37 research outputs found


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    This study aimed at (1) finding out the difference in the level of emotional intelligence between the senior high school students who came from the extended family structure and those who came from the core family structure in Bandung regency. (2) finding out the difference in the level of emotional intelligence between the senior high school students in Badung regency who came from the extended family structure and those who came from the core family structure with both types of the families had an accepting attitude. (3) finding out the difference in the level of emotional intelligence between the senior high school students in Badung regency who came from the extended family structure and those who came from the core fsmily structure in which both types of family structure had a rejecting attitude. This study was conducted to the senior high school students in Badung regency and used an ex post facto research method with 2x2 factorial design which involved a sample of 395 students taken by a technique which combined probability and non-probability sampling or multi stage purposive random sampling. The independent variables in this study were family structure and child rearing  pattern. Each of the independent variables were divided into two,i.e., family structure  was split into extended family structure and core family structure, whereas child  rearing  pattern was split into child rearing pattern in which the parents had an accepting  attitude and child rearing pattern in which the parents had a rejecting attitude. The dependent variable was level of emotional intelligence. The study used questionnaires as the instruments to collect data, i.e., emotional intelligence questionnaire, family structure questionnaire and child rearing  pattern questionnaire. The data were analyzed by two-way ANOVA with Scheffe test.          The result shows thet (1) there was a difference in the level of emotional intelligence when it was viewed from the extended family structure and when it was viewed from the core family structure, (2) the was a difference in the level of emotional intelligence between the studets whose parents had an accepting attitude and those whose had a rejecting attitude both in the extended and core family structure and (3) there was a difference in the level of emotional intelligence between the students whose parents had a rejecting attitude and those whose parents both in the extended and core family stuctures.          The conclusion thet can be made from this study is that an extended family structure can increase a student,s emotional intelligence. In order to get a maximum result the child rearing patterns has to be considered in a family structure.&nbsp

    Teknologi Mandiri Benih Padi Berbasis Masyarakat Mendukung Pengembangan Tanaman Padi Terpadu ci Bali

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      The government through the Directorate General of Food Crops has carried out a movement of technology transfer through the Integrated Plant Management Field School (SL-PTT) program from year to year since 2008, the area has continued to increase, in the application of superior varieties produced quite a lot, often the seeds are not yet available. The purpose of the assessment is to produce seed sources so that they are available to support rice farming. Activities in rice fields owned by farmers with farmer groups in Subak Guama Tabanan, January - April 2017. 30 hectares in an area of ​​180 hectares. The rice varieties used were Inpari 30 Ciherang Sub-1, Inpari 40 rainfed, Cigeulis, Ciherang. The data from the observations were analyzed for variance (analysis of variance) to determine the significance of the effect of water treatment and varieties as well as interactions using the F test at the 5% and 1% levels. If there is a significant effect of the treatment for a certain character, then the comparison of the mean pairs of these characters is tested based on Duncan's Multiple Distance levels of 5% and 1%. The results showed that the percentage of filled grain/panicle Inpari 40 was not significantly different from the Cigeulis and Ciherang varieties, namely 135.8 grains compared to 137.2 and 144.6 grains, while the number of filled grains/panicles of Inpari 30 Ciherang sub-1 was significantly different. with Inpari 40 rainfed VUB, Cigeulis and Ciherang namely 51.74% compared to 73.21%, 168.45%, and (82.69%). Meanwhile, the weight of 1000 grain of rainfed Inpari 40 variety was significantly different from Cigeulis but smaller and different from Ciherang, namely 28.2 g compared to 27.6 g and 30.3 g. The conclusion is that the yield of harvested dry unhulled rice as a candidate for seed shows that there is no significant difference between the varieties with an average of 6 tons per ha.Key words: Independent, Seed, Rice, and Community &nbsp

    Handling and Control of Floods in the Pulukan River/Tukad Macro Drainage System in Jembrana Regency

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    Handling and controlling floods in the river/Tukad macro drainage system as the main discharge is a very complex matter. The engineering dimension (engineering) involves many disciplines. In this study, the analytical review is only on hydrological boundaries, hydraulics, watershed erosion, river engineering, morphology, river sedimentation, handling engineering, and flood control systems. The stages of compiling this research were preceded by the collection of secondary and primary data which were then carried out by analysis. The analysis in this planning is carried out qualitatively, quantitatively, and descriptively. The qualitative description focuses on inventorying the drainage system, determining the zoning of the drainage system based on watershed boundaries, class, and identification of area/area per unit drainage system. The quantitative analysis focuses on hydrological and hydraulic calculations as well as a detailed design of each segment of the drainage channel by the service area of ​​each drainage system. Furthermore, the descriptive analysis focuses on determining the priority scale for the handling of the drainage system which is considered vulnerable to flood hazards in the downstream area. Besides that, it also provides technical and non-technical recommendations for flood management. The results of the analysis of the sedimentation rate of the Pulukan River/Tukad 384.726 tons/ha/year are included in the class of severe erosion hazard because most of the community gardening activities are at an elevation of 25% to 40% which has an impact on the high LS slope factor. The existing cross-sectional capacity of the Pulukan River/Tukad is not able to accommodate the flood discharge planned for a return period of 50 years. From the results of this analysis, it is necessary to carry out flood handling/control using structural and non-structural methods. The Tukad Pulukan Watershed flood management and control program includes; reforestation, river normalization work, river management building, Tukad Pulukan watershed management, community-based watershed management, land use regulation, construction of access road inspections, installation of recording of water level and density of recording stations rainfall


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    Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis dan bagian tumbuhan serta bahan lain selaintumbuhan yang digunakan sebagai bahan upakara caru panca sata. Penelitian dilakukandi Desa Pejeng, Kecamtan Tampaksiring, Kabupaten Gianyar. Metode yang digunakanadalah metoda Purposive sampling dengan cara wawancara, observasi, dokumentasibahan banten. Tumbuhan diidentifikasi untuk mengetahui nama jenis. Wawancaradilakukan terhadap responden diantaranya sulinggih, serati, dan masyarakat yang sedangmelaksanakan upacara caru panca sata. Hasil penelitian menemukan 63 jenis tumbuhan(34 famili). Tumbuhan yang paling banyak digunakan adalah dari suku Poaceae. Bagiantumbuhan yang digunakan adalah daun, buah, biji, umbi, bunga dan batang. Bagian yangpaling banyak digunakan adalah daun. Sebanyak 22 jenis bahan lain selain tumbuhanjuga digunakan dalam caru panca sata

    Pembinaan budaya dalam keluarga daerah Bali

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    Buku ini berisi tentang Pembinaan budaya dalam keluarga daerah Bali yang meliputi konsep-konsep utama dalam keluarga pada masyarakat Bali dan pembinaan budaya dalam keluarga, seperti cara-cara, pelaku utama, media, dan penghargaan dan hukum dalam penanaman dan pembinaan nilai budaya

    Isi dan kelengkapan rumah tangga tradisional di daerah Bali

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    Dalam penulisan ini dipilih dua desa yang didasarkan atas tradisional dengan pengetahuan teknologi yang relatif sederhana. Disamping itu juga didasarkan atas kriteria lainnya seperti jauh dari pusat keramaian kota. Untuk desa yang tersebut ini ditetapkan desa Tihingan kecamatan Banjar Angkan kabupaten Klungkung (Bali). Di samping penetapan desa ini didasarkan atas kriteria yang tersebut di atas, secara operasional desa ini merupakan daerah agraris dengan sistem pertaniannya yang relatif sederhana. Walaupun demikian hal ini bukan berarti kehidupan pertaniannya tidak mengenal teknik-teknik intensifikasi

    Dharma sasana

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    Proyek Penelitian dan Pengkajian Kebudayaan Nusantara. Direktorat Sejarah dan Nilai Tradisional, Direktorat J enderal Kebudayaan telah mengkaji dan menganalisis naskah-naskah lama di antaranya naskah kuno Bali yang berjudul, Dharma Sasana isinya tentang etika kehidupan kemasyarakatan yang berpedoman pada ajaran agama Hindu memuat tuntunan kehidupan yang luhur

    Revitalisasi Sistem Penerapan K3 dalam Layanan Upacara Adat Banjar Jeroan, Patemon Singaraja dengan Pemanfaatan Kompor Gas dan Chafing Dish

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    Kegiatan PkM ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis implementasi Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) dalam layanan upacara adat Banjar Jeroan di Patemon Singaraja dengan pemanfaatan kompor gas dan chafing dish. Metode yang digunakan adalah observasi dan wawancara dengan pengelola layanan upacara adat Banjar Jeroan, serta pengguna layanan. Hasil PkM menunjukkan bahwa implementasi K3 dalam layanan upacara adat Banjar Jeroan telah dilakukan dengan baik dengan menggunakan kompor gas dan chafing dish yang aman dan sesuai standar. Selain itu, penggunaan alat pelindung diri seperti sarung tangan dan masker juga diterapkan oleh pengelola layanan. Meskipun demikian, masih ditemukan beberapa kekurangan dalam implementasi K3, seperti kurangnya sosialisasi kepada pengguna layanan mengenai penggunaan alat pelindung diri dan cara penggunaan kompor gas dan chafing dish yang benar. Oleh karena itu, disarankan agar pengelola layanan melakukan sosialisasi secara intensif kepada pengguna layanan tentang pentingnya K3 dalam upacara adat Banjar Jeroan, serta memberikan edukasi mengenai cara penggunaan alat pelindung diri dan alat masak yang benar. Diharapkan PkM ini dapat memberikan kontribusi bagi pengelola layanan upacara adat Banjar Jeroan dalam meningkatkan implementasi K3 dalam layanan mereka

    Dampak modernisasi terhadap hubungan kekerabatan di daerah Bali

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    Relevansf dalam rumusan proses modemisasi yang berkaitan dengan kebudayaan manusia, secara tepat Spradley mengemukakan bahwa, manusia mempelajari aturan untuk dapat mewujudkan kelakukan secara tepat. Peta-peta kognitif yang diperolehnya dari lingkungannya menyebabkan manusia menciptakan rencana-rencana yang terorganisir sebagai suatu kelakuan dalam usaha mencapai cita-citanya. Jika dikaitkan dengan pandangan C. Geertz tentang kebudayaan nampaknya memiliki implikasi motodologis yang mendekati rumusan Spradley mengemukakan, bahwa kebudayaan merupakan satuan ide, pola bagi kelaguan, dan kebudayaan berisikan sistem kategorisasi yang mewujudkan keteraturan. Pola-pola pengertian yang terjalin secara menyeluruh dalam simbol-simbol ditransmisikan secara historis, dan selanjutnya manusia menggunakannya sebagai alat komunikasi, melestarikannya serta mengembangkannya dengan pengetahuan dan sikap mereka terhadap lingkunganny


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    Character education teaches the habits of ways of thinking and behaving to students so that they are able to live and work with family, society, country. To achieve that goal the role of communication becomes very important. Educators as communicators in character education occupy strategic positions as well. Educators or communicators have the task of designing, carrying out to evaluate the process and results of character education. Communicators determine the right strategy in choosing the material, determine the method of character education and adjust the language used according to audience conditions. In connection with this task, educators must understand the basic concepts of educational communication, such as the process of communication, effective communication techniques, forms of communication, principles of communication, the use of appropriate methods and appropriate strategies to improve the effectiveness of communication in character education