396 research outputs found

    Sinusitis de origen dentario

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    La sinusitis es la inflamación de la mucosa que tapiza los senos paranasales producto de una comunicación bucosinusal. Su etiología puede ser: Iatrogénica: exodoncia traumática asociada a otros procesos patológicos (abscesos periapicales, quistes, enfermedad periodontal, cuerpos extraños)Presenta una triada sintomática característica que corresponde a: -Congestión u obstrucción nasal-Secreción nasal-Cefalea Los pacientes pueden referir también otros síntomas como: Faringitis, dolor ocular, odontalgia, halitosis, mal gusto y cacosmia. Para realizar el diagnóstico nos basamos en la Historia Clínica y Radiografías panorámicas, mentonasoplacas y tomografías.Categoría: Casos clínicos.Facultad de Odontologí

    La evaluación de la calidad de vida del paciente oncológico. El grupo de calidad de vida de la EORTC

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    Este trabajo pretende presentar el área de medición de la Calidad de Vida en el paciente oncológico. Su valoración juega un papel importante en los ensayos clínicos y en la práctica clínica. La Organización Europea para la Investigación y Tratamiento del Cáncer (EORTC) cuenta con un grupo de estudio dedicado a la Calidad de Vida. Este grupo ha desarrollado un sistema de medida formado por un cuestionario general de Calidad de Vida y módulos para diferentes tipos de tumores y tratamientos, que lo complementan. El Servicio de Oncología del Hospital de Navarra lleva colaborando en este Grupo desde 1992. En el presente trabajo presentamos algunos de los cuestionarios de la EORTC. Además incluimos un estudio de valoración de Calidad de Vida en pacientes de cáncer de mama tras un período de seguimiento largo.The aim of the present work is to introduce to the field of Quality of Life assessment in cancer patients. Its measurement plays a big role in the clinical trials and in the clinical practice. The European Organization of Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) has a study group on Quality of Life. This group has created an assessment system composed of a core questionnaire for Quality of Life measurement and some modules for different treatments and tumours, that complete it. The Oncology Department of the Hospital of Navarre has been collaborating in this Group since 1992. Some EORTC questionnaires are presented. Also a Quality of Life study performed in a sample of breast cancer patients who were in a follow up period long after the end of their treatment

    Sinusitis de origen dentario

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    La sinusitis es la inflamación de la mucosa que tapiza los senos paranasales producto de una comunicación bucosinusal. Su etiología puede ser: Iatrogénica: exodoncia traumática asociada a otros procesos patológicos (abscesos periapicales, quistes, enfermedad periodontal, cuerpos extraños)Presenta una triada sintomática característica que corresponde a: -Congestión u obstrucción nasal-Secreción nasal-Cefalea Los pacientes pueden referir también otros síntomas como: Faringitis, dolor ocular, odontalgia, halitosis, mal gusto y cacosmia. Para realizar el diagnóstico nos basamos en la Historia Clínica y Radiografías panorámicas, mentonasoplacas y tomografías.Categoría: Casos clínicos.Facultad de Odontologí

    Modified Douglas Splitting Methods for Reaction-Diffusion Equations

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    We present modifications of the second-order Douglas stabilizing corrections method, which is a splitting method based on the implicit trapezoidal rule. Inclusion of an explicit term in a forward Euler way is straightforward, but this will lower the order of convergence. In the modifications considered here, explicit terms are included in a second-order fashion. For these modified methods, results on linear stability and convergence are derived. Stability holds for important classes of reaction-diffusion equations, and for such problems the modified Douglas methods are seen to be often more efficient than related methods from the literature

    Visceral regeneration in a sea cucumber involves extensive expression of survivin and mortalin homologs in the mesothelium

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The proper balance of cell division and cell death is of crucial importance for all kinds of developmental processes and for maintaining tissue homeostasis in mature tissues. Dysregulation of this balance often results in severe pathologies, such as cancer. There is a growing interest in understanding the factors that govern the interplay between cell death and proliferation under various conditions. <it>Survivin </it>and <it>mortalin </it>are genes that are known to be implicated in both mitosis and apoptosis and are often expressed in tumors.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The present study takes advantage of the ability of the sea cucumber <it>Holothuria glaberrima </it>Selenka, 1867 (Holothuroidea, Aspidochirota) to discard its viscera and completely regrow them. This visceral regeneration involves an extensive expression of <it>survivin </it>and <it>mortalin </it>transcripts in the gut mesothelium (the outer tissue layer of the digestive tube), which coincides in time with drastic de-differentiation and a burst in cell division and apoptosis. Double labeling experiments (in situ hybridization combined with TUNEL assay or with BrdU immunohistochemistry) suggest that both genes support cell proliferation, while <it>survivin </it>might also be involved in suppression of the programmed cell death.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Visceral regeneration in the sea cucumber <it>H. glaberrima </it>is accompanied by elevated levels of cell division and cell death, and, moreover, involves expression of pro-cancer genes, such as <it>survivin </it>and <it>mortalin</it>, which are known to support proliferation and inhibit apoptosis. Nevertheless, once regeneration is completed and the expression pattern of both genes returns to normal, the regrown digestive tube shows no anomalies. This strongly suggests that sea cucumbers must possess some robust cancer-suppression mechanisms that allow rapid re-growth of the adult tissues without leading to runaway tumor development.</p

    Modified Douglas splitting methods for reaction–diffusion equations

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    We present modifications of the second-order Douglas stabilizing corrections method, which is a splitting method based on the implicit trapezoidal rule. Inclusion of an explicit term in a forward Euler way is straightforward, but this will lower the order of convergence. In the modifications considered here, explicit terms are included in a second-order fashion. For these modified methods, results on linear stability and convergence are derived. Stability holds for important classes of reaction–diffusion equations, and for such problems the modified Douglas methods are seen to be often more efficient than related methods from the literature

    Progress in quality of life assessment of breast cancer. The measurement system of EORTC

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    Este trabajo pretende presentar la situación actual de la evaluación de la Calidad de Vida en el cáncer de mama. Esta es la localización tumoral de la que se han realizado más es¬tudios de Calidad de Vida. Su valoración es de gran utilidad en la práctica clínica, en los ensayos clínicos con dicha enfermedad y en la propia adaptación de las pacientes a su situa¬ción, incluyendo la toma de decisiones. Se pre¬senta el sistema de medida de la EORTC para cáncer de mama, y otros dos instrumentos de evaluación. Se da atención especial a las áreas de la medición de la Calidad de Vida en dicha enfermedad, en las que entendemos se están dando más avances en la actualidad: la biopsia del ganglio centinela, los tipos de cirugía, la experiencia de las pacientes mayores, las dife¬rencias entre grupos de edad, y los estudios de seguimiento a largo plazo.The aim of the present work is to present the situation of Quality of Life assessment in breast cancer. Breast cancer is the tumour site in which more Quality of Life studies have been carried out. Quality of Life assessment can be quite useful in clinical practice, clinical trials and in the patients’ adaptation process to their situation, including decision making. The EORTC assessment system for breast cancer and two other instruments are presented. Special attention is paid to the Quality of Life assessment areas in which we consider that more progress is being performed nowadays: the sentinel node biopsy, the different surgery modalities, the experience of elderly patients, the differences among age based groups, and the long term follow-up studies

    Avances en la evaluación de la calidad de vida en el cáncer de pulmón: el sistema de medida de la eortc

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    The aim of the present work is to present the situation of Quality of Life assessment in lung cancer. Quality of Life evaluation is quite useful in clinical practice and in clinical trials with this disease. Nowdays, there is a debate on the treatment of lung cancer in which Quality of Life assessment has a key role. The EORTC evaluation system and two other instruments for lung cancer are presented. Attention is given to important aspects related to Quality of Life assessment in this disease, like its prognostic function. A review of the present situation of the treatment for non small cell lung cancer in advanced disease, and of the key role of Quality of Life assessment in the progress of this treatment is presented