540 research outputs found


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    Die ersten beiden Kapitel befassen sich mit Erscheinungsformen des Rechtsradikalismus, beinhalten aber auch allgemeine Arbeiten zum Themenkreis. Wegen seiner besonderen Bedeutung wurde dem Antisemitismus ein eigenes Kapitel gewidmet. Die Kapitel 3 und 4 untersuchen Vordringen und Einfluß des Rechtsradikalismus in die Gesellschaft, in unterschiedliche gesellschaftliche Gruppierungen und Berufsgruppen usw. Wieder ist einer dieser Gruppen - nĂ€mlich den Jugendlichen - ein eigenes Kapitel gewidmet. Sie stellen nicht nur eine erhebliche Klientel des neuen Rechtsradikalismus dar, sondern sind offenbar fĂŒr dessen ideologische VerfĂŒhrung besonders anfĂ€llig. Entsprechend zahlreich sind die Arbeiten, die sich speziell mit dem VerhĂ€ltnis von Jugendlichen und Rechtsradikalismus beschĂ€ftigen. In Kapitel 5 wird die Weltanschauung des Rechtsradikalismus untersucht, in Kapitel 6 die Rolle der Massenmedien bei der Verbreitung, Bewertung oder BekĂ€mpfung dieser Ideologie beleuchtet. Kapitel 7 setzt sich mit dem erstarkenden Rechtsradikalismus als internationalem PhĂ€nomen auseinander, zum Beispiel an den LĂ€ndern Frankreich und Österreich. Die Arbeiten der beiden letzten Kapitel versuchen schließlich, dem Thema Rechtsradikalismus nach dem medizinischem Vorbild von Krankeit und Heilung beizukommen. In Kapitel 8 ("Diagnose") geht es um ErklĂ€rungen und Theorien, die den Prozeß der Rechtsradikalisierung ergrĂŒnden sollen, und das abschließende Kapitel 9 ("Therapien") versucht, pĂ€dagogische, psychologische und politische Maßnahmen unterhalb eines Parteienverbots zusammenzutragen, die zur EindĂ€mmung des rechtsradikalen Gedankenguts und - um im Bild zu bleiben - zur Verhinderung einer gesellschaftlichen Infizierung geeignet erscheinen. ErgĂ€nzend zu den Nachweisen aus den IZ-Datenbanken SOLIS und FORIS ist diesem Band eine Zusammenstellung ausgesuchter und kommentierter Hyperlinks beigefĂŒgt, die dem interessierten Leser weitere Materialien und Informationsquellen zugĂ€nglich machen sollen: Analysen, systematische Übersichten, Aktuelles, Diskussionsmöglichkeiten, aber auch Originaltexte der extremen Rechten

    Entwurf einer funktionalistischen Religionspublizistik

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    Obwohl die Religionspublizistik in den letzten Jahren wachsenden Raum einnimmt,was sich vor allem in einer eigenen Zeitschrift dokumentiert, ist ihr Zustand alsWissenschaft nach wie vor desolat. Wer sich von der „Communicatio Socialis" (CS)- neben ihren anderen Zwecken - ein Forum religionspublizistischer Forschungerhofft hatte, mußte sich - zumindest bisher - enttĂ€uscht sehen. Dieser unbefriedigende Zustand ist m. E. hauptsĂ€chlich auf vier Faktoren zurĂŒckzufĂŒhren:1. Religionspublizistik wird offenbar von vielen Autoren noch mehr als religiösePublizistik denn als Wissenschaft von dieser aufgefaßt, allenfalls als Hilfswissenschaft fĂŒr religiöse Kommunikatoren. (...)EnglishReligious Communications (Religionspublizistik) are part of social science. Therefore religious communications have to apply all of their objectives into the categories of social science. This is even true for the transcendental area. They have to literate themselves from all group dependence and must try to consider their subjects critically. The right method for this is the functional analysis. Objec.ts of the religious communications science (Religionspublizistik) are religious communications, religion (church) and the interdependencies between religion and the secular field. Religion can be looked upon as a public action system in an environment of social action. Thus, the unity of social communications scienceand the mutual influence between religion and social environment are respected.

    Giant Polymersome Protocells Dock with Virus Particle Mimics via Multivalent Glycan-Lectin Interactions

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    Despite the low complexity of their components, several simple physical systems, including microspheres, coacervate droplets and phospholipid membrane structures (liposomes), have been suggested as protocell models. These, however, lack key cellular characteristics, such as the ability to replicate or to dock with extracellular species. Here, we report a simple method for the de novo creation of synthetic cell mimics in the form of giant polymeric vesicles (polymersomes), which are capable of behavior approaching that of living cells. These polymersomes form by self-assembly, under electroformation conditions, of amphiphilic, glycosylated block copolymers in aqueous solution. The glycosylated exterior of the resulting polymeric giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs) allows their selective interaction with carbohydrate-binding receptor-functionalized particles, in a manner reminiscent of the cell-surface docking of virus particles. We believe that this is the first example of a simple protocell model displaying cell-like behavior through a native receptor-ligand interaction

    Generic prognostic factors for musculoskeletal pain in primary care: a systematic review.

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    OBJECTIVES: To summarise the evidence for generic prognostic factors across a range of musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions. SETTING: primary care. METHODS AND OUTCOMES: Comprehensive systematic literature review. MEDLINE, CINAHL, PsychINFO and EMBASE were searched for prospective cohort studies, based in primary care (search period-inception to December 2015). Studies were included if they reported on adults consulting with MSK conditions and provided data on associations between baseline characteristics (prognostic factors) and outcome. A prognostic factor was identified as generic when significantly associated with any outcome for 2 or more different MSK conditions. Evidence synthesis focused on consistency of findings and study quality. RESULTS: 14 682 citations were identified and 78 studies were included (involving more than 48 000 participants with 18 different outcome domains). 51 studies were on spinal pain/back pain/low back pain, 12 on neck/shoulder/arm pain, 3 on knee pain, 3 on hip pain and 9 on multisite pain/widespread pain. Total quality scores ranged from 5 to 14 (mean 11) and 65 studies (83%) scored 9 or more. Out of a total of 78 different prognostic factors for which data were provided, the following factors are considered to be generic prognostic factors for MSK conditions: widespread pain, high functional disability, somatisation, high pain intensity and presence of previous pain episodes. In addition, consistent evidence was found for use of pain medications not to be associated with outcome, suggesting that this factor is not a generic prognostic factor for MSK conditions. CONCLUSIONS: This large review provides new evidence for generic prognostic factors for MSK conditions in primary care. Such factors include pain intensity, widespread pain, high functional disability, somatisation and movement restriction. This information can be used to screen and select patients for targeted treatment in clinical research as well as to inform the management of MSK conditions in primary care

    Pandora box: The eurozone and the euro crisis

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    YesThe global economy has experienced considerable turbulence since 2007. The financial crisis has been viewed as the trigger for a prolonged period of economic decline. This decline remains an issue for all member states of the European Union, the eurozone and beyond. We argue genesis of this crisis lies in the integration negotiations of 1991, ratified in 1992. These produced a flawed economic model within the eurozone. Given the seeds of decay were planted at origin; we argue the solution can be found through a reconstructed eurozone via looser integration, where countries less equipped to deal with the realities of closer integration will be economically independent

    Direct observation of LO phonon-plasmon coupled modes in the infrared transmission spectra of n-GaAs and n-InxGa1-xAs epilayers

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    The infrared transmission spectrum of Si-doped molecular beam epitaxy (MBE)-grown GaAs epilayers, 2-2.5-mum thick, measured in the oblique (Berreman) geometry, revealed distinct minima in p polarization. Given epilayer thickness \u3c reststrahlen wavelength, the minima are identified as the zone-center transverse optic phonon (omega(TO)) and the high-frequency LO phonon-plasmon coupled mode (omega(+)). Analysis of the experimental data yielded free-carrier concentrations ranging from 2.5x10(17) to 1.4x10(18) cm(-3). The same technique with MBE-grown Si-doped In0.53Ga0.47As epilayers (0.5-1 mum thick) yielded omega(+) modes corresponding to free-carrier concentrations of 8.2x10(16)-2.7x10(19) cm(-3). The observations of the transmission minima in the Berreman geometry and their interpretation demonstrate a direct and simple method for deducing free-carrier concentrations over a wide range

    Risk of adverse events in patients prescribed long‐term opioids: a cohort study in the UK Clinical Practice Research Datalink

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    Background Long‐term opioid prescribing for musculoskeletal pain is controversial due to uncertainty regarding effectiveness and safety. This study examined the risks of a range of adverse events in a large cohort of patients prescribed long‐term opioids using the UK Clinical Practice Research Datalink. Methods Patients with musculoskeletal conditions starting a new long‐term opioid episode (defined as ≄3 opioid prescriptions within 90 days) between 2002 and 2012 were included. Primary outcomes: major trauma and intentional overdose (any). Secondary outcomes: addiction (any), falls, accidental poisoning, attempted suicide/self‐harm, gastrointestinal pathology and bleeding, and iron deficiency anaemia. “Control” outcomes (unrelated to opioid use): incident eczema and psoriasis. Results A total of 98,140 new long‐term opioids users (median age 61, 41% male) were followed for (median) 3.4 years. Major trauma risk increased from 285 per 10,000 person‐years without long‐term opioids to 369/10,000 for a long‐term opioid episode (<20 mg MED), 382/10,000 (20–50 mg MED), and 424/10,000 (≄50 mg MED). Adjusted hazard ratios were 1.09 (95% CI; 1.04, 1.14 for <20 mg MED vs. not being in an episode of long‐term prescribing), 1.24 (95% CI; 1.16, 1.32: 20–50 mg MED) and 1.34 (95% CI; 1.20, 1.50: ≄50 mg MED). Significant dose‐dependent increases in the risk of overdose (any type), addiction, falls, accidental poisoning, gastrointestinal pathology, and iron deficiency anaemia were also found. Conclusions Patients prescribed long‐term opioids are vulnerable to dose‐dependent serious adverse events. Opioid prescribing should be reviewed before long‐term use becomes established, and periodically thereafter to ensure that patients are not being exposed to increased risk of harm, which is not balanced by therapeutic benefit. Significance Long‐term opioid use is associated with serious adverse events such as major trauma, addiction and overdose. The risk increases with higher opioid doses. Opioid prescribing should be reviewed before long‐term use becomes established, and periodically thereafter to assess ongoing effectiveness

    Management of shoulder pain by UK general practitioners (GPs): a national survey

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    OBJECTIVES: Studies in Canada, the USA and Australia suggested low confidence among general practitioners (GPs) in diagnosing and managing shoulder pain, with frequent use of investigations. There are no comparable studies in the UK; our objective was to describe the diagnosis and management of shoulder pain by GPs in the UK. METHODS: A national survey of a random sample of 5000 UK GPs collected data on shoulder pain diagnosis and management using two clinical vignettes that described primary care presentations with rotator cuff tendinopathy (RCT) and adhesive capsulitis (AdhC). RESULTS: Seven hundred and fourteen (14.7%) responses were received. 56% and 83% of GPs were confident in their diagnosis of RCT and AdhC, respectively, and a wide range of investigations and management options were reported. For the RCT presentation, plain radiographs of the shoulder were most common (60%), followed by blood tests (42%) and ultrasound scans (USS) (38%). 19% of those who recommended a radiograph and 76% of those who recommended a USS did so 'to confirm the diagnosis'. For the AdhC presentation, the most common investigations were blood tests (60%), plain shoulder radiographs (58%) and USS (31%). More than two-thirds of those recommending a USS did so 'to confirm the diagnosis'. The most commonly recommended treatment for both presentations was physiotherapy (RCT 77%, AdhC 71%) followed by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (RCT 58%, AdhC 74%). 17% opted to refer the RCT to secondary care (most often musculoskeletal interface service), compared with 31% for the AdhC. CONCLUSIONS: This survey of GPs in the UK highlights reliance on radiographs and blood tests in the management of common shoulder pain presentations. GPs report referring more than 7 out of 10 patients with RCT and AdhC to physiotherapists. These findings need to be viewed in the context of low response to the survey and, therefore, potential non-response bias
