767 research outputs found

    Renormalon disappearance in Borel sum of the 1/N expansion of the Gross-Neveu model mass gap

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    The exact mass gap of the O(N) Gross-Neveu model is known, for arbitrary NN, from non-perturbative methods. However, a "naive" perturbative expansion of the pole mass exhibits an infinite set of infrared renormalons at order 1/N, formally similar to the QCD heavy quark pole mass renormalons, potentially leading to large O(Λ){\cal O}(\Lambda) perturbative ambiguities. We examine the precise vanishing mechanism of such infrared renormalons, which avoids this (only apparent)contradiction, and operates without need of (Borel) summation contour prescription, usually preventing unambiguous separation of perturbative contributions. As a consequence we stress the direct Borel summability of the (1/N) perturbative expansion of the mass gap. We briefly speculate on a possible similar behaviour of analogous non-perturbative QCD quantities.Comment: 16 pp., 1 figure. v2: a few paragraphs and one appendix added, title and abstract slightly changed, essential results unchange

    Optimized Perturbation Theory for Wave Functions of Quantum Systems

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    The notion of the optimized perturbation, which has been successfully applied to energy eigenvalues, is generalized to treat wave functions of quantum systems. The key ingredient is to construct an envelope of a set of perturbative wave functions. This leads to a condition similar to that obtained from the principle of minimal sensitivity. Applications of the method to quantum anharmonic oscillator and the double well potential show that uniformly valid wave functions with correct asymptotic behavior are obtained in the first-order optimized perturbation even for strong couplings.Comment: 11 pages, RevTeX, three ps figure

    Chiral Symmetry Breaking in QCD: A Variational Approach

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    We develop a "variational mass" expansion approach, recently introduced in the Gross--Neveu model, to evaluate some of the order parameters of chiral symmetry breakdown in QCD. The method relies on a reorganization of the usual perturbation theory with the addition of an "arbitrary quark mass mm, whose non-perturbative behaviour is inferred partly from renormalization group properties, and from analytic continuation in mm properties. The resulting ansatz can be optimized, and in the chiral limit m0m \to 0 we estimate the dynamical contribution to the "constituent" masses of the light quarks Mu,d,sM_{u,d,s}; the pion decay constant FπF_\pi and the quark condensate <qˉq>< \bar q q >.Comment: 10 pages, no figures, LaTe

    Variational solution of the Gross-Neveu model; 2, finite-N and renormalization

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    We show how to perform systematically improvable variational calculations in the O(2N) Gross-Neveu model for generic N, in such a way that all infinities usually plaguing such calculations are accounted for in a way compatible with the renormalization group. The final point is a general framework for the calculation of non-perturbative quantities like condensates, masses, etc..., in an asymptotically free field theory. For the Gross-Neveu model, the numerical results obtained from a "two-loop" variational calculation are in very good agreement with exact quantities down to low values of N

    Direct observation of frozen moments in the NiFe/FeMn exchange bias system

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    We detect the presence of frozen magnetic moments in an exchange biased NiFe ferromagnet at the NiFe/FeMn ferromagnet/antiferromagnet interface by magnetic circular dichroism in x-ray absorption and resonant reflectivity experiments. Frozen moments are detected by means of the element-specific hysteresis loops. A weak dichroic absorption with unidirectional anisotropy can be linked to frozen magnetic moments in the ferromagnet. A more pronounced exchange bias for increasing the thickness of the FeMn layer correlates with an increase in orbital moment for interface Ni atoms carrying a frozen moment. These atoms compose about a single monolayer, but only a fraction of the atoms contributes by means of a strongly enhanced orbital moment to the macroscopic exchange bias phenomenon. The microscopic spin-orbit energy associated with these few interface frozen moment atoms appears to be sufficient to account for the macroscopic exchange bias energ