5 research outputs found


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    Cakupan aplikasi yang luas dari seng oksida telah meningkatkan produksi seng oksida menggunakan berbagai metode fisika dan metode kimia. Penggunaan bahan kimia berbahaya dalam produksi seng oksida, mendorong pemanfaatan bahan alam yang ramah lingkungan untuk mereduksi dampak lingkungan.Ā  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mensintesis seng oksida dengan memanfaatkan ekstrak daun anting-anting.Ā  Seng oksida disintesis menggunakan proses presipitasi dari campuran larutan seng nitrat dengan ekstrak daun anting-anting.Ā  Produk presipitasi dikalsinasi pada temperatur 500oC selama 3 jam.Ā  Mikrostruktur produk presipitasi dianalisis menggunakan difraksi sinar-x dan scanning electron microscope.Ā  Pola difraksi sinar-x menunjukkan intensitas puncak-puncak difraksi yang tajam dan tinggi mengindikasikan pembentukan material kristalinitas tinggi.Ā  Analisis parameter-parameter struktur menghasilkan nilai yang bersesuaian dengan struktur wurtzite dari seng oksida.Ā  Partikel-partikel berbentuk bulat dengan ukuran 100 nm teramati pada citra electron microscope. Analisis mikrostruktur mengindikasikan bahwa seng oksida kristalin berhasil disintesis. Ekstrak daun anting-anting potensial sebagai bahan alami untuk sintesis oksida logam

    Pengembangan Metode Project Based Learning ā€œRuang Literasiā€ untuk Peningkatan Keterampilan Menulis Artikel Ilmiah Mahasiswa Melalui Model Hybrid Learning

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    The study of writing is a study that attracts the attention of researchers, especially in the field of language. . In this regard, this research aims to develop learning methods that can improve the quality and writing skills of students' scientific papers. The development method (R & D) which includes the stages: definition, design and development to test the effectiveness and quality of the PBL learning method "Literacy Space" was used in this research. The implementation of the development stage is carried out through a hybrid learning model. The data in this research is in the form of quantitative and qualitative data originating from student grades and student responses. Based on the research results, the "Literacy Space" PBL method shows that the "Literacy Space" PBL method has very good quality because it can improve scientific article writing skills among students and effectively applied in Indonesian language classes. A hybrid learning model also supports the effectiveness of this learning method.Studi mengenai menulis merupakan studi yang menarik perhatian peneliti, terutama bidang bahasa. Berkait dengan itu, penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan metode pembelajaran yang dapat meningkatkan kualitas dan keterampilan menulis tulisan ilmiah mahasiswa. Metode pengembangan (R & D) yang meliputi tahapan: pendefinisian, perancangan, dan pengembangan untuk menguji keefektifan dan kualitas metode belajar PBL ā€œRuang Literasiā€ digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Pelaksanaan tahap pengembangan dilakukan melalui model hybrid learning. Data dalam penelitian ini berupa data kuantitatif dan kualitatif yang berasal dari nilai mahasiswa dan respons mahasiswa. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, metode PBL ā€œRuang Literasiā€ menunjukkan bahwa metode PBL ā€œRuang Literasiā€ memiliki kualitas yang sangat baik karena dapat meningkatkan keterampilan menulis artikel ilmiah dan efektif diterapkan di kelas Bahasa Indonesia. Model hybrid learning juga mendukung keefektifan metode pembelajaran ini

    Polymorphism of FPN1 Gene Promoter -1355 G/C as A Risk Factor of Iron Deficiency Anemia in Pregnant Women in Indonesia

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    According to WHO, the prevalence of anemia in pregnancy in Indonesia is 44.3%, it is higher than the worldwide prevalence (41.8%). Iron deficiency is a leading cause of anemia during pregnancy. Ferroportin (FPN1) is an iron exporter protein which is responsible on absorbing and releasing iron in order to reproduce new erythocytes. The variant of FPN1-1355 G/C in promoter region enhances overexpression of ferroportin and iron export, which are causing elevated cellular iron needs and thus leading to overexpression of soluble transferrin receptor (sTfR) while decreasing hemoglobin (Hb) level and erythrocyte indices. As the manifestation, iron deficiency anemia (IDA) occurs. This research was a case and control study aimed to analyze the frequency of FPN1-1355 G/C polymorphism as a risk factor of IDA in pregnant women in Indonesia. Blood samples were taken from 26 pregnant women with anemia and 48 without anemia. FPN1-1355 G/C polymorphism were determined by PCR-RFLP method while sTfR and ferritin level were measured by ELISA. Hemoglobin, erythocyte indices, and sTfR level were compared among genotype group, then analyzed by independent t-test and one way ANOVA. Pearson test was conducted to analyze correlation between level of hemoglobin and ferritin in pregnant women (p0.05). The sTfR level in subject carrying C allele was higher than subjects carrying only G allele (p<0.05). As a conclusion, FPN1 gene promoter -1355 G/C polymorphism was not a risk factor for anemia, but it was a risk factor for IDAĀ in pregnant women.

    Polimorfisme gen ferroportin (FPN1) -1355 G/C sebagai faktor risiko anemia defisiensi besi pada ibu hamil

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    Background: According to WHO data, prevalence of anemia pregnancy in Indonesia is 44.3%, itā€™s higher than world prevalence (41.8%). Ferroportin (FPN1) is one of important iron exsporter for iron absorption, release, and recycle inside the body. The varian of FPN1-1355 G/C in promoter region, leads to increased of ferroportin expression and iron export, increased cellular iron needs, overexpression of soluble transferrin receptor (sTfR), decrease hemoglobin (Hb) and erythrocyte indices that manifest to iron deficiency anemia (IDA).Objective: This research will study the frequency of FPN1-1355 G/C polymorphism as a risk factor of IDA in pregnant women in Indonesia.Method: The research design was a case and control study. Blood samples were taken from 26 pregnant women with anemia and 48 pregnant women without anemia. FPN1-1355G/C polymorphism were determined using PCR-RFLP method. sTfR and ferritin level were measured with ELISA. Hemoglobin, erythrocyte indices, and sTfR level were compared among genotype group, then statistically analyzed using independent sample t-test and one way ANOVA. Bivariat analysis of Pearson test was conducted to analyze correlation between level of blood Hb and ferritin in pregnant women (p0.05). The sTfR and hepcidin level in subjects carrying C allele were higher than subjects carrying only G allele (p<0.05). Conclusion: In this study the FPN1 gene promoter -1355 G/C polymorphism was not a risk factor for anemia, but it was a risk factor for iron deficiency anemia in pregnant women

    Strategi Pengelolaan Sampah dalam Mendukung Program Zero Waste di Desa Pulau Maringkik

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    Maringkik Village is a fishing village located in East Lombok. This village has promising tourism potential due to the condition of the island which is surrounded by beaches with beautiful landscape. The natural beauty of Maringkik Village is starting to be covered by a serious waste problem, one of the waste problems is the unavailability of proper garbage dump, so people throw garbage into the sea or on the coast which results in environmental pollution. Therefore, an effort is needed to overcome this problem. There are several efforts that are expected to decrease the waste problem in Maringkik Village, among others, implementing a waste audit, socializing waste management and waste banks, establishing a waste bank and processing plastic waste into Eco brick that can be created into useful goods