13 research outputs found

    MP-16 Characterization of Avibacterium paragallinarum Caused Infectious coryza/Snot: Satellite Colony Phenomenon

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    Infectious coryza (IC) is an acute upper respiratory disease of poultry that can appear in all ages. Some of clinical signs that are commonly seen in IC are rhinitis, facial swelling or edema, lacrimation, anorexia, and retarded growth in young poultry [1.2.3]. The disease can be found worldwide, especially in tropical countries [4]. Infectious coryza is very important in the chicken farm industry in developed and developing countries, including Indonesia [5]. The large economic losses due to IC such as increased number of culling, decreased egg production (10-40%), decreased body weight, stunting growth, and some mortality (2-10%) [4].Avibacterium paragallinarum which was previously classified as Haemophilus paragallinarum is a causative agent of infectious coryza in laying and broiler chickens, quail, pearl chicken, turkey, and peacocks [4,6,7,8]. The bacteria is commensal in the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory system, is sensitive to preservation and does not last long outside the host body [8]. Factors X and V are needed for the growth of several types of A. paragallinarum. According to in vitro growth requirements, A. paragallinarum can be either nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) independent or NAD-dependent. The reduced form of NAD (NADH; 1.56-25 µg/ml) and the oxidized form (20-100 µg/ml) is required for in vitro growth in most isolates A. paragallinarum that show satellitic colony on a medium [9]. The description of the need for V factor of field isolates A. paragalinarum has been few reported. The aim of this research is to find out the phenomenon of satellite colonies from a variety of poultry isolates

    Peran Koperasi Syariah Dalam Pembiayaan Usaha Kecil Dan Menengah

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    Penelitian berjudul Peran Koperasi Syariah Dalam Pembiayaan Usaha Kecil dan Menengah. Penelitian menggunankan metode penelitian deskriptif-kualitatif dengan menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Mendeskripsikan pelaksanaan pembiayaan koperasi syariah di KKS Baiturrahman Mitra Umat, dampak positif dan negatif, peran dan strategi yang dilakukan koperasi KKS Baiturrahman Mitra Umat agar masyarakat mau bergabung. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah pimpinan koperasi syariah, staf koperasi serta anggota koperasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa pelaksanaan pembiayaan KKS Baiturrahman Mitra Umat ini didasari oleh payung hukum. Selanjutnya, KKS Baiturrahman Mitra Umat memberikan manfaaat bagi masyarakat terutama dari segi ekonomi .Kendala tidak ditemukan, karena pada dasarnya KKS Baiturrahman Mitra Umat membantu masyarakat agar mendapatkan kemakmuran dan terbebas oleh riba. KKS Baiturrahman Mitra Umat telah berperan baik dalam mengelola pembiayaan usaha kecil dan menengah meskipun ada beberapa kendala dan rencana kerja yang belum terselesaikan. Setidaknya, KKS Baiturrahman Mitra Umat berhasil menghindarkan masyarakat dari rentenir atau lintah darat dengan bunga yang mencekik. Sementara itu, KKS Baiturrahman Mitra Umat telah melakukan strategi dengan cara aktif masuk ke majelis taklim , menyebar brosur ke pasar serta melakukan sosialisai di perkumpulan-perkumpulan sekolahan. Meskipun itu belum terlalu maksimal, namun setidaknya telah mampu memperkenalkan KKS Baiturrahman Mitra Umat ke Masyarakat