23 research outputs found

    Implementation of Tensorflow in the CCTV-Based People Counter Application at PT Matahari Department Store, Tbk

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    Counting the number of visitors (people counter) is an activity carried out in many retail stores. This information, although very simple and basic, can be used as one of the main bases for making decisions. In the past, PT Matahari Department Store, Tbk (MDS) has calculated the number of visitors manually with an accuracy of around 90%. The purpose of this research is to design an automated people counter system using the existing CCTV video networks in MDS stores. The research methodology used is data collection methods in the form of literature studies and interviews, and systems development methods in the form of prototyping. The system uses Tensorflow to recognize visitors who enter and leave the store. This system is a prototype and is used as a proof of concept for MDS to make decisions regarding the application of appropriate technology in carrying out the people counter process along with the things that need to be prepared if this system is to be implemented thoroughly in all MDS stores in Indonesia

    Pengembangan Sistem Komunikasi Nirkabel untuk Mengendalikan Robot Sepak Bola

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    According to how soccer robot movement is controlled, approaches in soccer robot can be divided into two categories, namely centralized and decentralized. Centralized approach is an example of control over network concept where devices are controlled over the network. Each robot obtains information from a vision system outside the robot to detect the ball, and the central computer makes decision on which robot to approach and kick the ball. Wireless communication between robot and central computer must be reliable. One of the most important components in soccer robot is the ball kicking mechanism, which has to be able to kick the ball accurately. The wireless communication system is developed with a WeMos D1 microcontroller. Ball kicking mechanism is developed using solenoid circuit controlled by the microcontroller. Testing showed that wireless communication system has 100% reliability when operated in range up to 300cm. The ball kicking mechanism was able to respond accurately to ball kicking command when the robot is stationary and moving. When the robot is stationary, average kicking distance of the ball is 42.22cm and average tilt angle is 29.58°. When robot is moving, average kicking distance is 40.98cm and average tilt angle is 26.12°. &nbsp

    Piranti Lunak Untuk Mendesain Program Dalam Bahasa Pemrograman C Berdasarkan Hoare Logic

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    The purpose of Hoare Logic is to provide a set of logical rules in order to reason about the correctness of computer programs with the rigor of mathematical logic. Because of that, Hoare Logic becomes the axiomatic basis for computer programming with several rules to prove the correctness of program. Hence, we can apply the proven rules of Hoare Logic as the basis to design a program correctly according to Hoare Logic. In this paper, Hoare Logic is applied in a software which is designed to help the user to design a program in C programming language correctly based on rules in Hoare Logic. When using this software, the user needs to know what program he will create and analyze an algorithm for it. After that, the user can use the software containing the rules of Hoare Logic and write the pseudo-code of C to design his program. At the end of this application, the user will obtain a source code of the program written in C programming language. This software is guaranteed to produce 100% correct output only if the users have the basic understanding of Hoare Logic as well as C program language before using this software

    Minimum System Design of Android Based PSTN Phone

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    PSTN phone is static. However, with the development of Android based device, wireless computer network and minimum system, it is possible to make a PSTN phone mobile. To add the mobility behavior in PSTN phone, a research to develop Android based PSTN phone is needed. Android based device will act as a remote control for the PSTN phone and can be used to make and accept a call from distance.This paper elaborates the Android based PSTN phone design. To test the system performance, two parts of testing are performed. First is testing the Android based PSTN phone remote control system and second is testing the digital voice streaming system between Android device and minimum system using UDP protocol over wireless computer network. PSTN phone remote control system is tested for its functionality while digital voice streaming system is tested for its quality by giving a sinusoidal signal to the system and comparing the input signal with output signal using oscilloscope.According to the test, Android based PSTN phone prototype is able to make a connection and disconnection of Android device (as client) with microcontroller (as server), make a connection with auto server discovery system, make a call, receive a call, and use redial and hold functions with 100% success rate in certain condition. However, it is shown that the quality of voice sent from Android phone to Arduino module is poor due to the limited size of buffer in Arduino, but on the other way around the quality of voice sent from Arduino to Android phone is good


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    There are many techniques to cultivate mung bean sprout, however the process requires many human involvements which can cause problems, such as forgetting to water the mung bean sprout, cutting the tail which must be cut one by one, finding the ideal location, and detecting water leakage. In this research, mung bean sprout will be grown with an automatic watering system in a Smart Green House system, which is able to monitor the mung bean sprout using technologies such as light, temperature and humidity sensors to determine the ideal place of cultivation, water level sensor to measure remaining water level in the container, and water sensor to detect water leakage from the planting medium. Arduino Mega 2560 is used as the microcontroller in this system. The sensors and components used in the system includes Light Dependent Resistor GL5506, Water Sensor Funduino, buzzer, Ultrasonic Ping HC-SR04, Humidity and Temperature Sensor DHT11, potentiometer, servo motor, relay with 12V pump, Knee and Nipple Watering System, and Fogger Head Sprayer. The system is able to cultivate mung bean sprout with length of 3-5 cm, without losing their color in the process, and can be harvested without tail

    Pengembangan, Penyerahan, dan Pelatihan Sistem Informasi Restoran Berbasis Web untuk Restoran Tachia Jakarta

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    Perkembangan teknologi informasi meningkat dengan cepat. Banyak bisnis yang sudah menggunakan teknologi untuk mendukung proses bisnis mereka, salah  satunya adalah usaha bisnis kuliner. Transformasi digital dilakukan untuk mendapatkan berbagai keuntungan seperti meningkatkan pengawasan, mempertahankan kualitas produk dan pelayanan, meningkatkan kinerja, serta mengurangi biaya pengelolaan. Salah satu dari sekian banyak restoran yang belum memanfaatkan Sistem Informasi secara efektif adalah Restoran Tachia 大家 di Muara Karang, Jakarta. Restoran Tachia merupakan salah satu usaha kuliner yang menyediakan masakan Chinese food non-halal. Proses pencatatan dan pengelolaan data pada restoran masih dilakukan secara manual dengan memakai kertas. Begitu juga dengan pemberian pesanan yang diberikan dari kasir kepada pihak dapur masih dilakukan secara manual. Hal tersebut menghambat proses bisnis menjadi tidak maksimal. Artikel ini melaporkan kegiatan PkM terkait pengembangan sebuah sistem informasi restoran untuk Tachia. Sistem ini dikembangkan menggunakan metode prototyping, bahasa pemrograman PHP dan framework CodeIgniter. Sedangkan, pemodelan sistem dibuat menggunakan notasi UML. Hasil dari kegiatan PkM ini adalah sebuah sistem informasi restoran terintegrasi, yang dapat mengoptimalkan pelayanan restoran kepada pelanggan. Selain mengembangkan dan menyerahkan sistem usulan, kegiatan pelatihan terkait cara penggunaan sistem juga dilakukan. Pelatihan ini ditujukan kepada pengguna sistem


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    The purpose of Hoare Logic is to provide a set of logical rules in order to reason about the correctness of computer programs with the rigor of mathematical logic. Because of that, Hoare Logic becomes the axiomatic basis for computer programming with several rules to prove the correctness of program. Hence, we can apply the proven rules of Hoare Logic as the basis to design a program correctly according to Hoare Logic. In this paper, Hoare Logic is applied in a software which is designed to help the user to design a program in C programming language correctly based on rules in Hoare Logic. When using this software, the user needs to know what program he will create and analyze an algorithm for it. After that, the user can use the software containing the rules of Hoare Logic and write the pseudo-code of C to design his program. At the end of this application, the user will obtain a source code of the program written in C programming language. This software is guaranteed to produce 100% correct output only if the users have the basic understanding of Hoare Logic as well as C program language before using this software


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    The purpose of Hoare Logic is to provide a set of logical rules in order to reason about the correctness of computer programs with the rigor of mathematical logic. Because of that, Hoare Logic becomes the axiomatic basis for computer programming with several rules to prove the correctness of program. Hence, we can apply the proven rules of Hoare Logic as the basis to design a program correctly according to Hoare Logic. In this paper, Hoare Logic is applied in a software which is designed to help the user to design a program in C programming language correctly based on rules in Hoare Logic. When using this software, the user needs to know what program he will create and analyze an algorithm for it. After that, the user can use the software containing the rules of Hoare Logic and write the pseudo-code of C to design his program. At the end of this application, the user will obtain a source code of the program written in C programming language. This software is guaranteed to produce 100% correct output only if the users have the basic understanding of Hoare Logic as well as C program language before using this software