
Hubungan Keseimbangan dengan Kemampuan Bermain Sepak Takraw pada SMPN 3 Galing Kabupaten Samba


The purpose of the study was to determine the magnitude of the relationship problems of balance ability to serve the basic ability to play sepak takraw in students. Identification of the problem the lack of balance on the basis of capability goals playing sepak takraw in a Class 2 student of SMP Negeri 3 Galing Sambas district. Methods using correlational methods. Population Grade Students of SMP Negeri 2 3 Galing totaled 30 students. Determination of the total sample using the technique of free sampling.Variable research: (1) controls the ball for rx1y = 0.592> rt = 0.361 at significant tarap 5%, (2) control of the ball for rx2y = 0.077> rt = 0.361 at significant level of 5%, (3) controls the ball for F count = 15,056 and F tables amounted to = 3.35 at the 5% significance level. the results of this study stated there is a significant relationship between the balance of the sepak takraw skills

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