602 research outputs found

    Effects Of The Soil Properties On The Maximum Dry Density Obtained Fro

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    In the construction of highways, airports, and other structures, the compaction of soils is needed to improve its strength. In 1933 Proctor developed a laboratory compaction test to determine the maximum dry density of compacted soils, which can be used for specifications of field compaction. The Compaction of soils is influenced by many factors, the most common are the moisture content, the soil type and the applied compaction energy. The objective of this research is the analysis of the maximum dry density values based on the soil classification and characterization. The method of choice in the determination of the maximum dry density from different soils was the Standard Proctor Test following the procedure for the standard Proctor test as is explained in ASTM Test Designation D-698. From this investigation, the maximum dry density of eight types of sands was obtained, the sands were classified by using the Unified Soil Classification System. The influence on the maximum dry density of the type of sands, type of fines, amount of fines and distribution of the grain size was determined, followed by a sensitivity analysis that measured the influence of these parameters on the obtained maximum dry density. The research revealed some correlations between the maximum dry density of soils with the type of fines, the fines content and the Uniformity Coefficient. These correlations were measured and some particular behavioral trends were encountered and analyzed. It was found that well-graded sands have higher maximum dry density than poorly graded when the soils have the same fines content, also it was encountered that plastic fines tend to increase the maximum dry density

    Adapting The Modified Cam Clay Constitutive Model To The Computational Analysis Of Dense Granular Soils

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    The computational constitutive Modified Cam Clay Model (MCCM) was developed at Cambridge to study the behavior of clays and has been proven to be effective. In this study, this model is extended to the case of dense sands to analyze the accuracy of the stress-strain behavior. This analysis is based on triaxial test data applied to remolded and compacted sand samples under drained conditions. The laboratory triaxial tests were performed by the Florida Department of Transportation to research the permeability effect in sandy soils compacted up to 95% of maximum unit weight at the optimum moisture content. Each soil sample was tested using different stress paths. In addition, these data were also used to obtain the soil parameters. These soil parameters are used as input data for the Modified Cam Clay Model. Moreover, a computer program in MATLAB was developed based on the MCCM constitutive theory and application in order to predict the stress-strain response for overconsolidated soils under drained condition. Based on observations of the qualitative behavior of these soils, a modification is proposed in this thesis to the original constitutive model to improve the predicted stress-strain behavior. The results of the computer program are typically presented in the deviatoric stress versus shear strain and the stress path plane (deviatoric stress versus mean effective stress). These are the principal plots used for the behavior prediction of soil specimens. Furthermore, the results of the computer program were compared to the laboratory triaxial test data. In general, it is may be concluded that, MCCM with some modification, is applicable to dense sands

    La Educación Física tras la pandemia mundial del Covid-19.

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    A continuación, se mostrará un Trabajo de Fin de Grado, el cual se centrará en una propuesta para la mejora de las sesiones tras la crisis generada por el COVID-19. En este caso, enfocaremos nuestra propuesta en el alumnado de quinto curso de Primaria del CEIP Ernesto Castro Fariñas, pudiendo, en caso positivo, ampliarlo a todo el centro. En primer lugar, dicha propuesta estará enfocada en el área de Educación Física pues, es una de las más afectadas tras la vuelta a las aulas ya que, es una materia en la que el alumnado está en continuo contacto unos con otros y con la manipulación de materiales. En segundo lugar y con el objetivo de mejorar las sesiones de Educación Física durante los cursos posteriores, se pretende que el alumnado conozca las características del nuevo “coronavirus” y se adapte a las nuevas posibilidades, para que la materia se pueda llevar a cabo con la mayor eficacia posible. Además de ello, se expondrá aquellas metodologías que son las más adecuadas para que la Educación Física sea segura. Por lo tanto, a través de esta propuesta se pretende conseguir un buen desarrollo de las sesiones acompañadas de una buena higiene y prevención de riesgos sin olvidarnos del desarrollo integral del alumnado.A Final Grade Project will be presented, which will be focused on a proposal to improve sessions after the crisis caused by Covid-19 pandemic. In this case, we will focus our proposal on fifth grade students from CEIP Ernesto Castro Fariñas Primary School that might be implemented in the entire school in case of a positive result. Firstly, the proposal will be focused on Physical Education area because is one of the most affected after the return to classes, specially being a subject where students have constantly physical contact with each other and manipulating materials. Secondly, with the goal of improve Physical Education sessions throughout further courses, pretending to let the students know characteristics about coronavirus and be adapted to new possibilities to implement the subject with the biggest efficiency. Furthermore, the most appropriate methodologies to obtain secure Physical Education lessons will be presented. Therefore, through this proposal we pretend to achieve an effective development of the lessons with a good hygiene and preventing risks, taking into account the integral development of students.Educación FísicaPandemiaCovid-19MetodologíasPrevenció

    Careers for women in design

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    Careers for Women in Design is an interactive application created in order to help, guide and support women in their search for professional goals towards a career in design or related field. Although this project was especially designed for women, men also can benefit from it

    An Investigation into the Data Collection Process for the Development of Cost Models

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    This thesis is the result of many years of research in the field of manufacturing cost modelling. It particularly focuses on the Data Collection Process for the development of manufacturing cost models in the UK Aerospace Industry with no less important contributions from other areas such as construction, process and software development. The importance of adopting an effective model development process is discussed and a new CMD Methodology is proposed. In this respect, little research has considered the development of the cost model from the point of view of a standard and systematic Methodology, which is essential if an optimum process is to be achieved. A Model Scoping 3 Framework, a functional Data Source and Data Collection Library and a referential Data Type Library are the core elements of the proposed Cost Model Development Methodology. The research identified a number of individual data collection methods, along with a comprehensive list of data sources and data types, from which essential data for developing cost models could be collected. A Taxonomy based upon sets of generic characteristics for describing the individual data collection, data sources and data types was developed. The methods, tools and techniques were identified and categorised according to these generic characteristics. This provides information for selecting between alternative methods, tools and techniques. The need to perform frequent iterations of data collection, data identification, data analysis and decision making tasks until an acceptable cost model has been developed has become an inherent feature of the CMDP. It is expected that the proposed model scoping framework will assist cost engineering and estimating practitioners in: defining the features, activities of the process and the attributes of the product for which a cost model is required, and also in identifying the cost model characteristics before the tasks of data identification and collection start. It offers a structured way of looking at the relationship between data sources, cost model characteristics and data collection tools and procedures. The aim was to make the planning process for developing cost models more effective and efficient and consequently reduce the time to generate cost models

    Optimización de procesos biológicos para la eliminación de N2O

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    El N2O es uno de los principales gases de efecto invernadero, ocupando el tercer lugar de las emisiones globales medidas en toneladas de CO2 equivalente, siendo la principal fuente antropogénica el uso de fertilizantes nitrogenados. Actualmente la tecnología para su tratamiento por mecanismos biológicos presenta escasos avances, y debido a ello surge la necesidad de la investigación experimental para el conocimiento de parámetros operacionales y de diseño que permitan el uso óptimo de reactores biológicos como una tecnología viable de eliminación. Esta investigación evaluó la velocidad de eliminación de N2O por acción biológica, la hipótesis de la nitrificación como uno de los mecanismos de eliminación del N2O y el potencial de un sistema en continuo compuesto por una columna empacada de absorción y un tanque de desnitrificación con metanol para el tratamiento de una corriente gaseosa continua de aire con 100 ppmv de N2O para contribuir con el desarrollo de conocimientos en la aplicación de la tecnología, identificando límites operacionales y oportunidades de mejoras. Durante la investigación se logró demostrar la degradación de N2O por desnitrificación biológica, registrándose una velocidad promedio de 4,175 mgN2O/(gSSV•h). No se pudo demostrar la degradación por nitrificación como mecanismo de eliminación del N2O en condiciones aerobias. Y se logró la eliminación global de hasta un 39,90 ± 1,09 % del N2O de una corriente gaseosa con un sistema biológico continuo, en el cual, se identificó como principal limitante la velocidad de transferencia de N2O de la fase gaseosa a la líquida.Departamento de Ingeniería Química y Tecnología del Medio AmbienteMáster en Ingeniería Ambienta


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    This mixed methods dissertation is guided by a sociocultural framework and a pragmatist stance to contribute to early literacy scholarship about minority children. In particular, I explore the relationship between low socioeconomic status Puerto Rican children’s reading experience and their social cognition by: (1) assessing them through quantitative and qualitative measures that reveal their capacities in these areas at the end of their first grade year, and (2) documenting their reading experiences at home and at school through ethnographic qualitative methods. The analyses revealed significant positive correlations between the tests of reading and social understanding, a scarcity of conventional reading practices in the home, the predominance of a whole-class basal approach to reading in the classroom, and discrepant cross-methods findings regarding who qualifies as a reader and who has insights about the social world