10 research outputs found

    An Overview of Land Consolidation in Europe

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    Rural development by land consolidation is used in several countries in the Continent of Europe. At the moment, land consolidation projects are executed mainly in Germany, the Netherlands, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Austria and Switzerland as well as Finland, Norway and Sweden. The demand for land consolidation arises from a similar source in all countries: the need for readjusting unfavourable land division and promoting the appropriate use of the real property without changing the status of ownership. There are differences in the objectives and procedures of land consolidation depending on the country in question, as the development of the procedure has been influenced by the historical trends, culture, tradition and legislation in each of the countries. The common initiative for land consolidation in different countries has, however, offered the possibility of adopting well-proven solutions, and the features of the land consolidation process have developed similar in all of Europe. Based on literature research the objective of this article is to discuss the similarities and differences in the land consolidation procedure in various European countries. The article considers the organisation, objectives, legal procedure, costs and financing, and the development prospects. Furthermore, the article compares the objectives and contents of land consolidation in Finland, Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden in more detail

    Land Consolidation and the Value of Rural Cultural Landscape

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    The formation of rural cultural landscape can be studied as an entity comprising the visible elements, the background processes which have formed and are forming these visible elements, and the values that are given to the landscape. The value of rural cultural landscape can be based, for example, on well-kept cultivated landscape, buildings, and diverse culturally affected nature. Changes in real estate and property structure have had a major influence on rural cultural landscape. Earlier forms of land use are layered in the current landscape affecting the values of the landscape at the same time. The consideration of landscape change is a pressing issue as the current scattered property structure is being enhanced by implementing land consolidations. In order to preserve the values of cultural landscape, the process of land consolidation should include a separate landscape analysis

    Kiinteistöjärjestelmä ja perusrekisterit

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    Kirjasta lukija saa kokonaiskuvan suomalaisesta kiinteistöjärjestelmästä ja sen ominaispiirteistä muihin länsimaisiin kiinteistöjärjestelmätyyppeihin verrattuna. Kirjassa selostetaan kiinteistöjärjestelmän käsitettä ja suomalaisen kiinteistöjärjestelmän syntyhistoriaa sekä sen nykyistä rakennetta ja tietosisältöä osana suomalaista perusrekisterikokonaisuutta ja länsimaista kiinteistöjärjestelmäperhettä. Lisäksi kirjassa selostetaan kiinteistöjärjestelmän tulevia kehitysnäkymiä ja kiinteistöjärjestelmien kansainvälisiä standardisointihankkeita

    Kiinteistötekniikan perusteet

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    Kiinteistöjärjestelmä on osa länsimaisten talousjärjestelmien perustaa. Kiinteistöjärjestelmän ja sen ylläpitämiseksi tarvittavien kiinteistötoimitusten toimitusprosessien tuntemus ovat taas kiinteistötekniikan opiskelijoiden perusosaamista. Tämä kirja on tarkoitettu kiinteistötekniikan perusteiden oppikirjaksi. Kirjan tavoitteena on antaa opiskelijoille yleiskuva kiinteistöjärjestelmän rakenteesta ja sen syntyhistoriasta sekä kiinteistötoimitusten toimitusmenettelystä. Lisäksi kirjassa kuvataan kiinteistökaupan transaktioprosessia kiinteistöjärjestelmän ylläpidon ja kiinteistötoimitusten toimitustuotannon näkökulmasta

    Halkominen ja yhteisen alueen jako

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    Kauppakohtaisten tekijöiden vaikutukset kantohintoihin Suomessa

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    TutkimusselosteSeloste artikkelista: Kolis, K., Hiironen, J., Ärölä, E. & Vitikainen, A. 2014. Effects of sale-specific factors on stumpage prices in Finland. Silva Fennica 48(3), article id 1054

    Development of the Land Consolidation Procedure

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    The goal was to study the possibility of accelerating the completion of land consolidation surveys following the Real Property Formation Act (554/95) and achieving significant cost savings at the same time, without significantly changing the final results. The emphasis of the study was on finding out the key factors related to the duration and costs of the land consolidation procedures. The land consolidation procedure was modelled into an operating network. The operating network consists of 389 different tasks, the contents and interdependence of which were determined. The principles for estimating the workload, the costs and the duration of different tasks in the procedure are presented in the study. The possibilities of renewing the land consolidation procedure have been analysed by the model of operating network, and a renewed process is suggested. Compared to the present procedure some tasks in the land consolidation procedure have been brought forward or made concurrent, certain tasks have been combined, unnecessary tasks discarded, and the contents of different tasks have been simplified. In addition, the planning and implementation of certain tasks have been transferred from cadastral officers to external organisations. Replanning and modelling of the land consolidation procedure by the operating network techniques proved that the completion of the process could probably be significantly shortened compared to the present duration. The cost savings are obvious. This is achieved with no major effect on the final results. Land consolidation of reasonable extent can thus be performed in four to five years. The landowners will possess their new parcels within three years from the land consolidation proceedings. Recommendations for developing the land consolidation procedure in the preparation, planning and implementation stages are given in the study. The recommendations relate to preparing the requirement report, landowner consultation, valuations, preparing the readjustment plan, planning and implementation of the improvements, land use planning, environmental impact assessment, and securing the costs of land consolidation implementation.reviewe