24 research outputs found

    DNA multigene characterization of Fasciola hepatica and Lymnaea neotropica and its fascioliasis transmission capacity in Uruguay, with historical correlation, human report review and infection risk analysis

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    Fascioliasis is a highly pathogenic zoonotic disease emerging in recent decades, in part due to the effects of climate and global changes. South America is the continent presenting more numerous human fascioliasis endemic areas and the highest Fasciola hepatica infection prevalences and intensities known in humans. These serious public health scenarios appear mainly linked to altitude areas in Andean countries, whereas lowland areas of non-Andean countries, such as Uruguay, only show sporadic human cases or outbreaks. To understand this difference, we characterized F. hepatica from cattle and horses and lymnaeids of Uruguay by sequencing of ribosomal DNA ITS-2 and ITS-1 spacers and mitochondrial DNA cox1, nad1 and 16S genes. Results indicate that vectors belong to Lymnaea neotropica instead of to Lymnaea viator, as always reported from Uruguay. Our correlation of fasciolid and lymnaeid haplotypes with historical data on the introduction and spread of livestock species into Uruguay allow to understand the molecular diversity detected. We study the life cycle and transmission features of F. hepatica by L. neotropica of Uruguay under standardized experimental conditions to enable a comparison with the transmission capacity of F. hepatica by Galba truncatula at very high altitude in Bolivia. Results demonstrate that although L. neotropica is a highly efficient vector in the lowlands, its transmission capacity is markedly lower than that of G. truncatula in the highlands. On this baseline, we review the human fascioliasis cases reported in Uruguay and analyze the present and future risk of human infection in front of future climate change estimations

    Erro médico em cirurgia do aparelho digestivo: contribuição para o estudo das provas técnicas, periciais e documentais e suas implicações jurídicas Medical malpractice in digestive system surgeries: a contribution to the study of technical, expertise and documentary evidence and its legal implications

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    RACIONAL: A preocupação dos indivíduos em relação aos erros médicos tem aumentado ultimamente entre os brasileiros e muitas vezes processos podem ser evitados com medidas racionais preventivas no relacionamento médico-paciente. OBJETIVO: Analisar processos judiciais, que tramitam pelos fóruns regionais cíveis do Estado de São Paulo, capital e interior e instituições periciais da capital para definir as principais causas e documentos juntados ao mesmo e conseqüências de cada condição. MÉTODOS: Trinta processos foram analisados onde se fez a extração individualizada de dados. Iniciou-se pela importância prática do tema para efeito de evolução médico-social. Buscou-se estudar a visão da relação médico-paciente, mesmo durante a demanda, a informação ao paciente e seus familiares dos procedimentos e limitadores do ato médico; o documental técnico jurídico juntado ao processo; o preparo técnico-jurídico do médico e, se, a propositura de ação dependia da formação e especialização do profissional. Foram analisados processos judiciais de primeira instância no período de 1996 a 2002 correlacionados às operações do aparelho digestivo. Usou-se como parâmetro de análise exclusivamente os documentos juntados aos autos onde buscou-se a existência clara da quebra da relação médico-paciente, a existência de consentimento informado, a verificação do documental juntado à defesa pelas partes ou solicitação judicial e a qualificação do profissional envolvido nas ações. RESULTADOS: Em 93,34% dos casos houve quebra da relação médico-paciente. Era visível das partes a animosidade no petitório. Em 10% dos casos existia consentimento informado, porém, apenas um foi usado e considerado pelo magistrado por descrever e orientar especificadamente sobre o risco que a posteriori originou a demanda. Dois eram genéricos, sendo que não foram considerados, ao ver do julgador, por hiposuficiência do paciente. Em 85% das vezes não havia história clínica completa. Em 79% não foi verificada a existência de exame físico. Em 80% dos casos a letra era ilegível. Em 59% não foi verificada a existência da evolução clínica. Em 61% não foram verificadas a identificação ou carimbo do médico. Em 89% não foi interrogado sobre a existência de alergias prévias. Somente em 20% dos casos observou-se descrição cirúrgica legível. Em 47% dos casos as descrições cirúrgicas eram de forma sumária sem as intercorrências alegadas pela defesa. Em 70% não houve visita pré-anestésica. Em 60% a prescrição médica de evolução ocorreu com mais que 24 horas no pós-operatório. Em 19% observou-se administração de medicação pela enfermagem posteriormente à alta médica. Em 64% dos casos não se observou a descrição das condições de alta. Em 7% o médico que figura como pólo passivo não possuía residência médica; em 13% estavam cursando residência ou estágio; em 67% possuíam título de especialização e em 13% dos casos mestrado ou doutorado. CONCLUSÃO: A melhor forma para profilaxia da ação cível indenizatória por erro médico é a boa relação médico-paciente; a manutenção de prontuário médico preenchido, legível, com carimbo e assinatura; o consentimento informado. A condição técnico-curricular do profissional não é fator atenuante para propositura da ação.<br>BACKGROUND: The fear of being prosecuted by their patients in relation to medical malpractice is growing among brazilian medical doctors. This condition may be avoided with preventive orientations. AIM: To analyze legal proceedings in course in the city and state of São Paulo as well as to define what could be the main cause regarding this concern and its consequences. METHODS: Thirty legal proceedings, which were in progress in the regional civil courts in the Capital and countryside of the State of São Paulo - Brazil have been analyzed. Trial court cases were selected from 1996 to 2002 related solely to digestive system surgery. The practical importance of the subject for the medical-social evolution has been addressed in the first place. The points looked for in this research were: physician/patient relationship (even during the claim); the information about medical procedures and limitations to the patient and family; the technical/legal documentation attached to the case; the professional's education and specialization. The analysis was based exclusively on the documents attached to the case record, trying to find the breach of the physician/patient relationship and the existence of informed consent. An examination of the documentation attached to the defense by the parties or court request, was also done. RESULTS: In 93,34% of the cases rupture in the physician/patient relationship occurred. Informed consent was found in only 10%. In 85% no or incomplete medical records were found. In 79%, absence of physical examination, and the same in 59% in clinical evolution, was noted. In 80% the writing was illegible. No medical identification was found in 61%. Information about previous allergies were not asked in 89% of the patients. Surgical descriptions were illegible in 80% and too brief in 47%, and all of them had no citation of the defense arguments to the malpractice accusation. Regarding medical post-graduation status, 7% had medical residency, 13% were in course of residency program, 67% had specialization certificates and 13% had a master or phD degree. CONCLUSION: Among the preventive ways to avoid a civil action for damages due to medical malpractice, the main points are: good relationship between doctors and patients; the formulation of complete patient records, being legible, stamped, and signed and an informed consent. The professional's technical experience and background do not constitute a mitigating circumstance for fullfiling the action

    Human fascioliasis endemic areas in Argentina: multigene characterisation of the lymnaeid vectors and climatic-environmental assessment of the transmission pattern

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    Background: In South America, fascioliasis stands out due to the human endemic areas in many countries. In Argentina, human endemic areas have recently been detected. Lymnaeid vectors were studied in two human endemic localities of Catamarca province: Locality A beside Taton and Rio Grande villages; Locality B close to Recreo town. Methods: Lymnaeids were characterised by the complete sequences of rDNA ITS-2 and ITS-1 and fragments of the mtDNA 16S and cox1. Shell morphometry was studied with the aid of a computer image analysis system. Climate analyses were made by nearest neighbour interpolation from FAO data. Koeppen & Budyko climate classifications were used. De Martonne aridity index and Gorczynski continentality index were obtained. Lymnaeid distribution was assessed in environmental studies. Results: DNA sequences demonstrated the presence of Lymnaea neotropica and L. viator in Locality A and of L. neotropica in Locality B. Two and four new haplotypes were found in L. neotropica and L. viator, respectively. For interspecific differentiation, ITS-1 and 16S showed the highest and lowest resolution, respectively. For intraspecific analyses, cox1 was the best marker and ITS-1 the worst. Shell intraspecific variability overlapped in both species, except maximum length which was greater in L. viator. The desertic-arid conditions surrounding Locality A, the semiaridity-aridity surrounding Locality B, and the very low yearly precipitation in both localities, are very different from the typical fascioliasis transmission foci. Lymnaeids are confined to lateral river side floodings and small man-made irrigation systems. Water availability only depends on the rivers flowing from neighbouring mountains. All disease transmission factors are concentrated in small areas where humans and animals go for water supply, vegetable cultures and livestock farming. Conclusions: The unusually high number of DNA haplotypes and the extreme climate unsuitable for F. hepatica and lymnaeid development, demonstrate that the transmission foci are isolated. Seasonal transmission may depend on the timely overlap of appropriate temperature and river water availability. Lymnaeids and F. hepatica have probably reached these localities by livestock introduction. DNA differences regarding other populations of L. neotropica and L. viator in Argentina suggest an introduction independent from the spreading movements which allowed these two lymnaeids to expand throughout the country.Fil: Bargues, María Dolores. Universidad de Valencia; EspañaFil: Malandrini, Jorge Bruno. Universidad Nacional de Catamarca. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud; ArgentinaFil: Artigas, Patricio. Universidad de Valencia; EspañaFil: Soria, Claudia Cecilia. Universidad Nacional de Catamarca. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud; ArgentinaFil: Velásquez, Jorge Néstor. Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Hospital de Infecciosas "Dr. Francisco Javier Muñiz"; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Carnevale, Silvana. Dirección Nacional de Instituto de Investigación. Administración Nacional de Laboratorio e Instituto de Salud “Dr. C. G. Malbrán”; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Mateo, Lucía. Universidad de Valencia; EspañaFil: Khoubbane, Messaoud. Universidad de Valencia; EspañaFil: Mas-Coma, Santiago. Universidad de Valencia; Españ

    Insulinomas do pâncreas: diagnóstico e tratamento Pancreatic insulinomas: diagnosis and treatment

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    RACIONAL: O insulinoma é uma neoplasia que pertence ao grupo de tumores neuroendócrinos do pâncreas; embora raro, é o mais freqüente entre eles. OBJETIVO: Avaliar os resultados clínico e imunohistoquímico de doentes com insulinoma de pâncreas submetidos a tratamento cirúrgico. PACIENTES E MÉTODOS: Foram detalhados o quadro clínico, exames laboratoriais e de imagem, dando ênfase aos aspectos cirúrgicos, complicações e acompanhamento, a médio e longo prazos, de 12 doentes portadores de insulinoma. A cirurgia foi indicada para todos, com base nas evidências clínicas e laboratoriais de hipoglicemia e hiperinsulinemia. RESULTADOS: Em sete doentes conseguiu-se a localização prévia da lesão; em cinco, sua localização foi identificada durante a cirurgia mediante palpação e através do ultra-som intra-operatório. O procedimento mais freqüentemente utilizado foi a ressecção pancreática em oito doentes. A complicação cirúrgica mais freqüente foi a fístula pancreática, observada em sete doentes. Dois apresentaram tardiamente diabetes mellitus. Não houve mortes na presente casuística. CONCLUSÃO: Na totalidade dos doentes obteve-se a reversão clínica dos sintomas, caracterizada pelo desaparecimento da tríade de Whipple, além de normalização ou aumento dos níveis de glicemia, quando comparados aos valores do pré-operatório.<br>BACKGROUND: Despite its rarity, the insulinoma is the most common pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor. OBJECTIVE: Analyze clinical and immunohistochemical data from surgical resection of the pancreas insulinoma. METHOD: Twelve cases are described, concerning surgical aspects, complications and medium-long term outcome of patients. They underwent surgical treatment due to clinical suspicion and biochemical diagnosis of hypoglycemia and hyperinsulinism. RESULTS: The insulinoma was identified preoperatively in seven patients, while intraoperative ultrasonography and palpation were necessary for diagnosis in the other cases. Eight patients underwent pancreatic resection and pancreatic leak was observed in seven cases. Two patients developed diabetes mellitus and no mortality occurred in the current series. CONCLUSION: All patients presented satisfactory outcome and remained asymptomatic with normal glicemia levels

    Serotonin 5-HT1A Receptors as Targets for Agents to Treat Psychiatric Disorders: Rationale and Current Status of Research

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