15 research outputs found

    Lock-in amplifiers for AMR sensors

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    Anisotropic magnetoresistive (AMR) magnetic sensors are often chosen as the magnetic transducer for magnetic field sensing in applications with low to moderate magnetic field resolution because of the relative low mass of the sensor and their ease of use. They measure magnetic fields in the order of the Earth magnetic field (with typical sensitivities of 1‰/G or 10−2‰/μT), have typical minimum detectable fields in order of nT and even 0.1 nT but they are seriously limited by the thermal drifts due to the variation of the resistivity with temperature (∼2.5‰/°C) and the variation of the magnetoresistive effect with temperature (which affects both the sensitivity of the sensors: ∼2.7‰/°C, and the offset: ±0.5‰/°C). Therefore, for lower magnetic fields, fluxgate vector sensors are generally preferred. In the present work these limitations of AMR sensors are outlined and studied. Three methods based on lock-in amplifiers are proposed as low noise techniques. Their performance has been simulated, experimentally tested and comparatively discussed. The developed model has been also used to derive a technique for temperature compensation of AMR response. The final goal to implement these techniques in a space qualified applied specific integrated circuit (ASIC) for Mars in situ exploration with compact miniaturized magnetometers

    Tailoring the magnetic anisotropy and domain patterns of sputtered TbFeGa alloys

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    We report the magnetic anisotropy and domain configuration of cosputtered TbFeGa alloys. The layers were deposited from two targets with compositions TbFe2 and Fe3Ga, respectively. The structural and magnetic properties do not only depend on the composition but also on the growth conditions. Alloys with the same composition but deposited using a DC or a pulsed power source in the TbFe2 target exhibit a different magnetic anisotropy. The perpendicular magnetic anisotropy, the size and topology of domain patterns can be tailored by changing the evaporation parameters of TbFe2. The width of the stripe domain increases from 235 to 835 nm when using the DC source in the TbFe2. We correlate this effect with Tb enrichment of the TbxFe1−x phases present in the samples

    High resolution system for nanoparticles hyperthermia efficiency evaluation

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    A system to evaluate nanoparticles efficiency in hyperthermia applications is presented. The method allows a direct measurement of the power dissipated by the nanoparticles through the determination of the first harmonic component of the in quadrature magnetic moment induced by the applied field. The magnetic moment is measured by using an induction method. To avoid errors and reduce the noise signal a double in phase demodulation technique is used. To test the system viability we have measured nanowires, nanoparticles and copper samples of different volumes to prove by comparing experimental and modeled result

    'Enhancement of the crystallization process of TbxFe1-x thin films upon the formation of alpha-Tb phase'

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    TbxFe1−x thin films deposited by sputtering on Mo were investigated structurally and magnetically. The microstructure consists of TbFe2 nanoparticles embedded in an amorphous matrix, and the Tb content can be correlated with an increase in the volume of these nanoparticles. Similar microstructure and behavior were found when TbFe2 was deposited on glass and on a Pt buffer layer. Nevertheless, thermal treatments promote a different effect, depending on the mechanical stiffness of the buffer layer. The layers deposited on Mo, a rigid material, show crystalline TbFe2 together with α-Tb phase upon thermal treatment. In contrast, TbFe2 does not crystallize properly on Pt, a material with a lower stiffness than Mo. Intermediate results were observed on the film deposited on glass. Experimental results show the impact of the buffer stiffness on the crystallization process. Moreover, the formation of α-Tb appears to be fundamental to crystallized TbFe2 on layers deposited on rigid buffer

    Synthesis of Ni nanoparticles by dc magnetron sputtering

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    Magnetic materials have been used with grain sizes down to the nanoscale for longer than any other type of material. The biomedical applications cover from magnetic separation of specific biological entities from their native environment to drug delivery, hyperthermia treatments or MRI contrast enhancement [1]. There are many synthesis methods depending on the final applications of the magnetic nanoparticles [2]. Sputtering methods are less extensively used, maybe due to the low efficiency of the process, however these methods have the advantage of a good control on the composition and size of the particles. Research has focused mainly on Fe [3,4], Co [5] and FeCo alloys [6]. In this work we apply the dc magnetron sputtering technique to the growth of Ni nanoparticles

    Synthesis of Fe-Au nanoparticles through phase separation using the gas aggregation technique

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    During the last veers different type of magnetic materials have been obtained either alloys or nanopor-ritlcs with severall metalllics shells. These particle exhibt better magnetic properties, are biocompatible and have optical properties due to their shell noble metal layer, this is possible, to synthesize heterostructured nanoparticles with care/shell structure by using sputtering targets consisting of alloys of different materials. In the case of such materials have different surface energies and atomic sizes, there are diffusion processes which lead to the formation of structured nanoparticles with a shell and core having different composition. In this work we will show the results obtained about Fe-Au nanoparticles grown by I he gas aggregation technique, using magnetron sputering sources. Colloids prepared from sputtered deposits of heterostructed nanoparticles exhibit less aggregation when compared to suspensions obtained from pure magnetic materials. Spectrophotometry measurement show the presence of gold at the surface of the nanoparticles. Magnetic properties of such particle are analyzed by VSM. Compasition end structural analysis are studied by TEM and ÉDA

    Fenomenologia spintronica

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    Breve presentación del iSOM, del GDM y sus circunstancias • A modo de introducción: Viejos experimentos con spines y corrientes • Magnetoresistencia gigante y valvulas de spin • STO’s • Memorias race-trac

    Magnetic Properties of Sputtered Permalloy/Molybdenum Multilayers

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    In this work, we report the magnetic properties of sputtered Permalloy (Py: Ni80Fe20)/molybdenum (Mo) multilayer thin films. We show that it is possible to maintain a low coercivity and a high permeability in thick sputtered Py films when reducing the out-of-plane component of the anisotropy by inserting thin film spacers of a non-magnetic material like Mo. For these kind of multilayers, we have found coercivities which are close to those for single layer films with no out-of-plane anisotropy. The coercivity is also dependent on the number of layers exhibiting a minimum value when each single Py layer has a thickness close to the transition thickness between Neel and Bloch domain walls

    Determination of the magnetostrictive atomic enviroments in FeCoB alloys

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    The atomic environments of Fe and Co involved in the magnetostriction effect in FeCoB alloys have been identified by differential extended x-ray fine structure (DiffEXAFS) spectroscopy. The study, done in amorphous and polycrystalline FeCoB films, demonstrates that the alloys are heterogeneous and that boron plays a crucial role in the origin of their magnetostrictive properties. The analysis of DiffEXAFS in the polycrystalline and amorphous alloys indicates that boron activates magnetostriction when entering as an impurity into octahedral interstitial sites of the Fe bcc lattice, causing its tetragonal distortion. Magnetostriction would be explained then by the relative change in volume when the tetragonal axis of the site is reoriented under an externally applied magnetic field. The experiment demonstrates the extreme sensitivity of DiffEXAFS to characterize magnetostrictive environments that are undetectable in their related EXAFS spectra