743 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Model Hidroponik Dan Jenis Pupuk Organik Terhadap Pertumbuhan Tanaman Seledri (Apium Graveolens L)

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    Hydroponics was derived from the Greek words hydro that means water and ponos which means power. Hydroponics was also known as soilless culture or cultivation of plants without soil. So hydroponic means the plants mindculture utilizing water or without using soil as a soilless growing media. But there were also hydroponics that using soil, chaff, and sand or gravel. Hydroponics system was also applied to the vegetable crops and fruits. The vegetable crops that had been developed with hydroponic system were cabbage, lettuced, kale and celedry. The hydroponic models that used in this research was wick hidroponic models and vertical pipa paralon culture. Each of hydroponic models has its own short coming and advantages. Other factors that also determine the plants growth was fertilizer (nutrient). The nutrient that used in this research were tea waste, fertilizers coffee grounds. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of hydroponic models and nutrients to the celedrys growth rate. The research was quantitative research. Research conducted in the Ngumpul village in Ponorogo. Research held three times and analyzed using ANOVA test, then analyzed with Duncan test

    Socio-economic Assessing of Researchers Perceptions and Farmers Willingness to Adopt Silage Technology in Palestine-West Bank

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    In this paper the animal breeder in Palestine has many challenges including high feed prices, high-cost input, low-quality pasture, limited access to rangeland with high quality, and high cost of feed. In Tubas and Tulkarm areas, extensive irrigated agriculture is dominant. Large quantities of agricultural by-products are wasted. As one of the important interventions to decrease feeding costs, the study focused on silage technology adoption from the view of researchers and farmers. It meant using these agricultural by-products to make them beneficial and eatable for the animal. On the one hand, we removed these by-products from the environment and second, we fed to animals and ultimately, we reduced the input cost of animal feed. The main objective is to improve dissemination strategies and approaches that promote the adoption of silage technologies by identifying both researcher and farmer perceptions and constraints. A field `survey was conducted targeting 70 farmers (35 have knowledge and practice silage technology and 35 do not) from Tubas and Tulkarm areas. The binary logistic model was used for analysis in SPSS and Excel was used for data analysis. The main finding was that age and education play a very important role in the level of adoption, both have negative effects, and access to credit and land tenure may increase the chance of adoption. farming experience has a less negative impact on the level of adoption, while family size has also a negative impact, family size also affects the level of adoption. People in the targeted area try to diversify their income and educated people to leave their parents, either settle outside or come home at the weekend. The study recommended that being a member of a community-based organization increases your chance of access to new technology and increases your chance of adoption. Public awareness and approaches to CBO are crucial for the adoption of this technology. The size of the herd is important for adoption and cost analysis

    Coarsening Kinetics of a Two Dimensional O(2) Ginzburg-Landau Model: Effect of Reversible Mode Coupling

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    We investigate, via numerical simulations, the phase ordering kinetics of a two- dimensional soft-spin O(2) Ginzburg-Landau model when a reversible mode cou- pling is included via the conserved conjugate momentum of the spin order parameter (the model E). Coarsening of the system, when quenched from a dis- ordered state to zero temperature, is observed to be enhanced by the existence of the mode coupling terms. The growth of the characteristic length scale L(t) exhibits an effective super-diffusive growth exponent that can be interpreted as a positive logarithmic-like correction to a diffusive growth, i.e., L(t) ~ (t ln t)^{1/2}. In order to understand this behavior, we introduced a simple phenomenological model of coarsening based on the annihilation dynamics of a vortex-antivortex pair, incorporating the effect of vortex inertia and logarithmically divergent mobility of the vortex. With a suitable choice of the parameters, numerical solutions of the simple model can fit the full simulation results very adequately. The effective growth exponent in the early time stage is larger due to the effect of the vortex inertia, which crosses over into late time stage characterized by positive logarithmic correction to a diffusive growth. We also investigated the non-equilibrium autocorrelation function from which the so called {\lambda} exponent can be extracted. We get {\lambda} = 1.99(2) which is distinctively larger than the value of {\lambda} = 1.17 for the purely dissipative model-A dynamics of non-conserved O(2) models.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figure

    A Multi-Boundary AdS Orbifold and DLCQ Holography: A universal holographic description of extremal black hole horizons

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    We examine a stationary but non-static asymptotically AdS_3 spacetime with two causally connected conformal boundaries, each of which is a ``null cylinder'', namely a cylinder with a null direction identified. This spacetime arises from three different perspectives: (i) as a non-singular, causally regular orbifold of global AdS_3 by boosts, (ii) as a Penrose-like limit focusing on the horizon of extremal BTZ black holes, and (iii) as an S^1 fibration over AdS_2. Each of these perspectives sheds an interesting light on holography. Examination of the conformal boundary of the spacetime shows that the dual to the space should involve DLCQ limits of the D1-D5 conformal field theory. The Penrose-like limit approach leads to a similar conclusion, by isolating a sector of the complete D1-D5 CFT that describes the physics in the vicinity of the horizon of an extremal black hole. As such this is a holographic description of the universal horizon dynamics of the extremal black holes in AdS_3 and also of the four and five dimensional stringy black holes whose states were counted in string theory. The AdS_2 perspective draws a connection to a 0+1d quantum mechanical theory. Various dualities lead to a Matrix model description of the spacetime. Many interesting issues that are related to both de Sitter physics and attempts to ``see behind a horizon'' using AdS/CFT arise from (a) the presence of two disconnected components to the boundary, and (b) the analytic structure of bulk physics in the complex coordinate plane.Comment: 48 pages. 3 EPS figures. If you use mpage to print multiple postscript pages on the same sheet of paper you may have difficulties with the figures. The PDF version will print fine, as will postscript if you stick to one page per sheet. v3: minor edits and references adde

    Effects of EGR rate on performance and emissions of a diesel power generator fueled by B7

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    This paper analyses the impacts of the application of an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system on the performance and emissions of a stationary, direct-injection diesel engine operating with diesel oil containing 7% biodiesel (B7). Experiments were carried out in a 49-kW diesel power generator with the adapted EGR system, and engine performance and emissions were evaluated for different load and EGR settings. The results were compared with the engine operating with its original configuration without the EGR system, and revealed a reduction of peak cylinder pressure and fuel conversion efficiency, mainly at high engine loads. The use of EGR caused opposite effects on carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO) and total hydrocarbons (THC) emissions, depending on load and EGR rate, showing an increase in most situations. The application of EGR consistently reduced oxides of nitrogen (NOX) emissions, reaching a maximum reduction close to 30%. In general, the use of EGR increased CO2, CO and THC emissions at high loads. The use of 7.5% EGR was found to be at an adequate rate to simultaneously reduce CO, THC and NOX emissions at low and moderate loads, without major penalties on CO2 emissions and engine performance

    A comment on multiple vacua, particle production and the time dependent AdS/CFT correspondence

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    We give an explicit formulation of the time dependent AdS/CFT correspondence when there are multiple vacua present in Lorentzian signature. By computing sample two point functions we show how different amplitudes are related by cosmological particle production. We illustrate our methods in two example spacetimes: (a) a ``bubble of nothing'' in AdS space, and (b) an asymptotically locally AdS spacetime with a bubble of nothing on the boundary. In both cases the alpha vacua of de Sitter space make an interesting appearance.Comment: 9 page

    Therapeutic Drug Monitoring in Non-Tuberculosis Mycobacteria Infections

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    Nontuberculous mycobacteria can cause minimally symptomatic self-limiting infections to progressive and life-threatening disease of multiple organs. Several factors such as increased testing and prevalence have made this an emerging infectious disease. Multiple guidelines have been published to guide therapy, which remains difficult owing to the complexity of therapy, the potential for acquired resistance, the toxicity of treatment, and a high treatment failure rate. Given the long duration of therapy, complex multi-drug treatment regimens, and the risk of drug toxicity, therapeutic drug monitoring is an excellent method to optimize treatment. However, currently, there is little available guidance on therapeutic drug monitoring for this condition. The aim of this review is to provide information on the pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic targets for individual drugs used in the treatment of nontuberculous mycobacteria disease. Lacking data from randomized controlled trials, in vitro, in vivo, and clinical data were aggregated to facilitate recommendations for therapeutic drug monitoring to improve efficacy and reduce toxicity

    OXA-carbapenemases present in clinical acinetobacter baumannii-calcoaceticus complex isolates from patients in kurdistan region, Iraq

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    In addition to intrinsic resistance in Acinetobacter baumannii, many different types of acquired resistance mechanisms have been reported, including the presence of VIM and IMP metallo β-lactamases and also of blaOXA-23-like and blaOXA-58-like enzymes. In the Kurdistan region of Iraq, the multiresistant A. baumannii-calcoaceticus complex is prevalent. We characterized the different mechanisms of resistance present in clinical isolates collected from different wards and different hospitals from the Kurdistan region. One hundred twenty clinical nonduplicate A. baumannii-calcoaceticus complex isolates were collected from four hospitals between January 2012 and October 2013. The identification of the isolates was confirmed by MALDI-TOF. The sus

    EC-BLAST: a tool to automatically search and compare enzyme reactions.

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    We present EC-BLAST (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/thornton-srv/software/rbl/), an algorithm and Web tool for quantitative similarity searches between enzyme reactions at three levels: bond change, reaction center and reaction structure similarity. It uses bond changes and reaction patterns for all known biochemical reactions derived from atom-atom mapping across each reaction. EC-BLAST has the potential to improve enzyme classification, identify previously uncharacterized or new biochemical transformations, improve the assignment of enzyme function to sequences, and assist in enzyme engineering