656 research outputs found

    The Positivism Paradigm of Research.

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    Research paradigms guide scientific discoveries through their assumptions and principles. Understanding paradigm-specific assumptions helps illuminate the quality of findings that support scientific studies and identify gaps in generating sound evidence. This article focuses on the research paradigm of positivism, examining its definition, history, and assumptions (ontology, epistemology, axiology, methodology, and rigor). Positivism is aligned with the hypothetico-deductive model of science that builds on verifying a priori hypotheses and experimentation by operationalizing variables and measures; results from hypothesis testing are used to inform and advance science. Studies aligned with positivism generally focus on identifying explanatory associations or causal relationships through quantitative approaches, where empirically based findings from large sample sizes are favored-in this regard, generalizable inferences, replication of findings, and controlled experimentation have been principles guiding positivist science. Criteria for evaluating the quality of positivist research are discussed. An example from health professions education is provided to guide positivist thinking in study design and implementation


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    Komunikasi pada perusahaan konsultan memiliki peran yang sangat penting untuk mencapai tujuan perusahaan. Peran komunikasi sangat vital dalam suatu perusahaan, maka harus mendapatkan tanggapan yang serius dari para pemangku kebijakan agar dapat bersaing dan meningkatkan produktivitasnya. Bauran komunikasi pemasaran sebagai media rangsangan yang dilakukan perusahaan untuk menarik perhatian konsumen, dimana suatu rangsangan merupakan suatu unit yang merangsang satu atau lebih panca indra diantaranya penglihatan, penciuman, rasa, sentuhan, dan pendengaran. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana persepsi konsumen mengenai bauran komunikasi pemasaran. Peneliti menggunakan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Metode pengumpulan data dengan sample survey, dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 60 responden. Alat yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data adalah kuisioner. Serta dibantu dengan teknik observasi dan wawancara untuk penyempurnaan data yang dibutuhkan oleh peneliti. Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data didapatkan hasil bahwa kelima bauran komunikasi pemasaran meliputi periklanan, pelayanan informasi perseorangan, promosi pelayanan, pemasaran online dan word of mouth memiliki persepsi yang positif. Pelayanan informasi perseorangan memiliki persepsi yang sangat positif karena nilai rata-rata dan penjumlahan (sum) yang paling tinggi untuk kategori jawaban setuju.

    El acreedor laboral en la quiebra

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    De todos los actores involucrados en la falencia, el presente trabajo abordará al “acreedor laboral”, es decir, el trabajador que se encuentra frente a la insolvencia de su empleador. Así se inicia el trabajo con el testimonio de un empleado que fue funcional a una empresa durante más de veinte años, y que en ese momento y de repente se encontraba en situación de vulnerabilidad y lleno de necesidades Sin involucrar ideologías políticas, recuerdo la frase: Donde exista una necesidad, nace un derecho. El Estado se hace presente entonces ante esta situación, para evitar el fraude, el abuso del derecho y para minimizar los daños que la falencia ocasiona. “En este trabajo el empleado es ahora el acreedor laboral y el desafío es no perder el contacto con la realidad”Fil: Artino, Pablo Andrés. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Faculta de Ciencias Económicas; Argentina


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    Abstrak Dalam pembentukan Peraturan Komisi Pemilihan Umum Nomor 20 Tahun 2018, Lembaga Komisi Pemilihan Umum dinilai telah melakukan penyimpangan sitem norma hukum di Indonesia, karena terkait subtansi Pasal 4 ayat (3) yang mengatur pelarangan mantan narapidana korupsi untuk mencalonkan dirinya lagi dalam pemilihan umum tahun 2019. Sehingga membuat Peraturan Komisi Pemilihan Umum Nomor 20 Tahun 2018 khususnya pasal 4 ayat (3) tersebut dinilai bertentangn dengan pasal 140 huruf (g) Undang Undang Nomor 7 Tahun 2017 Tentang Pemilihan Umum yang memperbolehkan mantan narapidana korupsi untuk mencalonkan dirinya lagi, dengan ketentuan syarat yaitu penatapan hukuman 5 tahun/tidak melebihi 5 tahun penjara, dan sanggup mengemukan dan mempublikasikan kepada publik dan masyarakat bahwasanya dirinya adalah calon mantan narapidana korupsiKata Kunci:  Pemilihan Umum,  publik, korupsi   AbstractIn establishing the Election Commission Regulation Number 20 Year 2018, the Election Commission Institution is considered to have made a legal norm deviation in Indonesia, due to the substance of article 4 paragraph (3) which regulates the banning of former corruption inmates to nominate themselves again in the 2019 general election. Thus making the General Election Commission Regulation Number 20 Year 2018 specifically article 4 paragraph (3) considered contradictory to article 140 letter (g)  of Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections which allows former corruption inmates to nominate themselves again, provided that the conditions are fixing a sentence of 5 years/not exceeding 5 years in prison, and being able to bring up and publish to the public and the public that he is a candidate for former corruption inmatesKeywords: General Election,  public, corruptio


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    Poverty is one of the indicator of development performance, in terms of community welfare. Cause of  poverty due to uneven distribution of income  and inequality of development. Village funding programs for each village provide positive implications for community welfare. This study aims to see the relationship of village funds to poverty in North Lombok Regency. The method used is geographically weighted regression (GWR). Village funds can reduce poverty in each village in North Lombok Regency, but it does not have a significant effect in reducing poverty because the resulting model is still influenced by other variables outside the model. The variable coefficient of the number of bachelor and paddy fields in each village can reduce poverty and some can increase poverty. So there is a need for policy variation to reduce poverty in each village

    When will I get my paper back? A replication study of publication timelines for health professions education research.

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    INTRODUCTION: Biomedical researchers have lamented the lengthy timelines from manuscript submission to publication and highlighted potential detrimental effects on scientific progress and scientists\u27 careers. In 2015, Himmelstein identified the mean time from manuscript submission to acceptance in biomedicine as approximately 100 days. The length of publication timelines in health professions education (HPE) is currently unknown. METHODS: This study replicates Himmelstein\u27s work with a sample of 14 HPE journals published between 2008-2018. Using PubMed, 19,182 article citations were retrieved. Open metadata for each were downloaded, including the date the article was received by the journal, date the authors resubmitted revisions, date the journal accepted the article, and date of entry into PubMed. Journals without publication history metadata were excluded. RESULTS: Publication history data were available for 55% (n = 8) of the journals sampled. The publication histories of 4,735 (25%) articles were analyzed. Mean time from: (1) author submission to journal acceptance was 180.93 days (SD = 103.89), (2) author submission to posting on PubMed was 263.55 days (SD = 157.61), and (3) journal acceptance to posting on PubMed was 83.15 days (SD = 135.72). DISCUSSION: This study presents publication metadata for journals that openly provide it-a first step towards understanding publication timelines in HPE. Findings confirm the replicability of the original study, and the limited data suggest that, in comparison to biomedical scientists broadly, medical educators may experience longer wait times for article acceptance and publication. Reasons for these delays are currently unknown and deserve further study; such work would be facilitated by increased public access to journal metadata
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