13 research outputs found


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    Plant tissue culture has been shown to be an efficient technique for the propagation of diverse Agave species using different in vitro regeneration processes. However, it has been demonstrated that genetic changes can occur in plants regenerated under these schemes, also called somaclonal variation. Objective: the objective of this study was to determine the genetic fidelity of plantlets regenerated from three different explants (mature zygotic embryonic axis, in vitro plantlet meristematic zone, and ex vitro plantlet meristematic zone) using two pathways of micropropagation (direct and indirect organogenesis) of A. salmiana and A. marmorata. Methodology: somaclonal variation of the obtained clones was evaluated using different DNA markers, such as anchored simple inter-sequence repeat (ASSR) and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD). Results: the results show that only in those clones that undergo a callus phase and, consequently, indirect organogenesis, somaclonal variation was observed. In contrast, those clones obtained by direct organogenesis were genetically stable, it means not polymorphic bands were observed. Implications: it was achieved an efficient propagation protocol for A. salmiana and A. marmorata, maintaining genetic stability of regenerated plantlets as well as a possible alternative for genetic improvement by observing somaclonal variation via indirect organogenesis in both evaluated species. Conclusions: in this research, the micropropagation pathway (direct and indirect organogenesis) was the determining factor to maintain or not the genetic fidelity of the regenerated plants in both species of Agave used.Plant tissue culture has been shown to be an efficient technique for the propagation of diverse Agave species using different in vitro regeneration processes. However, it has been demonstrated that genetic changes can occur in plants regenerated under these schemes, also called somaclonal variation. Objective: the objective of this study was to determine the genetic fidelity of plantlets regenerated from three different explants (mature zygotic embryonic axis, in vitro plantlet meristematic zone, and ex vitro plantlet meristematic zone) using two pathways of micropropagation (direct and indirect organogenesis) of A. salmiana and A. marmorata. Methodology: somaclonal variation of the obtained clones was evaluated using different DNA markers, such as anchored simple inter-sequence repeat (ASSR) and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD). Results: the results show that only in those clones that undergo a callus phase and, consequently, indirect organogenesis, somaclonal variation was observed. In contrast, those clones obtained by direct organogenesis were genetically stable, it means not polymorphic bands were observed. Implications: it was achieved an efficient propagation protocol for A. salmiana and A. marmorata, maintaining genetic stability of regenerated plantlets as well as a possible alternative for genetic improvement by observing somaclonal variation via indirect organogenesis in both evaluated species. Conclusions: in this research, the micropropagation pathway (direct and indirect organogenesis) was the determining factor to maintain or not the genetic fidelity of the regenerated plants in both species of Agave used.UNIVERSIDAD AUTONOMA DEL ESTADO DE MEXIC

    Genetic Variability of Mountain Pine (Pinus hartwegii Lindl) in the Protection of Flora and Fauna Area Nevado de Toluca

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    Mountain pine (Pinus hartwegii Lindl) is one of the most abundant conifers in the Protection of Flora and Fauna Area Nevado de Toluca in central Mexico; this natural protected area is threatened by urbanization; this has been manifested in forest health; there has been an increase in forest parasites like bark beetles and dwarf mistletoes, making necessary improve forest management and conservation, hence our objective was to study the genetic diversity of mountain pine under the attack of parasites and to generate information that could be used to improve strategies of conservation of these forests. We classified sampled trees into four categories according to the type of parasite present in a tree (bark beetle: BB; dwarf mistletoe: DM; bark beetle and dwarf mistletoe: BM and non-attacked trees or healthy trees: HT). Genetic diversity was low in comparison with other pine species, but we observed an interesting issue: trees attacked by bark beetle and dwarf mistletoe had higher levels of heterozygosis: Henc = 0.1924 and Henc = 0.1993, respectively. These results suggest that trees with bark beetle and dwarf mistletoes may have higher genetic variability and are a highly valuable genetic resource for mountain pine

    Contribución al conocimiento del pepinillo silvestre (Melothria pendula L.)

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    La plnta de pepinillo silvestre no ha sido estudiada en sus aspectos morfofisiológicos, agroecológicos ni bromatológicos. Estaa especie fue ubicadataxonómicamente como Melothria pendula L., puede propagarse por semillas vvegetativamente.  Los resultados del estudio indican que Melothria pendula L., alcanzó la fase de fructificacion aún sobre los 2600 msnm. Los frutos de esta especie presentan un alto contenido de proiteína (12.6%), fibra (16.3%) y carbtihidratos (56.8%), y pueden ser consumidos por humanos. Tanto losfrutos, los tallos y las hojas de la planta pueden usarse como forraje para rumiantes

    Contribución al conocimiento del pepinillo silvestre (Melothria pendula L.)

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    The morpho-physiological, agroecologial and bromatological aspects of the wild cucumber plant have not been previously studied. Botanically classified as Melothria pendula L, this perennial plant can be propagated by sets or by vegetative methods. The results of the present study indicate that Melothria Pendula L, reached fruit production stage at 2600 meters above sea level. The fruit of this species has a high protein content (12.60%), fiber (16.30%), carbohydrates (56.80%) and can be eaten by humans. As well, the fruit stems and leaves of the plant can be used as forage for ruminants.                                                     La planta de pepinillo silvestre no ha sido estudiada en sus aspectos morfo fisiológicos, agroecológicos ni bromatológicos. Estaa especie fue ubicada taxonómicamente como Melothria pendula L., puede propagarse por semillas v vegetativamente.  Los resultados del estudio indican que Melothria pendula L., alcanzó la fase de fructificación aún sobre los 2600 msnm. Los frutos de esta especie presentan un alto contenido de proteína (12.6%), fibra (16.3%) y carbohidratos (56.8%), y pueden ser consumidos por humanos. Tanto los frutos, los tallos y las hojas de la planta pueden usarse como forraje para rumiantes

    In vitro propagation of miyamasukashi-yuri (lilium maculatum thunb. var. bukosanense), an endangered plant species

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    "Lilium maculatum var. bukosanense (Honda) Hara, called Miyamasukashi-yuri in Japanese, is a wild lily, considered as criticallyendangered in Japan. Before L. maculatum var. bukosanense is lost,attempts for in vitro propagation can be performed to provid


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    Tigridia Jussieu is an endemic genus to Mexico and taxonomically difficult with limited information about its genetic variability. A diversity assessment conducted using different DNA markers as an inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers will be helpful in the establishment of a broad- based description for improved germplasm curation and the identification of germplasm for genome mapping and breeding of these species. Thus, the objective of this study was to characterize 15 wild species of Tigridia by using RAPD and ISSR molecular markers. This study was carried out in the laboratory of Plant Molecular Biology at the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México between August and November of 2011. In this assay, 13 RAPD primers of 10, 15 and 20 b, and five ISSR primers of the anchored type (ASSR) of 17 b were used to assess the level of genetic variation among 15 wild species of Tigridia . With both markers there were 163 amplified bands of which 150 (92.02 %) were polymorphic. The RAPD primers of 10 b generated 12 specific bands with a polymorphism of 95.12 %, for 15 b primers those values were five and 82.93 %, and for 20 b primers eight and 94.59 %, respectively. The RAPD pooled primers presented a polymorphism of 90.76 %, the genetic distance (G D ) among the species ranged from 0.16 (between T. illecebrosa and T. huajuapanensis ) to 0.57 (between T. multiflora and T. augusta ). The ISSR primers showed more polymorphism(95.45 %) than RAPD primers. With ASSR primers the highest genetic association (G D = 0.89) was observed between T. mexicana ssp. mexicana and T. durangense , whereas the least related were T. vanhouttei spp. vanhouttei and T. multiflora (G D = 0.14). This study shows that 10 base random primers and 17 base anchored primers were more efficient to detect polymorphism and genetic differentiation among Tigridia species


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    Algunas isoenzimas intervienen en procesos de interés para los genetistas, tales como la floración, desarrollo de la plan - ta, altura, resistencia a plagas y enfermedades, entre otras. Por lo tanto, es importante determinar si existe expresión diferencial en lirio azteca ( Sprekelia formosissima (L.) Her - bert durante las fases vegetativa y reproductiva utilizando marcadores bioquímicos. Por ello, durante estas fases se recolectó tejido de hojas, tépalos, gineceo y estambres. Es - tos tejidos se maceraron adicionando un amortiguador de extracción y los extractos líquidos totales se usaron para determinar patrones isoenzimáticos mediante electrofore - sis en geles de almidón. La actividad enzimática diferencial se evaluó utilizando once sistemas isoenzimáticos, de los cuales sólo se observaron nueve formas enzimáticas o pa - trones de bandeo isoenzimáticos (PBI): dos bandas con pe - roxidasa (POX; EC, tres bandas con fosfatasa ácida (ACP; EC, una con fosfoglucosa isomerasa (PGI; EC, dos para fosfoglucomutasa (PGM; EC y una para malato deshidrogenasa (MDH; EC, la cual mostró el mismo patrón de bandeo isoenzimático en todas las etapas de desarrollo de la planta. Para el propósito de esta investigación únicamente se consideraron los patro - nes de bandeo isoenzimáticos diferentes


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    Se estudiaron los patrones de bandeo isoenzimáticos (PBI) de nueve variedades botánicas de Tigridia pavonia (L. f.) DC., especie nativa de México con un alto potencial ornamental. Las variedades fueron recolectadas en tres municipios del Estado de México: Tenancingo (2100 m), Temascaltepec (2250 m) y Temoaya (2600 m). Como fuente de extracción de proteínas se usaron tejidos foliares de cada variedad. En los corrimientos se empleó la técnica de electroforesis horizontal en geles de almidón (SGE). Con SGE fueron ensayadas nueve isoenzimas: aspartato amino transferasa (AAT; EC, fosfatasa ácida (ACP; EC, catalasa (CAT; EC, malato deshidrogenasa (MDH; EC, 6-fosfogluconato deshidrogenasa (PGD; EC, fosfoglucosa isomerasa (PGI; EC, fosfoglucomutasa (PGM; EC, fosfohexosa isomerasa (PHI; EC y peroxidasa (POX; EC Se observaron 32 bandas arregladas en 20 PBI: dos para AAT, dos para ACP, dos para CAT, cuatro para MDH, uno para PGD, uno para POX, tres para PGI, tres para PHI y dos para PGM. La isoenzima más polimórfica fue MDH, mientras que PGD y POX no mostraron polimorfismo. Los datos de siete isoenzimas fueron usados para calcular las relaciones genéticas con el método UPGMA. Las variedades de T. pavonia pudieron ser diferenciadas una de otra, excepto las variedades Ángeles de Sandra y Carolina de Dulce, las cuales no pudieron distinguirse con los PBI observados. Las variedades Gloria y Samaria, recolectadas a 2600 m, presentaron mayor variación genética que las recolectadas a 2100 o 2250 m, lo cual podría atribuirse a la altitud. Se concluye que las isoenzimas pueden usarse para la diferenciación genética de variedades de T. pavonia


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    El lirio azteca [Sprekelia formosissima (L.) Herbert] es una especie endémica de México. Su color rojo escarlata y la forma de su flor le confieren un gran potencial para usarse como planta ornamental y como flor de corte, flor en maceta y paisajismo. Por tanto, cuatro variedades botánicas de S. formosissima fueron evaluadas mediante 29 descriptores varietales y cinco iniciadores anclados (ASSR), con el propósito de conocer la eficiencia de cada uno de los marcadores en la diferenciación de variedades de S. formosissima y, además, determinar la posible relación entre la variabilidad genética y la altitud geográfica de recolecta de las cuatro variedades de S. formosissima. Los iniciadores ASSR generaron 57 a 100 % de polimorfismo. Con tres de los cinco iniciadores fue posible distinguir cada una de las variedades entre sí, generando un perfil molecular para su identificación inequívoca. Los ASSR fueron más eficientes al detectar una mayor variabilidad genética (DG=0.5) con respecto a los morfológicos (DG=0.3). La correlación basada entre la distancia genética y la altitud para el análisis morfológico no fue significativa;,además, el análisis molecular no mostró una correlación entre ambos factores