4 research outputs found

    Freezing, thawing and aging effects on beef tenderness from Bos indicus and Bos taurus cattle

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    The objective of this study was to determine the effects of freezing prior to aging on the meat tenderness of young Nellore and Aberdeen Angus bulls. Samples of the longissimus thoracis muscle were submitted to two treatments: conventional aging and freezing (− 20 °C for 40 days) followed by thawing and aging periods. The meats were evaluated after 0, 7, 14 and 21 aging days (1 °C). Freezing increased (P < 0.05) purge, cooking loss and total exudate loss throughout aging. Nellore meats had greater total exudate loss and shorter sarcomere lengths (P < 0.05). Freezing increased proteolysis during aging in the meats of both breeds, but reduced shear force was found (P < 0.05) only in Aberdeen Angus meats and only at time zero. These results suggest that the meat tenderizing process by freezing prior to aging may contribute to meat tenderness in the first weeks of aging, but it is dependent on the animal breed

    Avanços metodológicos na determinação do consumo de ruminantes em pastejo Advances in methods for determining animal intake on pasture

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    Avanços metodológicos são, usualmente, conseqüência direta de avanços conceituais e tecnológicos. No caso da estimativa do consumo em pastejo, os recentes avanços conceituais relativos ao processo de busca e apreensão da forragem pelo ruminante evidenciaram a importância da unidade básica do consumo o bocado -, e dos fatores limitantes ao consumo que ocorrem antes da ingestão da forragem pelo animal em pastejo. A abordagem reducionista do processo de pastejo, aliada à sua hierarquização espaço-temporal, trouxeram uma nova concepção de como o animal obtém o seu alimento do pasto. Destes modelos conceituais emergiram novas variáveis que requerem novos procedimentos experimentais e analíticos. Neste contexto, importantes avanços têm ocorrido. Este artigo apresenta e discute os novos procedimentos que permitem estimar o consumo no curto prazo, assim como aqueles mais utilizados pela comunidade científica nacional para estimar o consumo no longo prazo. Adicionalmente, são feitas também considerações sobre o uso de animais ou de piquetes como unidades experimentais em experimentos de pastejo. Conclui-se que, apesar de ainda existir importantes barreiras metodológicas, os recentes avanços conceituais sobre o processo de pastejo, assim como dos procedimentos analíticos, geram fortes expectativas de avanço em curto e médio prazo na obtenção de estimativas qualificadas de consumo por animais em pastejo.<br>Methodological advances are usually a direct consequence of conceptual and technical advances. In the case of animal intake on pasture, recent conceptual advances regarding the process of searching and apprehension of the forage by the ruminant provide insight regarding the importance of the basic unit of intake, the bite, and the importance of processes limiting intake that occur before the forage reaches the rumen. Applying a reductionist approach to the grazing process, along with its spatial-temporal hierarchy, brought a new conceptualization of how an animal obtains feed from pasture. From the conceptual models emerged new variables that required new experimental and analytical procedures. Within this context, important advances have occurred. This article describes the new procedures that allow to estimate the consumption on the short-term, as well as that most utilized by the national scientific community for estimating the consumption on the long-term. Procedure for estimating fecal production and digestibility are discussed, as well as the use of n-alkanes and other emerging techniques. Consideration is given to the use of animals or paddocks as experimental units in grazing experiments. The conclusions presented in this article do not differ from those of preceding articles regarding this subject. In a grazing condition, continuous intake is the "black box" to be revealed, complex by nature with regard to the animal as well as the pasture, and there are important methodological barriers toward is determination. Nevertheless, recent advances in conceptualizing the grazind process, as well as in the analytical procedures, have been considerable and generate ambitious expectations over the short and long term