25 research outputs found

    Brief isoflurane administration as an adjunct treatment to control organophosphate-induced convulsions and neuropathology

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    Organophosphate-based chemical agents (OP), including nerve agents and certain pesticides such as paraoxon, are potent acetylcholinesterase inhibitors that cause severe convulsions and seizures, leading to permanent central nervous system (CNS) damage if not treated promptly. The current treatment regimen for OP poisoning is intramuscular injection of atropine sulfate with an oxime such as pralidoxime (2-PAM) to mitigate cholinergic over-activation of the somatic musculature and autonomic nervous system. This treatment does not provide protection against CNS cholinergic overactivation and therefore convulsions require additional medication. Benzodiazepines are the currently accepted treatment for OP-induced convulsions, but the convulsions become refractory to these GABAA agonists and repeated dosing has diminishing effectiveness. As such, adjunct anticonvulsant treatments are needed to provide improved protection against recurrent and prolonged convulsions and the associated excitotoxic CNS damage that results from them. Previously we have shown that brief, 4-min administration of 3%–5% isoflurane in 100% oxygen has profound anticonvulsant and CNS protective effects when administered 30 min after a lethal dose of paraoxon. In this report we provide an extended time course of the effectiveness of 5% isoflurane delivered for 5 min, ranging from 60 to 180 min after a lethal dose of paraoxon in rats. We observed substantial effectiveness in preventing neuronal loss as shown by Fluoro-Jade B staining when isoflurane was administered 1 h after paraoxon, with diminishing effectiveness at 90, 120 and 180 min. In vivo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) derived T2 and mean diffusivity (MD) values showed that 5-min isoflurane administration at a concentration of 5% prevents brain edema and tissue damage when administered 1 h after a lethal dose of paraoxon. We also observed reduced astrogliosis as shown by GFAP immunohistochemistry. Studies with continuous EEG monitoring are ongoing to demonstrate effectiveness in animal models of soman poisoning

    Metabolic acetate therapy improves phenotype in the tremor rat model of Canavan disease

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    Genetic mutations that severely diminish the activity of aspartoacylase (ASPA) result in the fatal brain dysmyelinating disorder, Canavan disease. There is no effective treatment. ASPA produces free acetate from the concentrated brain metabolite, N-acetylaspartate (NAA). Because acetyl coenzyme A is a key building block for lipid synthesis, we postulated that the inability to catabolize NAA leads to a brain acetate deficiency during a critical period of CNS development, impairing myelination and possibly other aspects of brain development. We tested the hypothesis that acetate supplementation during postnatal myelination would ameliorate the severe phenotype associated with ASPA deficiency using the tremor rat model of Canavan disease. Glyceryltriacetate (GTA) was administered orally to tremor rats starting 7 days after birth, and was continued in food and water after weaning. Motor function, myelin lipids, and brain vacuolation were analyzed in GTA-treated and untreated tremor rats. Significant improvements were observed in motor performance and myelin galactocerebroside content in tremor rats treated with GTA. Further, brain vacuolation was modestly reduced, and these reductions were positively correlated with improved motor performance. We also examined the expression of the acetyl coenzyme A synthesizing enzyme acetyl coenzyme A synthase 1 and found upregulation of expression in tremor rats, with a return to near normal expression levels in GTA-treated tremor rats. These results confirm the critical role played by NAA-derived acetate in brain myelination and development, and demonstrate the potential usefulness of acetate therapy for the treatment of Canavan disease

    N-Acetylaspartate in the CNS: From neurodiagnostics to neurobiology

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    The brain is unique among organs in many respects, including its mechanisms of lipid synthesis and energy production. The nervous systemspecific metabolite N-acetylaspartate (NAA), which is synthesized from aspartate and acetyl-coenzyme A in neurons, appears to be a key link in these distinct biochemical features of CNS metabolism. During early postnatal central nervous system (CNS) development, the expression of lipogenic enzymes in oligodendrocytes, including the NAA-degrading enzyme aspartoacylase (ASPA), is increased along with increased NAA production in neurons. NAA is transported from neurons to the cytoplasm of oligodendrocytes, where ASPA cleaves the acetate moiety for use in fatty acid and steroid synthesis. The fatty acids and steroids produced then go on to be used as building blocks for myelin lipid synthesis. Mutations in the gene for ASPA result in the fatal leukodystrophy Canavan disease, for which there is currently no effective treatment. Once postnatal myelination is completed, NAA may continue to be involved in myelin lipid turnover in adults, but it also appears to adopt other roles, including a bioenergetic role in neuronal mitochondria. NAA and ATP metabolism appear to be linked indirectly, whereby acetylation of aspartate may facilitate its removal from neuronal mitochondria, thus favoring conversion of glutamate to alpha ketoglutarate which can enter the tricarboxylic acid cycle for energy production. In its role as a mechanism for enhancing mitochondrial energy production from glutamate, NAA is in a key position to act as a magnetic resonance spectroscopy marker for neuronal health, viability and number. Evidence suggests that NAA is a direct precursor for the enzymatic synthesis of the neuron specific dipeptide N-acetylaspartylglutamate, the most concentrated neuropeptide in the human brain. Other proposed roles for NAA include neuronal osmoregulation and axon-glial signaling. We propose that NAA may also be involved in brain nitrogen balance. Further research will be required to more fully understand the biochemical functions served by NAA in CNS development and activity, and additional functions are likely to be discovered

    N-Acetylaspartate reductions in brain injury: impact on post-injury neuroenergetics, lipid synthesis, and protein acetylation

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    N-Acetylaspartate (NAA) is employed as a non-invasive marker for neuronal health using proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS). This utility is afforded by the fact that NAA is one of the most concentrated brain metabolites and that it produces the largest peak in MRS scans of the healthy human brain. NAA levels in the brain are reduced proportionately to the degree of tissue damage after traumatic brain injury (TBI) and the reductions parallel the reductions in ATP levels. Because NAA is the most concentrated acetylated metabolite in the brain, we have hypothesized that NAA acts in part as an extensive reservoir of acetate for acetyl coenzyme A synthesis. Therefore, the loss of NAA after TBI impairs acetyl coenzyme A dependent functions including energy derivation, lipid synthesis and protein acetylation reactions in distinct ways in different cell populations. The enzymes involved in synthesizing and metabolizing NAA are predominantly expressed in neurons and oligodendrocytes respectively, and therefore some proportion of NAA must be transferred between cell types before the acetate can be liberated, converted to acetyl coenzyme A and utilized. Studies have indicated that glucose metabolism in neurons is reduced, but that acetate metabolism in astrocytes is increased following TBI, possibly reflecting an increased role for non-glucose energy sources in response to injury. NAA can provide additional acetate for intercellular metabolite trafficking to maintain acetyl CoA levels after injury. Here we explore changes in NAA, acetate and acetyl coenzyme A metabolism in response to brain injury

    Increasing N-acetylaspartate in the Brain during Postnatal Myelination Does Not Cause the CNS Pathologies of Canavan Disease

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    Canavan disease is caused by mutations in the gene encoding aspartoacylase (ASPA), a deacetylase that catabolizes N-acetylaspartate (NAA). The precise involvement of elevated NAA in the pathogenesis of Canavan disease is an ongoing debate. In the present study, we tested the effects of elevated NAA in the brain during postnatal development. Mice were administered high doses of the hydrophobic methyl ester of NAA (M-NAA) twice daily starting on day 7 after birth. This treatment increased NAA levels in the brain to those observed in the brains of Nur7 mice, an established model of Canavan disease. We evaluated various serological parameters, oxidative stress, inflammatory and neurodegeneration markers and the results showed that there were no pathological alterations in any measure with increased brain NAA levels. We examined oxidative stress markers, malondialdehyde content (indicator of lipid peroxidation), expression of NADPH oxidase and nuclear translocation of the stress-responsive transcription factor nuclear factor (erythroid-derived 2)-like 2 (NRF-2) in brain. We also examined additional pathological markers by immunohistochemistry and the expression of activated caspase-3 and interleukin-6 by Western blot. None of the markers were increased in the brains of M-NAA treated mice, and no vacuoles were observed in any brain region. These results show that ASPA expression prevents the pathologies associated with excessive NAA concentrations in the brain during postnatal myelination. We hypothesize that the pathogenesis of Canavan disease involves not only disrupted NAA metabolism, but also excessive NAA related signaling processes in oligodendrocytes that have not been fully determined and we discuss some of the potential mechanisms

    Association of immunoglobulin GM allotypes with longevity in long-living individuals from Southern Italy

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    Abstract Background The aim of this study was to analyse the role of GM allotypes, i.e. the hereditary antigenic determinants expressed on immunoglobulin polypeptide chains, in the attainment of longevity. The role played by immunoglobulin allotypes in the control of immune responses is well known as well as the role of an efficient immune response in longevity achievement. So, it is conceivable that particular GM allotypes may contribute to the generation of an efficient immune response that supports successful ageing, hence longevity. Methods In order to show if GM allotypes play a role in the achievement of longevity, we typed the DNA of 95 Long-living individuals (LLIs) and 96 young control individuals (YCs) from South Italy for GM3/17 and GM23+/− alleles. Results To demonstrate the role of GM allotypes in the attainment of longevity we compared genotype and allele frequencies of GM allotypes between LLIs and YCs. A global chi-square test (3 × 2) shows that the distribution of genotypes at the GM 3/17 locus is highly significantly different in LLIs from that observed in YCs (p < 0.0001). The 2 × 2 chi-square test shows that the carriers of the GM3 allele contribute to this highly significant difference. Accordingly, GM3 allele is significantly overrepresented in LLIs. No significant differences were instead observed regarding GM23 allele. Conclusion These preliminary results show that GM3 allotype is significantly overrepresented in LLIs. To best of our knowledge, this is the first study performed to assess the role of GM allotypes in longevity. So, it should be necessary to verify the data in a larger sample of individuals to confirm GM role in the attainment of longevity

    Acetate Supplementation Induces Growth Arrest of NG2/PDGFRα-Positive Oligodendroglioma-Derived Tumor-Initiating Cells

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    <div><p>Cancer is associated with globally hypoacetylated chromatin and considerable attention has recently been focused on epigenetic therapies. N-acetyl-L-aspartate (NAA), the primary storage form of acetate in the brain, and aspartoacylase (ASPA), the enzyme responsible for NAA catalysis to generate acetate and ultimately acetyl-Coenzyme A for histone acetylation, are reduced in oligodendroglioma. The short chain triglyceride glyceryl triacetate (GTA), which increases histone acetylation and inhibits histone deacetylase expression, has been safely used for acetate supplementation in Canavan disease, a leukodystrophy due to ASPA mutation. We demonstrate that GTA induces cytostatic G<sub>0</sub> growth arrest of oligodendroglioma-derived cells <i>in vitro</i>, without affecting normal cells. Sodium acetate, at doses comparable to that generated by complete GTA catalysis, but not glycerol also promoted growth arrest, whereas long chain triglycerides promoted cell growth. To begin to elucidate its mechanism of action, the effects of GTA on ASPA and acetyl-CoA synthetase protein levels and differentiation of established human oligodendroglioma cells (HOG and Hs683) and primary tumor-derived oligodendroglioma cells that exhibit some features of cancer stem cells (grade II OG33 and grade III OG35) relative to an oligodendrocyte progenitor line (Oli-Neu) were examined. The nuclear localization of ASPA and acetyl-CoA synthetase-1 in untreated cells was regulated during the cell cycle. GTA-mediated growth arrest was not associated with apoptosis or differentiation, but increased expression of acetylated proteins. Thus, GTA-mediated acetate supplementation may provide a safe, novel epigenetic therapy to reduce the growth of oligodendroglioma cells without affecting normal neural stem or oligodendrocyte progenitor cell proliferation or differentiation. </p> </div

    OG33 and OG35 cells are recalcitrant to differentiation.

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    <p>OG33 (A) and OG35 (B-D) cells were induced to differentiate over 6 days <i>in </i><i>vitro</i> via activation of adenylyl cyclase (1 mM dibutyryl cAMP or 10 μM forskolin) or inhibition of MEK1/2 (1 μM PD035901), ErbB2 (1 μM PD174285), PI3K (5 μM and 10 μM LY294002), or mTOR (10 nM and 20 nM rapamycin [RAP]) signaling. DMSO (0.2% DMSO) was used as a control for PD174285, PD035901 and LY294002 treatments. Despite inhibition of PI3K-Akt-mTOR and ERK signaling pathways, both cells failed to differentiate into cells with oligodendroglial morphology (A, B) or increase immunoreactivity for GPAF or CNPase (not shown). MEK and ErbB2 inhibition actually increased OG35 proliferation in DM. While inhibition of PI3K-Akt-mTOR signaling induced morphological alterations in OG35 cells (B), this was not associated with increased CNPase (C) or ASPA (D) protein levels. In fact, ASPA expression decreased in the presence of 10 μM LY294002 and 20 nM rapamycin. Differentiation of Oli-Neu cells with cAMP for 4 days or inhibition of ErbB2 signaling for 2 days served as controls for oligodendrocyte cell morphology. DM - differentiation medium, SCM - stem cell medium. n = 3 independent cultures. *p < 0.05. Scale bar = 100 μm.</p