4 research outputs found

    Respons Fisiologis Ayam KUB (Kampung Unggul Balitbangtan) dan Ayam Walik dengan Haplotipe Gen HSP70 Berbeda yang Terpapar Cekaman Panas Akut

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    This study was conducted to determine the physiological response of acute heat stress in Kampung Unggul Balitbangtan (KUB) and Walik chickens with four different HSP70 gene haplotypes (H1', H1, H2, and H3). Acute heat stress is carried out at 35°C for one hour. The data was analyzed based on rectal temperature measurements, distribution of body surface temperature (head, neck, body, and leg area), hormone levels (corticosterone and triiodothyronine), and time of panting. Body surface temperature is detected using infrared thermography. The results showed that haplotype H1 Walik chicken is more susceptible to heat stress based on the rectal temperature. In contrast, H1' haplotype Walik chicken released more heat through the body surface in the leg area. Keywords: heat stress, hormone, KUB chicken, infrared thermography, walik chicke


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    This study aims to analyze the classification ability in animal biosystematics learning as the basis for making numerical taxonomies in biology education students. The method in this research consists of qualitative and quantitative analysis. Descriptive method is used for qualitative analysis and correlation method for quantitative analysis. The mixed methods strategy uses simultaneous triangulation because both qualitative and quantitative data are collected at the same time, then compared to identify convergence of differences or combinations of data. The number of students was 57 people who were divided into 11 groups. Ability classification is determined based on indicators that refer to science process skills. The classification ability indicator is made into six indicators, where each indicator is broken down into four sub indicators. The results of the analysis show that the classification abilities of the six indicators are: (1) recording each observation separately 89.04%, (2) looking for similarities and differences of 66.23%, (3) contrasting the features of 57.89%, (4) comparing of group characteristics 67.32%, (5) determining the basis for grouping 73.46%, and (6) connecting the results of observations 76.32%. The ability of individuals to make classifications in animal biosystematic learning reached 71.72%, while in groups it was 71.98%. Based on the results above, it can be concluded that the classification ability of participants in animal biosystematic learning is good with the medium category, this can support in making numerical taxonomy

    In silico primer design and CpG island detection in HSP90 gene chicken (Gallus gallus)

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    .Cekaman panas merupakan salah satu faktor  penyebab penurunan produktivitas, kesehatan dan peningkatan kematian pada ayam. Terdapat mekanisme pertahanan tubuh untuk mengatasi stres panas tersebut dengan menghasilkan sekelompok protein, yang dikenal sebagai Heat shock Protein (HSP), di antaranya HSP90. Perkembangan biologi molekuler memungkinkan gen HSP90 ini dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai penanda cekakaman panas pada ayam. Gen HSP90 mempunyai keistimewaan karena terdiri dari dua isoform: yaitu HSP90α (HSP90AA1 dan HP90AB1) dan HSP90β (HSP90B1), yang masing-masing memiliki karakteristik struktur dan polimorfisme gen yang berbeda-beda serta belum banyak diteliti. Oleh sebab itu dilakukan perancangan primer dan deteksi CpG Island pada gen HSP90 dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak Primer3, Netprimer, dan MethPrimer secara in silico. Hasil penelitian menunjukan 24 kandidat primer pada gen HSP90AA1 (9), HSP90AB1 (10) dan HSP90B1 (5) yang dapat digunakan untuk melihat polimorfisme untuk dijadikan marker cekaman panas pada gen HSP90 ayam. Deteksi potensi CpG Island dilakukan pada daerah promoter dan ekson pertama pada gen HSP90 ayam. Deteksi CpG Island menghasilkan hanya satu CpG Island pada gen HSP90AA1 dan dua CpG Island masing-masing ditemukan pada gen HSP90AB1 dan HSP90B1. Diharapkan hasil penelitian ini dapat digunakan untuk penelitian database cekaman panas pada ayam lokal Indonesia

    Successful Primer Picking and Pooling for the Design of Multiplex PCR Primers Specific to Pork, Beef, Chicken, and Rat DNA

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    DNA markers and Multiplex-PCR have emerged as methods for species detection in processed meat products. The primary objective of this study is to design multiplex primer sequences for pork, rat, beef, and chicken, generating distinguishable amplicons through agarose gel electrophoresis for halal detection in processed meat products. Primer design involved utilizing mitochondrial genomic data and the NCBI-Primer BLAST site to obtain specific pork and beef primer sequences. In silico simulations, including single and multiplex-PCR, were conducted using Primer Pooler. In vitro validation encompassed Single-PCR and Multiplex-PCR annealing temperature optimization, using samples of chicken, beef, pork, and rat as well as processed meat products like meatballs, sausages, and nuggets. In vitro validation demonstrated that the halal marker gene's multiplex primer efficiently amplified the target sequence, specifically at the optimal annealing temperature of 58°C. Amplicons from beef (1,217 bp), pork (860 bp), rat (622 bp), and chicken (272 bp) primers could be distinguished on a 1.5% agarose gel. The study's results can aid in cost-effective and rapid halal testing and authentication of processed meat products, offering advantages over PCR with a single primer