221 research outputs found

    MRI diagnosis of tubal torsion: the whirlpool sign

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    Isolated fallopian tube torsion is a rare cause of acute lower abdominal pain with multiple described contributory factors resulting in tubal necrosis and gangrene. While clinical presentation is nonspecific with a wide clinical differential diagnosis, a combination of sonographic or MRI whirlpool sign with a dilated fallopian tube and normal appearing ipsilateral ovary helps make a preoperative diagnosis of tubal torsion. We report a case of a middle aged female who was diagnosed with tubal torsion on preoperative MRI and is the first description of MRI whirlpool sign for diagnosis of tubal torsion from the Indian subcontinent to our knowledge. The whirlpool mass in tubal torsion is much smaller than ovarian torsion and may be less obvious on ultrasound as in present case


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    Nanostructured lipid carriers (NLC)-based topical gel of Etoricoxib was prepared with the aim for the treatment of inflammation and allied conditions.  The composition of NLC consisted of Stearic acid as solid lipid, oleic acid as liquid lipid and tween 80 as a surfactant. NLCs prepared by melt-emulsification and low temperature solidification techniques were characterized by particle sizing technology, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). All of the NLC showed high entrapment efficiency ranging from 69% to 76%. Both the entrapment and release rate were affected by the percentage of oleic acid. NLC-F3G-C was selected as best formulation with average particle size of 244 nm and polydispersity index of 0.690 indicating homogeneity in particle size distribution. The higher magnitude of zeta potential of NLC-F3G-C indicates the stability of formulation. The nanoparticulate dispersion was suitably gelled and assessed for Physical appearance, Homogeneity, Spreadability and in-vitro permeation study. In-vitro drug release pattern of developed NLC dispersion gel showed burst and prolong release. It was concluded that developed NLC gel of Etoricoxib holds promise for prolonged availability of drug in the skin tissues and can be used for better management of inflammatory conditions. Keywords: Etricoxib • Nanostructured lipid carriers (NLC) • Topical gel • Nanopartic

    A comparative study of serum calcium and magnesium levels in women with pre-eclampsia and normotensive women

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    Background: Pre-eclampsia is transient but potentially dangerous complication of pregnancy. Despite of pre-eclampsia's prevalence and severity, the pathophysiology of this multisystem disorder is still poorly understood and its aetiology has not yet been fully elucidated. Recently, nutritional deficiency especially micronutrients deficiency is gaining prominence in the pathogenesis of pre-eclampsia. Hypocalcaemia and hypomagnesaemia have been implicated in the pathogenesis of pre-eclampsia. This study has been done to compare serum calcium and magnesium levels in women with pre-eclampsia and normotensive women and their association with severity of pre-eclampsia.Methods: 50 women with pre-eclampsia and 50 normotensive women were included in the study and serum calcium and magnesium levels were measured. Data were analyzed.Results: The serum ionic calcium concentration was significantly lower in the pre-eclamptic cases compared to the normotensive controls (3.34±1.35 versus 4.37±0.74, p=0.0000) similarly serum magnesium concentration was significantly lower in the pre-eclamptic cases compared to the normotensive controls (1.68±0.41 versus 1.94±0.42, p-0.002). Mean serum ionic Ca levels in severe pre-eclampsia group was significantly lower than normotensive pregnant women (p=0.0000) as well as mild pre-eclampsia group (p=0.001). Mean serum Mg in severe pre-eclampsia was significantly lower than normotensive pregnant women (p=0.0008) as well as mild pre-eclampsia group (p=0.03). Serum ionic Ca and Mg had a negative correlation with systolic and diastolic blood pressure.Conclusions: Based on this study, measurements of serum ionic calcium and magnesium among women at risk of for pre-eclampsia may be used to predict the onset and severity of pre-eclampsia

    An observational study to find association of serum vitamin B12 and folate level with neonatal weight at a tertiary care centre

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    Background: In developing countries like India, low birth weight is a challenging and important public health problem as it has adverse effect on growth and development of children. Vitamin B12 and folate are micronutrients essential for normal foetal growth and development. Maternal folate and B12 concentrations have been positively associated with birth weight. The aim of this study was to evaluate maternal folate and vitamin B12 status in pregnant women in third trimester of pregnancy and to find their relation with foetal birth weight.Methods: 171 pregnant women in their third trimester with live singleton pregnancy were included in the study. S. vitamin B12 and folate levels were measured and results were analysed.Results: Mean maternal vitamin B12 level in mothers with LBW infants was significantly lower than that of mothers of ABW infants (143.23±91.79 vs 188.8±109.64 respectively p≤0.001) and mean maternal folate level in mothers with LBW infants was lower than that of mothers of ABW infants (8.46±8.94 vs 9.96±12.57 respectively p=0.054). There was a weak positive but statistically significant correlation between baby weight (kg) and S. vitamin B12 (rho=0.24, p=0.002) and S. folate (rho=0.17, p=0.029).Conclusions: The present study confirms that maternal low vitamin B12 level and low S. folate levels are associated with low birth weight so during antenatal visit women should be screened for vitamin B12 and folate deficiency and vitamin supplementation should be continued throughout the pregnancy

    Social media usage among dental undergraduate students—a comparative study

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Social media use among students has infiltrated into dental education and offers benefits but may also cause problems. The aim of this study was to explore and compare current social media usage among dental undergraduate students from two countries—Malaysia and Finland. A self-administered structured online questionnaire was used. WhatsApp, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat were the services that were most familiar to the respondents from both countries. There were differences between the students from the two countries among the most preferred platforms. The most frequently used applications were WhatsApp (91.1% of students in Malaysia and 96.1% in Finland used it very frequently) and Instagram (74.3% of students in Malaysia and 70.0% in Finland used it very frequently). Students in Malaysia spent significantly more hours per week using the platforms as study tools than students in Finland. Over 80% of the Finnish dental students reported that lack of knowledge was not an issue in social media usage, while 85% of Malaysian students felt that lack of knowledge prevented them from using social media platforms frequently. The findings offer evidence that dental students used social media extensively.Peer reviewe

    A comparative study for assessment of post-operative sequelae following mandibular transalveolar molar extractions using ozone and dexamethasone

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    Objectives: Trans-alveolar extractions involve surgical removal of tooth that has its own postoperative sequelae, most commonly manifested as pain and swelling. This study aims to compare the efficacy of topical ozone and dexamethasone in management of post-operative sequelae after mandibular trans-alveolar molar extractions. Materials and Methods: Sixty patients requiring surgical removal of mandibular molars under local anesthesia were randomly allocated into two groups, each group consisting of 30 patients. Group 1 received Topical Ozonated Oil in the extraction socket post-operatively, while Group 2 was administered 8 mg dexamethasone injection post-operatively. The patients were checked for postoperative wound healing, pain and swelling on 1st, 3rd and 7th day. Results: The results showed comparatively similar results for the pain severity and swelling score at the 1st and 7th postoperative day in both the groups. A greater reduction of pain was noticed in Group 1 on 3rd postoperative day. Wound Healing was noted to be better in Group 1 at 3rd and 7th post-operative day. Conclusion: In conclusion, topical ozone therapy can be used as an effective alternative treatment modality, when compared to dexamethasone for better management of post-operative sequelae following mandibular trans-alveolar molar extractions

    Elevating athletic performance: Maximizing strength and power in long jumpers through combined low-intensity blood flow restriction and high-intensity resistance training

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    Purpose: This study aimed to evaluate the effects of low-intensity blood flow restriction (BFR) training and high-intensity resistance training (HI-RT) on the leaping performance of long- jumpers. Materials and methods: Long jump players were divided into two groups; one group (group A) receiving HI-RT (n = 8) and the other group (group B) receiving combined low-intensity BFR training plus HI-RT (n = 8). Muscle power and knee muscle strength was assessed at baseline, 3 weeks and 6 weeks of intervention. Results: 1-RM was found to be significantly different between Group A and Group B at 3 and 6 weeks. Further, IKDQR, IKDHR and IKDQL was significantly improved in group B as compared to group A both at 3 and 6 weeks. There was significant time effect, group effect and time-group interaction in the strength of quadriceps and hamstring of both left and right leg measured through isokinetic device. Post-hoc analysis for 1-RM in group B showed a significant improvement at baseline and 6 weeks and the broad jump was significant at baseline and 3 weeks and at baseline and 6 weeks. Conclusion: The combined effects of low-intensity BFR training and HI-RT is effective in improving the muscle strength and power of lower limbs in long jumpers

    Elevating athletic performance : Maximizing strength and power in long jumpers through combined low-intensity blood flow restriction and high-intensity resistance training

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    This study aimed to evaluate the effects of low-intensity blood flow restriction (BFR) training and high-intensity resistance training (HI-RT) on the leaping performance of long-jumpers. Materials and methods: Long jump players were divided into two groups; one group (group A) receiving HI-RT (n = 8) and the other group (group B) receiving combined low-intensity BFR training plus HI-RT (n = 8). Muscle power and knee muscle strength was assessed at baseline, 3 weeks and 6 weeks of intervention. Results: 1-RM was found to be significantly different between Group A and Group B at 3 and 6 weeks. Further, IKDQR, IKDHR and IKDQL was significantly improved in group B as compared to group A both at 3 and 6 weeks. There was significant time effect, group effect and time-group interaction in the strength of quadriceps and hamstring of both left and right leg measured through isokinetic device. Post-hoc analysis for 1-RM in group B showed a significant improvement at baseline and 6 weeks and the broad jump was significant at baseline and 3 weeks and at baseline and 6 weeks. Conclusion: The combined effects of low-intensity BFR training and HI-RT is effective in improving the muscle strength and power of lower limbs in long jumpers

    Comparative analysis of coal fatalities in Australia, South Africa, India, China and USA, 2006-2010

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    Coal mining (especially underground) is considered one of the most hazardous industries, and as a result considerable focus is applied to eliminating or mitigating hazards through careful mine planning, equipment selection and certification, and development of management systems and procedures. Regulatory agencies have developed in-house methods for reporting, classification and tracking of fatalities and other incidents according to the type of event, often including consideration of different hazard types. Unfortunately, direct comparison of mining safety statistics between countries is confounded by considerable differences in the way that individual countries classify specific fatalities or incidents. This paper presents a comparative analysis of coal mining fatality data in Australia, South Africa, India, China and the United States from 2006 to 2010. Individual classification definitions are compared between the five countries, and methods presented to normalise each country’s hazard definitions and reporting regimes around the RISKGATE framework of seventeen different priority unwanted events (or topics). Fatality data from individual countries is then re-classified according to the different RISKGATE topics, thereby enabling a comparative analysis between all five countries. This paper demonstrates the utility and value of a standard classification approach, and submits the RISKGATE framework as a model for classification that could be applied globally in coal mining. RISKGATE is the largest health and safety project ever funded by the Australian coal industry (http://www.riskgate.org) to build an industry body of knowledge to assist in managing common industry hazards. A comprehensive knowledge base has been captured for risk management of tyres, collisions, fires, isolation, strata underground, ground control open cut, explosions, explosives, manual tasks and slips/trips/falls. This has been extended to outburst, coal burst and bumps, interface displays and controls, tailings dams and inrush
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