8 research outputs found

    Esparru ez-formaleko iraunkortasun hezkuntzarako balialide-gune baten ebaluazioa: kasu-azterketa EAEn

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    Environmental education is key in the empowerment of citizens towards sustainability. In this regards, field trips to non-formal education centres and facilities have an important role. However, the outdoor activities should not be just entertainment but should integrate activities resulting in significant learning. In this work, two workshops within the Kutxa Ekogunea Secondary Education program have been analyzed. They may be representative of the wide non formal environmental education offer than can be found within the Basque Country. Taking into account the strengths and weaknesses resulting from this analysis, an improvement proposal based on methodological and pedagogical aspects has also been developed.; Ingurumen Hezkuntza iraunkortasunaren alde jardungo duten indibiduoak eratzeko ezinbestekoa da. Horretan, hezkuntza ez formaleko baliabide eta zentroetara ikasleek egindako irteerak garrantzi handia dute. Irteerak ordea, ez dira ondo pasatzeko egonaldi hutsak izan behar, hau da, buruturiko jarduerek ikasketa bat bultzatu behar dute. Lan honetan, bi tailer aztertu dira Kutxa Ekogunearen Bigarren Hezkuntzarako prestakuntza-programaren barruan. Programa hori EAEko beste zentro batzuetan aurki dezakegun eskaintza zabalaren adierazgarria izan daiteke. Diagnosia honetan identifikaturiko ahulguneak eta indarguneak kontuan izanik, hobekuntza proposamen bat egin da, alde metodologiko eta pedagogiko ezberdinetan oinarrituz

    Anxiety and depression after breast cancer: The predictive role of monoamine levels

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    The authors would like to thank the women involved in the present study for their participation.Despite the fact that the prevalence of anxiety and depression in breast cancer survivors is higher than in general female population, the psychobiological substrate of this phenomenon has yet to be elucidated. We aimed to examine the predictive role of peripheral dopamine (DA), noradrenaline (NA), serotonin (5-HT) and kynurenine (KYN) in anxiety and depression among breast cancer survivors. We evaluated 107 women using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, and monoamine levels were analyzed via high-performance liquid chromatography. High KYN levels predicted both disorders, while low NA and DA predicted anxiety and depressive symptoms, respectively. A negative conditional effect of 5-HT was found for anxiety and depression among younger women only, while being both middle-aged and younger influenced the negative conditional effect of DA on depression. Monoamine variations may render breast cancer survivors more vulnerable to anxiety and depression, with young women being especially vulnerable to the detrimental effect of low DA and 5-HT. Assessing subclinical psychobiological markers allows mental health nurses to identify vulnerable survivors prior to the onset of anxiety and depression, and to adjust nursing interventions accordingly.This study was supported by the Basque Government Project: IT757-13 and by the University of Basque Country Projects: GIU18/103

    Sleep problems at ages 8–9 and ADHD symptoms at ages 10–11:evidence in three cohorts from INMA study

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    Sleep problems and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are interrelated during childhood and preadolescence. The objective of this work is assessing if sleep problems at ages 8–9 represent an alarm sign for presenting ADHD problems at ages 10–11 in three cohorts from INMA Study. Participants were 1244 children from Gipuzkoa, Sabadell, and Valencia cohorts. Sleep problems were assessed (ages 8–9) with the sleep items of the Child’s Behaviour Checklist (CBCL), and ADHD problems were collected through the Conner’s Parent Rating Scales-Revised: Short Form (CPRS-R:S) (age 10–11). Minimally and fully adjusted negative binomial models were fitted for each CPRS-R:S scale. Linearity of the relationship was assessed with generalized additive models (cubic smoothing splines with 2, 3, and 4 knots). For sensitivity analyses, children with previous symptoms, those born preterm and small for gestational age, and cases with extreme values, were excluded. Sleep problems presented IRR (95% CI) of 1.14 (1.10–1.19), 1.20 (1.14–1.26), 1.18 (1.11–1.25), and 1.18 (1.13–1.23) for opposition, inattention, hyperactivity, and ADHD scales, respectively. Fully adjusted models slightly decreased the IRR, but the association remained similar and significant. Sensitivity analyses showed similar results to fully adjusted models with only hyperactivity shown a slight decrease on significance (p = 0.051) when ADHD cases at age 9 were excluded. Conclusion: Sleep problems are an alarm sign for later neurodevelopment problems such as ADHD. Healthcare systems could take advantage implementing policies to pay special attention on the sleep habits and sleep hygiene. This could contribute to add evidence to public health programmes such as the Healthy Child Programme.</p

    Ingurumen-zarata eta osasuna

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    Lan honek zaratak pertsonen osasunean duen eraginaren inguruko ebidentzia zientifikoa biltzea du helburu. Bertan aztergai izan dira zaratak sistema kardiobaskularrean eta, zehazki, hipertentsioan eta bihotzeko gaixotasunetan duen eragina, gaixotasun metabolikoekin duen erlazioa, loaren kalitate subjektibo zein objektiboa eta baita minbizia garatzeko arriskua. Gainera, zarataren ondorio psikologiko eta kognitiboak ere ikertu dira. Haurtzaroari arreta berezia eskaini zaio, talde zaurgarria denez gero. Zarataren mekanismoari dagokionez, badirudi zaratak sortzen duen kalteak HPA ardatzaren eta sistema sinpatikoaren aktibazioa dakarrela, eta horrekin batera estresaren hormonen eta estres oxidatiboaren areagotzea eta hantura. Egungo ebidentzietan oinarrituta, beharrezkotzat jotzen da osasun publikoaren alde epe luzeko estrategiak eta araudiak garatzea.; This work aims to gather scientific evidence about the impact of noise on public health. The effect of noise on the cardiovascular system and specifically on hypertension and heart disease, its relation to metabolic diseases, the subjective or objective quality of sleep, and the risk of developing cancer, have been examined. The psychological and cognitive effects of noise have also been investigated. Special attention has been paid to childhood as a vulnerable group. As for the noise mechanism, the noise damage appears to be due to the HPA axis and ac-tivation of the sympathetic system due to stress hormones, oxidative stress and inflammation. Based on current evidence, the development of long-term strategies and directive policies for public health is considered necessary

    Urban environment exposures, energy balance-related behaviors and their combination in preschoolers from three European countries

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    Background Urban environments are characterized by many factors that may influence children’s energy balance-related behaviors (EBRBs), but there is limited research on the impact of prospective exposure to multiple urban factors in preschoolers. We evaluated prospective associations between various urban exposures and EBRBs in preschoolers across Europe, with EBRBs considered both individually and combined into lifestyle patterns. Methods We used data from 4,073 preschoolers (aged 3–4 years) participating in three European cohorts from the EU Child Cohort Network: BiB (United Kingdom), EDEN (France), and INMA (Spain). Eighteen built and food environment, green spaces, road traffic and ambient air pollution exposures were characterized at residential addresses. Various EBRBs were considered as the outcomes including screen time, sleep duration and diet (fruit, vegetables, discretionary sweet foods, sweet beverages) individually and combined into unhealthy lifestyle patterns, using principal components analysis. Associations between urban exposures and outcomes were estimated using a single-exposure analysis and the deletion-substitution-addition algorithm was used to construct multi-exposure models. Results In multi-exposure models, greater walkability and smaller distance to the nearest road were associated with higher scores on the unhealthy lifestyle patterns. Likewise, greater walkability was associated with higher screen time and more frequent discretionary sweet food consumption. A smaller distance to the nearest road was also associated with lower sleep duration and more frequent sweet beverages consumption. On the other hand, higher levels of street connectivity showed an inverse association with the unhealthy lifestyle patterns. In the same vein, greater street connectivity was associated with decreased screen time. Conclusion This comprehensive examination of multiple urban exposures indicates that residing in walkable environments and in close proximity to roads in densely-populated areas may not be advantageous for children EBRBs, while residing in neighborhoods with higher street connectivity appears to supposedly be beneficial.Research relating to this work was funded by a grant from the Doctoral Network of EHESP (École des Hautes Etudes en Santé Publique). This study received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 733,206 (LifeCycle project) and 874,583 (ATHLETE project)

    Do Hormone Levels Influence Bullying during Childhood and Adolescence? A Systematic Review of the Literature

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    (1) Background: Bullying is one of the most common forms of aggressive behavior during childhood and adolescence. Some decades ago, researchers began exploring the basis of peer victimization from a biological perspective. Specifically, the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) and Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Gonadal (HPG) axes have been studied in relation to status-relevant behaviors, such as bullying. (2) Methods: We conducted a systematic review following the PRISMA guide and registered the review protocol at PROSPERO (CRD42023494738). We searched for relevant studies in PubMed, Psycinfo, Scopus, and Web of Science, and assessed them using the Robins E-tool. (3) Results: Our search yielded 152 studies, of which 33 were included in the review. These studies explored the association between testosterone and cortisol levels with bullying behavior, finding diverse results. Most of the studies were rated as having a low risk of bias. (4) Conclusions: This study not only enhances our understanding of bullying, but also provides guidance for the development of prevention and management programs for it. In the future, researchers should continue exploring the joint effects of different hormones on the HPA and HPG axis, using a broader set of biomarkers

    Hair cortisol determinants in 11-year-old children: Environmental, social and individual factors

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    Introduction Children's exposure to chronic stress is associated with several health problems. Measuring hair cortisol concentration is particularly useful for studying chronic stress but much is unknown about hair cortisol determinants in children and adolescents, and previous research has often not considered the simultaneous exposure of multiple variables. This research is focused on investigating the relationship between environmental, social and individual factors with hair cortisol concentration in children. Methods The data used in this study are from the INMA prospective epidemiological cohort study. The assessment of chronic stress was made on the basis of hair samples taken at the age of 11 years in the INMA-Gipuzkoa cohort (n = 346). A metamodel summarizing the hypothesized relationships among environmental, social and individual factors and hair cortisol concentration was constructed based on previous literature. Structural Equation Modelling was performed to examine the relationships among the variables. Results In the general model higher behavioural problems were associated with higher cortisol levels and an inverse relationship between environmental noise and cortisol levels was observed, explaining 5 % of the variance in HCC. Once stratified by sex these associations were only hold in boys, while no significant effect of any of the study variables was related with cortisol levels in girls. Importantly, maternal stress was positively related to behavioural difficulties in children. Finally, higher traffic-related air pollution and lower exposure to neighborhood greenness were related to higher environmental noise. Discussion This study highlights that simultaneous exposure to different environmental, social and individual characteristics may determine the concentration of hair cortisol. More research is needed and future studies should include this complex view to better understanding of hair cortisol determinants in children.This study was funded by grants from Instituto de Salud Carlos III (FIS-PI06/0867, FIS-PI09/00090, FIS-PI13/02187, FIS-PI18/01142, FIS-PI18/01237 incl FEDER funds) CIBERESP, Department of Health of the Basque Government (2005111093, 2009111069, 2013111089, 2015111065 and 2018111086), the Provincial Government of Gipuzkoa (DFG06/002, DFG08/001, DFG15/221 and DFG 89/17) and annual agreements with the municipalities of the study area (Zumarraga, Urretxu,Legazpi, Azkoitia, Azpeitia and Beasain)

    Environmental Noise Exposure and Sleep Habits among Children in a Cohort from Northern Spain

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    Environmental noise is considered the second most serious environmental risk factor in Europe. However, little evidence exists regarding its impact on health and sleep in children, and the results are inconclusive. In this study, we aim to analyse the effect of environmental noise exposure on 11-year-old children’s sleep habits. Data were collected from 377 participants in the INMA-Gipuzkoa (INfancia y Medio Ambiente) cohort project using both parent-reported and actigraphic sleep measures. The results revealed that 60% of children have a day-evening-night environmental noise exposure (Lden) of above 55 dB, which is defined as a “high noise level”. No differences in noise exposure were observed between different socioeconomic groups. However, no effect of environmental noise was found on sleep variables. The paper highlights the importance of studying how environmental noise may affect children’s sleep.This study was funded by grants from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (FIS-PI06/0867, FIS-PI09/00090, FIS-PI13/02187, FIS-PI17/01340, FIS-PI18/01142, FIS-PI18/01237 incl FEDER funds), the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (EST-2016 RF-21), CIBERESP, the Basque Government Department of Health (2005111093, 2009111069, 2013111089, 2015111065 and 2018111086), the Gipuzkoa Provincial Council (DFG06/002, DFG08/001, DFG15/221 and DFG 89/17) and annual agreements with the municipalities of the study area (Zumarraga, Urretxu, Legazpi, Azkoitia, Azpeitia and Beasain)