40 research outputs found

    Zein orno mobilizazio teknika da eraginkorrena zerbikalgietan? Errebisio sistematikoa

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    [EUS] Lepo eta zerbikal inguruan soilik mina daukaten pertsonengan zein orno mobilizazio teknika den eraginkorrena aztertzen duen egungo ebidentziaren errebisioa egitea

    Zein orno mobilizazio teknika da eraginkorrena zerbikalgietan? Errebisio sistematikoa

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    [EUS] Lepo eta zerbikal inguruan soilik mina daukaten pertsonengan zein orno mobilizazio teknika den eraginkorrena aztertzen duen egungo ebidentziaren errebisioa egitea

    Development of a continuous-flow system for microwave-assisted extraction of pectin-derived oligosaccharides from food waste

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    This paper addresses the current lack of a scalable process for the extraction of “hairy” pectins to upcycle biomasses, by describing the design methodology, building and testing of a continuous microwave-assisted process for potato waste pectin extraction. Hairy pectins have been shown to present prebiotic activity. Conventional pectin extraction methods are not suitable to produce them, as they lead to degradation of hairy regions, in part due to long heating times. Microwave heating is considered an alternative due to its selective and rapid heating. The 2kW single mode system developed in this study achieved good temperature control of ± 2.5°C, and a stable target temperature in ≈1 min processing time at a feed flow rate of 250 mL min-1. Pectin yields of 40 - 45% (indicated by the galacturonic acid content) were achieved, with a feed residence time of only 0.81 s followed by 20 min cooling-down under stirring. These yields were 59.75% higher on average than control experiments in batch conditions or under continuous heating. This indicates that a short heating time is sufficient to allow pectin hydrolysis, after which the rate limiting diffusion step can proceed during cool-down, minimising pectin degradation caused by prolonged exposure to high temperatures. The presence of hairy pectin regions in the extract was confirmed by neutral sugar analysis. The high starch content in potato necessitated a de-starching procedure. A sieving procedure was implemented, which removed more starch than enzymatic de-starching, resulting in a higher purity pectin extract and the ability to collect starch as a separate value stream. This work proves the suitability of microwaves to be used as a fast heating method to extract pectin from biomass, avoiding degradation, using a scalable continuous mode of operation

    Planificación del Proyecto " Construcción de Puentes en las vías Rurales del Departamento del Guaviare" Usando Buenas Practicas del PMI Establecidos en el PMBOK 5 ED

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    111 HojasRealizar la planificación del Proyecto “Construcción de puentes en las vías rurales del departamento del Guaviare” usando prácticas del PMI establecidas en el PMBOK 5ed. Identificar entradas, herramientas, técnicas y salidas del PMBOK® 5ed que se incluirán en el proceso de planificación del Proyecto. Presentar los planes de gestión de alcance, tiempo, costo y riesgos del Proyecto “Construcción de puentes en las vías rurales del departamento del Guaviare” en mayo de 2018. Presentar los planes de gestión de la integración, de la calidad, de recursos humanos, de las comunicaciones, de las adquisiciones y de los interesados del Proyecto “Construcción de puentes en las vías rurales del departamento del Guaviare” en mayo de 2018. Socializar y entregar el plan para la dirección del proyecto “Construcción de puentes en las vías rurales del departamento del Guaviare” a la gerencia de la Unión Temporal Puentes 17 la primera semana de junio de 2018.Resultado final para optar el título de Especialización en Gestión de Proyectos, Tesis (Especialización en Gestión de Proyectos) Universidad de los Llanos. Villavicencio - Meta 2018.EspecializaciónEspecializaciones en Gestion de Proyecto

    Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) seed : a review on bioactives and biomedical activities

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    The processing of tomato fruit into puree, juices, ketchup, sauces, and dried powders generates a significant amount of waste in the form of tomato pomace, which includes seeds and skin. Tomato processing by-products, particularly seeds, are reservoirs of health-promoting macromolecules, such as proteins (bioactive peptides), carotenoids (lycopene), polysaccharides (pectin), phytochemicals (flavonoids), and vitamins (α-tocopherol). Health-promoting properties make these bioactive components suitable candidates for the development of novel food and nutraceutical products. This review comprehensively demonstrates the bioactive compounds of tomato seeds along with diverse biomedical activities of tomato seed extract (TSE) for treating cardiovascular ailments, neurological disorders, and act as antioxidant, anticancer, and antimicrobial agent. Utilization of bioactive components can improve the economic feasibility of the tomato processing industry and may help to reduce the environmental pollution generated by tomato by-products

    A primary electron beam facility at CERN -- eSPS Conceptual design report

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    The design of a primary electron beam facility at CERN is described. The study has been carried out within the framework of the wider Physics Beyond Colliders study. It re-enables the Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) as an electron accelerator, and leverages the development invested in Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) technology for its injector and as an accelerator research and development infrastructure. The facility would be relevant for several of the key priorities in the 2020 update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics, such as an electron-positron Higgs factory, accelerator R\&D, dark sector physics, and neutrino physics. In addition, it could serve experiments in nuclear physics. The electron beam delivered by this facility would provide access to light dark matter production significantly beyond the targets predicted by a thermal dark matter origin, and for natures of dark matter particles that are not accessible by direct detection experiments. It would also enable electro-nuclear measurements crucial for precise modelling the energy dependence of neutrino-nucleus interactions, which is needed to precisely measure neutrino oscillations as a function of energy. The implementation of the facility is the natural next step in the development of X-band high-gradient acceleration technology, a key technology for compact and cost-effective electron/positron linacs. It would also become the only facility with multi-GeV drive bunches and truly independent electron witness bunches for plasma wakefield acceleration. A second phase capable to deliver positron witness bunches would make it a complete facility for plasma wakefield collider studies. [...

    Advanced RF techniques for CERN’s future slow-extracted beams

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    Resonant slow extraction is a technique employed to provide long pulses of particles from synchrotrons. It is exploited in a wide variety of applications, such as experimental physics, hadron therapy and irradiation testing. At the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS), the technique is exploited to deliver beam to the fixed-target experiments in the North Area. In order to improve current operation and prepare for future requests, the slow-extraction system in the SPS would benefit from further optimisation and flexibility. More specifically, millisecond-scale modulations in the extracted flux are known to compromise experimental data taking. This is an issue common to all facilities that perform slow extraction and mitigation techniques need to be pursued. Additionally, a future experimental request known as Search for Hidden Particles (SHiP) will require a particle spill with a customised time structure in the nanosecond-scale. It is important to propose strategies to deliver such a beam within the constraints of the SPS system. This thesis will study the exploitation of an advanced RF technique known as empty-bucket channelling to address these challenges. In particular, it will employ a simulation model to systematically characterise the manipulation. The results will then be benchmarked with measurement. Finally, an operational implementation will be proposed

    Zein orno mobilizazio teknika da eraginkorrena zerbikalgietan? Errebisio sistematikoa

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    [EUS] Lepo eta zerbikal inguruan soilik mina daukaten pertsonengan zein orno mobilizazio teknika den eraginkorrena aztertzen duen egungo ebidentziaren errebisioa egitea

    Kalitatearen kudeaketa automozio sektorean: kasu ikerketa

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    Gaur egungo merkatua gero eta lehiakorragoa da eta enpresek gero eta baldintza gehiago bete behar dituzte lehiatzeko aukera eduki ahal izateko. Enpresa horien helburu nagusienetako bat, bezeroen eta interesdun talde desberdinen betekizunak asebetetzea da. Arrazoi horrengatik, duela urte batzuk, kudeaketa sistema desberdinak ezarri zituzten enpresetan, honekin loturiko zenbait ziurtagiri eskuratuz. Proiektuaren bidez, kudeaketa sistemak eta batez ere kalitate kudeaketa sistemak ulertzeaz gain, Zalain Transformados enpresako ISO 9001 eta IATF 16949 arauetan oinarrituriko sistemaren kasua aztertu da, honek edozein automozio sektoreko enpresatan izan ditzakeen onura eta oztopoak erakutsi ahal izateko. Automozio sektorean zentratutako proiektu bat da, bertan kalitate kudeaketa sistemak daukan garrantzia aztertzen duena. Ikerketa Kasuarekin, Zalain Transformados enpresa adibidetzat hartuz zenbait ondorio ateratzea lortu da, aurretik informazioa eskuratuz eta bertako arduradunekin elkarrizketak mantenduz lortutako informazioa erabiliz. Atera diren onura eta oztopoetatik asko dira azpimarragarriak, baina garrantzitsuenetako bat, Kalitate Kudeaketa Sistema bat ezartzeak ez kalitate kostuetan izugarrizko aurrezpenak ekartzeaz gain, enpresari interes-taldeekiko eskaintzen dion irudi ona da.El mercado actual es cada vez más competitivo y las empresas tienen que cumplir cada vez más condiciones para poder competir.Uno de los objetivos principales de estas empresas es satisfacer las expectativas de los clientes y de los diferentes grupos de interés. Por esta razón, hace unos años, se implantaron diferentes sistemasde gestión en las empresas,juntoala obtención dediversos certificados relacionados con el mismo.A través del proyecto, además de comprender los sistemas de gestión y los sistemas de gestión de calidad, se ha analizado el caso del sistema basado en las normas ISO 9001 y IATF 16949 de Zalain Transformados para mostrar los beneficios y obstáculos que puede tener en cualquier empresa del sector de automoción. Es un proyecto centrado en el sector de automoción en el que se ha analizado la importancia que tienetener implantadoun sistema de gestión de calidad.Con el estudio de caso, tomando como ejemplo la empresa Zalain Transformados se ha conseguido extraer una serie de conclusiones, habiendo previamente recabado información y utilizando la información obtenida de lasentrevistas con los responsables de la empresa. De los beneficios y obstáculos obtenidos muchos son remarcables, pero uno de los más importantes, además del increíble ahorro en costes de no calidad que supone la implantación de un Sistemade Gestión de Calidad, es la buena imagen que ofrece la empresa hacia los diferentes grupos de interés.The current market is increasingly competitive and companies have to comply more and more conditions to be able to compete. One of the main objectives of these companies is to satisfy the expectations of the clients and the different interest groups. For this reason, a few years ago, different management systems were implanted in companies, along with obtaining various certificates related to it.Through the project, in addition to understanding the management systems and quality management systems, the case of the system based on the ISO 9001 and IATF 16949 standards of Zalain Transformed has been analyzed to show the benefits and obstacles it can have in any company of the automotive sector. It is a project focused on the automotive sector in which the importance of having a quality management system implemented has been analyzed. With the case study, taking the Zalain Transformados company as an example, it has been possible to extract a series of conclusions, having previously gathered information and using the information obtained from the interviews with the company's managers.Of the benefits and obstacles obtained many are remarkable, but one of the most important, in addition to the incredible savings in non-quality costs involved in the implementation of a Quality Management System, is the good image that the company offers to the different groups of interest

    Beam Dynamics Studies for a Fast Dump System employing a Fixed Absorber Block in the CERN PS

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    Mechanical internal dumps are used at the Proton Synchrotron (PS) to dispose of the circulating beam. The mechanical dumps move into and through the circulating beam over a period of a few milliseconds, shaving it over many thousands of turns. The shallow impact parameter results in a low dump efficiency due to out-scattering, causing beam losses around the entire circumference of the synchrotron. In order to investigate the feasibility of a fast dump system (single turn) with higher efficiency, beam dynamics design studies were carried out to probe the feasibility of different technical options, including internal and external absorbers, using the studies made by Steinbach [3] in the 1970’s as a starting point. The studies focused on an internal dump located in Long Straight Section 31, as free space will be generated by the removal of the electrostatic septum SEH31 during the upcoming Long Shutdown 2. The external dump option was studied based on extracting through the existing extraction channel to TT2 through Straight Section 16. The feasibility of the different designs and their limitations are presented before recommendations for future work are made