78 research outputs found

    Managing appropriation concerns and coordination costs in complex vendor relationships: Integration and isolation as governance strategies

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    Many studies have shown that the inter-organizational governance mechanisms required to manage appropriation concerns come into conflict with the mechanisms needed to manage coordination costs. Research has, however, largely left unanswered the question of how client organizations govern complex vendor relationships that involve multiple categories, transactions, and activities where appropriation concerns and coordination costs must be managed simultaneously. We propose that this may be achieved by utilizing two strategies; while integrating some activities, transactions and categories, others can be isolated. Drawing on 23 interviews as well asprocedural documents associated with vendor management, this study examines how a leading automotive manufacturer governs relationships with three vendors. The analysis reveals how corporate and operational-level staff combine formal and informal governance mechanisms as they pursue integration and isolation strategies, enabling the client organization to maintain and develop longterm complex relationships. Our findings lead us to question a tendency in the literature to regard isolation as negative and integration as an ideal strategy for managing long-term relationships. Only when utilized in tandem will isolation and integration strategies enable organizations to align the conflicting governance mechanisms required to manage appropriation concerns and coordination costs

    A Systematic Mapping of Research on Sustainability Dimensions at Farm-level in Pig Production

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    We systematically mapped the scientific literature on the sustainability of pig production at farm-level. Sustainability was considered holistically, covering its economic, environmental, and social dimensions, each consisting of a broad range of different aspects that may contradict or reinforce each other. Literature published between January 2000 and March 2020 with a geographical focus on Europe, North America, Australia, and New Zealand was included. A standard template with predefined keywords was used to summarise aspects of each sustainability dimension covered in identified papers. We found that papers analysing environmental sustainability were more frequent than papers analysing economic or social sustainability. However, there are many different aspects within each dimension of sustainability, hampering comparisons between studies. In addition, each dimension of sustainability has many sides, making it difficult to compare different studies, and different dimensions and aspects may have complex interrelations. Our systematic literature review revealed that these interrelations are not well understood and that possible trade-offs or synergies between different aspects of sustainability dimensions remain unidentified. This systematic mapping of the current literature on farm-level sustainability in pig production can support a more informed discussion on knowledge gaps and help prioritise future research at farm-level to enhance sustainability in pig production

    Study protocol: a multi-professional team intervention of physical activity referrals in primary care patients with cardiovascular risk factors-the Dalby lifestyle intervention cohort (DALICO) study

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    Background: The present study protocol describes the trial design of a primary care intervention cohort study, which examines whether an extended, multi-professional physical activity referral (PAR) intervention is more effective in enhancing and maintaining self-reported physical activity than physical activity prescription in usual care. The study targets patients with newly diagnosed hypertension and/or type 2 diabetes. Secondary outcomes include: need of pharmacological therapy; blood pressure/plasma glucose; physical fitness and anthropometric variables; mental health; health related quality of life; and cost-effectiveness. Methods/Design: The study is designed as a long term intervention. Three primary care centres are involved in the study, each constituting one of three treatment groups: 1) Intervention group (IG): multi-professional team intervention with PAR, 2) Control group A (CA): physical activity prescription in usual care and 3) Control group B: treatment as usual (retrospective data collection). The intervention is based on self-determination theory and follows the principles of motivational interviewing. The primary outcome, physical activity, is measured with the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) and expressed as metabolic equivalent of task (MET)-minutes per week. Physical fitness is estimated with the 6-minute walk test in IG only. Variables such as health behaviours; health-related quality of life; motivation to change; mental health; demographics and socioeconomic characteristics are assessed with an electronic study questionnaire that submits all data to a patient database, which automatically provides feed-back to the health-care providers on the patients' health status. Cost-effectiveness of the intervention is evaluated continuously and the intermediate outcomes of the intervention are extrapolated by economic modelling. Discussions: By helping patients to overcome practical, social and cultural obstacles and increase their internal motivation for physical activity we aim to improve their physical health in a long- term perspective. The targeted patients belong to a patient category that is supposed to benefit from increased physical activity in terms of improved physiological values, mental status and quality of life, decreased risk of complications and maybe a decreased need of medication

    Lichens from the Vadstena Monastery churchyard – the burial place of Eric Acharius

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    A list of 120 taxa observed at the Vadstena Monastery churchyard includes some rare species and a few lichenicolous fungi. Lecanora semipallida is reported from the province Östergötland [Ostrogothia] for the first time

    Emerging collaborative research platforms for the next generation of physical activity, sleep and exercise medicine guidelines: The Prospective Physical Activity, Sitting, and Sleep consortium (ProPASS)

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    Galileo Galilei’s quote ‘measure what is measurable, and make measurable what is not so’ has particular relevance to health behaviours, such as physical activity (PA), sitting and sleep, whose measurement during free living is notoriously difficult. To date, much of what we know about how these behaviours affect our health is based on self-report by questionnaires which have limited validity, are prone to bias and inquire about selective aspects of these behaviours. Although self-reported evidence has made great contributions to shaping public health and exercise medicine policy and guidelines until now,1 the ongoing advancements of accelerometry-based measurement and evidence synthesis methods are set to change the landscape. The aim of this editorial is to outline new directions in PA and sleep-related epidemiology that open new horizons for guideline development and improvement; and to describe a new research collaboration platform: the Prospective Physical Activity, Sitting, and Sleep consortium (ProPASS). </p

    The Smart City Active Mobile Phone Intervention (SCAMPI) study to promote physical activity through active transportation in healthy adults: a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

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    Abstract Background The global pandemic of physical inactivity represents a considerable public health challenge. Active transportation (i.e., walking or cycling for transport) can contribute to greater total physical activity levels. Mobile phone-based programs can promote behaviour change, but no study has evaluated whether such a program can promote active transportation in adults. This study protocol presents the design and methodology of The Smart City Active Mobile Phone Intervention (SCAMPI), a randomised controlled trial to promote active transportation via a smartphone application (app) with the aim to increase physical activity. Methods/design A two-arm parallel randomised controlled trial will be conducted in Stockholm County, Sweden. Two hundred fifty adults aged 20–65 years will be randomised to either monitoring of active transport via the TRavelVU app (control), or to a 3-month evidence-based behaviour change program to promote active transport and monitoring of active travel via the TRavelVU Plus app (intervention). The primary outcome is moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity (MVPA in minutes/day) (ActiGraph wGT3x-BT) measured post intervention. Secondary outcomes include: time spent in active transportation measured via the TRavelVU app, perceptions about active transportation (the Transport and Physical Activity Questionnaire (TPAQ)) and health related quality of life (RAND-36). Assessments are conducted at baseline, after the completed intervention (after 3 months) and 6 months post randomisation. Discussion SCAMPI will determine the effectiveness of a smartphone app to promote active transportation and physical activity in an adult population. If effective, the app has potential to be a low-cost intervention that can be delivered at scale. Trial registration ClinicalTrials.gov NCT03086837; 22 March, 2017

    Den nationella värdegrunden : en kritisk granskning av implementeringen av äldreomsorgens värdegrund i en kommun

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    The aim of the study was to investigate how a community motivates and ensures the implementation of its values and how this document affected personnel of meaning, vision and daily operations. The study was based on semi-structured interviews, in which nine respondents were interviewed in a city in southern Sweden. Interviews dealt with three different themes, all concerned organization or set of values. The analysis was based partly on how organizations and institutions build up and maintain their legitimacy. The analysis was also explained by the new institutional theory and its concepts isomorphism. In conclusion, the study shows that the concept of value system is very subjective and means different things depending on which profession you belong to. The study also showed that officials of the municipality indicate that the values discussed continuously in operation. This picture did not fit at all agree with the care assistants who considered values almost never discussed. The study also showed that the implementation was not as successful as desired, then no time for reflection was. The study showed that the reason that there was an opportunity to reflect due to the time and resources were too scarce. Throughout officials related concepts in the study more to an organizational plan, when care assistants instead relate everything to the actual meeting with the care recipient. Instead of using values as a benchmark they instead used of the "inner compass" that consists of subjective norms and values

    Laborativ matematik - ett intressant och roligt arbetssätt?

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    I studien undersöks om ett laborativt arbetssätt påverkar 46 elevers intresse och förståelse för matematik. Genom enkäter av flervalskaraktär studeras elevernas inställning till matematik och hur en bra matematikundervisning ska vara. Genom kvalitativa intervjuer med sju matematiklärare undersöker vi hur de ser på laborativ matematik och hur de lägger upp sin undervisning, Då urvalet är litet gäller resultatet endast för studien. Gensvaret på laborationer och praktisk problemlösning tyder på att de flesta uppskattade att arbeta i grupp på ett mer praktiskt och undersökande sätt och flertalet kunde ta till sig den nya kunskapen. Om laborativa inslag höjer elevernas kunskapsnivå kunde inte påvisas under studien. Enkätsvaren visar att eleverna ibland finner matematiken lätt och ibland svår, att vissa avsnitt är roliga, medan andra är tråkiga. Eleverna vill ha en varierad undervisning, där praktiska exempel varvas med uppgifter i boken. De vill både kunna arbeta i grupp och enskilt. Mellan två gånger i veckan och en gång i månaden vill de arbeta laborativt. Vid intervjuerna visade det sig att samtliga lärare vara positiva till laborativ matematik, men ser sig inte ha tillräckligt med tid eller resurser. I genomsnitt disponerade lärarna mellan 20 och 50 % av lektionstiden till genomgång på tavlan