112,067 research outputs found

    In situ growth regime characterization of cubic GaN using reflection high energy electron diffraction

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    Cubic GaN layers were grown by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy on 3C-SiC (001)substrates. In situ reflection high energy electron diffraction was used to quantitatively determine the Ga coverage of the GaN surface during growth. Using the intensity of the electron beam as a probe,optimum growth conditions of c-GaN were found when a 1 ML Ga coverage is formed at the surface. 1 micrometer thick c-GaN layers had a minimum surface roughness of 2.5 nm when a Ga coverage of 1 ML was established during growth. These samples revealed also a minimum full width at half maximum of the (002)rocking curve.Comment: 3pages with 4 figure

    Phonon transport in large scale carbon-based disordered materials: Implementation of an efficient order-N and real-space Kubo methodology

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    We have developed an efficient order-N real-space Kubo approach for the calculation of the phonon conductivity which outperforms state-of-the-art alternative implementations based on the Green's function formalism. The method treats efficiently the time-dependent propagation of phonon wave packets in real space, and this dynamics is related to the calculation of the thermal conductance. Without loss of generality, we validate the accuracy of the method by comparing the calculated phonon mean free paths in disordered carbon nanotubes (isotope impurities) with other approaches, and further illustrate its upscalability by exploring the thermal conductance features in large width edge-disordered graphene nanoribbons (up to ~20 nm), which is out of the reach of more conventional techniques. We show that edge-disorder is the most important scattering mechanism for phonons in graphene nanoribbons with realistic sizes and thermal conductance can be reduced by a factor of ~10.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physical Review B - Rapid Communication

    Warehouse commodity classification from fundamental principles. Part II: Flame heights and flame spread

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    In warehouse storage applications, it is important to classify the burning behavior of commodities and rank them according to their material flammability for early fire detection and suppression operations. In this study, a preliminary approach towards commodity classification is presented that models the early stage of large-scale warehouse fires by decoupling the problem into separate processes of heat and mass transfer. Two existing nondimensional parameters are used to represent the physical phenomena at the large-scale: a mass transfer number that directly incorporates the material properties of a fuel, and the soot yield of the fuel that controls the radiation observed in the large-scale. To facilitate modeling, a mass transfer number (or B-number) was experimentally obtained using mass-loss (burning rate) measurements from bench-scale tests, following from a procedure that was developed in Part I of this paper. Two fuels are considered: corrugated cardboard and polystyrene. Corrugated cardboard provides a source of flaming combustion in a warehouse and is usually the first item to ignite and sustain flame spread. Polystyrene is typically used as the most hazardous product in large-scale fire testing. The nondimensional mass transfer number was then used to model in-rack flame heights on 6.19.1 m (2030 ft) stacks of 'C' flute corrugated cardboard boxes on rack-storage during the initial period of flame spread (involving flame spread over the corrugated cardboard face only). Good agreement was observed between the model and large-scale experiments during the initial stages of fire growth, and a comparison to previous correlations for in-rack flame heights is included. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Warehouse commodity classification from fundamental principles. Part I: Commodity & burning rates

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    An experimental study was conducted to investigate the burning behavior of an individual Group A plastic commodity over time. The objective of the study was to evaluate the use of a nondimensional parameter to describe the time-varying burning rate of a fuel in complex geometries. The nondimensional approach chosen to characterize burning behavior over time involved comparison of chemical energy released during the combustion process with the energy required to vaporize the fuel, measured by a B-number. The mixed nature of the commodity and its package, involving polystyrene and corrugated cardboard, produced three distinct stages of combustion that were qualitatively repeatable. The results of four tests provided flame heights, mass-loss rates and heat fluxes that were used to develop a phenomenological description of the burning behavior of a plastic commodity. Three distinct stages of combustion were identified. Time-dependent and time-averaged B-numbers were evaluated from mass-loss rate data using assumptions including a correlation for turbulent convective heat transfer. The resultant modified B-numbers extracted from test data incorporated the burning behavior of constituent materials, and a variation in behavior was observed as materials participating in the combustion process varied. Variations between the four tests make quantitative values for each stage of burning useful only for comparison, as errors were high. Methods to extract the B-number with a higher degree of accuracy and future use of the results to improve commodity classification for better assessment of fire danger are discussed. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Generalizations of Tucker-Fan-Shashkin lemmas

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    Tucker and Ky Fan's lemma are combinatorial analogs of the Borsuk-Ulam theorem (BUT). In 1996, Yu. A. Shashkin proved a version of Fan's lemma, which is a combinatorial analog of the odd mapping theorem (OMT). We consider generalizations of these lemmas for BUT-manifolds, i.e. for manifolds that satisfy BUT. Proofs rely on a generalization of the OMT and on a lemma about the doubling of manifolds with boundaries that are BUT-manifolds.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Plasma adrenomedullin is associated with short-term mortality and vasopressor requirement in patients admitted with sepsis

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    Introduction: The incidence of death among patients admitted for severe sepsis or septic shock is high. Adrenomedullin (ADM) plays a central role in initiating the hyperdynamic response during the early stages of sepsis. Pilot studies indicate an association of plasma ADM with the severity of the disease. In the present study we utilized a novel sandwich immunoassay of bioactive plasma ADM in patients hospitalized with sepsis in order to assess the clinical utility.Methods: We enrolled 101 consecutive patients admitted to the emergency department with suspected sepsis in this study. Sepsis was defined by fulfillment of at least two systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) criteria plus clinical suspicion of infection. Plasma samples for ADM measurement were obtained on admission and for the next four days. The 28-day mortality rate was recorded.Results: ADM at admission was associated with severity of disease (correlation with Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II (APACHE II) score: r = 0.46; P <0.0001). ADM was also associated with 28-day mortality (ADM median (IQR): survivors: 50 (31 to 77) pg/mL; non-survivors: 84 (48 to 232) pg/mL; P <0.001) and was independent from and additive to APACHE II (P = 0.02). Cox regression analysis revealed an additive value of serial measurement of ADM over baseline assessment for prediction of 28-day mortality (P < 0.01). ADM was negatively correlated with mean arterial pressure (r = -0.39; P <0.0001), and it strongly discriminated those patients requiring vasopressor therapy from the others (ADM median (IQR): no vasopressors 48 (32 to 75) pg/mL; with vasopressors 129 (83 to 264) pg/mL, P <0.0001).Conclusions: In patients admitted with sepsis, severe sepsis or septic shock plasma ADM is strongly associated with severity of disease, vasopressor requirement and 28-day mortality

    Molecular gas in nearby powerful radio galaxies

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    We report the detection of CO(1-0) and CO(2-1) emission from the central region of nearby 3CR radio galaxies (z<< 0.03). Out of 21 galaxies, 8 have been detected in, at least, one of the two CO transitions. The total molecular gas content is below 109^9 \msun. Their individual CO emission exhibit, for 5 cases, a double-horned line profile that is characteristic of an inclined rotating disk with a central depression at the rising part of its rotation curve. The inferred disk or ring distributions of the molecular gas is consistent with the observed presence of dust disks or rings detected optically in the cores of the galaxies. We reason that if their gas originates from the mergers of two gas-rich disk galaxies, as has been invoked to explain the molecular gas in other radio galaxies, then these galaxies must have merged a long time ago (few Gyr or more) but their remnant elliptical galaxies only recently (last 107^7 years or less) become active radio galaxies. Instead, we argue the the cannibalism of gas-rich galaxies provide a simpler explanation for the origin of molecular gas in the elliptical hosts of radio galaxies (Lim et al. 2000). Given the transient nature of their observed disturbances, these galaxies probably become active in radio soon after the accretion event when sufficient molecular gas agglomerates in their nuclei.Comment: 6 pages, including 2 figures,in "QSO Hosts and Their Environments", ed. I. Marquez, in pres

    Determination and Correlation of Anticardiolipin Antibody with High Sensitivity C- reactive Proteins and its Role in Predicting Short Term Outcome in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome

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    Anticardiolipin antibody (aCL) is considered to be an independent risk factor while high sensitivity C reactive protein (hsCRP) is an established marker for coronary artery disease. This study was conducted to determine levels of aCL antibodies and hsCRP, their correlation and role in predicting recurrence of events in patients presenting with Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS). Sixty patients admitted with Acute Coronary Syndrome were followed up for 7 days or until discharge. Patients were classified into two groups as those having experienced an ischemic event needing intervention within 7 days (Group I) and other having an event free recovery (Group II). aCL antibody and hsCRP levels were estimated and compared in these two groups. Twenty age and sex matched disease free persons served as controls. The levels of aCL were significantly higher in patients with ACS as compared to the controls (p=0.020). However the levels of aCL in Group I (13.39±9.46 GPL-U/ml) and Group II (13.51±9.93 GPL-U/ml) were not significantly different (p =0.838). The mean hsCRP levels were higher in cases with an event (23.30±10.68 mg/dl) than in cases without an event (20.60±11.45mg/dl) though it was not significant statistically (p=0.389). aCL and CRP were not found to be significantly correlated in causing the recurrence of events(p=0.178). Therefore anticardiolipin antibody is an independent risk factor which could be implicated in the pathogenesis of ACS. However it is not significantly associated with recurrence of short-term events in patients with ACS. Also, aCL antibody does not have significant correlation with hSCRP in causing recurrence of events in the patients of acute coronary syndrome