52 research outputs found


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    Kemajuan teknologi informasi yang sangat cepat telah memacu perubahan berbagai aspek kehidupan. Perkembangan teknologi ini sangat berdampak salah satunya pada bidang pendidikan yang ditandai dengan teknologi pembelajaran berbasis online, mobile, multimedia, sarana informasi, interaksi, hingga media promosi. Perkembangan teknologi ini tidak terlepas dari kemudahan akses terhadap berbagai informasi dan tidak dibatasi oleh ruang dan waktu. Teknologi informasi telah dimanfaatkan berbagai lembaga untuk perbaikan kualitas pengelolaan dan kinerja lembaga. Unit Pelaksana Teknis (UPT) Laboratorium Lahan kering Kepulauan (LLKK) Universitas Nusa Cendana (Undana) merupakan salah satu laboratorium pendukung kegiatan Tri-Dharma civitas Undana melalui sistem kerjasama dan memiliki lahan yang menghasilkan produk-produk hasil pertanian, peternakan, dan perikanan. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk membentuk berbagai platform media sosial lembaga UPT. LLKK sebagai sistem informasi dan mengembangkan pengelolaan website sebagai sistem informasi. Metode yang digunakan berupa pengelolaan media sebagai sistem informasi untuk meningkatkan kinerja UPT. LLKK dengan pembentukan platform media sosial, pengelolaan website, penerapan, dan tahap evaluasi. Pembuatan berbagai platform media sosial UPT. LLKK diantaranya facebook, youtube, dan instagram. Media sosial ini akan menjadi wadah informatif sehingga lembaga dapat memberikan berbagai macam informasi yang dapat  diakses oleh masyarakat luas dengan mudah. Platform media sosial yang sudah terbentuk lalu diintegrasikan dalam website UPT. LLKK agar keseluruhan media dapat menjadi satu kesatuan sistem infromasi. Pengelolaan website UPT. LLKK yang terintegrasi dengan media sosial akan meningkatkan efisiensi penyebaran informasi karena masyarakat semakin mudah untuk mengakses hanya dengan bantu kata kunci dalam mesin pencari internet. Perkembangan media sosial dan website dinilai sangat relevan dengan kondisi saat ini, sehingga perlu dilakukan pengelolaan pada sistem informasi tersebut untuk pengembangan kinerja UPT. LLKK

    Sparse Coding-Based Method Comparison for Land-Use Classification

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    Land-use classification utilize high-resolution remote sensing image. The image is utilized for improving the classification problem. Nonetheless, in other side, the problem becomes more challenging cause the image is too complex. We have to represent the image appropriately. On of the common method to deal with it is Bag of Visual Word (BOVW). The method needs a coding process to get the final data interpretation. There are many methods to do coding such as Hard Quantization Coding (HQ), Sparse Coding (SC), and Locality-constrained Linear Coding (LCC). However, that coding methods use a different assumption. Therefore, we have to compare the result of each coding method. The coding method affects classification accuracy. The best coding method will produce the better classification result. Dataset UC Merced consisted 21 classes is used in this research. The experiment result shows that LCC got better performance / accuracy than SC and HQ. LCC method got 86.48 % accuracy. Furthermore, LCC also got the best performance on various number of training data for each class

    Tingkat Ketahanan Klon Potensial Ubi Jalar Lokal Asal NTT Terhadap Hama Lanas (Cylas Formicarius Fab.)

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    A laboratory experiment was carried out to evaluate the potential sweetpotato clones from NTT for the following objectives: 1) to determine resistance level of the clones to sweetpotato weevil (SPW), 2) to investitage the effect of genotype by tuber production site interaction on SPW-resistance level, 3) to identify SPW-resistant clones. Sweetpotato roots employed in the experiment were obtained from two production sites in the fields. The experiment was laid out in a Completely Randomized Design with a factorial treatment of two factors: sweetpotato genotype (10 clones) and root production sites (two sites). Experimental unit was replicated three times. Variables observed included percentage of SPW-injured root, severity of root injury, number of larva, pupae and imago, and root morphological characters. Quantitative data were subjected to analysis of variance while qualititave data were descriptively analyzed. Results of the study revealed significant interaction effect of genotype by tuber production site on severity of root injury and number of larva+pupae+imago. NBN-01 and NPL-02 produced the lowest (4.50%) and the greatest (67.03%) severity of root injury. NBN-01 was classified “resistant” and NPL-02 was “susceptible” while the remaining eight clones/check varieties were “moderately resistant” to SPW

    Growth and Yield Stability of Sweet Potato Clones Across Four Locations in East Nusa Tenggara

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    A number of promising sweet potato clones from East Nusa Tenggara and a checked cultivar were evaluated in several locations for the following objectives: 1) to elucidate genotype by environment effect on growth and yield of the sweet potato clones, and 2) to determine growth and yield stability of the clones across diverse locations in East Nusa Tenggara province. The study was carried out in four locations and was laid out in a Randomized Block Design consisting of 10 sweet potato genotypes as treatments and two replicates. Obtained data were subjected to combined analysis of variance to determine GxE interaction, followed by stability analysis based on joint regression model of Eberhart and Russell. Research results revealed that genotypes, locations and genotype by location interaction posed significant effect on the observed variables. Most of the evaluated clones were unstable for vegetative growth characters but were stable for tuber yield and yield components. The local clone LB-01 produced the highest mean tuber yield over all locations, averaging at 4.15 kg.plant-1 (~ 46.11 t.ha-1). Two local clones, i.e. ON-06 and LB-01, and the check cultivar Kidal were the most stable clones for tuber yield and yield components across diverse environments

    Blood Pressure And Cardiac Autonomic Modulation At Rest, During Exercise And Recovery Time In The Young Overweight

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    This study aimed to assess the blood pressure (BP), cardiac autonomic modulation at rest, in physical exercise and in the recovery in untrained eutrophic (E) and overweight (O) youth. The body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), systolic BP-SBP (E: 109.80 ± 10.05; O: 121.85 ± 6.98 mmHg) and diastolic BP DBP (E: 65.90 ± 7.28; O: 73.14 ± 12.22 mmHg) were higher in overweight and the heart rate recovery (%HRR) was lower as compared with E volunteers. The BMI was associated with SBP (r= 0.54), DBP (r= 0.65), load on the heart rate variability threshold-HRVT (r=-0.46), %HRR2' (r=-0.48) and %HRR 5′ (r=-0.48), and WC was associated with SBP (r= 0.54), DBP (r= 0.64) and HRR2' (r=-0.49). The %HRR was associated to SBP, DBP and HRVT. In summary, the anthropometric variables, BP and cardiac autonomic modulation in the recovery are altered in overweight youth.221273


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    Di era modern (era industri 4.0), drone atau pesawat udara tanpa awak (PUTA) menjadi salah satu peralatan yang dapat digunakan untuk menunjang berbagai aktifitas, diantaranya bidang fotografi, videografi, promosi, dan juga ilmu pengetahuan pada berbagai bidang keilmuan. Penggunaan teknologi drone memiliki berbagai macam kelebihan yang tidak dimiliki oleh peralatan lainnya, yaitu efisiensi waktu, fleksibilitas, dan mampu melakukan pemotretan kondisi lahan secara aktual dengan resolusi yang sangat tinggi. Organisasi Mahasiswa Pecinta Alam (MAPALA) merupakan salah satu wadah untuk menyalurkan minat dan bakat mahasiswa yang berfungsi sebagai sarana pengembangan pribadi, sosialisasi, dan kesadaran akan lingkungan. Kelompok pecinta alam mengisi kegiatannya dengan melakukan kegiatan di alam bebas yang bersifat sosial serta pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Oleh karena itu, dukungan keahlian penggunaan teknologi drone akan sangat membantu dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan-kegiatan yang akan dilakukan. Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan keahlian pendukung dalam pemanfaatan teknologi berupa penggunaan dan pengoperasian drone pada MAPALA Undana. Pelaksanaan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini menggunakan metode penyampaian langsung untuk menjelaskan materi regulasi, pengertian dan jenis-jenis drone, bagian-bagian drone, prosedur persiapan penerbangan drone, serta menggunakan metode pembelajaran yang berpusat pada murid (student centered learning) dengan menggunakan media simulator penggunaan drone. Sasaran program mengikuti kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dengan aktif dan komunikatif dikarenakan materi yang disampaikan merupakan hal yang baru bagi mereka. Penyampaian materi didukung oleh media berupa wahana drone secara langsung yang diperkenalkan kepada sasaran program dengan diakhiri oleh praktik penggunaan dan pengoperasian drone dengan tampilan nyata dari simulator

    Timing and interstellar scattering of 35 distant pulsars discovered in the palfa survey

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    We have made extensive observations of 35 distant slow (non-recycled) pulsars discovered in the ongoing Arecibo PALFA pulsar survey. Timing observations of these pulsars over several years at Arecibo Observatory and Jodrell Bank Observatory have yielded high-precision positions and measurements of rotation properties. Despite being a relatively distant population, these pulsars have properties that mirror those of the previously known pulsar population. Many of the sources exhibit timing noise, and one underwent a small glitch. We have used multifrequency data to measure the interstellar scattering properties of these pulsars. We find scattering to be higher than predicted along some lines of sight, particularly in the Cygnus region. Finally, we present XMM-Newton and Chandra observations of the youngest and most energetic of the pulsars, J1856+0245, which has previously been associated with the GeV-TeV pulsar wind nebula HESS J1857+026. © 2013. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved