433 research outputs found

    Effect of inaction on function of fast and slow muscle spindles

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    There is no data on the comparative effect of tenotomy on the function of the muscle spindles of fast and slow muscles. This study covers this question. The experiments were conducted on cats. The musuculus extensor digitorum longus (m. EDL) was selected as the fast muscle, and the musculus soleus (m. Sol.) as the slow. In a comparison of the spontaneous activity of primary and secondary endings of the fast and slow muscle spindles (i.e., the activity with complete relaxation of the muscles) normally no difference between them was successfully found. The authors recorded the integrative, and not the individual activity, and secondly, under conditions of such recording technique, those slight changes that are observed in the fast muscle receptors could remain unnoticed

    Взаимосвязь пальцевого индекса и развития предметно-познавательных способностей школьников

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    В настоящее время уделяют серьезное внимание антропологическому исследованию. Нами проведено исследование пальцевого индекса у школьников старших классов. В исследовании принимали участие 24 школьника, из них мальчиков - 10 и девочек - 14; средний возраст - 14,5 лет. Оказалось, что у большинства мальчиков пальцевой индекс ниже единицы. Школьницы с пальцевым индексом единица и выше единицы учатся лучше, занимаются активно спортом, интересуются танцами и музыкой. Однако, достоверной зависимости успехов по русскому языку от пальцевого индекса у школьников не обнаружено. Возможно, полученные данные связаны с маленькой выборкой исследуемого материал

    Origin of second-harmonic generation in the incommensurate phase of K2SeO4

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    We show that a ferroelectric phase transition takes place in the incommensurate phase of the K2SeO4 crystal. The ferroelectric character of the IC phase explains the second-harmonic generation observed in the corresponding temperature range.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    Heat accumulation effects in laser processing of diamond-like nanocomposite films with bursts of femtosecond pulses

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    In this paper we have investigated the burst mode (BM) ablation and surface structuring of diamond-like nanocomposite (DLN) a-C:H:Si:O films with femtosecond laser pulses (wavelength λ=515 nm, pulse duration τ=320 fs, pulse repetition rate f=100 kHz) under different scanning conditions (single spots, linear structures). The pulse separation in the bursts is 25 ns (intra-burst frequency f=40 MHz) and the pulse number is varied from 1 to 8. The ablation depth and specific ablation rates (μm3/μJ) are found to be higher for the burst mode compared to single pulse irradiation, increasing with the pulse number in the burst. The obtained experimental data of the higher ablation efficiency are shown to correlate with computer simulations of the BM ablation. In correlation with the ablation findings, Raman spectra of single spots and microgrooves have evidenced a growing graphitization of amorphous film structure with the pulse number in the bursts (at equal energy deposited into the films). Contact-mode atomic force microscopy (AFM) is applied to reveal an influence of the BM processing on the surface properties (nanoscale relief, friction) of laser-structured films. Based on the ablation and Raman data analysis, AFM examination of ablated/redeposited layers and computer simulations of the burst mode ablation, the heat accumulation is identified as the main factor responsible for the enhanced ablation efficiency during the BM processing of DLN films. In addition, results of high precision surface microstructuring of DLN films in the burst mode are presented

    Fatty acid composition of hard rent cheese with flax seeds

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    The study demonstrates the peculiarities of the fatty acid composition of Gouda-type hard rennet cheese by adding 5 % flax seeds. The fatty acid profile of complex cheese samples of control and experimental samples was investigated by gas-liquid chromatography 60 days after production. The experimental part of the work was carried out in the research laboratory “Technology, analysis and examination of food products and water” of the Department of Food Biotechnology and Chemistry at the Ternopil National Technical University named after I. Puluj and at the Chortkiv cheese factory. In the process of making Gouda-type cheese, prepared flax seeds, according to our patented method, were added to the cheese grain after being separated from the whey. Positive advantages were established in the fatty acid profile of the test sample compared to the control sample. In particular, it was found that the total content of saturated fatty acids in the control sample was 68.6 %, and in Gouda cheese with 5 % flax seeds (experimental sample) – 62.3 %, while the content of unsaturated fatty acids was 31.4 %, respectively and 37.7 %. The experimental sample also showed an increase in the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids of the omega-3 family, in particular α-linolenic acid, by 40 % compared to the control sample. In the experimental sample of Gouda cheese with flax seeds, an improvement in the ratio between the relative content of PUFAs of the ω-3/ω-6/ω-9 families was established, which was 1 : 1.8 : 7.4. The obtained results in changing the fatty acid composition of the experimental sample of cheese allow us to recommend this product as a functional product due to the high content of PUFAs of the ω-3 family and the balanced ratio between the content of PUFAs of the ω-3/ω-6/ω-9 families

    Constitutional-Legal and Political Responsibility of Political Parties in the Russian Federation to Electors

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    Analysis of the legal and political responsibility of officials of a democratically elected state to their constituents. The subjects of the above responsibility may be elected officials of the legislative (representative) bodies of state power. The constitutional status of elected persons exercising public authority on behalf of individuals suggests the possibility of terminating their powers as sanctions only on the basis of the rules of law enshrined in the relevant acts and establishing clear reasons and procedures for liability. The current legislation of the Russian Federation provides for various types of constitutional and legal sanctions

    Measurement of Dielectric Suppression of Bremsstrahlung

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    In 1953, Ter-Mikaelian predicted that the bremsstrahlung of low energy photons in a medium is suppressed because of interactions between the produced photon and the electrons in the medium. This suppression occurs because the emission takes place over on a long distance scale, allowing for destructive interference between different instantaneous photon emission amplitudes. We present here measurements of bremsstrahlung cross sections of 200 keV to 20 MeV photons produced by 8 and 25 GeV electrons in carbon and gold targets. Our data shows that dielectric suppression occurs at the predicted level, reducing the cross section up to 75 percent in our data.Comment: 11 pages, format is postscript file, gzip-ed, uuencode-e

    Electronic educational resources in learning and fixing practical skills histology in the study in medical university

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    This article analyzes the first Russian experience in the development and application in teaching medical students a multimedia electronic educational resources in the Department of Histology. It is shown the need to introduce into the educational process of students new learning opportunities that enable professionals to form a new type of thinking, and owns the modern information technologies.Статья посвящена анализу первого в России опыта разработки и применения в обучении студентов медицинских вузов мультимедийного электронного образовательного ресурса на кафедре гистологии. Показана необходимость внедрения в учебный процесс новых возможностей обучения студентов, позволяющих формировать специалистов с новым типом мышления и владеющего современными информационными технологиями

    On a Generalized Kepler-Coulomb System: Interbasis Expansions

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    This paper deals with a dynamical system that generalizes the Kepler-Coulomb system and the Hartmann system. It is shown that the Schr\"odinger equation for this generalized Kepler-Coulomb system can be separated in prolate spheroidal coordinates. The coefficients of the interbasis expansions between three bases (spherical, parabolic and spheroidal) are studied in detail. It is found that the coefficients for the expansion of the parabolic basis in terms of the spherical basis, and vice-versa, can be expressed through the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients for the group SU(2) analytically continued to real values of their arguments. The coefficients for the expansions of the spheroidal basis in terms of the spherical and parabolic bases are proved to satisfy three-term recursion relations.Comment: 24 pages, Latex, LYCEN 941