27 research outputs found


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    Protective Effect of Tomato-Oleoresin Supplementation on Oxidative Injury Recoveries Cardiac Function by Improving β-Adrenergic Response in a Diet-Obesity Induced Model

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    The system redox imbalance is one of the pathways related to obesity-related cardiac dysfunction. Lycopene is considered one of the best antioxidants. The aim of this study was to test if the tomato-oleoresin would be able to recovery cardiac function by improving β-adrenergic response due its antioxidant effect. A total of 40 animals were randomly divided into two experimental groups to receive either the control diet (Control, n = 20) or a high sugar-fat diet (HSF, n = 20) for 20 weeks. Once cardiac dysfunction was detected by echocardiogram in the HSF group, animals were re- divided to begin the treatment with Tomato-oleoresin or vehicle, performing four groups: Control (n = 6); (Control + Ly, n = 6); HSF (n = 6) and (HSF + Ly, n = 6). Tomato oleoresin (10 mg lycopene/kg body weight (BW) per day) was given orally every morning for a 10-week period. The analysis included nutritional and plasma biochemical parameters, systolic blood pressure, oxidative parameters in plasma, heart, and cardiac analyses in vivo and in vitro. A comparison among the groups was performed by two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Results: The HSF diet was able to induce obesity, insulin-resistance, cardiac dysfunction, and oxidative damage. However, the tomato-oleoresin supplementation improved insulin-resistance, cardiac remodeling, and dysfunction by improving the β-adrenergic response. It is possible to conclude that tomato-oleoresin is able to reduce the oxidative damage by improving the system’s β-adrenergic response, thus recovering cardiac function

    Avaliação do perfil alimentar pré e pós-treino de praticantes de Crossfit®

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    O CrossFit® é uma modalidade de exercício de alta intensidade que exige o consumo de nutrientes específicos e adequados garantindo uma melhor performance e evitando lesões, acidose e o risco de hipoglicemia. Assim, o objetivo da pesquisa foi avaliar o perfil alimentar pré e pós treino de praticantes de CrossFit®. Sendo um estudo transversal realizado durante os meses de agosto e outubro de 2020 no box de CrossFit® C. Miles Training no município de Bauru-SP. Foram avaliadas as medidas antropométricas e realizada uma anamnese nutricional. Participaram do estudo 20 indivíduos, sendo 11 homens e 9 mulheres. Notou-se que o IMC médio foi de 25,2kg/m2 nas mulheres e 26,0kg/m2 nos homens. Em relação ao pré-treino dos participantes, 15 deles se alimentam 30 minutos antes do treino, e no pós-treino, 14 deles tem hábito de se alimentar 1 hora após o treino, especialmente com o jantar. Conclui-se que os praticantes de CrossFit® tem hábitos de se alimentar no pré e pós-treino. Vale ressaltar que para uma melhor performance e resultados dos treinos, os indivíduos tenham que realizar uma dieta equilibrada de acordo com a atividade realizada e a biodisponibilidade de cada um

    Caracterização do padrão alimentar e do estado nutricional dos motoristas de transporte coletivo da cidade de Bauru-SP

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    É crescente o índice de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis em todo o mundo, o que acarreta alto gasto financeiro para o país e prejuízo na qualidade de vida da população. Motoristas de ônibus coletivos urbanos são uma classe de risco em virtude do trabalho sedentário, condições estressantes e muitas vezes má alimentação, o que favorece a obesidade e suas comorbidades. Sendo assim, o presente estudo teve como objetivo caracterizar o estado nutricional e o padrão alimentar dos motoristas de transporte de passageiros da cidade de Bauru. Tratou-se de um estudo transversal, por meio de avaliação nutricional individualizada, coleta de informações sócio- econômicas e hábitos alimentares- por meio de recordatório de 24 horas e questionário de frequência alimentar. Os dados mostraram que a maioria dos motoristas se encontra em estado de sobrepeso ou obesidade, excesso de gordura corporal e circunferência abdominal aumentada, o que representa elevado risco cardiovascular. Os hábitos alimentares mostraram maior consumo de açúcares, gorduras saturadas, colesterol e sódio e menor ingestão de frutas, verduras e legumes. Dessa forma, conclui-se que a população do estudo se encontra em risco para comorbidades associadas à obesidade, necessitando de correta intervenção nutricional. ABSTRACT Characterization of the standard food and nutritional status of collective drivers of Bauru-SPThere is a growing rate of chronic diseases worldwide, which carries high financial cost for the country and damage in the population’s life quality. Urban public bus drivers are a risk class because of sedentary work, stressful conditions and often poor diet, which favors obesity and related comorbidities. So, this study aimed to characterize the nutritional status and dietary pattern of urban public bus drivers in Bauru-SP. Cross sectional study, that evaluated individualized nutritional assessment, socio-economic information and food habits- 24-hour recordatory and food frequency questionnaire. The data showed that most drivers is overweight or obese, excessive body fat and increased waist circumference, which represented increased cardiovascular risk. Eating habits showed higher consumption of sugars, saturated fats, cholesterol and sodium and lower intake of fruits and vegetables. Thus, it is possible to conclude that the study population shows higher risk for comorbidities related-obesity, requiring correct nutritional intervention

    Caracterização do padrão alimentar e do estado nutricional dos motoristas de transporte coletivo da cidade de Bauru-SP

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    É crescente o índice de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis em todo o mundo, o que acarreta alto gasto financeiro para o país e prejuízo na qualidade de vida da população. Motoristas de ônibus coletivos urbanos são uma classe de risco em virtude do trabalho sedentário, condições estressantes e muitas vezes má alimentação, o que favorece a obesidade e suas comorbidades. Sendo assim, o presente estudo teve como objetivo caracterizar o estado nutricional e o padrão alimentar dos motoristas de transporte de passageiros da cidade de Bauru. Tratou-se de um estudo transversal, por meio de avaliação nutricional individualizada, coleta de informações sócio- econômicas e hábitos alimentares- por meio de recordatório de 24 horas e questionário de frequência alimentar. Os dados mostraram que a maioria dos motoristas se encontra em estado de sobrepeso ou obesidade, excesso de gordura corporal e circunferência abdominal aumentada, o que representa elevado risco cardiovascular. Os hábitos alimentares mostraram maior consumo de açúcares, gorduras saturadas, colesterol e sódio e menor ingestão de frutas, verduras e legumes. Dessa forma, conclui-se que a população do estudo se encontra em risco para comorbidades associadas à obesidade, necessitando de correta intervenção nutricional. ABSTRACT Characterization of the standard food and nutritional status of collective drivers of Bauru-SPThere is a growing rate of chronic diseases worldwide, which carries high financial cost for the country and damage in the population’s life quality. Urban public bus drivers are a risk class because of sedentary work, stressful conditions and often poor diet, which favors obesity and related comorbidities. So, this study aimed to characterize the nutritional status and dietary pattern of urban public bus drivers in Bauru-SP. Cross sectional study, that evaluated individualized nutritional assessment, socio-economic information and food habits- 24-hour recordatory and food frequency questionnaire. The data showed that most drivers is overweight or obese, excessive body fat and increased waist circumference, which represented increased cardiovascular risk. Eating habits showed higher consumption of sugars, saturated fats, cholesterol and sodium and lower intake of fruits and vegetables. Thus, it is possible to conclude that the study population shows higher risk for comorbidities related-obesity, requiring correct nutritional intervention

    Preventive Effect of Gamma-Oryzanol on Physiopathological Process Related to Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Animals Submitted to High Sugar/Fat Diet

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    Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the main cause of liver disease. The physiopathological processes involved in the disease are metabolic syndrome (MetS) components (central obesity, dyslipidemia, insulin resistance/type 2 diabetes, hypertension), genetic, and dietary factors, including unsaturated fats and sweetened beverages, which are able to lead to inflammation and oxidative stress, conditions associated with progression and severity of NAFLD. Gamma-oryzanol (γOz) is a nutraceutical obtained from rice brain oil with many benefits to health, from immunological to metabolic. The aim of this study is to test the preventive effect of γOz on the physiopathological process related to nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in animals submitted to high sugar/fat diet. Male Wistar rats (±187 g) were randomly divided into four experimental groups to receive: control diet (C, n = 6), control diet plus γOz (C + γOz, n = 6), high sugar/fat diet (HSF, n = 6), or high sugar/fat diet plus γOz (HSF + γOz, n = 6) during 30 weeks. HSF groups also received water plus sucrose (25%). γOz was added to diets to reach 0.5% of final concentration. The HSF group presented MetS, liver inflammation and oxidative stress, and micro and macrovesicular steatosis. HSF plus γOz was protected against these changes. It is possible to conclude that gamma-oryzanol was effective in modulating the physiopathological process related to nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in animals submitted to a high sugar/fat diet

    Overview of bergamot leaves extract (Citrus bergamia) effect on the RedOx/Inflammatory scenario in obesity target organs in an animal model of metabolic syndrome

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    Bergamot (Citrus bergamia) is a fruit with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that contains similar bioactive composition to its leaf, evidencing its therapeutic potential in the treatment of chronic diseases. The aim was to evaluate the treatment effect of bergamot leaf extract (BLE) on the redox/inflammatory scenario in different organs of obese rats with metabolic syndrome. After detection of metabolic syndrome, male Wistar rats were allocated (n = 10/group) for the treatment with BLE by gavage (50 mg/kg): Control, Control+BLE, High Sugar fat (HSF), and HSF+BLE. Evaluations included: metabolic-nutritional profile; tissues function and redox/inflammatory parameters. The HSF group presented metabolic syndrome, cardiac, hepatic and renal dysfunction; inflammation; and oxidative stress. BLE decreased oxidative stress and inflammation levels in adipose tissue, heart, liver and kidneys, as well as decreased levels of triglycerides, insulin and insulin resistance. BLE act in all target organs of obesity, improving the redox/inflammatory scenario in a diet-induced metabolic syndrome

    Cardiac dysfunction induced by obesity es not related to beta-adrenergic system impairment at the receptor-signalling pathway

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    Obesity has been shown to impair myocardial performance. Some factors have been suggested as responsible for possible cardiac abnormalities in models of obesity, among them beta-adrenergic (βA) system, an important mechanism of regulation of myocardial contraction and relaxation. The objective of present study was to evaluate the involvement of βA system components in myocardial dysfunction induced by obesity. Thirty-day-old male Wistar rats were distributed in control (C, n = 25) and obese (Ob, n = 25) groups. The C group was fed a standard diet and Ob group was fed four unsaturated high-fat diets for 15 weeks. Cardiac function was evaluated by isolated papillary muscle preparation and βA system evaluated by using cumulative concentrations of isoproterenol and Western blot. After 15 weeks, the Ob rats developed higher adiposity index than C rats and several comorbidities; however, were not associated with changes in systolic blood pressure. Obesity caused structural changes and the myocardial responsiveness to post-rest contraction stimulus and increased extracellular calcium (Ca2+) was compromised. There were no changes in cardiac function between groups after βA stimulation. The obesity was not accompanied by changes in protein expression of G protein subunit alpha (Gsα) and βA receptors (β1AR and β2AR). In conclusion, the myocardial dysfunction caused by unsaturated high-fat diet-induced obesity, after 15 weeks, is not related to βAR system impairment at the receptor-signalling pathway.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP