959 research outputs found

    Outer edges of face-on spiral galaxies

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    We present deep optical imaging of three face-on disk galaxies together with a detailed description of the reduction and calibration methods used, in order to measure the intrinsic shape of their outer stellar edges. Whereas it is now well accepted that disks of spiral galaxies are not infinite exponential beyond galactocentric distances of about 3-5 radial scalelengths, the genuine structure of the truncation region is not yet well known. Our data quantitatively establish a smooth truncation behaviour of the radial surface brightness profiles and is best described by a two-slope model, characterised by an inner and outer exponential scalelength separated at a relatively well defined break radius. This result disagrees with the frequently assumed sharply truncated nature of the radial surface brightness profiles and implies the presence of stars and even star-formation beyond the break radius. In addition, we do not find a strong influence of a nearby companion on the ratio of the break radius to the radial scalelength. Our results denote new observational constraints for the search of the physical explanation for these smooth disk truncations.Comment: LaTeX, 10 pages, 17 figures, accepted to be published in A&A, minor changes to the quality of figure

    Derivation of rainfall thresholds for pluvial flood risk warning in urbanised areas

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    In the recent past throughout the Mediterranean area, many extreme events such as floods, debris flows and landslides occurred. Mediterranean ephemeral streams have specific features compared to other river systems; their basins are small and highly torrential and may generate flash-floods (Camarasa-Belmonte & Soriano-Garcia, 2012). Moreover, the rapid transformation processes of urban areas induced the increase of catchment imperviousness and the derived increase of surface runoff generated during rainfall events. However, flooding events in urban areas occur quite frequently as a consequence of rain events of lower intensity than the design one, even in case of correct network dimensioning. The use of a reliable flood forecasting model in urban areas can play an important role in managing land and water resources. The purpose of this work is the development of a Decision Support System (DSS) for flash flood warning in an urban area. Usually, flood warning systems are based on on-line hydrological and/or hydraulic models in order to provide forecasts of water stages or discharges at critical river sections (Martina et al., 2006; Diakakis, 2012; Wu et al., 2015). This procedure is inappropriate for flash flood warning in urban areas or in catchments with a small area. According to the approach proposed by [Amadio et al., 2003; Wu et al., 2015], in this study the rainfall threshold has been estimated in an urban area by coupling results of hydro-dynamic model in terms of water stage and flooding area. Particularly, dependency of the antecedent soil moisture conditions has been neglected because urban areas are characterized by imperious surfaces This study proposes a methodology to point out in urban areas rainfall thresholds used in flash flood warning which should be influenced by the uncertainties in the rainfall characteristics, including rainfall duration, depth and storm pattern. Particularly, the methodology here developed has a modular structure consisting of different modules: synthetic hyetographs definition to gain the hydrological input to the hydraulic model; transformation of flood discharge to inundated area through a two-dimensional hydraulic model the FLURB-2D model (Aronica & Lanza, 2005) and, finally, quantification of threshold rainfall associated with specific inundation criteria

    Rainfall thresholds derivation for warning pluvial flooding risk in urbanised areas

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    Aim of this work is the development of an operational tool for pluvial flooding warning in an urban area based on off-line rainfall thresholds derived by coupling a rainfall-runoff modelling and a hydraulic routing. The critical conditions considered for issue flood warnings were not only based on the water stage, but also on the extension of the flooded area. Further, a risk assessment framework for quantifying the reliability of the rainfall thresholds has been included; rainfall thresholds used in pluvial flooding warning should be influenced by the uncertainties in the rainfall characteristics (i.e. rainfall duration, depth and storm pattern). This risk assessment framework incorporates the correlated multivariate Monte Carlo simulation method, an hydraulic model for the simulation of rainfall excess propagation over surface urban drainage structures, i.e. streets and pathways. Thresholds rainfall are defined using a number of inundation criteria, to analyze the change in the rainfall threshold due to various definitions of inundation. Starting from estimated water stages and flooded area from inundation simulation rainfall thresholds can be obtained according a specific inundation criterion, including, together, a critical water depth and a critical flooding area. Finally, the second phase concerns the imminence of a possible hydrological risk by comparing the time when cumulative rainfall and rainfall thresholds meet to each other. The developed procedure has been applied to the real case study of Mondello catchment in Palermo (Italy)

    Estimation of synthetic flood design hydrographs using a distributed rainfall–runoff model coupled with a copula-based single storm rainfall generator

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    In this paper a procedure to derive synthetic flood design hydrographs (SFDH) using a bivariate representation of rainfall forcing (rainfall duration and intensity) via copulas, which describes and models the correlation between two variables independently of the marginal laws involved, coupled with a distributed rainfall–runoff model, is presented. Rainfall–runoff modelling (R–R modelling) for estimating the hydrological response at the outlet of a catchment was performed by using a conceptual fully distributed procedure based on the Soil Conservation Service – Curve Number method as an excess rainfall model and on a distributed unit hydrograph with climatic dependencies for the flow routing. Travel time computation, based on the distributed unit hydrograph definition, was performed by implementing a procedure based on flow paths, determined from a digital elevation model (DEM) and roughness parameters obtained from distributed geographical information. In order to estimate the primary return period of the SFDH, which provides the probability of occurrence of a hydrograph flood, peaks and flow volumes obtained through R–R modelling were treated statistically using copulas. Finally, the shapes of hydrographs have been generated on the basis of historically significant flood events, via cluster analysis. <br><br> An application of the procedure described above has been carried out and results presented for the case study of the Imera catchment in Sicily, Italy

    Flash floods and debris flow in the city area of Messina, north-east part of Sicily, Italy in October 2009: the case of the Giampilieri catchment

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    Abstract. This paper concerns the analysis of the 1 October 2009 flash flood and debris flow event caused by a very intense rainfall concentrated over the Messina area. The storm caused severe flash floods in many villages around the city of Messina, such as Giampilieri, Scaletta Zanclea, Altolia Superiore and Molino, with 38 casualties and significant damages to property, buildings, roads and bridges estimated close to 550 million Euro. The main focus of this work is to perform a post event analysis, putting together available meteorological and hydrological data in order to get better insight into temporal and spatial variability of the rain storm, the soil moisture conditions and the consequent flash flood in the Giampilieri catchment. The event was investigated using observed data from a raingauge network. Statistical analysis using GEV distribution was performed and rainfall return period (storm severity) was estimated. Further, measured rainfall data and rainfall-runoff modelling were used to estimate soil moisture conditions, to analyse the hydrological behaviour and to reconstruct flood hydrograph. With the help of GIS technology and particularly spatial analysis, the volume of debris which has gone down into the Giampilieri village was also calculated. GIS maps with landslide and material deposit areas were produced and analysed.</p

    Analysis of the Effects of Reservoir Operating Scenarios on Downstream Flood Damage Risk Using an Integrated Monte Carlo Modelling Approach

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    The aim of this study is to analyse the effects of reservoir operating scenarios, for flood damage evaluation downstream of a dam, using a Monte Carlo bivariate modelling chain. The proposed methodology involves a stochastic procedure to calculate flood hydrographs and the evaluation of the consequent flood inundation area by applying a 2D hydraulic model. These results are used to estimate the inundation risk and, as consequence, the relative damage evaluation under different water level conditions in an upstream reservoir. The modelling chain can be summarized as follows: single synthetic stochastic rainfall event generation by using a Monte Carlo procedure through a bivariate copulas analysis; synthetic bivariate stochastic inflow hydrograph derivation by using a conceptual fully distributed model starting from synthetic hyetographs above the derived; flood hydrographs routing through the reservoir taking in an account of the initial level in the reservoir; flood inundation mapping by applying a 2D hydraulic simulation and damage evaluation through the use of appropriate depth-damage curves. This allowed for the evaluation of the influence of initial water level on flood risk scenarios. The procedure was applied to the case study of the floodplain downstream from the Castello reservoir, within the Magazzolo river catchment, located in the southwestern part of Sicily (Italy)

    Three-Dimensional Bar Structure and Disc/Bulge Secular Evolution

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    Kn-band imaging of a sample of 30 edge-on spiral galaxies with a boxy or peanut-shaped (B/PS) bulge is discussed. Galaxies with a B/PS bulge tend to have a more complex morphology than galaxies with other bulge types, unsharp-masked images revealing structures that trace the major orbit families of three-dimensional bars. Their surface brightness profiles are also more complex, typically containing 3 or more clearly separated regions, including a shallow or flat intermediate region (Freeman Type II profiles), suggestive of bar-driven transfer of angular momentum and radial redistribution of material. The data also suggest abrupt variations of the discs' scaleheights, as expected from the vertical resonances and instabilities present in barred discs but contrary to conventional wisdom. Counter to the standard `bulge + disc' model, we thus propose that galaxies with a B/PS bulge are composed of a thin concentrated disc (a disc-like bulge) contained within a partially thick bar (the B/PS bulge), itself contained within a thin outer disc. The inner disc most likely formed through bar-driven processes while the thick bar arises from buckling instabilities. Both are strongly coupled dynamically and are formed mostly of the same (disc) material.Comment: 6 pages, including 1 figure. To appear in "Island Universes: Structure and Evolution of Disk Galaxies", ed. R. de Jong (Springer: Dordrecht


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    In questo studio viene presentata una procedura di tipo Monte Carlo per la derivazione delle curve di frequenza delle portate al colmo e dei volumi corrispondenti basata sull\u2019accoppiamento di un modello di generazione delle forzanti pluviometriche tramite copule e un modello di trasformazione afflussideflussi di tipo distribuito. Tale procedura \ue8 stata applicata ad un caso di studio siciliano; i risultati ottenuti hanno mostrato la bont\ue0 del modello a riprodurre le statistiche complesse delle grandezze idrologiche a fronte di un basso numero di parametri modellistici e di un ridotto sforzo computazionale
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