240 research outputs found

    Diagnóstico de la situación del deporte en edad escolar en la ciudad de Segovia

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    La finalidad principal del presente estudio es realizar un adecuado diagnóstico de la situación actual del deporte en edad escolar (DEE) en la ciudad de Segovia, así como el nivel de realización de la actividad física regular en la franja de población de 7-16 años, como paso fundamental para elaborar posteriormente un programa de intervención. Los objetivos del estudio son los siguientes: (1) conocer el nivel de realización de AFD en los diferentes agentes implicados (alumnado, familias, profesorado de educación física (EF) y monitores deportivos); (2) analizar la implicación de los diferentes agentes participantes en los programas de DEE; (3) conocer el grado de profesionalización de las monitoras y monitores y la titulación que poseen; (4) estudiar el pensamiento de los diferentes agentes sobre los valores asociados al DEE; (5) conocer el modelo de organización y gestión del DEE

    Diagnòstic de la situació de l’esport en edat escolar a la ciutat de Segòvia

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    La finalitat principal d’aquest estudi és fer un ­diagnòstic adequat de la situació actual de l’esport en edat escolar (EEE) a la ciutat de Segòvia, així com el nivell de realització de l’activitat física regular en la franja de població de 7-16 anys, com a pas fonamental per elaborar posteriorment un programa d’intervenció. Els objectius de l’estudi són els següents: (1) conèixer el nivell de realització d’AFD en els diferents agents implicats (alumnat, famílies, professorat d’educació física (EF) i monitors esportius); (2) analitzar la implicació dels diferents agents participants en els programes d’EEE; (3) conèixer el grau de professionalització de les monitores i monitors i la titulació que posseeixen; (4) estudiar el pensament dels diferents agents sobre els valors associats al EEE; (5) conèixer el model d’organització i gestió del EEE

    Design of a DVB-T2 simulation platform and network optimization with Simulated Annealing

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    The implementation of the Digital Terrestrial Television is becoming a reality in the Spanish territory. In this context, with the satellite and cable systems, this technology is one of the possible mediums for the television signal transmission. Its development is becoming crucial for the digital transition in those countries which mainly depend on the terrestrial networks for the reception of multimedia contents. However, due to the maturity of the current standard, and also to the higher requirements of the customer needing (HDTV, new contents, etc.), a revision of the current standard becomes necessary. The DVB organisation in collaboration with other entities and organisms has developed a new standard version capable to satisfy those requirements. The main objective of the project is the design and implementation of a physical layer simulation platform for the DVB-T2 standard. This simulator allows the theoretical evaluation of the new enhanced proposals, making easier a later field measurement stage and the future network deployment. The document describes the implementation of the simulation platform as well as its subsequent validation stage, including large graphical results that allow the evaluation and quantification of the improvements introduced over the current standard version (DVB-T). On the other hand, and as future investigation lines, a solution for the future DVB-T2 network deployment is performed, enhancing the coverage capacity of the current network by the use of iterative meta-heuristic techniques. Finally it has to be mentioned that this work has been performed within the context of a project called FURIA, which is a strategic research project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce

    Design of a simulation platform to test next generation of terrestrial DVB

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    Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting (DTTB) is a member of our daily life routine, and nonetheless, according to new users’ necessities in the fields of communications and leisure, new challenges are coming up. Moreover, the current Standard is not able to satisfy all the potential requirements. For that reason, first of all, a review of the current Standard has been performed within this work. Then, it has been identified the needing of developing a new version of the standard, ready to support enhanced services, as for example broadcasting transmissions to moving terminals or High Definition Television (HDTV) transmissions, among others. The main objective of this project is the design and development of a physical layer simulator of the whole DVB-T standard, including both the complete transmission and reception procedures. The simulator has been developed in Matlab. A detailed description of the simulator both from a functional and an architectural point of view is included. The simulator is the base for testing any possible modifications that may be included into the DVB-T2 future standard. In fact, several proposed enhancements have already been carried out and their performance has been evaluated. Specifically, the use of higher order modulation schemes, and the corresponding modifications in all the system blocks, have been included and evaluated. Furthermore, the simulator will allow testing other enhancements as the use of more efficient encoders and interleavers, MIMO technologies, and so on. A complete set of numerical results showing the performance of the different parts of the system, are presented in order to validate the correctness of the implementation and to evaluate both the current standard performance and the proposed enhancements. This work has been performed within the context of a project called FURIA, which is a strategic research project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce. A brief description of this project and its consortium has been also included herein, together with an introduction to the current situation of the DTTB in Spain (called TDT in Spanish)

    Design of a DVB-T2 simulation platform and network optimization with Simulated Annealing

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    The implementation of the Digital Terrestrial Television is becoming a reality in the Spanish territory. In this context, with the satellite and cable systems, this technology is one of the possible mediums for the television signal transmission. Its development is becoming crucial for the digital transition in those countries which mainly depend on the terrestrial networks for the reception of multimedia contents. However, due to the maturity of the current standard, and also to the higher requirements of the customer needing (HDTV, new contents, etc.), a revision of the current standard becomes necessary. The DVB organisation in collaboration with other entities and organisms has developed a new standard version capable to satisfy those requirements. The main objective of the project is the design and implementation of a physical layer simulation platform for the DVB-T2 standard. This simulator allows the theoretical evaluation of the new enhanced proposals, making easier a later field measurement stage and the future network deployment. The document describes the implementation of the simulation platform as well as its subsequent validation stage, including large graphical results that allow the evaluation and quantification of the improvements introduced over the current standard version (DVB-T). On the other hand, and as future investigation lines, a solution for the future DVB-T2 network deployment is performed, enhancing the coverage capacity of the current network by the use of iterative meta-heuristic techniques. Finally it has to be mentioned that this work has been performed within the context of a project called FURIA, which is a strategic research project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce

    Design of a simulation platform to test next generation of terrestrial DVB

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    Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting (DTTB) is a member of our daily life routine, and nonetheless, according to new users’ necessities in the fields of communications and leisure, new challenges are coming up. Moreover, the current Standard is not able to satisfy all the potential requirements. For that reason, first of all, a review of the current Standard has been performed within this work. Then, it has been identified the needing of developing a new version of the standard, ready to support enhanced services, as for example broadcasting transmissions to moving terminals or High Definition Television (HDTV) transmissions, among others. The main objective of this project is the design and development of a physical layer simulator of the whole DVB-T standard, including both the complete transmission and reception procedures. The simulator has been developed in Matlab. A detailed description of the simulator both from a functional and an architectural point of view is included. The simulator is the base for testing any possible modifications that may be included into the DVB-T2 future standard. In fact, several proposed enhancements have already been carried out and their performance has been evaluated. Specifically, the use of higher order modulation schemes, and the corresponding modifications in all the system blocks, have been included and evaluated. Furthermore, the simulator will allow testing other enhancements as the use of more efficient encoders and interleavers, MIMO technologies, and so on. A complete set of numerical results showing the performance of the different parts of the system, are presented in order to validate the correctness of the implementation and to evaluate both the current standard performance and the proposed enhancements. This work has been performed within the context of a project called FURIA, which is a strategic research project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce. A brief description of this project and its consortium has been also included herein, together with an introduction to the current situation of the DTTB in Spain (called TDT in Spanish)

    La eficiencia de las empresas cooperativas: el caso de Castilla y León

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    El objetivo principal del presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado es el análisis de la eficiencia en las empresas cooperativas y, en especial, para el caso especifico de Castilla y León. Todo el trabajo ha sido elaborados partir de la base de datos SABI. Los diferentes ratios analizados durante el trabajo nos indican que las diferencias entre las empresas cooperativas y las empresas capitalistas no son muy elevadas. Sin embargo, hay que destacar que existe un mayor número de empresas capitalistas y, que su rentabilidad tanto económica como financiera es superior. No obstante, las sociedades cooperativas también disponen de valores mayores en los ratios de estructura financiera: solvencia, liquidez, autonomía financiera a medio y largo plazo y, apalancamiento; tanto en España como en Castilla y León. Por último, el análisis efectuado por sectores de actividad en las empresas cooperativas, nos indica que, en Castilla y León, el comercio al por mayor es el sector que mayor peso tiene en el comercio en la región, con unos ratios superiores a los de España. Destacando el sector de agricultura, ganadería y pesca debido a que es el que mayor número de empresas tiene.The main objective of this final degree project is the analysis of the efficiency in cooperatives companies, especially in the community of Castilla y León. This project has been developed from the SABI database. The different ratios analyzed during the work indicate that the differences between the cooperative companies and the capitalist companies are not very high. However, It should be noted that there is a greater number of capitalist companies, and its economic and financial profitability is higher. Nevertheless, the cooperative companies have higher values in the ratios of financial structure: solvency, liquidity, financial autonomy in the medium and long term and, leverage; both in Spain and in Castilla y León. Finally, the analysis carried out by sectors of activity in cooperative companies, indicates that in Castilla y León, wholesale trade is the sector with the greatest weight in the trade of the community; with higher ratios even than Spain. Highlighting the agriculture, livestock and fishing sector because it is the one with the largest number of companies.Departamento de Fundamentos del Análisis Económico e Historia e Instituciones EconómicasGrado en Marketing e Investigación de Mercado

    Publicidad y reglamentación del juego

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    El juego consiste en un problema social que ha convivido con la sociedad desde la Antigüedad. Los datos obtenidos a partir del Ministerio de Consumo del Gobierno de España reflejan la evolución que ha tenido aquél en la sociedad española, pudiendo observarse que el aumento del juego en ella va acompañado de la legislación promulgada sobre este tema. Este TFG pretende mostrar la historia del juego; así como llevar a cabo un estudio detallado acerca de la regulación y comunicación o publicidad del juego en EspañaDepartamento de Derecho Mercantil, Derecho del Trabajo e Internacional PrivadoGrado en DerechoGrado en Derech

    Estudio comparado del denominado «Mecanismo rural de garantía». Una propuesta para Castilla y León

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    The aim of this paper is to elaborate a proposal for a rural proofing method for Castilla y León. To this end, the methodology used was to analyse the main international experiences and the European Union’s position. Based on the success stories in different countries and the economic and demographic characteristics of Castilla y León, it can be concluded that the implementation of a system that assesses regulations and public policies from a rural lens before their effective application can be very useful in Castilla y León.El objetivo del presente trabajo es la elaboración de una propuesta de un mecanismo rural de garantía para Castilla y León. Para ello, la metodología utilizada ha sido analizar las principales experiencias en esta materia a nivel mundial y la posición de la Unión Europea al respecto. A partir de los casos de éxito en los diferentes países y las características económicas y demográficas de Castilla y León, se puede concluir que la implantación de un sistema que valore la normativa y las políticas públicas desde una óptica rural antes de su aplicación efectiva puede ser de gran utilidad en Castilla y León

    El derecho a la no autoincriminación en el procedimiento administrativo sancionador: un estudio a la luz de la jurisprudencia del TJUE

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    :  The right not to incriminate oneself is configured as a fundamental right integrated in the broadest right of defense and it is recognized in the most important international treaties of our legal environment. Its operability in the framework of criminal proceedings is not in doubt, nor is its transfer to the scope of the administrative sanctioning procedure. However, the purpose of this paper will be to analyze the scope of the right to remain silent and not to confess guilt in administrative proceedings, not only in the administrative santioning proceedings, but also in inspection proceedings, as well as its operability in relation to legal entities. All this in the light of the jurisprudence of the CJEU.El derecho a la no autoincriminación se configura como un derecho fundamental integrado en el más amplio derecho de defensa y está reconocido en los tratados internacionales más importantes de nuestro entorno jurídico. Su operatividad en el marco del proceso penal no ofrece dudas, y tampoco su traslado al ámbito del procedimiento administrativo sancionador. Sin embargo, el objeto de este trabajo será realizar un análisis sobre el alcance del derecho a guardar silencio y a no confesarse culpable dentro del procedimiento administrativo, no solo sancionador, sino también de inspección, así como su operatividad en relación con las personas jurídicas. Todo ello a la luz de la jurisprudencia del TJUE