176 research outputs found

    Modelado de componentes pasivos de montaje superficial en radiofrecuencia

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    In this paper, lumped-element models for surface mounted devices (SMD), capacitors and inductors, are presented. The parasitic and packaging effects of SMD are extracted, including the characterization of the interconnects. The equivalent circuit parameters are extracted from Sparameters tests. These models are suitable for microstrip mounted components, and in the frequencies range 100 MHz to 4 GHz. The modelling and extraction procedure is demonstrated for 0805 style components

    A 30 GHz planar array antenna using dipole-coupled-lens

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    Measurements of the radiation patterns from a planar array of bow-tie slot antennas coupled through an extended hemispherical lens are reported. The design operates over 10% bandwidth centred at 30 GHz with a return loss of 10 dB. A moderate directivity from the integrated lenses of 13 dB with half-power beamwidth (HPBW) of 10º is achieved. The reduced size of this design is suitable for the integration with millimetre wave circuits.This work was supported by the Spanish "Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion" through the projects ESP2004-07067-C03-01 and AYA2007-68058-C03-02

    Design of small-scale hybrid energy systems taking into account generation and demand uncertainties

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    The adoption of energy systems powered by renewable sources requires substantial economic investments. Hence, selecting system components of an appropriate size becomes a critical step, which is significantly influenced by their distinct characteristics. Furthermore, the availability of renewable energy varies over time, and estimating this availability introduces considerable uncertainty. In this paper, we present a technique for the optimal design of hybrid energy systems that accounts for the uncertainty associated with resource estimation. Our method is based on stochastic programming theory and employs a surrogate model to estimate battery lifespan using a feedforward neural network (FFNN). The optimization analysis for system design was conducted using a genetic algorithm (GA) and the poplar optimization algorithm (POA). We assessed the effectiveness of the proposed technique through a hypothetical case study. The introduction of a surrogate model, based on an FFNN, resulted in an approximation error of 9.6 % for cost estimation and 20.6 % for battery lifespan estimation. The probabilistic design indicates an energy system cost that is 25.7 % higher than that obtained using a deterministic approach. Both the GA and POA achieved solutions that likely represent the global optimum

    Searching for promisingly trained artificial neural networks

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    Assessing the training process of artificial neural networks (ANNs) is vital for enhancing their performance and broadening their applicability. This paper employs the Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) technique, integrated with a stopping criterion, to construct the probability distribution of the learning error of an ANN designed for short-term forecasting. The training and validation processes were conducted multiple times, each time considering a unique random starting point, and the subsequent forecasting error was calculated one step ahead. From this, we ascertained the probability of having obtained all the local optima. Our extensive computational analysis involved training a shallow feedforward neural network (FFNN) using wind power and load demand data from the transmission systems of the Netherlands and Germany. Furthermore, the analysis was expanded to include wind speed prediction using a long short-term memory (LSTM) network at a site in Spain. The improvement gained from the FFNN, which has a high probability of being the global optimum, ranges from 0.7% to 8.6%, depending on the forecasting variable. This solution outperforms the persistent model by between 5.5% and 20.3%. For wind speed predictions using an LSTM, the improvement over an average-trained network stands at 9.5%, and is 6% superior to the persistent approach. These outcomes suggest that the advantages of exhaustive search vary based on the problem being analyzed and the type of network in use. The MCS method we implemented, which estimates the probability of identifying all local optima, can act as a foundational step for other techniques like Bayesian model selection, which assumes that the global optimum is encompassed within the available hypotheses

    A wideband correlation and detection module based on substrate-integrated waveguide technology for radio astronomy applications

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    A wideband (30% relative bandwidth) correlation and detection module based on substrate-integrated waveguide (SIW) technology intended for a radio astronomy polarimeter is presented. The SIW circuit is a six-port network with two input ports that are correlated in two hybrid couplers and their corresponding output signals are routed to Schottky diode detectors, which are designed using microstrip technology and assembled within the same system. The designed SIW structure includes hybrid couplers, power dividers, a 90° phase shifter, and 90° bends, providing a real implementation of a functional system with improved bandwidth performance from 35 to 47 GHz. Experimental results are in concordance with simulations, and they validate the module operation for the proposed application.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under Project AYA2013-49759-EXP

    Noise analysis in distributed amplifiers with feedback-active load

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    This paper presents the noise analysis of amplifiers when the input line termination is implemented via an active load. The noise figure (NF) of distributed amplifiers is analysed to determine the effect of the gate and drain terminations. The noise of a transistor configured as a one-port device has been analysed and a lower noise temperature has been achieved as compared with a conventional resistor. In order to improve the noise performance of the overall amplifier, a parallel feedback has been added to the active load, and its effects are analysed in terms of noise. A distributed amplifier has been designed as a test vehicle of the analysis and characterised with a resistor as input line termination and with an active load to demonstrate the improvement in NF at frequencies below 2 GHz. The resulting amplifier exhibits 10.9 dB of small signal gain from 1 to 5 GHz, with a reduction of 0.6 dB in NF below 2 GHz when the input line termination is replaced by an active load.This work was supported by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad from Spain under the CONSOLIDER-INGENIO 2010 program CSD2010-00064 reference, and the research program FPI BES-2011-046199

    Cryogenic performance of a 3-14 GHz bipolar SiGe low-noise amplifier

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    The performance of silicon-germanium (SiGe) transistors under cryogenic operation is analysed. The design and characterization of a 3–14 GHz low-noise amplifier (LNA) using SiGe transistors at 300 K and at 13 K are presented. A three stage amplifier is implemented with bipolar transistors model BFU910F from NXP commercially available with a plastic package. The amplifier exhibits 36.8 dB average gain with average noise temperature of 103 K and 42 mW DC power consumption at 300 K ambient temperature. Whereas cooled down to 13 K ambient temperature, it provides 32.4 dB average gain, 11.4 K average noise temperature with a minimum of 7.2 K at 3.5 GHz and a DC power dissipation of 5.8 mW. The presented LNA demonstrates an outstanding performance at cryogenic temperature for a commercial plastic packaged transistor.The authors would like to thank the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness for the financial support provided under the grant ESP2015-70646-C2-2-R

    Novel full-band waveguide polar modulator for radio astronomy applications

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    A novel full-band (40% relative bandwidth) waveguide polar modulator (WPM) design based on a new architecture with two turnstile junctions and a nearly frequencyindependent differential 180° phase shift between orthogonal arms is presented. The use of suitably designed turnstile junctions together with antiphase waveguide-coaxial-waveguide transitions in reduced-height waveguide technology enables the improvement of bandwidth over previous WPMs with a very compact and simple solution. This design enables continuous rotation about its central axis at 40 revolutions/s, which makes the modulator suitable for receivers with significant 1/f noise such as cryogenic radiometers. The polar modulator presented in this paper is designed to be cooled down to cryogenic temperatures in order to reduce its contribution to the receiver noise. This design is suitable for radio astronomy applications due to its costeffective, compact design, and high quality performance as well as being readily scalable. A polar modulator in the Ka-band (26.5-40 GHz) has been designed to show a reflection better than -20 dB, an insertion loss around 0.3 dB, and a cross-coupling near -35 dB measured at room temperature (T = 298 K). This insertion loss is reduced by 30%, while the phase difference and cross-coupling maintain similar values when the polar modulator is cooled to approximately T = 80 K.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under the CONSOLIDERINGENIO 2010 program and project CSD2010-00064

    Double square waveguide directional coupler for polarimeter calibration

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    A novel full-band square waveguide coupler design based on directional couplers which couple the TE10 and TE01 orthogonal modes in a square waveguide is presented. This waveguide coupler is aimed at the calibration of polarization receivers. This is composed of a pair of rectangular waveguide directional couplers, which are rotated 90° between them and both are coupled to the main square waveguide through each one of the square section walls. The coupler covers the full frequency band from 10 to 18.9 GHz. It has inherent low cross-polarization, which allows obtaining any known elliptically polarized wave at a square waveguide when a signal is applied to the couplers. The fabricated prototype of this coupler exhibits 31 dB of coupling, with flatness of ±3.8 dB and excellent cross polarization better than 50 dB over the whole band.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under Grant ESP2015-70646-C2-2-R

    Calibration of a polarimetric microwave radiometer using a double directional coupler

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    This paper presents a built-in calibration procedure of a 10-to-20 GHz polarimeter aimed at measuring the I, Q, U Stokes parameters of cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation. A full-band square waveguide double directional coupler, mounted in the antenna-feed system, is used to inject differently polarized reference waves. A brief description of the polarimetric microwave radiometer and the system calibration injector is also reported. A fully polarimetric calibration is also possible using the designed double directional coupler, although the presented calibration method in this paper is proposed to obtain three of the four Stokes parameters with the introduced microwave receiver, since V parameter is expected to be zero for the CMB radiation. Experimental results are presented for linearly polarized input waves in order to validate the built-in calibration system.The authors would like to thank The Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation for financial support provided through the grants ESP2015-70646-C2-2-R, ESP2017-83921-C2-2-R and PID2019-110610RB-C2