29 research outputs found


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    Cerebral palsy appear in early childhood due to damage of developing parts of the brain that control the movement, balance, posture and other functions of the body. The early diagnosis of CP is based on the symptoms of poor head control, poor coordination, stiff muscles, weak muscle, tremors and gross motor developmental delay. As per Ayurveda, all functional activity of the body is regulated by the Vata Dosha. Vitiated Vata shows same symptoms like cerebral palsy due to its Ruksha, Sheeta and Khara gunas. So that the aim of treatment is to pacifying the vitiated Vata Dosha by Panchakarma procedures with normal Murcchita Tila Taila; and assess their effect on spasticity, range of movement and in quality of life in children. Murcchita Tila Taila shows significant response at the end of trail/therapy. In this study, the effect of Panchakarma therapy with Mucchita Tila Taila has shown 78.58% patients with mild response I and 21.42% patients with mild response II on both Modified Ashworth scale and Gross Motor Function Manual Scale, 85.71% patients with mild response I and 14.29% patient with no response on Quality of life scale


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    Prameha is also known as diabetes mellitus (DM) in which there is excess and frequent passage of abnormal urine. Also DM is a group of metabolic disease, in which there is high blood sugar levels over a prolonged period, producing symptoms of excess thirst, hunger and urine. It can be kept under control with appropriate diet, exercise and if required medicine. Phalatrikadi kwath is a well known drug used in the treatment of all kinds of diabetes. Aim: the present study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of Phalatrikadi kwath in controlling blood sugar level. Methods and Material: 35 patients with high blood sugar (fasting >110 mg/dl, postprandial sugar >140 mg/dl) level of either sex attending the OPD of all India Institute of Ayurveda were selected and Phalatrikadi kwath in the dose of 40 ml was given at bed time for eight weeks with modification in diet and lifestyle instruction. Blood sugar level was tested every fifteen days. The result was analyzed by applying paired t test to the data using SPSS software. Result: It was found that the mean value of fasting and PP sugar level before treatment was 193.20 + 78.782 and 275.96 + 95.678 respectively and that after 8 weeks of treatment was 112.76 and 144.52 respectively. The treatment gave a difference of 80.44 in fasting and 131.44 mg/dl sugar level in postprandial state which is found to be highly statistical significant (P value <0.001). Conclusion: Phalatrikadi kwath is a safe and efficacious treatment for all type of Prameha (type II DM) cases whether old or new


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    Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a lifelong neurodevelopmental condition with its onset before the age of three years. It is characterized by abnormalities in communication, impaired social function, repetitive behaviours and restricted interests. There is no effective treatment currently available for ASD and there is a growing need of an alternative treatment modality. A three year six month old male patient, diagnosed with ASD was brought to the OPD for Ayurvedic treatment of ASD. There is no mention of ASD in Ayurveda classics and hence, considered an Anukta Vyadhi. ASD involves vitiation of all the three Doshas mainly Vata Dosha in the lead. The management was primarily based on the associated Doshas and Ayurvedic formulations i.e. Abhaya Ghrita orally for three months and Marsha Nasya with Panchabhautika Taila for forty five days were used. Changes in the clinical features were assessed using Aberrant Behaviour Checklist (ABC) and changes in the severity of disease after treatment was done using Clinical Global Impression scale (CGI). The patient showed significant improvement in the core features of ASD after the treatment duration

    Clinical response of Abhaya Ghrita and procedure based therapy on Gross Motor Functions in children with Cerebral Palsy : An Open Label, Randomized Clinical Trial

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    Introduction - Cerebral Palsy (CP) being the leading cause of disability in children is a symptom complex, which has worldwide incidence of 2.1/1000 live births, and for India it is 3/1000 live births. In Ayurveda, the cerebral palsy can be correlated with various conditions due to Vata predominance. There is no satisfactory criterion in managing this condition is developed till date. The present study is planned with Abhaya Ghrita and procedure based therapy to provide possible improvement in gross motor function of children with cerebral palsy and thereby improving their quality of life. Material and Methods - A Trial was conducted at a tertiary health care setting to evaluate the clinical efficacy of Ayurvedic Intervention (Abhaya Ghrita and procedure based therapy Udvartana, Sarvanga Abhyanga, Nadi Sweda and Matra Basti). Diagnosed children of cerebral palsy, aged 1-12 years of either gender were selected. The scale gross motor function manual (GMFM) and Cerebral Palsy quality of life (CP-QOL) were used for assessment. Results - Total 20 patients were registered in the present study. 70% patients were below 8 years of age with clear male predominance comprised of 85% of the total sample size. As per the birth history of the patients 15% were preterm, home delivery was present in 20%. 45% and 10% were Low birth weight (LBW) and Very Low birth weight (VLBW) after birth respectively. History of delayed cry was present in 80% cases. 45% required Hospitalization and 65% were subjected to Resuscitation and need of incubator just after birth was present in 25% patients. Discussion - Gross Motor Function scale has shown significant improvement in motor activities like lying and rolling, sitting and total score with p<0.001, on crawling and kneeling and standing with p<0.01 and on walking and running with p<0.02. The CP-QOL has also shown significant results on health and family and friends component. Conclusion - Thus, it may be concluded that the Ayurveda approach including internal intake od Abhaya Ghrita & procedure based therapy is effective in improving the gross motor function and quality of life of children with cerebral palsy

    Knowledge, Attitude and Practices (KAP) related to Pandu Roga (Iron Deficiency Anaemia) among Adolescent Girls attending Ayurveda Tertiary Care Hospital and Nearby Schools - A Survey

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    Introduction: According to Ayurveda, depletion of Rasa and Rakta Dhatu results in yellowish-white discoloration of body known as Pandu Roga. Its features resemble with IDA (Iron Deficiency Anaemia). It is very common among female adolescents. UNICEF observed that more than half of population of adolescent girls in India are anemic. Lack of knowledge is one of the most significant reason for nutritional problems like anaemia. Aim: To evaluate the level of knowledge, attitude and practices regarding Pandu Roga (Iron Deficiency Anaemia) among female adolescents. Material and Methods: In this study 200 adolescent girls aged between 10 to 16 years visiting Kaumarabhritya OPD, A.I.I.A hospital and nearby government schools were assessed on the basis of a ‘Knowledge, Attitude and Practices (KAP) Questionnaire’ regarding Pandu Roga (IDA). Result: It was found that most of the screened adolescents had poor knowledge of Pandu Roga (IDA), its causes, prevention and management. Discussion: Pandu Roga (IDA) is a dangerous health problem globally, if not attended in time may result into grave outcomes, hence emphasis should be made on its prevention in addition to the cure. Conclusion: There is a need to focus on various health education programs for prevention of nutritional problems like IDA

    A Systematic review on the Ayurveda concept of Immunity w.s.r. to Covid-19 and other viral infection

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    System protect us from infections through various lines of defence is called immune system. If immune system is not functioning as it should, it can result in disease. This system is divided into two types: innate and adaptive immunity. First line of defence consists of physical, chemical and cellular defense against pathogen is innate immunity. Adaptive or acquired immunity is second line immunity against non-self-pathogen. In this article focus to give a way to understand the concept of immunology in Ayurveda and its role to prevent disease along with its type as Vyadhiutpada Pratishedhakatva (like as innate immunity) and Vyadhivala Virodhitva (like as acquired immunity), factors responsible for immunity and way to strengthen it naturally. Comparing the concept of Ayurveda with viral infections found now a days and how it interpreted for managing by using Ayurveda principle

    Management of autism spectrum disorder through Ayurveda - A case report

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    Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a group of neurodevelopmental disorders marked by impairment in varying degrees of social communication and interaction, repetitive behaviors, and restricted interests. Based on clinical characteristics, ASD can be correlated with Unmada mentioned in Ayurveda classics. In clinical practice, there is a paucity of standard treatment protocols and effective care for the prevention of ASD. The present case report discusses a 5-year-old male patient who presented with poor eye contact, no communication, no social skills, poor speech, repetitive play activity, hyperactivity, constipation, and sleep disturbances reported at Kaumarabhritya outpatient department. Diagnosis of ASD was established using the Indian Scale for Assessment of Autism (ISAA) test manual. Abhyanga with Ksheerbala Taila and Nasya with Saraswata Ghrita along with other internal medications i.e., Saraswata Ghrita, Ashwagandharista, Guduchi Churna, Madhuyashthi Churna, and Vacha Churna were given. Remarkable improvement was noted in overall ISAA scores as well as clinical improvement noted in poor eye contact, hyperactivity, and peer relationship. “Child Sleep Habit Questionnaire (CSHQ)” was used to assess the child's sleep pattern and improvement was noted. The stress level of the parent also decreased which was assessed using the “Autism Parenting Stress Index.” No adverse effects were reported during the treatment period and follow-up

    Samayogavahitvam - The concept of equilibrium and homeostasis in Ayurveda

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    Ayurveda is a science that gives immense importance to homeostasis among Doshas, Dushyas, Agni and all other entities in body. Health is attained through this equilibrium and disease by its disruption. The Western counterpart of homeostasis is also comparable to that of Ayurveda. This article endeavors to identify the variables influencing homeostasis in Ayurveda and their role in health and disease, and also addresses the Ayurvedic methods to maintain this equilibrium

    Parametric Optimization of Self-Switching Diode

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    Parametric optimization of a novel nano diode called self-switching device has been demonstrated using Silvaco TCAD simulator. The device exhibits non-linear characteristics analogous to a conventional diode without requiring any p-n junction. The cut-in voltage can be tuned by varying channel width of the device. The increase in channel doping concentration exhibits velocity saturation, hence, leading to the saturation of output current at higher voltages. The low subthreshold swing of about 100 mV/decade suggests potential utilization of SSDs in high on-off ratio, low power and low voltage electronic applications

    Initial state-specific photodissociation dynamics of pyrrole via

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    Optimal initiation of quantum dynamics of N-H photodissociation of pyrrole on the S0-1πσ∗(1A2) coupled electronic states by UV-laser pulses in an effort to guide the subsequent dynamics to dissociation limits is studied theoretically. Specifically, the task of designing optimal laser pulses that act on initial vibrational states of the system for an effective UV-photodissociation is considered by employing optimal control theory. The associated control mechanism(s) for the initial state dependent photodissociation dynamics of pyrrole in the presence of control pulses is examined and discussed in detail. The initial conditions determine implicitly the variation in the dissociation probabilities for the two channels, upon interaction with the field. The optimal pulse corresponds to the objective fixed as maximization of overall reactive flux subject to constraints of reasonable fluence and quantum dynamics. The simple optimal pulses obtained by the use of genetic algorithm based optimization are worth an experimental implementation given the experimental relevance of πσ∗-photochemistry in recent times