this study stated there is a significant relationship between the balance of the sepak takraw skills

    Double point self-intersection surfaces of immersions

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    A self-transverse immersion of a smooth manifold M^{k+2} in R^{2k+2} has a double point self-intersection set which is the image of an immersion of a smooth surface, the double point self-intersection surface. We prove that this surface may have odd Euler characteristic if and only if k is congruent to 1 modulo 4 or k+1 is a power of 2. This corrects a previously published result by Andras Szucs. The method of proof is to evaluate the Stiefel-Whitney numbers of the double point self-intersection surface. By earier work of the authors these numbers can be read off from the Hurewicz image h(\alpha ) in H_{2k+2}\Omega ^{\infty }\Sigma ^{\infty }MO(k) of the element \alpha in \pi _{2k+2}\Omega ^{\infty }\Sigma ^{\infty }MO(k) corresponding to the immersion under the Pontrjagin-Thom construction.Comment: 22 pages. Published copy, also available at http://www.maths.warwick.ac.uk/gt/GTVol4/paper4.abs.htm

    Old Remedies for Epilepsy: Avicenna\u27s Medicine.

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    BACKGROUND: The history of epilepsy and its treatments dates back to at least 4 millennia. Avicenna, c. 980 AD in Bukhara, Khorasan-1037 in Hamedan was a Persian-speaking Iranian physician, who has many recommendations and suggested various therapies for epilepsy in his book, The Canon of Medicine. METHODS: We first reviewed the most important ancient treatments for epilepsy mentioned by Avicenna and considered those as the key words for our next step. Then, we made a literature search (medline and scopus) with those key words to find out new scientific findings in modern medicine about the Avicenna\u27s suggestions. RESULTS: Among the Avicenna\u27s recommended therapies for epilepsy, only Rue has been tested for anticonvulsant activities in modern medicine. Interestingly, it had a dose dependent anticonvulsant effect. CONCLUSION: It is worthwhile to consider the Avicenna\u27s recommended therapies for epilepsy and to design future scientific studies based on his suggestions

    Effects of organic fertilisers and compost extracts on organic tomato production

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    The effects of various fertilizers and different compost extracts on crop health and tomato yield were studied in the field in 2004–2005 in two locations in Iran. Treatments included different fertilizers (cattle, sheep and chicken manures, green waste and household composts and chemical fertilizers) and five aqueous extracts (from cattle manure, chicken manure, green-waste and house-hold composts and water as control). The effect of fertilizer type on tomato yield was significant in both locations (P < 0.05). Organic fertilizer use did not obtain higher yields compared to using chemical fertiliser. Generally, chicken manure and green-waste compost led to the highest and lowest tomato yield among different organic fertilizers, respectively. The effect of aqueous extracts was not significant on either crop health or tomato yield with these results were being very limited and inconsistent. Improved efficacy of acceptable alternatives to agrochemicals, especially in organic farming, is required


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    ...... يتناول هذا البحث تصميم نظام يتعامل مع الخرائط السكنية للمدن , اعتمد على اسلوب التكامل بين اكثر من تطبيق او لغة ذات اغراض مختلفة للعمل في وقت&nbsp;In this papar ,we designed a system that deals with comnmintymaps for cities. It depend on the integration style amon. It depend on the integration style amongest more than one application Language of different purposes to be used at run time to perform acommon task . we made use ofthe available facilities in the autocad system and its grand potentials to draw the map elements and processes them for the enlargement and zomming It makes use of the facilities in programmibg language pascal on dealing with files to form a data base system where a special use has been made of operating system shell to achieve integration and communication to tl'ansfere beteeen autocad and pascal according to system needs