306 research outputs found

    CYCLEAPP. Aplicación para compartir rutas de bici y monitorización de mantenimiento.

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    Trabajo de Fin de Grado. Grado en Ingeniería Informática. Curso académico 2020-2021[ES]Este proyecto de fin de grado consiste en la realización de una aplicación móvil que permita llevar el seguimiento del desgaste de los componentes de las bicicletas de los usuarios. Asimismo, permitirá compartir las rutas seguidas mediante redes sociales como pueden ser WhatsApp o Instagram. También se ha implementado la posibilidad de modificar los componentes de la bicicleta para que, si se le ha realizado un mantenimiento a un componente específico en un taller, se le pueda indicar a la aplicación, y la durabilidad de ese módulo se reestablecerá por completo; lo mismo ocurrirá si en lugar de haber realizado un mantenimiento, directamente se ha sustituido uno de los componentes por otro. Además, los usuarios de la aplicación tendrán a su disposición una sección de Amigos donde podrán encontrar a sus compañeros de ruta y solicitarles ser amigos en la aplicación. Esto permitirá visualizar tanto la bicicleta que ellos están usando, como las rutas que han realizado, además de poder ver los kilómetros totales recorridos y así tener un incentivo para fomentar la competitividad. En la sección de seguimiento, se nos indicará la ruta que estamos recorriendo mediante GPS, así como la velocidad actual, velocidad media, velocidad máxima y distancia total. Una vez finalizado el seguimiento, se nos indicará el desgaste que ha sufrido cada componente en base a lo que ya tenía desgastado. El recorrido de todas estas rutas queda almacenado junto a sus parámetros para tener la posibilidad de volver a verlo y compartirlo. Finalmente, nos encontramos con la sección de estadísticas, que recopila información de todas las rutas realizadas y nos proporciona datos como pueden ser distancia total recorrida, tiempo total de uso de la aplicación en marcha, velocidad máxima absoluta etc[EN]In this end grade project, I have developed a mobile application which let us to follow the wear of the different components of a bike. Also, it allows to share the information of the routes that we have followed by social networks like Whatsapp or Instagram. I have implemented the possibility of modifying the bike components. For example, if you make the maintenance of a specific component, the application will restore the durability of this piece. On the other hand, if you swap one component for another different, the app will allow save this information and the new wear will be in this new component. In the friend section, you will have the possibility of search your friends and make a friend request. If they accept that request, you will have the possibility of watch their current bike and the routes that they have followed. Also, you will be able to watch the number of kilometres that they have made, and it will let you compete with them. Talking about the tracing section, the application will follow you on your routes tracing the path you have kept. At the end of the route, the application will display the wear of the bike components and the whole traced route you have done. The app calculates some parameters per route like current speed, max speed, total distance… You will be able to share this information with your friends. To sum up, I have developed a stats section where the application shows you global information of your routes for example total distance, total time spent in the application or maximum spee

    Polymer-based combination conjugates for the treatment of triple negative breast cancer: From rational design to preclinical evaluation

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    Among breast cancer subtypes, triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) represents around 15-20% of newly diagnosed cancer cases. Together with heterogeneous behavior among single patients, TNBC presents with a complex molecular landscape, low detection rate, and an aggressive and highly proliferative profile and these characteristics provide for the poor prognosis of TNBC patients. The lack of hormonal receptor (ER, PR, and HER2) expression impedes the administration of targeted therapies, and for this reason, the development of novel therapies for TNBC represents a primary clinical need. Research into the development of polymer conjugates for the treatment of TNBC falls into four main areas: i) The detailed study and comprehension of relevant preclinical mouse models that faithfully mimic the clinical scenario as a nanomedicine evaluation platform. ii) The development of new polymer-drug combination conjugates with optimized drug ratio and stimuli-responsive polymer-drug linker(s) in order to achieve adequate drug(s) pharmacokinetics at the site of action. iii) The exhaustive physicochemical characterization that allowed the establishment of structure-activity relationships (SAR). Additionally, the integration of -omics in order to identify pharmacological biomarkers to better design and monitor the activity of selected nanoconjugates. We now address these main points in this Thesis, which aimed to design polymer-drug combination conjugates for the treatment of TNBC. Drug combination therapies have emerged as a valid option for the treatment of breast cancer, as this approach permits synergistic drug targeting of multiple pathways. Studies employing animal models of disease allow for the understanding of disease development and progression, the search for therapeutic targets, and the validation of therapeutic strategies; however, the lack of accurately characterized research models that faithfully mimic the pathological features of human TNBC frequently hampers research aims. We now present the broad and detailed characterization of preclinically relevant spontaneously metastatic TNBC murine models that faithfully 32 reproduce the human clinical scenario. Our comparisons have uncovered important descriptors (some coming from –omics analysis) regarding the interconnected tissular/molecular processes driving disease progression towards metastasis. These descriptors include metastatic spread via the lymphatic route, immune system remodeling, cancer-associated adipocytes, and crucial metabolomic alterations. As part of the development of a polymer-based therapy for TNBC, we present a versatile and straightforward methodology for the preparation of well-defined polyglutamate-based drug combination conjugates based on the well-established properties of the poly-glutamic acid (PGA) as a multivalent and biodegradable polymer carrier. We synthesized and characterized a family of conjugates containing amino acid-based proteolytic drug linkers including Gly, Gly-Gly, Gly-Phe-Leu-Gly as key drivers in the final macromolecule solution conformation (which drives the biological fate). These new drug delivery systems incorporate both chemotherapy (doxorubicin) and endocrine therapy (the aromatase inhibitor aminoglutethimide) as a synergistic combination. Overall, we demonstrate how the presence of a small flexible Gly linker can drastically modify the spatial conformation of the entire polymer–drug macromolecule, promoting the synergistic release of both drugs and significantly improving the biological activity. The release of drug combinations conjugated to the polymer backbone via protease-cleavable drug linkers, such as those noted above, relies on the heterogeneous expression levels (at both the patient and tumor level) of various proteolytic enzymes some of them not found within the tumor microenvironment, target we wish to reach to be able to modulate metastatic processes. To improve drug release intracellularly but also at the tumor microenvironment, we developed a new family of conjugates incorporating the pH-sensitive hydrazone linker. These conjugates provided improved antitumor and antimetastatic activity (supported by histology and transcriptomic analysis); however, we noted that the pH-sensitive drug-linker length significantly influences the cell death mechanism involved. Finally, we applied the knowledge acquired from the development of the previous polymer-drug combination conjugates, together with the selection of a more powerful combination of synergistic drugs for TNBC treatment (including a tyrosine-kinase inhibitor, TKI and a topoisomerase inhibitor, TI) for the development of an even more 33 effective family of polymer-drug conjugates. This novel system demonstrated enhanced antitumor activity in a human TNBC mice model, leading to a 50% primary tumor growth reduction and the almost complete remission of lung metastasis. Overall, the findings exhibited throughout this Thesis highlight the need for a deeper understanding of polymer-drug conjugates at supramolecular level, including the need for a complete physicochemical characterization to allow the design of more effective polymer-drug conjugates. Additionally, we highlight the importance of the full characterization of the animal models employed and the parameters driving primary tumor development and the pathways modulating metastatic spread and tumor-side pathologies

    Evaluation of user response by using visual cues designed to direct the viewer's attention to the main scene in an immersive environment

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    Today the visualization of 360-degree videos has become a means to live immersive experiences.. However, an important challenge to overcome is how to guide the viewers attention to the video main scene, without interrupting the immersion experience and the narrative thread. To meet this challenge, we have developed a software prototype to assess three approaches: Arrows, Radar and Auto Focus. These are based on visual guidance cues used in first person shooter games such as: Radar-Sonar, Radar-Compass and Arrows. In the study a questionnaire was made to evaluate the comprehension of the narrative, the user's perspective with respect to the design of the visual cues and the usability of the system. In addition, data was collected on the movement of the user's head, in order to analyze the focus of attention. The study used statistical methods to perform the analysis, the results show that the participants who used some visual cue (any of these) showed significant improvements compared to the control group (without using visual cues) in finding the main scene. With respect to narrative compression, significant improvements were obtained in the user group that used Radar and Auto Focus compared to the control group

    Development of an anomaly alert system triggered by unusual behaviors at home

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    In many countries, the number of elderly people has grown due to the increase in the life expectancy of the population, many of whom currently live alone and are prone to having accidents that they cannot report, especially if they are immobilized. For this reason, we have developed a non-intrusive IoT device, which, through multiple integrated sensors, collects information on habitual user behavior patterns and uses it to generate unusual behavior rules. These rules are used by our SecurHome system to send alert messages to the dependent person's family members or caregivers if their behavior changes abruptly over the course of their daily life. This document describes in detail the design and development of the SecurHome system.SecurHome is a multidisciplinary research project on ageing in the framework of the International Centre on Ageing (CENIE). It is a project evaluated by the Spanish State Agency for Research and co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund in the framework of the Interreg V-A Spain–Portugal Cooperation Programme (POCTEP) 2014–2020

    Estudio sobre las enfermedades neurodegenerativas en España y su impacto económico y social

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    Depto. de Sociología: Metodología y TeoríaFac. de Ciencias Políticas y SociologíaTRUEpu

    Espacio e identidad: una mirada a las colonias del ayer, Roma y Condesa

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    55 páginas. Especialización en Diseño.Las colonias Roma y Condesa surgen en los primeros años del siglo XX, en un contexto de cambio físico y social por un lado y de modernización y embellecimiento urbano, por el otro. A lo largo de su historia han vivido transformaciones tanto físicas como sociales, que han repercutido en distintos niveles de arraigo, pertenencia, permanencia y vinculación tanto de sus habitantes como de aquéllos que viven el espacio. En otras palabras, se ha construido una identidad de acuerdo al contexto socioespacial de dichos lugares. Actualmente, se localizan en la delegación Cuauhtémoc y pertenecen a la denominada Ciudad Central. Su valor histórico y patrimonial, además de su ubicación, han elevado la plusvalía del lugar y hoy en día son de las colonias más codiciadas de la Ciudad de México y forman parte de lo que Emilio Duhau y Ángela Giglia (2008) han denominado espacio disputado

    L’éducation patrimoniale comme moyen d’inclusion sociale: Analyse d’une expérience didactique

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    Este trabajo presenta un estudio basado en una experimentación de una propuesta educativa, de educación patrimonial, desarrollada en una asociación ubicada en un contexto en riesgo de exclusión social. Con la experimentación de este diseño didáctico, que utiliza el patrimonio local como recurso y como contenido y que se basa en una perspectiva constructivista y utiliza un itinerario didáctico como estrategia, se comprueba el cambio de concepciones de un grupo de chicos y chicas de una barriada del pueblo Minas de Riotinto acerca del patrimonio de su localidad. A través de una entrevista colectiva, la observación directa y participante y un cuestionario de preguntas abiertas sobre diferentes aspectos abarcados con la educación patrimonial, se describen los cambios conceptuales y actitudinales de los participantes, analizados bajo una metodología cualitativa y utilizando un sistema de categorías que se basa en conceptos de patrimonio, identidad e inteligencia emocional, territorial y social. Tras el desarrollo del estudio, se pueden extraer diversas conclusiones en torno a la necesidad de propiciar situaciones de aprendizaje en entornos no formales utilizando el patrimonio local como recurso para el acercamiento de los niños y niñas a valores de justicia social, solidaridad y empatía cultural y para disminuir en la medida de lo posible las situaciones que provoquen exclusión o aislamiento social de ciertos colectivos.This paper presents a study based on an educational experimentation of a didactic proposal of non-formal education of heritage education in an association located in a context at risk of social exclusion. We use the experimentation of this didactic design, which uses the local heritage as a resource and as a content and that is based on a constructivist perspective and uses active methodological strategies, to describe the change of conceptions of a group of boys and girls from a neighborhood of the town known as Minas de Riotinto, about the heritage of your locality. Through a collective interview, direct and participant observation and a questionnaire of open questions about different aspects covered by heritage education, the conceptual and attitudinal changes of the participants are described, analyzed under a qualitative methodology using a system of categories that based on concepts of heritage, identity and emotional, territorial and social intelligence. When the development of the study finished, several conclusions can be drawn about the need to promote learning situations in non-formal environments using local heritage as a resource for the approach of children to values of social justice, solidarity and cultural empathy and to reduce as much as possible the situations that cause exclusion or social isolation of certain groups.Cet ouvrage présente une étude basée sur une expérimentation pédagogique d'une proposition didactique d'éducation non formelle en éducation au patrimoine au sein d'une association située dans un contexte de risque d'exclusion sociale. Avec l’expérimentation de cette conception didactique, qui utilise le patrimoine local comme une ressource et un contenu, et qui repose sur une perspective constructiviste et utilise des stratégies méthodologiques actives, le changement de conceptions d’un groupe de garçons et de filles d’un quartier de la ville est vérifié Minas de Riotinto sur le patrimoine de votre localité. À travers un entretien collectif, une observation directe et participante et un questionnaire de questions ouvertes sur les différents aspects couverts par éducation au patrimoine, les changements conceptuels et comportementaux des participants sont décrits et analysés selon une méthodologie qualitative utilisant un système de catégories qui: sur la base de concepts de patrimoine, d’identité et d’intelligence émotionnelle, territoriale et sociale. Après le développement de l’étude, plusieurs conclusions peuvent être tirées sur la nécessité de promouvoir des situations d’apprentissage dans des environnements non formels, en utilisant le patrimoine local comme une ressource pour l’approche des enfants en matière de valeurs de justice sociale, de solidarité et d’empathie culturelle. réduire autant que possible les situations d'exclusion ou d'isolement social de certains groupes.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad EDU20145-67953-PCentro de Investigación en Pensamiento Contemporáneo e Innovación para el Desarrollo Social EDU20145-67953-P FEDER EDU20145-67953-

    Comparative analysis between a respeaking captioning system and a captioning system without human intervention

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    People living with deafness or hearing impairment have limited access to information broadcast live on television. Live closed captioning is a currently active area of study; to our knowledge, there is no system developed thus far that produces high-quality captioning results without using scripts or human interaction. This paper presents a comparative analysis of the quality of captions generated for four Spanish news programs by two captioning systems: a semiautomatic system based on respeaking (system currently used by a Spanish TV station) and an automatic system without human interaction proposed and developed by the authors. The analysis is conducted by measuring and comparing the accuracy, latency and speed of the captions generated by both captioning systems. The captions generated by the system presented higher quality considering the accuracy in terms of Word Error Rate (WER between 3.76 and 7.29%) and latency of the captions (approximately 4 s) at an acceptable speed to access the information. We contribute a first study focused on the development and analysis of an automatic captioning system without human intervention with promising quality results. These results reinforce the importance of continuing to study these automatic systems

    Evolución y procesos de la imagen hacia lo fotográfico

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    Este artículo centra nuestra atención en el estudio de la imagen como concepto que evoluciona hacia el ámbito de la reproducción técnica. Investigamos cómo la naturaleza reproductiva de la imagen nos aproxima a la creación fotográfica, siendo el paisaje un punto de inflexión clave. Se atiende a la implicación cultural del paisaje en la contemporaneidad. Esta indagación teórica nos conduce hacia una conceptualización de la fotografía en el mundo del arte, que va más allá de su ideal de representación clásico; estableciéndose conexiones con la propia realidad. En definitiva se habla de las posibles correspondencias de la imagen fotográfica respecto a su contexto socio-cultural

    Influence of Skin-Contact Treatment on Aroma Profile of Malvasia <em>Aromatica</em> Wines in D.O. “Vinos de Madrid”

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    The effects of prefermentative cold skin-contact technique using Malvasia aromatica were studied as a first step to adapt to the climate change related effects in order to intensify the aroma potential of white wines of the D.O. “Vinos de Madrid” keeping the organoleptic characteristics of the region. Major volatile compounds were extracted by liquid–liquid extraction and quantified by GC-FID. Minor volatile compounds were determined by HS-SPME/GC–MS. Sensory analysis were also carried out to describe and quantify attributes of the wines. A total of 37 components were identified and quantified. Volatile components showed mixed behavior depending on the skin-contact time. Skin-contact for longer helps to enhance the floral character provided by some compounds contained in the skin, especially linalool and 2-phenyl etanol and were impact odorants of Malvasia aromatica wine based on odor activity values (OAVs)