11 research outputs found

    Biology and ecology of Goliath Grouper (Epinephelus itajara) in French Guiana

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    Le mĂ©rou gĂ©ant, Epinephelus itajara, espĂšce en danger critique d’extinction au niveau mondial, est prĂ©sent dans les eaux turbides et saumĂątres de la Guyane française oĂč l’espĂšce est exploitĂ©e par une pĂȘcherie cĂŽtiĂšre. Dans la partie est du plateau continental guyanais, les mĂ©rous gĂ©ants se localisent autour de tous les sites rocheux marins oĂč ils se rĂ©partissent en fonction de la profondeur et du faciĂšs (Ă©boulis ou tombant). Les analyses des isotopes stables du carbone et de l’azote suggĂšrent qu’environ 30 % des mĂ©rous gĂ©ants  150 cm doit ĂȘtre instaurĂ©e afin de rĂ©gĂ©nĂ©rer le stock d’individus matures. Il semble nĂ©cessaire de dĂ©velopper une politique de gestion internationale de l’espĂšce, surtout entre la Guyane et le BrĂ©sil, afin de conserver les populations de mĂ©rous gĂ©ants d’AmĂ©rique du Sud.The critically endangered Goliath Grouper, Epinephelus itajara, is found in the turbid and brackish waters of French Guiana, where the species is subject to a coastal fishery. Goliath Grouper populations inhabit all rocky habitats and exhibit increasing abundance with depth. Around 30% of individuals less than 115 cm may derive from the abundant mangrove habitat along the french Guiana coast. There is a ontogenetic shift of the diet, primarily crustacivorous, individuals >140 cm become piscivorous. The Goliath Grouper population in French Guiana is composed primarily og juvelines. The fate of the juvelines is unknonw, some may be caught in the fishery, others may move to other habitat. No evidence of spawning or gonadal readiness was found in french Guiana. it is possible that environmental conditions (high turbidity and temperature) are not conducive to reproductive activity. Goliath Grouper may migrate down current from French Guiana to Trinidad and Tobago or further. No movement of Goliath Grouper was found against the current toward Brazil. French Guiana juveniles may be derived from spawns occuring off Brazil. Calculated total mortality of Goliath Grouper off French Guiana is high (0.65) in both fished and protected areas suggesting that illegal fishing is occuring within the protected area, or that emigration rates are high. Assuming that the adult population of Goliath Grouper in French Guiana has been reduced due to fishing, protection of spawning-size adults (larger than about 150 cm TL) should be instated

    H 2 -Evolving Dye-Sensitized Photocathode Based on a Ruthenium Diacetylide/Cobaloxime Supramolecular Assembly

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    International audienceThe development of NiO-based molecular photocathodes is attracting growing interest in thefield of dye-sensitized photoelectrochemical cells (DS-PEC) for efficient conversion of sunlightinto fuel. For this purpose different strategies are developed to assemble the molecularcomponents together in order to build functional devices. Here, an original dye-catalystsupramolecular assembly was designed and obtained via axial coordination of a cobalt-basedH2-evolving catalyst, i.e. a cobaloxime complex, to a pyridyl-functionalized rutheniumdiacetylide photosensitizer. The new supramolecular assembly was successfully employed forthe construction of efficient NiO-based photocathodes for solar hydrogen production. We reporta joint experimental and theoretical study of the new photocatalytic system, includingelectrochemical and XPS analyses. Photo-electrochemical generation of H2 under pertinentaqueous conditions eventually led to a faradaic efficiency of 27

    Design and synthesis of novel organometallic dyes for NiO sensitization and photo-electrochemical applications.

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    International audienceTwo metallo-organic dyes were synthesized and used for NiO sensitization in view of their photoelectrochemical applications. The new dyes present an original π-conjugated structure containing the [Ru(dppe)2] metal fragment with a highly delocalized allenylidene ligand on one side and a σ-alkynyl ligand bearing an electron-rich group, i.e. a thiophene or triphenylamine unit, and one or two anchoring functions on the other side. The optoelectronic, electrochemical and photoelectrochemical properties of the dyes were systematically investigated. A broad photoresponse was observed with the absorption maximum at 600 nm. The X-ray crystal structure of one precursor was obtained to elucidate the structural conformation of the organometallic complexes and theoretical calculations were performed in order to address the photophysical properties of the new dyes. These photosensitizers were further implemented in NiO-based photocathodes and tested as photocurrent generators under pertinent aqueous conditions in association with [Co(NH3)5Cl]Cl2 as an irreversible electron acceptor. The dye-sensitized photocathodes provided good photocurrent densities (40 to 60 ÎŒA cm(-2)) at neutral pH in phosphate buffer and a high stability was observed for the two dyes

    Enhanced Light Trapping in GaAs/TiO2-Based Photocathodes for Hydrogen Production

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    International audiencePhotoelectrochemical cells (PEC) are appealing devices for the production of renewable energy carriers. In this context, III-V semiconductors such as GaAs are very promising materials due to their tunable band gaps, which can be appropriately adjusted for sunlight harvesting. Because of the high cost of these semiconductors, the nanostructuring of the photoactive layer can help to improve the device efficiency as well as drastically reduce the amount of material needed. III-V nanowire-based photoelectrodes benefit from the intrinsically high aspect ratio of nanowires, their enhanced ability to trap light, and their improved charge separation and collection abilities and thus are particularly attractive for PECs. However, III-V semiconductors often suffer from corrosion in aqueous electrolytes, preventing their utilization over long periods under relevant working conditions. Here, photocathodes of GaAs nanowires protected with thin TiO2 shells were prepared and studied under simulated sunlight irradiation to assess their photoelectrochemical performances in correlation with their structural degradation, highlighting the advantageous nanowire geometry compared to its thin-film counterpart. Morphological and electronic parameters, such as the aspect ratio of the nanowires and their doping pattern, were found to strongly influence the photocatalytic performances of the system. This work highlights the advantageous combination of nanowires featuring a buried radial p-n junction with Co nanoparticles used as a hydrogen evolution catalyst. The nanostructured photocathodes exhibit significant photocatalytic activities comparable with previous noble-metal-based systems. This study demonstrates the potential of a GaAs nanostructured semiconductor and its reliable use for photodriven hydrogen production