652 research outputs found

    Full-Day School Impacts in Indonesia: Perspective of Honorary Teachers

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    Since Indonesia employed 37.10% teachers that are still in honoraria status/ contracted-status, it is a serious problem. This research used mixed-method to address the goals. Spreading the questionnaire and having in-depth interview are used to get the data. Three experts validated the questionnaires through IOC (Index of Item Objectives Congruence). There are 30 questions that were used to achieve the goals. The reliability of the item is acceptable. The Cronbach value shows .839 which is higher than .70 (.839>.70). The sampling of this rerearch are totally the honorary teachers that are stratified into three groups, young teacher, senior and older teacher based on the working year. However, the result indicates there are significant impacts of FDS implementation to honorary teacher professionally. But the opposite, personal impact of FDS implementation to honorary teachers is not significant. In line with the differences between those three generations that are not so significan

    Parents’ Involvement In Learning Assessment During Remote Learning In Pandemic Era

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    Abstract: This study is aimed at providing an assessment scheme during learning at home by involving parents. Teachers as well as parents’ role in an intensive communication were emphasized under collaboration to help each other. The method used in this research was argumentative literature review on standard document of Panduan Penilaian oleh Pendidik dan Satuan Pendidikan (Kemendikbud, 2017). The purpose of this research is focusing on reducing teachers’ workload and confusion on how to assess students during learning at home. On the other side, it is to give an understanding of the importance of parental involvement.  As a result, a new manipulated assessment scheme had been introduced in this research. It could be used not only during the Covid-19 pandemic but in a normal program of education. Lastly, the communication between parents and school should be well maintained in order to get the best result of students’ achievements as well.Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan skema penilaian baru selama pembelajaran jarak jauh (PJJ) dengan melibatkan orang tua. Peran guru dan orang tua dalam komunikasi intensif sangat ditekankan untuk meningkatkan hasil prestasi siswa. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kajian pustaka argumentatif terhadap dokumen Panduan Penilaian oleh Pendidik dan Satuan Pendidikan oleh Kemendikbud (2017). Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengurangi beban kerja guru dan kebingungan tentang cara menilai siswa selama belajar di rumah serta mememberikan pemahaman tentang pentingnya keterlibatan orang tua. Hasilnya, skema penilaian yang dimanipulasi telah diperkenalkan dalam penelitian ini. Ini dapat digunakan tidak hanya selama pandemi Covid-19, tetapi juga dalam program pendidikan normal. Di sisi lain, komunikasi antara orang tua dan sekolah harus terus dijaga untuk mendapatkan hasil yang terbaik dari prestasi sisw

    Making Sense of the Built Environment Introduction

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    Handwritten introduction to topics and goals of the RISD Summer Teachers\u27 Academy Making Sense of the Built Environment.https://digitalcommons.risd.edu/archives_tlad_pnddocs/1007/thumbnail.jp

    Design in Hand Brainstorm Assignment Ideas

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    A list of ideas for a brainstorming assignment as part of a professional development workshop centered around the Design in Hand exhibition at Providence Art Club.https://digitalcommons.risd.edu/archives_tlad_pnddocs/1011/thumbnail.jp

    Making Sense of the Built Environment Handout Drafts

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    Workshop exercises adapted from Roger Williams University to be used as part of the RISD Summer Teachers\u27 Academy Making Sense of the Built Environment.https://digitalcommons.risd.edu/archives_tlad_pnddocs/1008/thumbnail.jp

    Reinforcement and Punishment: The Concepts Teachers Need to be Carefully Watched

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    Abstract: Numerous acts done by teachers without proper consideration were impactful to students. This study determines the level of teacher cognition to reinforcement and punishment concept in the learning process at school. In addition, this study also aims to assign the accuracy of applying these concepts to students. Mixed-method using embedded design was implemented to address the goals. As 49 teachers responded from several schools in the District of Kepulauan Pongok, South Bangka. Besides, in-depth interviews were also conducted with five teachers who were selected. The research sample was set based on purposive sampling. The data collection techniques were a questionnaire in the form of a rating scale and an in-depth interview form with a feasibility test previously performed using the Content Validity Index. Likewise, the data obtained were processed using the calculation of the average, standard deviation, percentage as well as content analysis. The results indicated that 2.86 out of 5 or 57.2% of the teachers had good understanding towards the two concepts. Meanwhile, 3.15 or 63% of the teachers were familiar to reinforcement. Besides, 2.44 or 4.88% of the teachers were familiar to give punishment.  In other words, the comprehension as well as it application are classified very moderate and needed to be carefully watched

    Design in Hand Proposal

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    Proposal for a professional development workshop centered around the Design in Hand exhibition at Providence Art Club.https://digitalcommons.risd.edu/archives_tlad_pnddocs/1010/thumbnail.jp

    Proposal for the High School Initiative at RISD

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    TLAD proposal to the Rhode Island Foundation for a grant to support high school students interested in the arts through collaboration between RISD and Providence Schools.https://digitalcommons.risd.edu/archives_tlad_poddocs/1004/thumbnail.jp

    Proposal for the High School Initiative at RISD

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    TLAD proposal to the Rhode Island Foundation for a grant to support high school students interested in the arts through collaboration between RISD and Providence Schools.https://digitalcommons.risd.edu/archives_tlad_poddocs/1009/thumbnail.jp

    Schedule for Graduation Proficiency in the Arts Professional Development Workshop

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    Schedule for a professional development day for Providence School Department high school art teachers hosted at RISD.https://digitalcommons.risd.edu/archives_tlad_poddocs/1008/thumbnail.jp
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