179 research outputs found

    Utilidad de la implantación y el desarrollo de un programa de cribado para el diagnóstico precoz del cáncer de cabeza y cuello

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    208 p.Introducción: Se considera cáncer de cabeza y cuello a los tumores malignos que se originan en la vía aerodigestiva superior y glándulas salivares, con unos factores de riego conocidos y evitables. Aunque son áreas accesibles a la exploración con los medios actuales, sin embargo, más del 60% se diagnostican en estadios avanzadosHipótesis y objetivos: Hemos analizado si un programa de diagnóstico precoz es una herramienta útil, eficaz y segura para el diagnóstico de los tumores y las lesiones preneoplásicas de cabeza y cuello. Promoviendo al mismo tiempo el abandono del hábito de los factores de riesgo oncológicos.Material y métodos: Hemos estudiado 324 pacientes (60,2% hombres, edad media=59,4 años) que reunían unos criterios de riesgo definidos: mayor de 50 años, fumadores o consumidores habituales de alcohol, o bien 2 de estos criterios: antecedentes familiares de cáncer de cabeza y cuello, infección por VPH, exposición laboral a tóxicos, deficiente higiene bucal o enfermedad por reflujo. Se les realizó una exploración otorrinolaringológica completa y pruebas complementarias.Resultados: Los criterios más habituales para acudir a la consulta fueron ser fumador (98,1%) y bebedor (69,4%) y el 29,32% de los pacientes los consumían simultáneamente. El 36,7% presentaron lesiones potencialmente malignizables en laringe e hipofaringe (25%) y en cavidad oral y orofaringe (10,8%) y el 5,56% de los pacientes presentaron más de 1 lesión. El índice de detección de neoplasias fue del 1,2%, y el de lesiones preneoplásicas del 4,6%. No existieron relaciones estadísticamente significativas entre la detección de neoplasias o lesiones y el consumo de tabaco, alcohol o la existencia de antecedentes. Existió una relación estadísticamente significativa entre la detección de lesiones preneoplásicas y la exposición laboral a agentes cancerígenos (p=0,006), la mala higiene bucal (p=0,01) y el RGE (p=0,007).Conclusión: El índice de detección de neoplasias del programa de screening de cáncer de cabeza y cuello fue superior al de otros estudios poblacionales como el de mama 0,47% y el colorrectal del 0,31%

    Utilidad de la implantación y el desarrollo de un programa de cribado para el diagnóstico precoz del cáncer de cabeza y cuello

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    208 p.Introducción: Se considera cáncer de cabeza y cuello a los tumores malignos que se originan en la vía aerodigestiva superior y glándulas salivares, con unos factores de riego conocidos y evitables. Aunque son áreas accesibles a la exploración con los medios actuales, sin embargo, más del 60% se diagnostican en estadios avanzadosHipótesis y objetivos: Hemos analizado si un programa de diagnóstico precoz es una herramienta útil, eficaz y segura para el diagnóstico de los tumores y las lesiones preneoplásicas de cabeza y cuello. Promoviendo al mismo tiempo el abandono del hábito de los factores de riesgo oncológicos.Material y métodos: Hemos estudiado 324 pacientes (60,2% hombres, edad media=59,4 años) que reunían unos criterios de riesgo definidos: mayor de 50 años, fumadores o consumidores habituales de alcohol, o bien 2 de estos criterios: antecedentes familiares de cáncer de cabeza y cuello, infección por VPH, exposición laboral a tóxicos, deficiente higiene bucal o enfermedad por reflujo. Se les realizó una exploración otorrinolaringológica completa y pruebas complementarias.Resultados: Los criterios más habituales para acudir a la consulta fueron ser fumador (98,1%) y bebedor (69,4%) y el 29,32% de los pacientes los consumían simultáneamente. El 36,7% presentaron lesiones potencialmente malignizables en laringe e hipofaringe (25%) y en cavidad oral y orofaringe (10,8%) y el 5,56% de los pacientes presentaron más de 1 lesión. El índice de detección de neoplasias fue del 1,2%, y el de lesiones preneoplásicas del 4,6%. No existieron relaciones estadísticamente significativas entre la detección de neoplasias o lesiones y el consumo de tabaco, alcohol o la existencia de antecedentes. Existió una relación estadísticamente significativa entre la detección de lesiones preneoplásicas y la exposición laboral a agentes cancerígenos (p=0,006), la mala higiene bucal (p=0,01) y el RGE (p=0,007).Conclusión: El índice de detección de neoplasias del programa de screening de cáncer de cabeza y cuello fue superior al de otros estudios poblacionales como el de mama 0,47% y el colorrectal del 0,31%

    Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance for Optical Fiber-Sensing Applications

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    It is well known that optical fiber sensors have attracted the attention of scientific community due to its intrinsic advantages, such as lightweight, small size, portability, remote sensing, immunity to electromagnetic interferences and the possibility of multiplexing several signals. This field has shown a dramatic growth thanks to the creation of sensitive thin films onto diverse optical fiber configurations. In this sense, a wide range of optical fiber devices have been successfully fabricated for monitoring biological, chemical, medical or physical parameters. In addition, the use of nanoparticles into the sensitive thin films has resulted in an enhancement in the response time, robustness or sensitivity in the optical devices, which is associated to the inherent properties of nanoparticles (high surface area ratio or porosity). Among all of them, the metallic nanoparticles are of great interest for sensing applications due to the presence of strong absorption bands in the visible and near-infrared regions, due to their localized surface plasmon resonances (LSPR). These optical resonances are due to the coupling of certain modes of the incident light to the collective oscillation of the conduction electrons of the metallic nanoparticles. The LSPR extinction bands are very useful for sensing applications as far as they can be affected by refractive index variations of the surrounding medium of the nanoparticles, and therefore, it is possible to create optical sensors with outstanding properties such as high sensitivity and optical self-reference. In this chapter, the attractive optical properties of metal nanostructures and their implementation into different optical fiber configuration for sensing or biosensing applications will be studied

    Hg2+ optical fiber sensor based on LSPR generated by gold nanoparticles embedded in LBL nano-assembled coatings

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    Mercury is an important contaminant since it is accumulated in the body of living beings, and very small concentrations are very dangerous in the long term. This paper reports the fabrication of a highly sensitive fiber optic sensor using the layer-by-layer nano-assembly technique with gold nanoparticles (AuNPs). The gold nanoparticles were obtained via a water-based synthesis route that use poly acrylic acid (PAA) as stabilizing agent, in the presence of a borane dimethylamine complex (DMAB) as reducing agent, giving PAA-capped AuNPs. The sensing mechanism is based on the alteration of the Localized Surface Plasmon Resonances (LSPR) generated by AuNPs thanks to the strong chemical affinity of metallic mercury towards gold, which lead to amalgam alloys.This work was supported in part by the Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under the Project TEC2016-79367-C2-2-R, and Public University of Navarra pre-doctoral research grants

    Optical fiber sensors based on microstructured optical fibers to detect gases and volatile organic compounds-A review

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    Since the first publications related to microstructured optical fibers (MOFs), the development of optical fiber sensors (OFS) based on them has attracted the interest of many research groups because of the market niches that can take advantage of their specific features. Due to their unique structure based on a certain distribution of air holes, MOFs are especially useful for sensing applications: on one hand, the increased coupling of guided modes into the cladding or the holes enhances significantly the interaction with sensing films deposited there; on the other hand, MOF air holes enhance the direct interaction between the light and the analytes that get into in these cavities. Consequently, the sensitivity when detecting liquids, gasses or volatile organic compounds (VOCs) is significantly improved. This paper is focused on the reported sensors that have been developed with MOFs which are applied to detection of gases and VOCs, highlighting the advantages that this type of fiber offers.This work was carried out with the financial support of MINECO (Spain) through TEC2016-79367-C2-2-R (AEI/FEDER, UE) as well as Public University of Navarre PhD grants program.This work was carried out with the financial support of MINECO (Spain) through TEC2016-79367-C2-2-R (AEI/FEDER, UE)

    A comprehensive review: materials for the fabrication of optical fiber refractometers based on lossy mode resonance

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    Lossy mode resonance based sensors have been extensively studied in recent years. The versatility of the lossy mode resonance phenomenon has led to the development of sensors based on different configurations that make use of a wide range of materials. The coating material is one of the key elements in the performance of a refractometer. This review paper intends to provide a global view of the wide range of coating materials available for the development of lossy mode resonance based refractometers.This research was funded by the Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) (TEC2016-78047-R), the Public University of Navarra (PJUPNA26), and the Spanish Ministry of Universities (FPU15/05663)

    Optical Fiber Sensors Based on Nanoparticle-Embedded Coatings

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    The use of nanoparticles (NPs) in scientific applications has attracted the attention of many researchers in the last few years. The use of NPs can help researchers to tune the physical characteristics of the sensing coating (thickness, roughness, specific area, refractive index, etc.) leading to enhanced sensors with response time or sensitivity better than traditional sensing coatings. Additionally, NPs also offer other special properties that depend on their nanometric size, and this is also a source of new sensing applications. This review focuses on the current status of research in the use of NPs within coatings in optical fiber sensing. Most used sensing principles in fiber optics are briefly described and classified into several groups: absorbance-based sensors, interferometric sensors, fluorescence-based sensors, fiber grating sensors, and resonance-based sensors, among others. For each sensor group, specific examples of the utilization of NP-embedded coatings in their sensing structure are reported

    A comparative study of two different approaches for the incorporation of silver nanoparticles into layer-by-layer films

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    UPNa. Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica. Laboratorio de Dispositivos Ópticos NanoestructuradosIn this work, a comparative study about the incorporation of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) into thin films is presented using two alternative methods, the in situ synthesis process and the layer-by-layer embedding deposition technique. The influence of several parameters such as color of the films, thickness evolution, thermal post-treatment, or distribution of the AgNPs along the coatings has been studied. Thermal post-treatment was used to induce the formation of hydrogel-like AgNPs-loaded thin films. Cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy micrographs, atomic force microscopy images, and UV-vis spectra reveal significant differences in the size and distribution of the AgNPs into the films as well as the maximal absorbance and wavelength position of the localized surface plasmon resonance absorption bands before and after thermal post-treatment. This work contributes forThis work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through TEC2010-17805 Research Project, Innocampus Program and Public University of Navarra (UPNA) research grants

    Pressure management and residential consumption reduction

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    [EN] The benefits of applying pressure management in urban water supply networks are well known for more than 10 years. Apart from reducing leakage, it also reduces burst frequency and consumption. However, the reduction of consumption with pressure is an objective that has only been considered a priority in water scarcity scenarios and suffers from a lack of systematic or conclusive studies. This paper analyses the relationship between pressure and consumption in a water distribution network equipped with remote water meter reading. Based on end use breakdowns, the paper estimates the percentage of pressure-dependent consumption. It establishes three different scenarios and assesses the relationship between pressure and consumption by means of the N3 coefficient.Garmendia, M.; Almandoz Berrondo, J.; Arrizabalaga, A.; Arregui De La Cruz, F. (2018). Pressure management and residential consumption reduction. Water Science & Technology: Water Supply. 19(1):236-244. https://doi.org/10.2166/ws.2018.071S23624419